{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Pinch.ClientServerSpec (spec) where import Control.Concurrent (forkFinally) import Control.Concurrent.Async (withAsync) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar) import Control.Exception (bracketOnError, finally, throwIO) import Control.Monad (forever, void) import Data.Int import Data.Text (Text) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Network.Run.TCP (runTCPClient) import Network.Socket as S import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck import qualified Data.Text as T import Pinch import Pinch.Arbitrary () import Pinch.Client hiding (client) import qualified Pinch.Client (client) import Pinch.Server import Pinch.Transport echoServer :: ThriftServer echoServer = createServer $ \_ -> Just $ CallHandler $ \_ (r :: Value TStruct) -> do pure r data CalcRequest = CalcRequest { _inp1 :: Field 1 Int32 , _inp2 :: Field 2 Int32 , _op :: Field 3 Op } deriving (Generic, Show) instance Pinchable CalcRequest data Op = Plus (Enumeration 1) | Minus (Enumeration 2) | Div (Enumeration 3) deriving (Generic, Show) instance Pinchable Op data CalcResult = CalcResult { result :: Field 1 (Maybe Int32) , errorMsg :: Field 2 (Maybe Text) } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq) instance Pinchable CalcResult calcServer :: ThriftServer calcServer = createServer $ \_ -> Just $ CallHandler $ \_ (CalcRequest (Field inp1) (Field inp2) (Field op)) -> do let ret = case op of Plus _ -> CalcResult (Field $ Just $ inp1 + inp2) (Field Nothing) Minus _ -> CalcResult (Field $ Just $ inp1 - inp2) (Field Nothing) Div _ | inp2 == 0 -> CalcResult (Field Nothing) (Field $ Just "div by zero") Div _ -> CalcResult (Field $ Just $ inp1 `div` inp2) (Field Nothing) pure ret onewayServer :: IO (ThriftServer, MVar (Value TStruct)) onewayServer = do ref <- newEmptyMVar let srv = createServer $ \_ -> Just $ OnewayHandler $ \_ (r :: Value TStruct) -> putMVar ref r pure (srv, ref) errorServer :: ThriftServer errorServer = createServer $ \nm -> case nm of "app_ex" -> Just $ CallHandler $ \_ (_ :: Value TStruct) -> throwIO $ ApplicationException "Test" InternalError :: IO (Value TStruct) "hs_ex" -> Just $ CallHandler $ \_ (_ :: Value TStruct) -> error "nononono" :: IO (Value TStruct) _ -> Nothing spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Client/Server" $ do prop "echo test" $ withMaxSuccess 10 $ \(request :: Value TStruct) -> ioProperty $ withLoopbackServer echoServer $ \client -> do reply <- call client $ TCall "" request pure $ reply === request it "calculator" $ do withLoopbackServer calcServer $ \client -> do r1 <- call client $ mkCall 10 20 Plus r1 `shouldBe` CalcResult (Field $ Just 30) (Field Nothing) r2 <- call client $ mkCall 10 20 Minus r2 `shouldBe` CalcResult (Field $ Just $ -10) (Field Nothing) r3 <- call client $ mkCall 20 10 Div r3 `shouldBe` CalcResult (Field $ Just 2) (Field Nothing) r4 <- call client $ mkCall 10 0 Div r4 `shouldBe` CalcResult (Field Nothing) (Field $ Just "div by zero") it "oneway" $ do (srv, ref) <- onewayServer withLoopbackServer srv $ \client -> do let val = struct [1 .= True, 2 .= ("Hello" :: Text)] _ <- call client $ TOneway "test" val r1 <- takeMVar ref r1 `shouldBe` val _ <- call client (TCall "test" val :: ThriftCall (Value TStruct)) `shouldThrow` \e -> case e of ApplicationException _ ty -> ty == InvalidMessageType pure () it "multiplex" $ do let srv = multiplex [("calc", calcServer), ("echo", echoServer)] withLoopbackServer srv $ \client -> do r1 <- call (multiplexClient client "calc") $ mkCall 10 20 Plus r1 `shouldBe` CalcResult (Field $ Just 30) (Field Nothing) let payload = struct [1 .= True, 2 .= ("Hello" :: Text)] r2 <- call (multiplexClient client "echo") $ TCall "" payload r2 `shouldBe` payload it "exceptions" $ do withLoopbackServer errorServer $ \client -> do let val = struct [1 .= True, 2 .= ("Hello" :: Text)] _ <- call client (TCall "app_ex" val :: ThriftCall (Value TStruct)) `shouldThrow` \e -> case e of ApplicationException msg ty -> msg == "Test" && ty == InternalError _ <- call client (TCall "hs_ex" val :: ThriftCall (Value TStruct)) `shouldThrow` \e -> case e of ApplicationException msg ty -> "nonono" `T.isInfixOf` msg && ty == InternalError _ <- call client (TCall "missing" val :: ThriftCall (Value TStruct)) `shouldThrow` \e -> case e of ApplicationException _ ty -> ty == WrongMethodName pure () where mkCall inp1 inp2 op = TCall "calc" $ pinch $ CalcRequest (Field inp1) (Field inp2) (Field $ op $ Enumeration) withLoopbackServer :: ThriftServer -> (Client -> IO a) -> IO a withLoopbackServer srv cont = do addr <- resolve Stream (Just "") "54093" True bracketOnError (open addr) close (\sock -> withAsync (loop sock `finally` close sock) $ \_ -> runTCPClient "" "54093" $ \s -> do c <- Pinch.Client.client <$> createChannel s framedTransport binaryProtocol cont c ) where open addr = bracketOnError (openServerSocket addr) close $ \sock -> do listen sock 1024 return sock loop sock = forever $ bracketOnError (accept sock) (close . fst) $ \(conn, _peer) -> void $ forkFinally (runServer conn) (const $ gracefulClose conn 5000) runServer sock = do createChannel sock framedTransport binaryProtocol >>= runConnection mempty srv resolve :: SocketType -> Maybe HostName -> S.ServiceName -> Bool -> IO AddrInfo resolve socketType mhost port passive = head <$> getAddrInfo (Just hints) mhost (Just port) where hints = defaultHints { addrSocketType = socketType , addrFlags = if passive then [AI_PASSIVE] else [] } openServerSocket :: AddrInfo -> IO Socket openServerSocket addr = bracketOnError (openSocket addr) close $ \sock -> do setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1 withFdSocket sock $ setCloseOnExecIfNeeded bind sock $ addrAddress addr return sock