-- |
-- Module      : Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Migration
-- Copyright   : (c) 2014 Andreas Meingast <ameingast@gmail.com>
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : ameingast@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- A migration library for postgresql-simple.
-- For usage, see Readme.markdown.

{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Migration
    -- * Migration actions

    -- * Migration types
    , MigrationContext(..)
    , MigrationCommand(..)
    , MigrationResult(..)
    , ScriptName
    , Checksum

    -- * Migration result actions
    , getMigrations

    -- * Migration result types
    , SchemaMigration(..)
    ) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import           Control.Applicative                ((<$>), (<*>))
import           Control.Monad                      (void, when)
import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD5                    as MD5 (hash)
import qualified Data.ByteString                    as BS (ByteString, readFile)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64             as B64 (encode)
import           Data.List                          (isPrefixOf, sort)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import           Data.Monoid                        (mconcat)
import           Data.Time                          (LocalTime)
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple         (Connection, Only (..),
                                                     execute, execute_, query,
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow (FromRow (..), field)
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField (ToField (..))
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToRow   (ToRow (..))
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types   (Query (..))
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Util    (existsTable)
import           System.Directory                   (getDirectoryContents)

-- | Executes migrations inside the provided 'MigrationContext'.
-- Returns 'MigrationSuccess' if the provided 'MigrationCommand' executes
-- without error. If an error occurs, execution is stopped and
-- a 'MigrationError' is returned.
-- It is recommended to wrap 'runMigration' inside a database transaction.
runMigration :: MigrationContext -> IO (MigrationResult String)
runMigration (MigrationContext cmd verbose con) = case cmd of
    MigrationInitialization ->
        initializeSchema con verbose >> return MigrationSuccess
    MigrationDirectory path ->
       executeDirectoryMigration con verbose path
    MigrationScript name contents ->
        executeMigration con verbose name contents
    MigrationFile name path ->
        executeMigration con verbose name =<< BS.readFile path
    MigrationValidation validationCmd ->
        executeValidation con verbose validationCmd

-- | Executes all SQL-file based migrations located in the provided 'dir'
-- in alphabetical order.
executeDirectoryMigration :: Connection -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO (MigrationResult String)
executeDirectoryMigration con verbose dir =
    scriptsInDirectory dir >>= go
        go [] = return MigrationSuccess
        go (f:fs) = do
            r <- executeMigration con verbose f =<< BS.readFile (dir ++ "/" ++ f)
            case r of
                MigrationError _ ->
                    return r
                MigrationSuccess ->
                    go fs

-- | Lists all files in the given 'FilePath' 'dir' in alphabetical order.
scriptsInDirectory :: FilePath -> IO [String]
scriptsInDirectory dir =
    fmap (sort . filter (\x -> not $ "." `isPrefixOf` x))
        (getDirectoryContents dir)

-- | Executes a generic SQL migration for the provided script 'name' with
-- content 'contents'.
executeMigration :: Connection -> Bool -> ScriptName -> BS.ByteString -> IO (MigrationResult String)
executeMigration con verbose name contents = do
    let checksum = md5Hash contents
    checkScript con name checksum >>= \r -> case r of
        ScriptOk -> do
            when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Ok:\t" ++ name
            return MigrationSuccess
        ScriptNotExecuted -> do
            void $ execute_ con (Query contents)
            void $ execute con q (name, checksum)
            when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Execute:\t" ++ name
            return MigrationSuccess
        ScriptModified _ -> do
            when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Fail:\t" ++ name
            return (MigrationError name)
        q = "insert into schema_migrations(filename, checksum) values(?, ?)"

-- | Initializes the database schema with a helper table containing
-- meta-information about executed migrations.
initializeSchema :: Connection -> Bool -> IO ()
initializeSchema con verbose = do
    when verbose $ putStrLn "Initializing schema"
    void $ execute_ con $ mconcat
        [ "create table if not exists schema_migrations "
        , "( filename varchar(512) not null"
        , ", checksum varchar(32) not null"
        , ", executed_at timestamp without time zone not null default now() "
        , ");"

-- | Validates a 'MigrationCommand'. Validation is defined as follows for these
-- types:
-- * 'MigrationInitialization': validate the presence of the meta-information
-- table.
-- * 'MigrationDirectory': validate the presence and checksum of all scripts
-- found in the given directory.
-- * 'MigrationScript': validate the presence and checksum of the given script.
-- * 'MigrationFile': validate the presence and checksum of the given file.
-- * 'MigrationValidation': always succeeds.
executeValidation :: Connection -> Bool -> MigrationCommand -> IO (MigrationResult String)
executeValidation con verbose cmd = case cmd of
    MigrationInitialization ->
        existsTable con "schema_migrations" >>= \r -> return $ if r
            then MigrationSuccess
            else MigrationError "No such table: schema_migrations"
    MigrationDirectory path ->
        scriptsInDirectory path >>= goScripts path
    MigrationScript name contents ->
        validate name contents
    MigrationFile name path ->
        validate name =<< BS.readFile path
    MigrationValidation _ ->
        return MigrationSuccess
        validate name contents =
            checkScript con name (md5Hash contents) >>= \r -> case r of
                ScriptOk -> do
                    when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Ok:\t" ++ name
                    return MigrationSuccess
                ScriptNotExecuted -> do
                    when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Missing:\t" ++ name
                    return (MigrationError $ "Missing: " ++ name)
                ScriptModified _ -> do
                    when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Checksum mismatch:\t" ++ name
                    return (MigrationError $ "Checksum mismatch: " ++ name)

        goScripts _ [] = return MigrationSuccess
        goScripts path (x:xs) = do
            r <- validate x =<< BS.readFile (path ++ "/" ++ x)
            case r of
                e@(MigrationError _) ->
                    return e
                MigrationSuccess ->
                    goScripts path xs

-- | Checks the status of the script with the given name 'name'.
-- If the script has already been executed, the checksum of the script
-- is compared against the one that was executed.
-- If there is no matching script entry in the database, the script
-- will be executed and its meta-information will be recorded.
checkScript :: Connection -> ScriptName -> Checksum -> IO CheckScriptResult
checkScript con name checksum =
    query con q (Only name) >>= \r -> case r of
        [] ->
            return ScriptNotExecuted
        Only actualChecksum:_ | checksum == actualChecksum ->
            return ScriptOk
        Only actualChecksum:_ ->
            return (ScriptModified actualChecksum)
        q = mconcat
            [ "select checksum from schema_migrations "
            , "where filename = ? limit 1"

-- | Calculates the MD5 checksum of the provided bytestring in base64
-- encoding.
md5Hash :: BS.ByteString -> Checksum
md5Hash = B64.encode . MD5.hash

-- | The checksum type of a migration script.
type Checksum = BS.ByteString

-- | The name of a script. Typically the filename or a custom name
-- when using Haskell migrations.
type ScriptName = String

-- | 'MigrationCommand' determines the action of the 'runMigration' script.
data MigrationCommand
    = MigrationInitialization
    -- ^ Initializes the database with a helper table containing meta
    -- information.
    | MigrationDirectory FilePath
    -- ^ Executes migrations based on SQL scripts in the provided 'FilePath'
    -- in alphabetical order.
    | MigrationFile ScriptName FilePath
    -- ^ Executes a migration based on script located at the provided
    -- 'FilePath'.
    | MigrationScript ScriptName BS.ByteString
    -- ^ Executes a migration based on the provided bytestring.
    | MigrationValidation MigrationCommand
    -- ^ Validates the provided MigrationCommand.
    deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Ord)

-- | A sum-type denoting the result of a single migration.
data CheckScriptResult
    = ScriptOk
    -- ^ The script has already been executed and the checksums match.
    -- This is good.
    | ScriptModified Checksum
    -- ^ The script has already been executed and there is a checksum
    -- mismatch. This is bad.
    | ScriptNotExecuted
    -- ^ The script has not been executed, yet. This is good.
    deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Ord)

-- | A sum-type denoting the result of a migration.
data MigrationResult a
    = MigrationError a
    -- ^ There was an error in script migration.
    | MigrationSuccess
    -- ^ All scripts have been executed successfully.
    deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Ord)

-- | The 'MigrationContext' provides an execution context for migrations.
data MigrationContext = MigrationContext
    { migrationContextCommand    :: MigrationCommand
    -- ^ The action that will be performed by 'runMigration'
    , migrationContextVerbose    :: Bool
    -- ^ Verbosity of the library.
    , migrationContextConnection :: Connection
    -- ^ The PostgreSQL connection to use for migrations.

-- | Produces a list of all executed 'SchemaMigration's.
getMigrations :: Connection -> IO [SchemaMigration]
getMigrations = flip query_ q
    where q = mconcat
            [ "select filename, checksum, executed_at "
            , "from schema_migrations order by executed_at asc"

-- | A product type representing a single, executed 'SchemaMigration'.
data SchemaMigration = SchemaMigration
    { schemaMigrationName       :: BS.ByteString
    -- ^ The name of the executed migration.
    , schemaMigrationChecksum   :: Checksum
    -- ^ The calculated MD5 checksum of the executed script.
    , schemaMigrationExecutedAt :: LocalTime
    -- ^ A timestamp without timezone of the date of execution of the script.
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Read)

instance Ord SchemaMigration where
    compare (SchemaMigration nameLeft _ _) (SchemaMigration nameRight _ _) =
        compare nameLeft nameRight

instance FromRow SchemaMigration where
    fromRow = SchemaMigration <$>
        field <*> field <*> field

instance ToRow SchemaMigration where
    toRow (SchemaMigration name checksum executedAt) =
       [toField name, toField checksum, toField executedAt]