
Element-agnostic grouping utilities for @pipes@

See "Pipes.Group.Tutorial" for an extended tutorial

Some type signatures below refer to the aliases below, which are not used in
this library, but are included to simplify the documentation.

type Groups         a m x = 'FreeT' ('Producer' a m) m x
type Splitter       a m x = 'Producer' a m x -> Groups a m x
type Transformation a m x = Groups a m x -> Groups a m x
type Joiner         a m x = Groups a m x -> 'Producer' a m x

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Pipes.Group (
    -- * Lenses

    -- * Transformations

    -- * Joiners

    -- * Folds
    -- $folds

    -- * Re-exports
    -- $reexports
    module Control.Monad.Trans.Class,
    module Control.Monad.Trans.Free,
    module Pipes
    ) where

import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free (FreeF(Pure, Free), FreeT(FreeT, runFreeT))
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Free as F
import Data.Functor.Constant (Constant(Constant, getConstant))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(Identity, runIdentity))
import Pipes (Producer, yield, next)
import Pipes.Parse (span, splitAt)
import qualified Pipes as P

import Prelude hiding (span, splitAt)

type Lens a' a b' b = forall f . Functor f => (b' -> f b) -> (a' -> f a)
type Setter a' a b' b = (b' -> Identity b) -> (a' -> Identity a)

(^.) :: a -> ((b -> Constant b b) -> (a -> Constant b a)) -> b
a ^. lens = getConstant (lens Constant a)

{-| 'groupsBy' splits a 'Producer' into a 'FreeT' of 'Producer's grouped using
    the given equality predicate

      groupsBy p  :: Monad m => Lens' ('Producer' a m x) (Groups a m x)
view (groupsBy p) :: Monad m => Splitter a m x
set  (groupsBy p) :: Monad m => Groups a m x -> 'Producer' a m x -> 'Producer' a m x
over (groupsBy p) :: Monad m => Transformation a m x -> 'Producer' a m x -> 'Producer' a m x

>>> import Lens.Family (view)
>>> import Pipes (yield, each)
>>> import Pipes.Prelude (toList)
>>> (toList . intercalates (yield '|') . view (groupsBy (==))) (each "12233345")
    :: Monad m
    => (a' -> a' -> Bool)
    -> Lens (Producer a' m x) (Producer a m x) (FreeT (Producer a' m) m x) (FreeT (Producer a m) m x)
groupsBy equals k p0 = fmap concats (k (_groupsBy p0))
--  _groupsBy :: Monad m => Producer a m r -> FreeT (Producer a m) m r
    _groupsBy p = FreeT $ do
        x <- next p
        return $ case x of
            Left   r      -> Pure r
            Right (a, p') -> Free $
                fmap _groupsBy (yield a >> (p' ^. span (equals a)))
{-# INLINABLE groupsBy #-}

{-| `groupsBy'` splits a 'Producer' into a 'FreeT' of 'Producer's grouped using
    the given equality predicate

    This differs from `groupsBy` by comparing successive elements for equality
    instead of comparing each element to the first member of the group

>>> import Lens.Family (view)
>>> import Pipes (yield, each)
>>> import Pipes.Prelude (toList)
>>> let cmp c1 c2 = succ c1 == c2
>>> (toList . intercalates (yield '|') . view (groupsBy' cmp)) (each "12233345")
>>> (toList . intercalates (yield '|') . view (groupsBy  cmp)) (each "12233345")

      groupsBy' p  :: Monad m => Lens' ('Producer' a m x) (Groups a m x)
view (groupsBy' p) :: Monad m => Splitter a m x
set  (groupsBy' p) :: Monad m => Groups a m x -> 'Producer' a m x -> 'Producer' a m x
over (groupsBy' p) :: Monad m => Transformation a m x -> 'Producer' a m x -> 'Producer' a m x
    :: Monad m
    => (a' -> a' -> Bool) -> Lens (Producer a' m x) (Producer a m x) (FreeT (Producer a' m) m x) (FreeT (Producer a m) m x)
groupsBy' equals k p0 = fmap concats (k (_groupsBy p0))
--  _groupsBy :: Monad m => Producer a m r -> FreeT (Producer a m) m r
    _groupsBy p = FreeT $ do
        x <- next p
        return $ case x of
            Left   r      -> Pure r
            Right (a, p') -> Free (fmap _groupsBy (loop0 (yield a >> p')))

--  loop0
--      :: Monad m
--      => Producer a m r
--      -> Producer a m (Producer a m r)
    loop0 p1 = do
        x <- lift (next p1)
        case x of
            Left   r      -> return (return r)
            Right (a2, p2) -> do
                yield a2
                let loop1 a p = do
                        y <- lift (next p)
                        case y of
                            Left   r      -> return (return r)
                            Right (a', p') ->
                                if equals a a'
                                then do
                                    yield a'
                                    loop1 a' p'
                                else return (yield a' >> p')
                loop1 a2 p2
{-# INLINABLE groupsBy' #-}

{-| Like 'groupsBy', where the equality predicate is ('==')

     groups :: Monad m => Lens' ('Producer' a m x) (Groups a m x)
view groups :: Monad m => Splitter a m x
set  groups :: Monad m => Groups a m x -> 'Producer' a m x -> 'Producer' a m x
over groups :: Monad m => Transformation a m x -> 'Producer' a m x -> 'Producer' a m x

>>> import Lens.Family (view)
>>> import Pipes (yield, each)
>>> import Pipes.Prelude (toList)
>>> (toList . intercalates (yield '|') . view groups) (each "12233345")
groups :: (Monad m, Eq a') => Lens (Producer a' m x) (Producer a m x) (FreeT (Producer a' m) m x) (FreeT (Producer a m) m x)
groups = groupsBy (==)
{-# INLINABLE groups #-}

{-| 'chunksOf' is an splits a 'Producer' into a 'FreeT' of 'Producer's of fixed

      chunksOf n  :: Monad m => Lens' ('Producer' a m x) (Groups a m x)
view (chunksOf n) :: Monad m => Splitter a m x
set  (chunksOf n) :: Monad m => Groups a m x -> 'Producer' a m x -> 'Producer' a m x
over (chunksOf n) :: Monad m => Transformation a m x -> 'Producer' a m x -> 'Producer' a m x

>>> import Lens.Family (view)
>>> import Pipes (yield, each)
>>> import Pipes.Prelude (toList)
>>> (toList . intercalates (yield '|') . view (chunksOf 3)) (each "12233345")
    :: Monad m => Int -> Lens (Producer a' m x) (Producer a m x) (FreeT (Producer a' m) m x) (FreeT (Producer a m) m x)
chunksOf n0 k p0 = fmap concats (k (_chunksOf p0))
--  _chunksOf :: Monad m => Producer a m x -> FreeT (Producer a m) m x
    _chunksOf p = FreeT $ do
        x <- next p
        return $ case x of
            Left   r      -> Pure r
            Right (a, p') -> Free $ fmap _chunksOf ((yield a >> p')^.splitAt n0)
{-# INLINABLE chunksOf #-}

-- | Join a 'FreeT'-delimited stream of 'Producer's into a single 'Producer'
-- @
-- concats :: Monad m => Joiner a m x
-- @
concats :: Monad m => FreeT (Producer a m) m x -> Producer a m x
concats = go
    go f = do
        x <- lift (runFreeT f)
        case x of
            Pure r -> return r
            Free p -> do
                f' <- p
                go f'
{-# INLINABLE concats #-}

{-| Join a 'FreeT'-delimited stream of 'Producer's into a single 'Producer' by
    intercalating a 'Producer' in between them

intercalates :: Monad m => 'Producer' a m () -> Joiner a m x
    :: Monad m => Producer a m () -> FreeT (Producer a m) m x -> Producer a m x
intercalates sep = go0
    go0 f = do
        x <- lift (runFreeT f)
        case x of
            Pure r -> return r
            Free p -> do
                f' <- p
                go1 f'
    go1 f = do
        x <- lift (runFreeT f)
        case x of
            Pure r -> return r
            Free p -> do
                f' <- p
                go1 f'
{-# INLINABLE intercalates #-}

{-| @(takes n)@ only keeps the first @n@ functor layers of a 'FreeT'

takes :: Monad m => Int -> Groups a m () -> Groups a m ()

>>> import Lens.Family (view)
>>> import Pipes (yield, each)
>>> import Pipes.Prelude (toList)
>>> (toList . intercalates (yield '|') . takes 3 . view groups) (each "12233345")
takes :: (Functor f, Monad m) => Int -> FreeT f m () -> FreeT f m ()
takes = go
    go n f =
        if (n > 0)
        then FreeT $ do
            x <- runFreeT f
            case x of
                Pure () -> return (Pure ())
                Free w  -> return (Free (fmap (go $! n - 1) w))
        else return ()
{-# INLINABLE takes #-}

{-| @(takes' n)@ only keeps the first @n@ 'Producer's of a 'FreeT'

    'takes'' differs from 'takes' by draining unused 'Producer's in order
    to preserve the return value.  This makes it a suitable argument for 'maps'.

takes' :: Monad m => Int -> Transformation a m x
takes' :: Monad m => Int -> FreeT (Producer a m) m x -> FreeT (Producer a m) m x
takes' = go0
    go0 n f = FreeT $
        if (n > 0)
        then do
            x <- runFreeT f
            return $ case x of
                Pure r -> Pure r
                Free p -> Free $ fmap (go0 $! n - 1) p
        else go1 f
    go1 f = do
        x <- runFreeT f
        case x of
            Pure r -> return (Pure r)
            Free p -> do
                f' <- P.runEffect (P.for p P.discard)
                go1 f'
{-# INLINABLE takes' #-}

{-| @(drops n)@ peels off the first @n@ 'Producer' layers of a 'FreeT'

drops :: Monad m => Int -> Transformation a m x

>>> import Lens.Family (view)
>>> import Pipes (yield, each)
>>> import Pipes.Prelude (toList)
>>> (toList . intercalates (yield '|') . drops 3 . view groups) (each "12233345")

    __Use carefully__: the peeling off is not free.   This runs the first @n@
    layers, just discarding everything they produce.
drops :: Monad m => Int -> FreeT (Producer a m) m x -> FreeT (Producer a m) m x
drops = go
    go n ft
        | n <= 0 = ft
        | otherwise = FreeT $ do
            ff <- runFreeT ft
            case ff of
                Pure _ -> return ff
                Free f -> do
                    ft' <- P.runEffect $ P.for f P.discard
                    runFreeT $ go (n-1) ft'
{-# INLINABLE drops #-}

{-| Transform each individual functor layer of a 'FreeT'

    You can think of this as:

> maps
>     :: (forall r . Producer a m r -> Producer b m r)
>     -> FreeT (Producer a m) m x -> FreeT (Producer b m) m x

    This is just a synonym for 'F.transFreeT'
    :: (Monad m, Functor g)
    => (forall r . f r -> g r) -> FreeT f m x -> FreeT g m x
maps = F.transFreeT
{-# INLINABLE maps #-}

{-| Lens to transform each individual functor layer of a 'FreeT'. (@over
    'individually'@) is equivalent to 'maps', but with a less general type.

type Group a m x = 'Producer' a m (Groups a m x)

set  individually :: Monad m => Group a m x -> Transformation a m x
over individually :: Monad m => (Group a m x -> Group a m x) -> Transformation a m x
    :: (Monad m, Functor g)
    => Setter (FreeT f m x) (FreeT g m x) (f (FreeT f m x)) (g (FreeT f m x))
individually nat f0 = Identity (go f0)
    nat' = runIdentity . nat
    go f = FreeT $ do
        x <- runFreeT f
        return $ case x of
            Pure r -> Pure r
            Free w -> Free (fmap go (nat' w))
{-# INLINABLE individually #-}

{- $folds
    These folds are designed to be compatible with the @foldl@ library.  See
    the 'Control.Foldl.purely' and 'Control.Foldl.impurely' functions from that
    library for more details.

    For example, to count the number of 'Producer' layers in a 'FreeT', you can

> import Control.Applicative (pure)
> import qualified Control.Foldl as L
> import Pipes.Group
> import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
> count :: Monad m => FreeT (Producer a m) m () -> m Int
> count = P.sum . L.purely folds (pure 1)
{-| Fold each 'Producer' of a 'FreeT'

'Control.Foldl.purely' folds :: Monad m => 'Control.Foldl.Fold' a b -> Groups a m r -> 'Producer' b m r
    :: Monad m
    => (x -> a -> x)
    -- ^ Step function
    -> x
    -- ^ Initial accumulator
    -> (x -> b)
    -- ^ Extraction function
    -> FreeT (Producer a m) m r
    -- ^
    -> Producer b m r
folds step begin done = go
    go f = do
        x <- lift (runFreeT f)
        case x of
            Pure r -> return r
            Free p -> do
                (f', b) <- lift (fold p begin)
                yield b
                go f'

    fold p x = do
        y <- next p
        case y of
            Left   f      -> return (f, done x)
            Right (a, p') -> fold p' $! step x a
{-# INLINABLE folds #-}

{-| Fold each 'Producer' of a 'FreeT', monadically

'Control.Foldl.impurely' foldsM :: Monad m => 'Control.Foldl.FoldM' a b -> Groups a m r -> 'Producer' b m r
    :: Monad m
    => (x -> a -> m x)
    -- ^ Step function
    -> m x
    -- ^ Initial accumulator
    -> (x -> m b)
    -- ^ Extraction function
    -> FreeT (Producer a m) m r
    -- ^
    -> Producer b m r
foldsM step begin done = go
    go f = do
        y <- lift (runFreeT f)
        case y of
            Pure r -> return r
            Free p -> do
                (f', b) <- lift $ do
                    x <- begin
                    foldM p x
                yield b
                go f'

    foldM p x = do
        y <- next p
        case y of
            Left   f      -> do
                b <- done x
                return (f, b)
            Right (a, p') -> do
                x' <- step x a
                foldM p' $! x'
{-# INLINABLE foldsM #-}
{- $reexports
    "Control.Monad.Trans.Class" re-exports 'lift'.

    "Control.Monad.Trans.Free" re-exports 'FreeF' and 'FreeT'

    "Pipes" re-exports 'Producer', 'yield', and 'next'.