posix-escape: Quote arguments to be passed through the Unix shell

[ bsd3, library, system ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

This library provides functions to wrap a String so it can be used within a Unix shell command line, and end up as a single argument to the program invoked.

The module System.Posix.Escape is the safer option. The module System.Posix.Escape.Unicode has extra caveats which are documented with that module.

There is a similar function within the process package as System.Process.Internals.translate.

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Versions [RSS] 0.1
Dependencies base (>=3 && <5) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Keegan McAllister <mcallister.keegan@gmail.com>
Maintainer Keegan McAllister <mcallister.keegan@gmail.com>
Category System
Source repo head: git clone git://github.com/kmcallister/posix-escape.git
Uploaded by KeeganMcAllister at 2011-10-09T14:52:28Z
Distributions NixOS:0.1
Reverse Dependencies 5 direct, 2 indirect [details]
Downloads 1777 total (18 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs uploaded by user
Build status unknown [no reports yet]

Readme for posix-escape-0.1

[back to package description]
posix-escape provides functions to wrap a String so it can be used within a
Unix shell command line, and end up as a single argument to the program

Documentation is hosted at http://hackage.haskell.org/package/posix-escape

To build the documentation yourself, run

  $ cabal configure && cabal haddock --hyperlink-source

This will produce HTML documentation under dist/doc/html/posix-escape.