module Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Render.Types where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Colour.SRGB
import Data.Colour.Names
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Matrix as CM
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Pango as P
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0))
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Types
import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Defaults
data RenderEnv = RenderEnv {
_pangocontext :: P.PangoContext
, _renderoptions :: Options
newtype BoundedT m a = BT { runRender :: ReaderT RenderEnv (StateT BoundingBox m) a }
deriving(Monad, Functor, Applicative, MonadState BoundingBox, MonadReader RenderEnv)
instance MonadTrans BoundedT where
lift m = BT $ lift $ lift m
type Render = BoundedT C.Render
evalRender :: Render a -> RenderEnv -> BoundingBox -> C.Render a
evalRender m r = evalStateT (runReaderT (runRender m) r)
cairo :: C.Render a -> Render a
cairo = lift
pango :: IO a -> C.Render a
pango = liftIO
bbX, bbY, bbW, bbH :: Render Double
bbX = gets _bbX
bbY = gets _bbY
bbW = gets _bbW
bbH = gets _bbH
bbLeftWidth, bbCentreWidth, bbRightWidth, bbBottomHeight, bbCentreHeight, bbTopHeight :: Render Double
bbLeftWidth = gets $ \(BoundingBox x _ _ _) -> x
bbCentreWidth = gets $ \(BoundingBox x _ w _) -> x + w / 2
bbRightWidth = gets $ \(BoundingBox x _ w _) -> x + w
bbBottomHeight = gets $ \(BoundingBox _ y _ h) -> y + h
bbCentreHeight = gets $ \(BoundingBox _ y _ h) -> y + h / 2
bbTopHeight = gets $ \(BoundingBox _ y _ _) -> y
bbShiftLeft, bbShiftRight, bbLowerTop, bbRaiseBottom :: Double -> Render ()
bbShiftLeft n = modify $ \(BoundingBox x y w h) ->
BoundingBox (x+n) y (wn) h
bbShiftRight n = modify $ \(BoundingBox x y w h) ->
BoundingBox x y (wn) h
bbLowerTop n = modify $ \(BoundingBox x y w h) ->
BoundingBox x (y+n) w (hn)
bbRaiseBottom n = modify $ \(BoundingBox x y w h) ->
BoundingBox x y w (hn)
applyPads :: Padding -> Render ()
applyPads (Padding l r b t) = modify (\(BoundingBox x y w h) ->
BoundingBox (x+l) (y+t) (wlr) (htb))
clipBoundary :: Render ()
clipBoundary = do
(BoundingBox x y w h) <- get
cairo $ do
C.rectangle x y w h
data OutputType = PNG | PS | PDF | SVG
setColour :: Color -> C.Render ()
setColour c = let (RGB r g b) = toSRGB c
in C.setSourceRGBA r g b 1
setDashes :: [Dash] -> C.Render ()
setDashes [] = C.setDash [] 0
setDashes xs = do
let xs' = map (\d -> case d of { Dot -> 1 ; Dash -> 3 }) xs
C.setDash xs' 0
getDefaultTextOptions :: P.PangoContext -> IO TextOptions
getDefaultTextOptions pc = do
fd <- P.contextGetFontDescription pc
getTextOptionsFD fd
getTextOptionsFD :: P.FontDescription -> IO TextOptions
getTextOptionsFD fd = do
ff' <- P.fontDescriptionGetFamily fd
fs' <- P.fontDescriptionGetStyle fd
fv' <- P.fontDescriptionGetVariant fd
fw' <- P.fontDescriptionGetWeight fd
fc' <- P.fontDescriptionGetStretch fd
fz' <- P.fontDescriptionGetSize fd
let ff = fromMaybe defaultFontFamily ff'
fs = fromMaybe defaultFontStyle fs'
fv = fromMaybe defaultFontVariant fv'
fw = fromMaybe defaultFontWeight fw'
fc = fromMaybe defaultFontStretch fc'
fz = fromMaybe defaultFontSize fz'
return $ TextOptions (FontOptions ff fs fv fw fc) fz black
setTextOptions :: TextOptions -> P.PangoLayout -> C.Render ()
setTextOptions to lo = do
fd' <- pango $ P.layoutGetFontDescription lo
fd <- case fd' of
Nothing -> pango $ P.fontDescriptionNew
Just fd'' -> return fd''
setTextOptionsFD to fd
pango $ P.layoutSetFontDescription lo (Just fd)
setTextOptionsFD :: TextOptions -> P.FontDescription -> C.Render ()
setTextOptionsFD (TextOptions (FontOptions ff fs fv fw fc) fz c) fd = do
pango $ do
P.fontDescriptionSetFamily fd ff
P.fontDescriptionSetStyle fd fs
P.fontDescriptionSetVariant fd fv
P.fontDescriptionSetWeight fd fw
P.fontDescriptionSetStretch fd fc
P.fontDescriptionSetSize fd fz
setColour c
textPad :: Double
textPad = 2
data TextXAlign = TLeft | Centre | TRight
data TextYAlign = TBottom | Middle | TTop
setLineOptions :: LineOptions -> C.Render ()
setLineOptions (LineOptions ds lw) = do
setDashes ds
C.setLineWidth lw
setLineStyle :: LineType -> C.Render ()
setLineStyle NoLine = return ()
setLineStyle (ColourLine c) = setColour c
setLineStyle (TypeLine lo c) = do
setLineOptions lo
setColour c
setPointOptions :: PointOptions -> C.Render ()
setPointOptions (PointOptions pz c) = do
setColour c
C.scale pz pz
setPointStyle :: PointType -> C.Render Glyph
setPointStyle (FullPoint po g) = do
setPointOptions po
return g
flipVerticalMatrix :: CM.Matrix
flipVerticalMatrix = CM.Matrix 1 0 0 (1) 0 0
flipVertical :: C.Render ()
flipVertical = C.transform flipVerticalMatrix