module Feature.MultipleSchemaSpec where
import Control.Lens ((^?))
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import Data.Aeson.QQ
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Wai (Application)
import Network.Wai.Test (SResponse (simpleHeaders), simpleBody)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Wai
import Test.Hspec.Wai.JSON
import Protolude
import SpecHelper
import PostgREST.Config.PgVersion (PgVersion, pgVersion96)
spec :: PgVersion -> SpecWith ((), Application)
spec actualPgVersion =
describe "multiple schemas in single instance" $ do
context "Reading tables on different schemas" $ do
it "succeeds in reading table from default schema v1 if no schema is selected via header" $
request methodGet "/parents" [] "" `shouldRespondWith`
{"id":1,"name":"parent v1-1"},
{"id":2,"name":"parent v1-2"}
matchStatus = 200
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson, "Content-Profile" <:> "v1"]
it "succeeds in reading table from default schema v1 after explicitly passing it in the header" $
request methodGet "/parents" [("Accept-Profile", "v1")] "" `shouldRespondWith`
{"id":1,"name":"parent v1-1"},
{"id":2,"name":"parent v1-2"}
matchStatus = 200
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson, "Content-Profile" <:> "v1"]
it "succeeds in reading table from schema v2" $
request methodGet "/parents" [("Accept-Profile", "v2")] "" `shouldRespondWith`
{"id":3,"name":"parent v2-3"},
{"id":4,"name":"parent v2-4"}
matchStatus = 200
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson, "Content-Profile" <:> "v2"]
it "succeeds in reading another_table from schema v2" $
request methodGet "/another_table" [("Accept-Profile", "v2")] "" `shouldRespondWith`
{"id":5,"another_value":"value 5"},
{"id":6,"another_value":"value 6"}
matchStatus = 200
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson, "Content-Profile" <:> "v2"]
it "doesn't find another_table in schema v1" $
request methodGet "/another_table" [("Accept-Profile", "v1")] "" `shouldRespondWith` 404
it "fails trying to read table from unkown schema" $
request methodGet "/parents" [("Accept-Profile", "unkown")] "" `shouldRespondWith`
[json|{"message":"The schema must be one of the following: v1, v2"}|]
matchStatus = 406
context "Inserting tables on different schemas" $ do
it "succeeds inserting on default schema and returning it" $
request methodPost "/children"
[("Prefer", "return=representation")]
[json|{"id": 0, "name": "child v1-1", "parent_id": 1}|]
[json|[{"id": 0, "name": "child v1-1", "parent_id": 1}]|]
matchStatus = 201
, matchHeaders = ["Content-Profile" <:> "v1"]
it "succeeds inserting on the v1 schema and returning its parent" $
request methodPost "/children?select=id,parent(*)"
[("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Content-Profile", "v1")]
[json|{"id": 0, "name": "child v1-2", "parent_id": 2}|]
[json|[{"id": 0, "parent": {"id": 2, "name": "parent v1-2"}}]|]
matchStatus = 201
, matchHeaders = ["Content-Profile" <:> "v1"]
it "succeeds inserting on the v2 schema and returning its parent" $
request methodPost "/children?select=id,parent(*)"
[("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Content-Profile", "v2")]
[json|{"id": 0, "name": "child v2-3", "parent_id": 3}|]
[json|[{"id": 0, "parent": {"id": 3, "name": "parent v2-3"}}]|]
matchStatus = 201
, matchHeaders = ["Content-Profile" <:> "v2"]
it "fails when inserting on an unknown schema" $
request methodPost "/children" [("Content-Profile", "unknown")]
[json|{"name": "child 4", "parent_id": 4}|]
[json|{"message":"The schema must be one of the following: v1, v2"}|]
matchStatus = 406
context "calling procs on different schemas" $ do
it "succeeds in calling the default schema proc" $
request methodGet "/rpc/get_parents_below?id=6" [] ""
[json|[{"id":1,"name":"parent v1-1"}, {"id":2,"name":"parent v1-2"}]|]
matchStatus = 200
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson, "Content-Profile" <:> "v1"]
it "succeeds in calling the v1 schema proc and embedding" $
request methodGet "/rpc/get_parents_below?id=6&select=id,name,children(id,name)" [("Accept-Profile", "v1")] ""
[json| [
{"id":1,"name":"parent v1-1","children":[{"id":1,"name":"child v1-1"}]},
{"id":2,"name":"parent v1-2","children":[{"id":2,"name":"child v1-2"}]}] |]
matchStatus = 200
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson, "Content-Profile" <:> "v1"]
it "succeeds in calling the v2 schema proc and embedding" $
request methodGet "/rpc/get_parents_below?id=6&select=id,name,children(id,name)" [("Accept-Profile", "v2")] ""
[json| [
{"id":3,"name":"parent v2-3","children":[{"id":1,"name":"child v2-3"}]},
{"id":4,"name":"parent v2-4","children":[]}] |]
matchStatus = 200
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson, "Content-Profile" <:> "v2"]
it "succeeds in calling the v2 schema proc with POST by using Content-Profile" $
request methodPost "/rpc/get_parents_below?select=id,name" [("Content-Profile", "v2")]
[json|{"id": "6"}|]
[json| [
{"id":3,"name":"parent v2-3"},
{"id":4,"name":"parent v2-4"}]|]
matchStatus = 200
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson, "Content-Profile" <:> "v2"]
context "Modifying tables on different schemas" $ do
it "succeeds in patching on the v1 schema and returning its parent" $
request methodPatch "/children?select=name,parent(name)&id=eq.1" [("Content-Profile", "v1"), ("Prefer", "return=representation")]
[json|{"name": "child v1-1 updated"}|]
[json|[{"name":"child v1-1 updated", "parent": {"name": "parent v1-1"}}]|]
matchStatus = 200
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson, "Content-Profile" <:> "v1"]
it "succeeds in patching on the v2 schema and returning its parent" $
request methodPatch "/children?select=name,parent(name)&id=eq.1" [("Content-Profile", "v2"), ("Prefer", "return=representation")]
[json|{"name": "child v2-1 updated"}|]
[json|[{"name":"child v2-1 updated", "parent": {"name": "parent v2-3"}}]|]
matchStatus = 200
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson, "Content-Profile" <:> "v2"]
it "succeeds on deleting on the v2 schema" $ do
request methodDelete "/children?id=eq.1"
[("Content-Profile", "v2"), ("Prefer", "return=representation")]
[json|[{"id": 1, "name": "child v2-3", "parent_id": 3}]|]
{ matchHeaders = ["Content-Profile" <:> "v2"] }
when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion96) $
it "succeeds on PUT on the v2 schema" $
request methodPut "/children?id=eq.111" [("Content-Profile", "v2"), ("Prefer", "return=representation")]
[json| [ { "id": 111, "name": "child v2-111", "parent_id": null } ]|]
[json|[{ "id": 111, "name": "child v2-111", "parent_id": null }]|]
matchStatus = 200
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson, "Content-Profile" <:> "v2"]
context "OpenAPI output" $ do
it "succeeds in reading table definition from default schema v1 if no schema is selected via header" $ do
req <- request methodGet "/" [] ""
liftIO $ do
simpleHeaders req `shouldSatisfy` matchHeader "Content-Profile" "v1"
let def = simpleBody req ^? key "definitions" . key "parents"
def `shouldBe` Just
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"id" : {
"description" : "Note:\nThis is a Primary Key.",
"format" : "integer",
"type" : "integer"
"name" : {
"format" : "text",
"type" : "string"
"required" : [
it "succeeds in reading table definition from default schema v1 after explicitly passing it in the header" $ do
r <- request methodGet "/" [("Accept-Profile", "v1")] ""
liftIO $ do
simpleHeaders r `shouldSatisfy` matchHeader "Content-Profile" "v1"
let def = simpleBody r ^? key "definitions" . key "parents"
def `shouldBe` Just
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"id" : {
"description" : "Note:\nThis is a Primary Key.",
"format" : "integer",
"type" : "integer"
"name" : {
"format" : "text",
"type" : "string"
"required" : [
it "succeeds in reading table definition from schema v2" $ do
r <- request methodGet "/" [("Accept-Profile", "v2")] ""
liftIO $ do
simpleHeaders r `shouldSatisfy` matchHeader "Content-Profile" "v2"
let def = simpleBody r ^? key "definitions" . key "parents"
def `shouldBe` Just
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"id" : {
"description" : "Note:\nThis is a Primary Key.",
"format" : "integer",
"type" : "integer"
"name" : {
"format" : "text",
"type" : "string"
"required" : [
it "succeeds in reading another_table definition from schema v2" $ do
r <- request methodGet "/" [("Accept-Profile", "v2")] ""
liftIO $ do
simpleHeaders r `shouldSatisfy` matchHeader "Content-Profile" "v2"
let def = simpleBody r ^? key "definitions" . key "another_table"
def `shouldBe` Just
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"id" : {
"description" : "Note:\nThis is a Primary Key.",
"format" : "integer",
"type" : "integer"
"another_value" : {
"format" : "text",
"type" : "string"
"required" : [
it "doesn't find another_table definition in schema v1" $ do
r <- request methodGet "/" [("Accept-Profile", "v1")] ""
liftIO $ do
let def = simpleBody r ^? key "definitions" . key "another_table"
def `shouldBe` Nothing
it "fails trying to read definitions from unkown schema" $
request methodGet "/" [("Accept-Profile", "unkown")] "" `shouldRespondWith`
[json|{"message":"The schema must be one of the following: v1, v2"}|]
matchStatus = 406