module Feature.DeleteSpec where import Network.Wai (Application) import Network.HTTP.Types import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Wai import Test.Hspec.Wai.JSON import Protolude hiding (get) spec :: SpecWith ((), Application) spec = describe "Deleting" $ do context "existing record" $ do it "succeeds with 204 and deletion count" $ request methodDelete "/items?id=eq.1" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 204 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "*/*"] } it "returns the deleted item and count if requested" $ request methodDelete "/items?id=eq.2" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "count=exact")] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":2}]|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "*/1"] } it "ignores ?select= when return not set or return=minimal" $ do request methodDelete "/items?id=eq.3&select=id" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 204 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "*/*"] } request methodDelete "/items?id=eq.3&select=id" [("Prefer", "return=minimal")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 204 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "*/*"] } it "returns the deleted item and shapes the response" $ request methodDelete "/complex_items?id=eq.2&select=id,name" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":2,"name":"Two"}]|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "*/*"] } it "can rename and cast the selected columns" $ request methodDelete "/complex_items?id=eq.3&select=ciId:id::text,ciName:name" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"ciId":"3","ciName":"Three"}]|] it "can embed (parent) entities" $ request methodDelete "/tasks?id=eq.8&select=id,name,project:projects(id)" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":8,"name":"Code OSX","project":{"id":4}}]|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "*/*"] } context "known route, no records matched" $ it "includes [] body if return=rep" $ request methodDelete "/items?id=eq.101" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "[]" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "*/*"] } context "totally unknown route" $ it "fails with 404" $ request methodDelete "/foozle?id=eq.101" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` 404 context "table with limited privileges" $ do it "fails deleting the row when return=representation and selecting all the columns" $ request methodDelete "/app_users?id=eq.1" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] mempty `shouldRespondWith` 401 it "succeeds deleting the row when return=representation and selecting only the privileged columns" $ request methodDelete "/app_users?id=eq.1&select=id,email" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] [json| { "password": "passxyz" } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "id": 1, "email": "" } ]|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "*/*"] } it "suceeds deleting the row with no explicit select when using return=minimal" $ request methodDelete "/app_users?id=eq.2" [("Prefer", "return=minimal")] mempty `shouldRespondWith` 204 it "suceeds deleting the row with no explicit select by default" $ request methodDelete "/app_users?id=eq.3" [] mempty `shouldRespondWith` 204