module Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types
, PGValue(..)
, PGValues
, pgQuote
, PGTypeName(..)
, PGTypeEnv(..)
, PGParameter(..)
, PGBinaryParameter
, PGColumn(..)
, PGBinaryType
, pgEncodeParameter
, pgEncodeBinaryParameter
, pgEscapeParameter
, pgDecodeColumn
, pgDecodeColumnNotNull
, pgDecodeBinaryColumn
, pgDecodeBinaryColumnNotNull
, PGArrayType
, PGRangeType
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<$))
import Control.Monad (mzero)
import Data.Bits (shiftL, (.|.))
import Data.ByteString.Internal (w2c)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim as BSBP
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
import Data.Char (isSpace, isDigit, digitToInt, intToDigit, toLower)
import Data.Int
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>), mconcat, mempty)
import Data.Ratio ((%), numerator, denominator)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
#ifdef USE_TEXT
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
import qualified Data.Time as Time
#ifdef USE_UUID
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32)
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol, symbolVal, KnownSymbol)
import Numeric (readFloat)
import qualified PostgreSQLBinary.Decoder as BinD
import qualified PostgreSQLBinary.Encoder as BinE
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import Text.Parsec.Token (naturalOrFloat, makeTokenParser, GenLanguageDef(..))
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Range as Range
type PGTextValue = BS.ByteString
type PGBinaryValue = BS.ByteString
data PGValue
= PGNullValue
| PGTextValue PGTextValue
| PGBinaryValue PGBinaryValue
deriving (Show, Eq)
type PGValues = [PGValue]
data PGTypeName (t :: Symbol) = PGTypeProxy
class KnownSymbol t => PGBinaryType t
pgTypeName :: KnownSymbol t => PGTypeName (t :: Symbol) -> String
pgTypeName = symbolVal
data PGTypeEnv = PGTypeEnv
{ pgIntegerDatetimes :: Bool
class KnownSymbol t => PGParameter (t :: Symbol) a where
pgEncode :: PGTypeName t -> a -> PGTextValue
pgLiteral :: PGTypeName t -> a -> String
pgLiteral t = pgQuote . BSU.toString . pgEncode t
class (PGParameter t a, PGBinaryType t) => PGBinaryParameter t a where
pgEncodeBinary :: PGTypeEnv -> PGTypeName t -> a -> PGBinaryValue
class KnownSymbol t => PGColumn (t :: Symbol) a where
pgDecode :: PGTypeName t -> PGTextValue -> a
class (PGColumn t a, PGBinaryType t) => PGBinaryColumn t a where
pgDecodeBinary :: PGTypeEnv -> PGTypeName t -> PGBinaryValue -> a
class PGParameterNull t a where
pgEncodeNull :: PGTypeName t -> a -> PGValue
pgLiteralNull :: PGTypeName t -> a -> String
class PGParameterNull t a => PGBinaryParameterNull t a where
pgEncodeBinaryNull :: PGTypeEnv -> PGTypeName t -> a -> PGValue
class PGColumnNotNull t a where
pgDecodeNotNull :: PGTypeName t -> PGValue -> a
instance PGParameter t a => PGParameterNull t a where
pgEncodeNull t = PGTextValue . pgEncode t
pgLiteralNull = pgLiteral
instance PGParameter t a => PGParameterNull t (Maybe a) where
pgEncodeNull t = maybe PGNullValue (PGTextValue . pgEncode t)
pgLiteralNull = maybe "NULL" . pgLiteral
instance PGBinaryParameter t a => PGBinaryParameterNull t a where
pgEncodeBinaryNull e t = PGBinaryValue . pgEncodeBinary e t
instance PGBinaryParameter t a => PGBinaryParameterNull t (Maybe a) where
pgEncodeBinaryNull e t = maybe PGNullValue (PGBinaryValue . pgEncodeBinary e t)
instance PGColumn t a => PGColumnNotNull t a where
pgDecodeNotNull t PGNullValue = error $ "NULL in " ++ pgTypeName t ++ " column (use Maybe or COALESCE)"
pgDecodeNotNull t (PGTextValue v) = pgDecode t v
pgDecodeNotNull t (PGBinaryValue _) = error $ "pgDecode: unexpected binary value in " ++ pgTypeName t
instance PGColumn t a => PGColumnNotNull t (Maybe a) where
pgDecodeNotNull _ PGNullValue = Nothing
pgDecodeNotNull t (PGTextValue v) = Just $ pgDecode t v
pgDecodeNotNull t (PGBinaryValue _) = error $ "pgDecode: unexpected binary value in " ++ pgTypeName t
pgEncodeParameter :: PGParameterNull t a => PGTypeEnv -> PGTypeName t -> a -> PGValue
pgEncodeParameter _ = pgEncodeNull
pgEncodeBinaryParameter :: PGBinaryParameterNull t a => PGTypeEnv -> PGTypeName t -> a -> PGValue
pgEncodeBinaryParameter = pgEncodeBinaryNull
pgEscapeParameter :: PGParameterNull t a => PGTypeEnv -> PGTypeName t -> a -> String
pgEscapeParameter _ = pgLiteralNull
pgDecodeColumn :: PGColumnNotNull t (Maybe a) => PGTypeEnv -> PGTypeName t -> PGValue -> Maybe a
pgDecodeColumn _ = pgDecodeNotNull
pgDecodeColumnNotNull :: PGColumnNotNull t a => PGTypeEnv -> PGTypeName t -> PGValue -> a
pgDecodeColumnNotNull _ = pgDecodeNotNull
pgDecodeBinaryColumn :: PGBinaryColumn t a => PGTypeEnv -> PGTypeName t -> PGValue -> Maybe a
pgDecodeBinaryColumn e t (PGBinaryValue v) = Just $ pgDecodeBinary e t v
pgDecodeBinaryColumn e t v = pgDecodeColumn e t v
pgDecodeBinaryColumnNotNull :: (PGColumnNotNull t a, PGBinaryColumn t a) => PGTypeEnv -> PGTypeName t -> PGValue -> a
pgDecodeBinaryColumnNotNull e t (PGBinaryValue v) = pgDecodeBinary e t v
pgDecodeBinaryColumnNotNull _ t v = pgDecodeNotNull t v
pgQuoteUnsafe :: String -> String
pgQuoteUnsafe s = '\'' : s ++ "'"
pgQuote :: String -> String
pgQuote = ('\'':) . es where
es "" = "'"
es (c@'\'':r) = c:c:es r
es (c:r) = c:es r
buildBS :: BSB.Builder -> BS.ByteString
buildBS = BSL.toStrict . BSB.toLazyByteString
dQuote :: String -> BS.ByteString -> BSB.Builder
dQuote unsafe s
| BS.null s || BSC.any (\c -> isSpace c || c == '"' || c == '\\' || c `elem` unsafe) s || toLower s == BSC.pack "null" =
dq <> BSBP.primMapByteStringBounded ec s <> dq
| otherwise = BSB.byteString s where
dq = BSB.char7 '"'
ec = BSBP.condB (\c -> c == c2w '"' || c == c2w '\\') bs (BSBP.liftFixedToBounded BSBP.word8)
bs = BSBP.liftFixedToBounded $ ((,) '\\') BSBP.>$< (BSBP.char7 BSBP.>*< BSBP.word8)
parseDQuote :: P.Stream s m Char => String -> P.ParsecT s u m String
parseDQuote unsafe = (q P.<|> uq) where
q = P.between (P.char '"') (P.char '"') $
P.many $ (P.char '\\' >> P.anyChar) P.<|> P.noneOf "\\\""
uq = P.many1 (P.noneOf ('"':'\\':unsafe))
class (Show a, Read a, KnownSymbol t) => PGLiteralType t a
instance PGLiteralType t a => PGParameter t a where
pgEncode _ = BSC.pack . show
pgLiteral _ = show
instance PGLiteralType t a => PGColumn t a where
pgDecode _ = read . BSC.unpack
instance PGParameter "boolean" Bool where
pgEncode _ False = BSC.singleton 'f'
pgEncode _ True = BSC.singleton 't'
pgLiteral _ False = "false"
pgLiteral _ True = "true"
instance PGColumn "boolean" Bool where
pgDecode _ s = case BSC.head s of
'f' -> False
't' -> True
c -> error $ "pgDecode boolean: " ++ [c]
type OID = Word32
instance PGLiteralType "oid" OID
instance PGLiteralType "smallint" Int16
instance PGLiteralType "integer" Int32
instance PGLiteralType "bigint" Int64
instance PGLiteralType "real" Float
instance PGLiteralType "double precision" Double
instance PGParameter "\"char\"" Char where
pgEncode _ = BSC.singleton
instance PGColumn "\"char\"" Char where
pgDecode _ = BSC.head
class KnownSymbol t => PGStringType t
instance PGStringType t => PGParameter t String where
pgEncode _ = BSU.fromString
instance PGStringType t => PGColumn t String where
pgDecode _ = BSU.toString
instance PGStringType t => PGParameter t BS.ByteString where
pgEncode _ = id
instance PGStringType t => PGColumn t BS.ByteString where
pgDecode _ = id
instance PGStringType t => PGParameter t BSL.ByteString where
pgEncode _ = BSL.toStrict
instance PGStringType t => PGColumn t BSL.ByteString where
pgDecode _ = BSL.fromStrict
#ifdef USE_TEXT
instance PGStringType t => PGParameter t T.Text where
pgEncode _ = TE.encodeUtf8
instance PGStringType t => PGColumn t T.Text where
pgDecode _ = TE.decodeUtf8
instance PGStringType t => PGParameter t TL.Text where
pgEncode _ = BSL.toStrict . TLE.encodeUtf8
instance PGStringType t => PGColumn t TL.Text where
pgDecode _ = TL.fromStrict . TE.decodeUtf8
instance PGStringType "text"
instance PGStringType "character varying"
instance PGStringType "name"
instance PGStringType "bpchar"
encodeBytea :: BSB.Builder -> PGTextValue
encodeBytea h = buildBS $ BSB.string7 "\\x" <> h
decodeBytea :: PGTextValue -> [Word8]
decodeBytea s
| sm /= "\\x" = error $ "pgDecode bytea: " ++ sm
| otherwise = pd $ BS.unpack d where
(m, d) = BS.splitAt 2 s
sm = BSC.unpack m
pd [] = []
pd (h:l:r) = (shiftL (unhex h) 4 .|. unhex l) : pd r
pd [x] = error $ "pgDecode bytea: " ++ show x
unhex = fromIntegral . digitToInt . w2c
instance PGParameter "bytea" BSL.ByteString where
pgEncode _ = encodeBytea . BSB.lazyByteStringHex
pgLiteral t = pgQuoteUnsafe . BSC.unpack . pgEncode t
instance PGColumn "bytea" BSL.ByteString where
pgDecode _ = BSL.pack . decodeBytea
instance PGParameter "bytea" BS.ByteString where
pgEncode _ = encodeBytea . BSB.byteStringHex
pgLiteral t = pgQuoteUnsafe . BSC.unpack . pgEncode t
instance PGColumn "bytea" BS.ByteString where
pgDecode _ = BS.pack . decodeBytea
instance PGParameter "date" Time.Day where
pgEncode _ = BSC.pack . Time.showGregorian
pgLiteral _ = pgQuoteUnsafe . Time.showGregorian
instance PGColumn "date" Time.Day where
pgDecode _ = Time.readTime defaultTimeLocale "%F" . BSC.unpack
instance PGParameter "time without time zone" Time.TimeOfDay where
pgEncode _ = BSC.pack . Time.formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%T%Q"
pgLiteral _ = pgQuoteUnsafe . Time.formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%T%Q"
instance PGColumn "time without time zone" Time.TimeOfDay where
pgDecode _ = Time.readTime defaultTimeLocale "%T%Q" . BSC.unpack
instance PGParameter "timestamp without time zone" Time.LocalTime where
pgEncode _ = BSC.pack . Time.formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T%Q"
pgLiteral _ = pgQuoteUnsafe . Time.formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T%Q"
instance PGColumn "timestamp without time zone" Time.LocalTime where
pgDecode _ = Time.readTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T%Q" . BSC.unpack
fixTZ :: String -> String
fixTZ "" = ""
fixTZ ['+',h1,h2] | isDigit h1 && isDigit h2 = ['+',h1,h2,':','0','0']
fixTZ ['-',h1,h2] | isDigit h1 && isDigit h2 = ['-',h1,h2,':','0','0']
fixTZ ['+',h1,h2,m1,m2] | isDigit h1 && isDigit h2 && isDigit m1 && isDigit m2 = ['+',h1,h2,':',m1,m2]
fixTZ ['-',h1,h2,m1,m2] | isDigit h1 && isDigit h2 && isDigit m1 && isDigit m2 = ['-',h1,h2,':',m1,m2]
fixTZ (c:s) = c:fixTZ s
instance PGParameter "timestamp with time zone" Time.UTCTime where
pgEncode _ = BSC.pack . fixTZ . Time.formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T%Q%z"
pgLiteral _ = pgQuote . fixTZ . Time.formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T%Q%z"
instance PGColumn "timestamp with time zone" Time.UTCTime where
pgDecode _ = Time.readTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T%Q%z" . fixTZ . BSC.unpack
instance PGParameter "interval" Time.DiffTime where
pgEncode _ = BSC.pack . show
pgLiteral _ = pgQuoteUnsafe . show
instance PGColumn "interval" Time.DiffTime where
pgDecode _ = either (error . ("pgDecode interval: " ++) . show) id . P.parse ps "interval" where
ps = do
_ <- P.char 'P'
d <- units [('Y', 12*month), ('M', month), ('W', 7*day), ('D', day)]
(d +) <$> pt P.<|> d <$ P.eof
pt = do
_ <- P.char 'T'
t <- units [('H', 3600), ('M', 60), ('S', 1)]
_ <- P.eof
return t
units l = fmap sum $ P.many $ do
s <- negate <$ P.char '-' P.<|> id <$ P.char '+' P.<|> return id
x <- num
u <- P.choice $ map (\(c, u) -> s u <$ P.char c) l
return $ either (Time.secondsToDiffTime . (* u)) (realToFrac . (* fromInteger u)) x
day = 86400
month = 2629746
num = naturalOrFloat $ makeTokenParser $ LanguageDef
{ commentStart = ""
, commentEnd = ""
, commentLine = ""
, nestedComments = False
, identStart = mzero
, identLetter = mzero
, opStart = mzero
, opLetter = mzero
, reservedOpNames= []
, reservedNames = []
, caseSensitive = True
instance PGParameter "numeric" Rational where
pgEncode _ r
| denominator r == 0 = BSC.pack "NaN"
| otherwise = BSC.pack $ take 30 (showRational (r / (10 ^^ e))) ++ 'e' : show e where
e = floor $ logBase (10 :: Double) $ fromRational $ abs r :: Int
pgLiteral _ r
| denominator r == 0 = "'NaN'"
| otherwise = '(' : show (numerator r) ++ '/' : show (denominator r) ++ "::numeric)"
instance PGColumn "numeric" Rational where
pgDecode _ bs
| s == "NaN" = 0 % 0
| otherwise = ur $ readFloat s where
ur [(x,"")] = x
ur _ = error $ "pgDecode numeric: " ++ s
s = BSC.unpack bs
showRational :: Rational -> String
showRational r = show (ri :: Integer) ++ '.' : frac (abs rf) where
(ri, rf) = properFraction r
frac 0 = ""
frac f = intToDigit i : frac f' where (i, f') = properFraction (10 * f)
instance PGLiteralType "numeric" Scientific
type PGArray a = [Maybe a]
class (KnownSymbol ta, KnownSymbol t) => PGArrayType ta t | ta -> t, t -> ta where
pgArrayElementType :: PGTypeName ta -> PGTypeName t
pgArrayElementType PGTypeProxy = PGTypeProxy
pgArrayDelim :: PGTypeName ta -> Char
pgArrayDelim _ = ','
instance (PGArrayType ta t, PGParameter t a) => PGParameter ta (PGArray a) where
pgEncode ta l = buildBS $ BSB.char7 '{' <> mconcat (intersperse (BSB.char7 $ pgArrayDelim ta) $ map el l) <> BSB.char7 '}' where
el Nothing = BSB.string7 "null"
el (Just e) = dQuote (pgArrayDelim ta : "{}") $ pgEncode (pgArrayElementType ta) e
instance (PGArrayType ta t, PGColumn t a) => PGColumn ta (PGArray a) where
pgDecode ta = either (error . ("pgDecode array: " ++) . show) id . P.parse pa "array" where
pa = do
l <- P.between (P.char '{') (P.char '}') $
P.sepBy nel (P.char (pgArrayDelim ta))
_ <- P.eof
return l
nel = P.between P.spaces P.spaces $ Nothing <$ nul P.<|> Just <$> el
nul = P.oneOf "Nn" >> P.oneOf "Uu" >> P.oneOf "Ll" >> P.oneOf "Ll"
el = pgDecode (pgArrayElementType ta) . BSC.pack <$> parseDQuote (pgArrayDelim ta : "{}")
instance PGArrayType "boolean[]" "boolean"
instance PGArrayType "bytea[]" "bytea"
instance PGArrayType "\"char\"[]" "\"char\""
instance PGArrayType "name[]" "name"
instance PGArrayType "bigint[]" "bigint"
instance PGArrayType "smallint[]" "smallint"
instance PGArrayType "int2vector[]" "int2vector"
instance PGArrayType "integer[]" "integer"
instance PGArrayType "regproc[]" "regproc"
instance PGArrayType "text[]" "text"
instance PGArrayType "oid[]" "oid"
instance PGArrayType "tid[]" "tid"
instance PGArrayType "xid[]" "xid"
instance PGArrayType "cid[]" "cid"
instance PGArrayType "oidvector[]" "oidvector"
instance PGArrayType "json[]" "json"
instance PGArrayType "xml[]" "xml"
instance PGArrayType "point[]" "point"
instance PGArrayType "lseg[]" "lseg"
instance PGArrayType "path[]" "path"
instance PGArrayType "box[]" "box" where
pgArrayDelim _ = ';'
instance PGArrayType "polygon[]" "polygon"
instance PGArrayType "line[]" "line"
instance PGArrayType "cidr[]" "cidr"
instance PGArrayType "real[]" "real"
instance PGArrayType "double precision[]" "double precision"
instance PGArrayType "abstime[]" "abstime"
instance PGArrayType "reltime[]" "reltime"
instance PGArrayType "tinterval[]" "tinterval"
instance PGArrayType "circle[]" "circle"
instance PGArrayType "money[]" "money"
instance PGArrayType "macaddr[]" "macaddr"
instance PGArrayType "inet[]" "inet"
instance PGArrayType "aclitem[]" "aclitem"
instance PGArrayType "bpchar[]" "bpchar"
instance PGArrayType "character varying[]" "character varying"
instance PGArrayType "date[]" "date"
instance PGArrayType "time without time zone[]" "time without time zone"
instance PGArrayType "timestamp without time zone[]" "timestamp without time zone"
instance PGArrayType "timestamp with time zone[]" "timestamp with time zone"
instance PGArrayType "interval[]" "interval"
instance PGArrayType "time with time zone[]" "time with time zone"
instance PGArrayType "bit[]" "bit"
instance PGArrayType "varbit[]" "varbit"
instance PGArrayType "numeric[]" "numeric"
instance PGArrayType "refcursor[]" "refcursor"
instance PGArrayType "regprocedure[]" "regprocedure"
instance PGArrayType "regoper[]" "regoper"
instance PGArrayType "regoperator[]" "regoperator"
instance PGArrayType "regclass[]" "regclass"
instance PGArrayType "regtype[]" "regtype"
instance PGArrayType "record[]" "record"
instance PGArrayType "cstring[]" "cstring"
instance PGArrayType "uuid[]" "uuid"
instance PGArrayType "txid_snapshot[]" "txid_snapshot"
instance PGArrayType "tsvector[]" "tsvector"
instance PGArrayType "tsquery[]" "tsquery"
instance PGArrayType "gtsvector[]" "gtsvector"
instance PGArrayType "regconfig[]" "regconfig"
instance PGArrayType "regdictionary[]" "regdictionary"
instance PGArrayType "int4range[]" "int4range"
instance PGArrayType "numrange[]" "numrange"
instance PGArrayType "tsrange[]" "tsrange"
instance PGArrayType "tstzrange[]" "tstzrange"
instance PGArrayType "daterange[]" "daterange"
instance PGArrayType "int8range[]" "int8range"
class (KnownSymbol tr, KnownSymbol t) => PGRangeType tr t | tr -> t where
pgRangeElementType :: PGTypeName tr -> PGTypeName t
pgRangeElementType PGTypeProxy = PGTypeProxy
instance (PGRangeType tr t, PGParameter t a) => PGParameter tr (Range.Range a) where
pgEncode _ Range.Empty = BSC.pack "empty"
pgEncode tr (Range.Range (Range.Lower l) (Range.Upper u)) = buildBS $
pc '[' '(' l
<> pb (Range.bound l)
<> BSB.char7 ','
<> pb (Range.bound u)
<> pc ']' ')' u
pb Nothing = mempty
pb (Just b) = dQuote "(),[]" $ pgEncode (pgRangeElementType tr) b
pc c o b = BSB.char7 $ if Range.boundClosed b then c else o
instance (PGRangeType tr t, PGColumn t a) => PGColumn tr (Range.Range a) where
pgDecode tr = either (error . ("pgDecode range: " ++) . show) id . P.parse per "range" where
per = Range.Empty <$ pe P.<|> pr
pe = P.oneOf "Ee" >> P.oneOf "Mm" >> P.oneOf "Pp" >> P.oneOf "Tt" >> P.oneOf "Yy"
pp = pgDecode (pgRangeElementType tr) . BSC.pack <$> parseDQuote "(),[]"
pc c o = True <$ P.char c P.<|> False <$ P.char o
pb = P.optionMaybe $ P.between P.spaces P.spaces $ pp
mb = maybe Range.Unbounded . Range.Bounded
pr = do
lc <- pc '[' '('
lb <- pb
_ <- P.char ','
ub <- pb
uc <- pc ']' ')'
return $ Range.Range (Range.Lower (mb lc lb)) (Range.Upper (mb uc ub))
instance PGRangeType "int4range" "integer"
instance PGRangeType "numrange" "numeric"
instance PGRangeType "tsrange" "timestamp without time zone"
instance PGRangeType "tstzrange" "timestamp with time zone"
instance PGRangeType "daterange" "date"
instance PGRangeType "int8range" "bigint"
#ifdef USE_UUID
instance PGParameter "uuid" UUID.UUID where
pgEncode _ = UUID.toASCIIBytes
pgLiteral _ = pgQuoteUnsafe . UUID.toString
instance PGColumn "uuid" UUID.UUID where
pgDecode _ u = fromMaybe (error $ "pgDecode uuid: " ++ BSC.unpack u) $ UUID.fromASCIIBytes u
binDec :: KnownSymbol t => BinD.D a -> PGTypeName t -> PGBinaryValue -> a
binDec d t = either (\e -> error $ "pgDecodeBinary " ++ pgTypeName t ++ ": " ++ show e) id . d
instance PGBinaryType "oid"
instance PGBinaryParameter "oid" OID where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.int4 . Right
instance PGBinaryColumn "oid" OID where
pgDecodeBinary _ = binDec
instance PGBinaryType "smallint"
instance PGBinaryParameter "smallint" Int16 where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.int2 . Left
instance PGBinaryColumn "smallint" Int16 where
pgDecodeBinary _ = binDec
instance PGBinaryType "integer"
instance PGBinaryParameter "integer" Int32 where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.int4 . Left
instance PGBinaryColumn "integer" Int32 where
pgDecodeBinary _ = binDec
instance PGBinaryType "bigint"
instance PGBinaryParameter "bigint" Int64 where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.int8 . Left
instance PGBinaryColumn "bigint" Int64 where
pgDecodeBinary _ = binDec
instance PGBinaryType "real"
instance PGBinaryParameter "real" Float where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.float4
instance PGBinaryColumn "real" Float where
pgDecodeBinary _ = binDec BinD.float4
instance PGBinaryType "double precision"
instance PGBinaryParameter "double precision" Double where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.float8
instance PGBinaryColumn "double precision" Double where
pgDecodeBinary _ = binDec BinD.float8
instance PGBinaryType "numeric"
instance PGBinaryParameter "numeric" Scientific where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.numeric
instance PGBinaryColumn "numeric" Scientific where
pgDecodeBinary _ = binDec BinD.numeric
instance PGBinaryParameter "numeric" Rational where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.numeric . realToFrac
instance PGBinaryColumn "numeric" Rational where
pgDecodeBinary _ t = realToFrac . binDec BinD.numeric t
instance PGBinaryType "\"char\""
instance PGBinaryParameter "\"char\"" Char where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.char
instance PGBinaryColumn "\"char\"" Char where
pgDecodeBinary _ = binDec BinD.char
instance PGBinaryType "text"
instance PGBinaryType "character varying"
instance PGBinaryType "bpchar"
instance PGBinaryType "name"
instance (PGStringType t, PGBinaryType t) => PGBinaryParameter t T.Text where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.text . Left
instance (PGStringType t, PGBinaryType t) => PGBinaryColumn t T.Text where
pgDecodeBinary _ = binDec BinD.text
instance (PGStringType t, PGBinaryType t) => PGBinaryParameter t TL.Text where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.text . Right
instance (PGStringType t, PGBinaryType t) => PGBinaryColumn t TL.Text where
pgDecodeBinary _ t = TL.fromStrict . binDec BinD.text t
instance (PGStringType t, PGBinaryType t) => PGBinaryParameter t BS.ByteString where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.text . Left . TE.decodeUtf8
instance (PGStringType t, PGBinaryType t) => PGBinaryColumn t BS.ByteString where
pgDecodeBinary _ t = TE.encodeUtf8 . binDec BinD.text t
instance (PGStringType t, PGBinaryType t) => PGBinaryParameter t BSL.ByteString where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.text . Right . TLE.decodeUtf8
instance (PGStringType t, PGBinaryType t) => PGBinaryColumn t BSL.ByteString where
pgDecodeBinary _ t = BSL.fromStrict . TE.encodeUtf8 . binDec BinD.text t
instance (PGStringType t, PGBinaryType t) => PGBinaryParameter t String where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.text . Left . T.pack
instance (PGStringType t, PGBinaryType t) => PGBinaryColumn t String where
pgDecodeBinary _ t = T.unpack . binDec BinD.text t
instance PGBinaryType "bytea"
instance PGBinaryParameter "bytea" BS.ByteString where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.bytea . Left
instance PGBinaryColumn "bytea" BS.ByteString where
pgDecodeBinary _ = binDec BinD.bytea
instance PGBinaryParameter "bytea" BSL.ByteString where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.bytea . Right
instance PGBinaryColumn "bytea" BSL.ByteString where
pgDecodeBinary _ t = BSL.fromStrict . binDec BinD.bytea t
instance PGBinaryType "date"
instance PGBinaryParameter "date" Time.Day where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ =
instance PGBinaryColumn "date" Time.Day where
pgDecodeBinary _ = binDec
instance PGBinaryType "time without time zone"
instance PGBinaryParameter "time without time zone" Time.TimeOfDay where
pgEncodeBinary e _ = BinE.time (pgIntegerDatetimes e)
instance PGBinaryColumn "time without time zone" Time.TimeOfDay where
pgDecodeBinary e = binDec $ BinD.time (pgIntegerDatetimes e)
instance PGBinaryType "timestamp without time zone"
instance PGBinaryParameter "timestamp without time zone" Time.LocalTime where
pgEncodeBinary e _ = BinE.timestamp (pgIntegerDatetimes e)
instance PGBinaryColumn "timestamp without time zone" Time.LocalTime where
pgDecodeBinary e = binDec $ BinD.timestamp (pgIntegerDatetimes e)
instance PGBinaryType "timestamp with time zone"
instance PGBinaryParameter "timestamp with time zone" Time.UTCTime where
pgEncodeBinary e _ = BinE.timestamptz (pgIntegerDatetimes e)
instance PGBinaryColumn "timestamp with time zone" Time.UTCTime where
pgDecodeBinary e = binDec $ BinD.timestamptz (pgIntegerDatetimes e)
instance PGBinaryType "interval"
instance PGBinaryParameter "interval" Time.DiffTime where
pgEncodeBinary e _ = BinE.interval (pgIntegerDatetimes e)
instance PGBinaryColumn "interval" Time.DiffTime where
pgDecodeBinary e = binDec $ BinD.interval (pgIntegerDatetimes e)
instance PGBinaryType "boolean"
instance PGBinaryParameter "boolean" Bool where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.bool
instance PGBinaryColumn "boolean" Bool where
pgDecodeBinary _ = binDec BinD.bool
instance PGBinaryType "uuid"
instance PGBinaryParameter "uuid" UUID.UUID where
pgEncodeBinary _ _ = BinE.uuid
instance PGBinaryColumn "uuid" UUID.UUID where
pgDecodeBinary _ = binDec BinD.uuid