module Feature.UpsertSpec where import Network.Wai (Application) import Network.HTTP.Types import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Wai import Test.Hspec.Wai.JSON import PostgREST.Config.PgVersion (PgVersion, pgVersion110) import Protolude hiding (get, put) import SpecHelper spec :: PgVersion -> SpecWith ((), Application) spec actualPgVersion = describe "UPSERT" $ do context "with POST" $ do context "when Prefer: resolution=merge-duplicates is specified" $ do it "INSERTs and UPDATEs rows on pk conflict" $ request methodPost "/tiobe_pls" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=merge-duplicates")] [json| [ { "name": "Javascript", "rank": 6 }, { "name": "Java", "rank": 2 }, { "name": "C", "rank": 1 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "Javascript", "rank": 6 }, { "name": "Java", "rank": 2 }, { "name": "C", "rank": 1 } ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=merge-duplicates", matchContentTypeJson] } it "INSERTs and UPDATEs row on composite pk conflict" $ request methodPost "/employees" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=merge-duplicates")] [json| [ { "first_name": "Frances M.", "last_name": "Roe", "salary": "30000" }, { "first_name": "Peter S.", "last_name": "Yang", "salary": 42000 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "first_name": "Frances M.", "last_name": "Roe", "salary": "$30,000.00", "company": "One-Up Realty", "occupation": "Author" }, { "first_name": "Peter S.", "last_name": "Yang", "salary": "$42,000.00", "company": null, "occupation": null } ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=merge-duplicates", matchContentTypeJson] } when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion110) $ it "INSERTs and UPDATEs rows on composite pk conflict for partitioned tables" $ request methodPost "/car_models" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=merge-duplicates")] [json| [ { "name": "Murcielago", "year": 2001, "car_brand_name": null}, { "name": "Roma", "year": 2021, "car_brand_name": "Ferrari" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "Murcielago", "year": 2001, "car_brand_name": null}, { "name": "Roma", "year": 2021, "car_brand_name": "Ferrari" } ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=merge-duplicates", matchContentTypeJson] } it "succeeds when the payload has no elements" $ request methodPost "/articles" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=merge-duplicates")] [json|[]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "INSERTs and UPDATEs rows on single unique key conflict" $ request methodPost "/single_unique?on_conflict=unique_key" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=merge-duplicates")] [json| [ { "unique_key": 1, "value": "B" }, { "unique_key": 2, "value": "C" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "unique_key": 1, "value": "B" }, { "unique_key": 2, "value": "C" } ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=merge-duplicates", matchContentTypeJson] } it "INSERTs and UPDATEs rows on compound unique keys conflict" $ request methodPost "/compound_unique?on_conflict=key1,key2" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=merge-duplicates")] [json| [ { "key1": 1, "key2": 1, "value": "B" }, { "key1": 1, "key2": 2, "value": "C" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "key1": 1, "key2": 1, "value": "B" }, { "key1": 1, "key2": 2, "value": "C" } ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=merge-duplicates", matchContentTypeJson] } context "when Prefer: resolution=ignore-duplicates is specified" $ do it "INSERTs and ignores rows on pk conflict" $ request methodPost "/tiobe_pls" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=ignore-duplicates")] [json|[ { "name": "PHP", "rank": 9 }, { "name": "Python", "rank": 10 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "name": "PHP", "rank": 9 } ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=ignore-duplicates", matchContentTypeJson] } it "INSERTs and ignores rows on composite pk conflict" $ request methodPost "/employees" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=ignore-duplicates")] [json|[ { "first_name": "Daniel B.", "last_name": "Lyon", "salary": "72000", "company": null, "occupation": null }, { "first_name": "Sara M.", "last_name": "Torpey", "salary": 60000, "company": "Burstein-Applebee", "occupation": "Soil scientist" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "first_name": "Sara M.", "last_name": "Torpey", "salary": "$60,000.00", "company": "Burstein-Applebee", "occupation": "Soil scientist" } ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=ignore-duplicates", matchContentTypeJson] } when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion110) $ it "INSERTs and ignores rows on composite pk conflict for partitioned tables" $ request methodPost "/car_models" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=ignore-duplicates")] [json| [ { "name": "Murcielago", "year": 2001, "car_brand_name": "Ferrari" }, { "name": "Huracán", "year": 2021, "car_brand_name": "Lamborghini" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "Huracán", "year": 2021, "car_brand_name": "Lamborghini" } ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=ignore-duplicates", matchContentTypeJson] } it "INSERTs and ignores rows on single unique key conflict" $ request methodPost "/single_unique?on_conflict=unique_key" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=ignore-duplicates")] [json| [ { "unique_key": 1, "value": "B" }, { "unique_key": 2, "value": "C" }, { "unique_key": 3, "value": "D" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "unique_key": 2, "value": "C" }, { "unique_key": 3, "value": "D" } ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=ignore-duplicates"] } it "INSERTs and UPDATEs rows on compound unique keys conflict" $ request methodPost "/compound_unique?on_conflict=key1,key2" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=ignore-duplicates")] [json| [ { "key1": 1, "key2": 1, "value": "B" }, { "key1": 1, "key2": 2, "value": "C" }, { "key1": 1, "key2": 3, "value": "D" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "key1": 1, "key2": 2, "value": "C" }, { "key1": 1, "key2": 3, "value": "D" } ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=ignore-duplicates"] } it "succeeds if the table has only PK cols and no other cols" $ do request methodPost "/only_pk" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=ignore-duplicates")] [json|[ { "id": 1 }, { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3} ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "id": 3} ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=ignore-duplicates", matchContentTypeJson] } request methodPost "/only_pk" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=merge-duplicates")] [json|[ { "id": 1 }, { "id": 2 }, { "id": 4} ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "id": 1 }, { "id": 2 }, { "id": 4} ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=merge-duplicates", matchContentTypeJson] } it "succeeds and ignores the Prefer: resolution header(no Preference-Applied present) if the table has no PK" $ request methodPost "/no_pk" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=merge-duplicates")] [json|[ { "a": "1", "b": "0" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "a": "1", "b": "0" } ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "succeeds if not a single resource is created" $ do request methodPost "/tiobe_pls" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=ignore-duplicates")] [json|[ { "name": "Java", "rank": 1 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } request methodPost "/tiobe_pls" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=ignore-duplicates")] [json|[ { "name": "Java", "rank": 1 }, { "name": "C", "rank": 2 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "with PUT" $ do context "Restrictions" $ do it "fails if Range is specified" $ request methodPut "/tiobe_pls?name=eq.Javascript" [("Range", "0-5")] [json| [ { "name": "Javascript", "rank": 1 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"Range header and limit/offset querystring parameters are not allowed for PUT"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "fails if limit is specified" $ put "/tiobe_pls?name=eq.Javascript&limit=1" [json| [ { "name": "Javascript", "rank": 1 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"Range header and limit/offset querystring parameters are not allowed for PUT"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "fails if offset is specified" $ put "/tiobe_pls?name=eq.Javascript&offset=1" [json| [ { "name": "Javascript", "rank": 1 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"Range header and limit/offset querystring parameters are not allowed for PUT"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "rejects every other filter than pk cols eq's" $ do put "/tiobe_pls?rank=eq.19" [json| [ { "name": "Go", "rank": 19 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"Filters must include all and only primary key columns with 'eq' operators"}|] { matchStatus = 405 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } put "/tiobe_pls?id=not.eq.Java" [json| [ { "name": "Go", "rank": 19 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"Filters must include all and only primary key columns with 'eq' operators"}|] { matchStatus = 405 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } put "/tiobe_pls?id=in.(Go)" [json| [ { "name": "Go", "rank": 19 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"Filters must include all and only primary key columns with 'eq' operators"}|] { matchStatus = 405 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } put "/tiobe_pls?and=(id.eq.Go)" [json| [ { "name": "Go", "rank": 19 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"Filters must include all and only primary key columns with 'eq' operators"}|] { matchStatus = 405 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "fails if not all composite key cols are specified as eq filters" $ do put "/employees?first_name=eq.Susan" [json| [ { "first_name": "Susan", "last_name": "Heidt", "salary": "48000", "company": "GEX", "occupation": "Railroad engineer" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"Filters must include all and only primary key columns with 'eq' operators"}|] { matchStatus = 405 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } put "/employees?last_name=eq.Heidt" [json| [ { "first_name": "Susan", "last_name": "Heidt", "salary": "48000", "company": "GEX", "occupation": "Railroad engineer" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"Filters must include all and only primary key columns with 'eq' operators"}|] { matchStatus = 405 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "fails if the uri primary key doesn't match the payload primary key" $ do put "/tiobe_pls?name=eq.MATLAB" [json| [ { "name": "Perl", "rank": 17 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"Payload values do not match URL in primary key column(s)"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } put "/employees?first_name=eq.Wendy&last_name=eq.Anderson" [json| [ { "first_name": "Susan", "last_name": "Heidt", "salary": "48000", "company": "GEX", "occupation": "Railroad engineer" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"Payload values do not match URL in primary key column(s)"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "fails if the table has no PK" $ put "/no_pk?" [json| [ { "a": "one", "b": "two" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"Filters must include all and only primary key columns with 'eq' operators"}|] { matchStatus = 405 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "Inserting row" $ do it "succeeds on table with single pk col" $ do -- assert that the next request will indeed be an insert get "/tiobe_pls?name=eq.Go" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[]|] request methodPut "/tiobe_pls?name=eq.Go" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] [json| [ { "name": "Go", "rank": 19 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "Go", "rank": 19 } ]|] it "succeeds on table with composite pk" $ do -- assert that the next request will indeed be an insert get "/employees?first_name=eq.Susan&last_name=eq.Heidt" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[]|] request methodPut "/employees?first_name=eq.Susan&last_name=eq.Heidt" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] [json| [ { "first_name": "Susan", "last_name": "Heidt", "salary": "48000", "company": "GEX", "occupation": "Railroad engineer" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "first_name": "Susan", "last_name": "Heidt", "salary": "$48,000.00", "company": "GEX", "occupation": "Railroad engineer" } ]|] when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion110) $ it "succeeds on a partitioned table with composite pk" $ do -- assert that the next request will indeed be an insert get "/car_models?name=eq.Supra&year=eq.2021" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[]|] request methodPut "/car_models?name=eq.Supra&year=eq.2021" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] [json| [ { "name": "Supra", "year": 2021 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "Supra", "year": 2021, "car_brand_name": null } ]|] it "succeeds if the table has only PK cols and no other cols" $ do -- assert that the next request will indeed be an insert get "/only_pk?id=eq.10" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[]|] request methodPut "/only_pk?id=eq.10" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] [json|[ { "id": 10 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "id": 10 } ]|] context "Updating row" $ do it "succeeds on table with single pk col" $ do -- assert that the next request will indeed be an update get "/tiobe_pls?name=eq.Java" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "name": "Java", "rank": 1 } ]|] request methodPut "/tiobe_pls?name=eq.Java" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] [json| [ { "name": "Java", "rank": 13 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "Java", "rank": 13 } ]|] -- TODO: move this to SingularSpec? it "succeeds if the payload has more than one row, but it only puts the first element" $ do -- assert that the next request will indeed be an update get "/tiobe_pls?name=eq.Java" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "name": "Java", "rank": 1 } ]|] request methodPut "/tiobe_pls?name=eq.Java" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Accept", "application/vnd.pgrst.object+json")] [json| [ { "name": "Java", "rank": 19 }, { "name": "Swift", "rank": 12 } ] |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{ "name": "Java", "rank": 19 }|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeSingular] } it "succeeds on table with composite pk" $ do -- assert that the next request will indeed be an update get "/employees?first_name=eq.Frances M.&last_name=eq.Roe" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "first_name": "Frances M.", "last_name": "Roe", "salary": "$24,000.00", "company": "One-Up Realty", "occupation": "Author" } ]|] request methodPut "/employees?first_name=eq.Frances M.&last_name=eq.Roe" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] [json| [ { "first_name": "Frances M.", "last_name": "Roe", "salary": "60000", "company": "Gamma Gas", "occupation": "Railroad engineer" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "first_name": "Frances M.", "last_name": "Roe", "salary": "$60,000.00", "company": "Gamma Gas", "occupation": "Railroad engineer" } ]|] when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion110) $ it "succeeds on a partitioned table with composite pk" $ do -- assert that the next request will indeed be an update get "/car_models?name=eq.DeLorean&year=eq.1981" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "DeLorean", "year": 1981, "car_brand_name": "DMC" } ]|] request methodPut "/car_models?name=eq.DeLorean&year=eq.1981" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] [json| [ { "name": "DeLorean", "year": 1981, "car_brand_name": null } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "DeLorean", "year": 1981, "car_brand_name": null } ]|] it "succeeds if the table has only PK cols and no other cols" $ do -- assert that the next request will indeed be an update get "/only_pk?id=eq.1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "id": 1 } ]|] request methodPut "/only_pk?id=eq.1" [("Prefer", "return=representation")] [json|[ { "id": 1 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "id": 1 } ]|] -- TODO: move this to SingularSpec? it "works with return=representation and vnd.pgrst.object+json" $ request methodPut "/tiobe_pls?name=eq.Ruby" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Accept", "application/vnd.pgrst.object+json")] [json| [ { "name": "Ruby", "rank": 11 } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{ "name": "Ruby", "rank": 11 }|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeSingular] } context "with a camel case pk column" $ do it "works with POST and merge-duplicates" $ do request methodPost "/UnitTest" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=merge-duplicates")] [json|[ { "idUnitTest": 1, "nameUnitTest": "name of unittest 1" }, { "idUnitTest": 2, "nameUnitTest": "name of unittest 2" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "idUnitTest": 1, "nameUnitTest": "name of unittest 1" }, { "idUnitTest": 2, "nameUnitTest": "name of unittest 2" } ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=merge-duplicates"] } it "works with POST and ignore-duplicates headers" $ do request methodPost "/UnitTest" [("Prefer", "return=representation"), ("Prefer", "resolution=ignore-duplicates")] [json|[ { "idUnitTest": 1, "nameUnitTest": "name of unittest 1" }, { "idUnitTest": 2, "nameUnitTest": "name of unittest 2" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "idUnitTest": 2, "nameUnitTest": "name of unittest 2" } ]|] { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Preference-Applied" <:> "resolution=ignore-duplicates"] } it "works with PUT" $ do put "/UnitTest?idUnitTest=eq.1" [json| [ { "idUnitTest": 1, "nameUnitTest": "unit test 1" } ]|] `shouldRespondWith` 204 get "/UnitTest?idUnitTest=eq.1" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "idUnitTest": 1, "nameUnitTest": "unit test 1" } ]|]