# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [9.0.1] - 2022-06-03 ### Fixed - #2165, Fix json/jsonb columns should not have type in OpenAPI spec - @clrnd - #2020, Execute deferred constraint triggers when using `Prefer: tx=rollback` - @wolfgangwalther - #2077, Fix `is` not working with upper or mixed case values like `NULL, TrUe, FaLsE` - @steve-chavez - #2024, Fix schema cache loading when views with XMLTABLE and DEFAULT are present - @wolfgangwalther - #1724, Fix wrong CORS header Authentication -> Authorization - @wolfgangwalther - #2120, Fix reading database configuration properly when `=` is present in value - @wolfgangwalther - #2135, Remove trigger functions from schema cache and OpenAPI output, because they can't be called directly anyway. - @wolfgangwalther - #2101, Remove aggregates, procedures and window functions from the schema cache and OpenAPI output. - @wolfgangwalther - #2153, Fix --dump-schema running with a wrong PG version. - @wolfgangwalther - #2042, Keep working when EMFILE(Too many open files) is reached. - @steve-chavez - #2147, Ignore `Content-Type` headers for `GET` requests when calling RPCs. - @laurenceisla + Previously, `GET` without parameters, but with `Content-Type: text/plain` or `Content-Type: application/octet-stream` would fail with `404 Not Found`, even if a function without arguments was available. - #2239, Fix misleading disambiguation error where the content of the `relationship` key looks like valid syntax - @laurenceisla - #2294, Disable parallel GC for better performance on higher core CPUs - @steve-chavez - #1076, Fix using CPU while idle - @steve-chavez ## [9.0.0] - 2021-11-25 ### Added - #1783, Include partitioned tables into the schema cache. Allows embedding, UPSERT, INSERT with Location response, OPTIONS request and OpenAPI support for partitioned tables - @laurenceisla - #1878, Add Retry-After hint header when in recovery mode - @gautam1168 - #1735, Allow calling function with single unnamed param through RPC POST. - @steve-chavez + Enables calling a function with a single json parameter without using `Prefer: params=single-object` + Enables uploading bytea to a function with `Content-Type: application/octet-stream` + Enables uploading raw text to a function with `Content-Type: text/plain` - #1938, Allow escaping inside double quotes with a backslash, e.g. `?col=in.("Double\"Quote")`, `?col=in.("Back\\slash")` - @steve-chavez - #1075, Allow filtering top-level resource based on embedded resources filters. This is enabled by adding `!inner` to the embedded resource, e.g. `/projects?select=*,clients!inner(*)&clients.id=eq.12`- @steve-chavez, @Iced-Sun - #1857, Make GUC names for headers, cookies and jwt claims compatible with PostgreSQL v14 - @laurenceisla, @robertsosinski + Getting the value for a header GUC on PostgreSQL 14 is done using `current_setting('request.headers')::json->>'name-of-header'` and in a similar way for `request.cookies` and `request.jwt.claims` + PostgreSQL versions below 14 can opt in to the new JSON GUCs by setting the `db-use-legacy-gucs` config option to false (true by default) - #1988, Allow specifying `unknown` for the `is` operator - @steve-chavez - #2031, Improve error message for ambiguous embedding and add a relevant hint that includes unambiguous embedding suggestions - @laurenceisla ### Fixed - #1871, Fix OpenAPI missing default values for String types and identify Array types as "array" instead of "string" - @laurenceisla - #1930, Fix RPC return type handling for `RETURNS TABLE` with a single column. Regression of #1615. - @wolfgangwalther - #1938, Fix using single double quotes(`"`) and backslashes(`/`) as values on the "in" operator - @steve-chavez - #1992, Fix schema cache query failing with standard_conforming_strings = off - @wolfgangwalther ### Changed - #1949, Drop support for embedding hints used with '.'(`select=projects.client_id(*)`), '!' should be used instead(`select=projects!client_id(*)`) - @steve-chavez - #1783, Partitions (created using `PARTITION OF`) are no longer included in the schema cache. - @laurenceisla - #2038, Dropped support for PostgreSQL 9.5 - @wolfgangwalther ## [8.0.0] - 2021-07-25 ### Added - #1525, Allow http status override through response.status guc - @steve-chavez - #1512, Allow schema cache reloading with NOTIFY - @steve-chavez - #1119, Allow config file reloading with SIGUSR2 - @steve-chavez - #1558, Allow 'Bearer' with and without capitalization as authentication schema - @wolfgangwalther - #1470, Allow calling RPC with variadic argument by passing repeated params - @wolfgangwalther - #1559, No downtime when reloading the schema cache with SIGUSR1 - @steve-chavez - #504, Add `log-level` config option. The admitted levels are: crit, error, warn and info - @steve-chavez - #1607, Enable embedding through multiple views recursively - @wolfgangwalther - #1598, Allow rollback of the transaction with Prefer tx=rollback - @wolfgangwalther - #1633, Enable prepared statements for GET filters. When behind a connection pooler, you can disable preparing with `db-prepared-statements=false` + This increases throughput by around 30% for simple GET queries(no embedding, with filters applied). - #1729, #1760, Get configuration parameters from the db and allow reloading config with NOTIFY - @steve-chavez - #1824, Allow OPTIONS to generate certain HTTP methods for a DB view - @laurenceisla - #1872, Show timestamps in startup/worker logs - @steve-chavez - #1881, Add `openapi-mode` config option that allows ignoring roles privileges when showing the OpenAPI output - @steve-chavez - CLI options(for debugging): + #1678, Add --dump-config CLI option that prints loaded config and exits - @wolfgangwalther + #1691, Add --example CLI option to show example config file - @wolfgangwalther + #1697, #1723, Add --dump-schema CLI option for debugging purposes - @monacoremo, @wolfgangwalther - #1794, (Experimental) Add `request.spec` GUC for db-root-spec - @steve-chavez ### Fixed - #1592, Removed single column restriction to allow composite foreign keys in join tables - @goteguru - #1530, Fix how the PostgREST version is shown in the help text when the `.git` directory is not available - @monacoremo - #1094, Fix expired JWTs starting an empty transaction on the db - @steve-chavez - #1162, Fix location header for POST request with select= without PK - @wolfgangwalther - #1585, Fix error messages on connection failure for localized postgres on Windows - @wolfgangwalther - #1636, Fix `application/octet-stream` appending `charset=utf-8` - @steve-chavez - #1469, #1638 Fix overloading of functions with unnamed arguments - @wolfgangwalther - #1560, Return 405 Method not Allowed for GET of volatile RPC instead of 500 - @wolfgangwalther - #1584, Fix RPC return type handling and embedding for domains with composite base type (#1615) - @wolfgangwalther - #1608, #1635, Fix embedding through views that have COALESCE with subselect - @wolfgangwalther - #1572, Fix parsing of boolean config values for Docker environment variables, now it accepts double quoted truth values ("true", "false") and numbers("1", "0") - @wolfgangwalther - #1624, Fix using `app.settings.xxx` config options in Docker, now they can be used as `PGRST_APP_SETTINGS_xxx` - @wolfgangwalther - #1814, Fix panic when attempting to run with unix socket on non-unix host and properly close unix domain socket on exit - @monacoremo - #1825, Disregard internal junction(in non-exposed schema) when embedding - @steve-chavez - #1846, Fix requests for overloaded functions from html forms to no longer hang (#1848) - @laurenceisla - #1858, Add a hint and clarification to the no relationship found error - @laurenceisla - #1841, Show comprehensive error when an RPC is not found in a stale schema cache - @laurenceisla - #1875, Fix Location headers in headers only representation for null PK inserts on views - @laurenceisla ### Changed - #1522, #1528, #1535, Docker images are now built from scratch based on a the static PostgREST executable (#1494) and with Nix instead of a `Dockerfile`. This reduces the compressed image size from over 30mb to about 4mb - @monacoremo - #1461, Location header for POST request is only included when PK is available on the table - @wolfgangwalther - #1560, Volatile RPC called with GET now returns 405 Method not Allowed instead of 500 - @wolfgangwalther - #1584, #1849 Functions that declare `returns composite_type` no longer return a single object array by default, only functions with `returns setof composite_type` return an array of objects - @wolfgangwalther - #1604, Change the default logging level to `log-level=error`. Only requests with a status greater or equal than 500 will be logged. If you wish to go back to the previous behaviour and log all the requests, use `log-level=info` - @steve-chavez + Because currently there's no buffering for logging, defaulting to the `error` level(minimum logging) increases throughput by around 15% for simple GET queries(no embedding, with filters applied). - #1617, Dropped support for PostgreSQL 9.4 - @wolfgangwalther - #1679, Renamed config settings with fallback aliases. e.g. `max-rows` is now `db-max-rows`, but `max-rows` is still accepted - @wolfgangwalther - #1656, Allow `Prefer=headers-only` on POST requests and change default to `minimal` (#1813) - @laurenceisla - #1854, Dropped undocumented support for gzip compression (which was surprisingly slow and easily enabled by mistake). In some use-cases this makes Postgres up to 3x faster - @aljungberg - #1872, Send startup/worker logs to stderr to differentiate from access logs on stdout - @steve-chavez ## [7.0.1] - 2020-05-18 ### Fixed - #1473, Fix overloaded computed columns on RPC - @wolfgangwalther - #1471, Fix POST, PATCH, DELETE with ?select= and return=minimal and PATCH with empty body - @wolfgangwalther - #1500, Fix missing `openapi-server-proxy-uri` config option - @steve-chavez - #1508, Fix `Content-Profile` not working for POST RPC - @steve-chavez - #1452, Fix PUT restriction for all columns - @steve-chavez ### Changed - From this version onwards, the release page will only include a single Linux static executable that can be run on any Linux distribution. ## [7.0.0] - 2020-04-03 ### Added - #1417, `Accept: application/vnd.pgrst.object+json` behavior is now enforced for POST/PATCH/DELETE regardless of `Prefer: return=representation/minimal` - @dwagin - #1415, Add support for user defined socket permission via `server-unix-socket-mode` config option - @Dansvidania - #1383, Add support for HEAD request - @steve-chavez - #1378, Add support for `Prefer: count=planned` and `Prefer: count=estimated` on GET /table - @steve-chavez, @LorenzHenk - #1327, Add support for optional query parameter `on_conflict` to upsert with specified keys for POST - @ykst - #1430, Allow specifying the foreign key constraint name(`/source?select=fk_constraint(*)`) to disambiguate an embedding - @steve-chavez - #1168, Allow access to the `Authorization` header through the `request.header.authorization` GUC - @steve-chavez - #1435, Add `request.method` and `request.path` GUCs - @steve-chavez - #1088, Allow adding headers to GET/POST/PATCH/PUT/DELETE responses through the `response.headers` GUC - @steve-chavez - #1427, Allow overriding provided headers(Location, Content-Type, etc) through the `response.headers` GUC - @steve-chavez - #1450, Allow multiple schemas to be exposed in one instance. The schema to use can be selected through the headers `Accept-Profile` for GET/HEAD and `Content-Profile` for POST/PATCH/PUT/DELETE - @steve-chavez, @mahmoudkassem ### Fixed - #1301, Fix self join resource embedding on PATCH - @herulume, @steve-chavez - #1389, Fix many to many resource embedding on RPC/PATCH - @steve-chavez - #1355, Allow PATCH/DELETE without `return=minimal` on tables with no select privileges - @steve-chavez - #1361, Fix embedding a VIEW when its source foreign key is UNIQUE - @bwbroersma ### Changed - #1385, bulk RPC call now should be done by specifying a `Prefer: params=multiple-objects` header - @steve-chavez - #1401, resource embedding now outputs an error when multiple relationships between two tables are found - @steve-chavez - #1423, default Unix Socket file mode from 755 to 660 - @dwagin - #1430, Remove embedding with duck typed column names `GET /projects?select=client(*)`- @steve-chavez + You can rename the foreign key to `client` to make this request work in the new version: `alter table projects rename constraint projects_client_id_fkey to client` - #1413, Change `server-proxy-uri` config option to `openapi-server-proxy-uri` - @steve-chavez ## [6.0.2] - 2019-08-22 ### Fixed - #1369, Change `raw-media-types` to accept a string of comma separated MIME types - @Dansvidania - #1368, Fix long column descriptions being truncated at 63 characters in PostgreSQL 12 - @amedeedaboville - #1348, Go back to converting plus "+" to space " " in querystrings by default - @steve-chavez ### Deprecated - #1348, Deprecate `.` symbol for disambiguating resource embedding(added in #918). The url-safe '!' should be used instead. We refrained from using `+` as part of our syntax because it conflicts with some http clients and proxies. ## [6.0.1] - 2019-07-30 ### Added - #1349, Add user defined raw output media types via `raw-media-types` config option - @Dansvidania - #1243, Add websearch_to_tsquery support - @herulume ### Fixed - #1336, Error when testing on Chrome/Firefox: text/html requested but a single column was not selected - @Dansvidania - #1334, Unable to compile v6.0.0 on windows - @steve-chavez ## [6.0.0] - 2019-06-21 ### Added - #1186, Add support for user defined unix socket via `server-unix-socket` config option - @Dansvidania - #690, Add `?columns` query parameter for faster bulk inserts, also ignores unspecified json keys in a payload - @steve-chavez - #1239, Add support for resource embedding on materialized views - @vitorbaptista - #1264, Add support for bulk RPC call - @steve-chavez - #1278, Add db-pool-timeout config option - @qu4tro - #1285, Abort on wrong database password - @qu4tro - #790, Allow override of OpenAPI spec through `root-spec` config option - @steve-chavez - #1308, Accept `text/plain` and `text/html` for raw output - @steve-chavez ### Fixed - #1223, Fix incorrect OpenAPI externalDocs url - @steve-chavez - #1221, Fix embedding other resources when having a self join - @steve-chavez - #1242, Fix embedding a view having a select in a where - @steve-chavez - #1238, Fix PostgreSQL to OpenAPI type mappings for numeric and character types - @fpusch - #1265, Fix query generated on bulk upsert with an empty array - @qu4tro - #1273, Fix RPC ignoring unknown arguments by default - @steve-chavez - #1257, Fix incorrect status when a PATCH request doesn't find rows to change - @qu4tro ### Changed - #1288, Change server-host default of to !4 ### Deprecated - #1288, Deprecate `.` symbol for disambiguating resource embedding(added in #918). '+' should be used instead. Though '+' is url safe, certain clients might need to encode it to '%2B'. ### Removed - #1288, Removed support for schema reloading with SIGHUP, SIGUSR1 should be used instead - @steve-chavez ## [5.2.0] - 2018-12-12 ### Added - #1205, Add support for parsing JSON Web Key Sets - @russelldavies - #1203, Add support for reading db-uri from a separate file - @zhoufeng1989 - #1200, Add db-extra-search-path config for adding schemas to the search_path, solves issues related to extensions created on the public schema - @steve-chavez - #1219, Add ability to quote column names on filters - @steve-chavez ### Fixed - #1182, Fix embedding on views with composite pks - @steve-chavez - #1180, Fix embedding on views with subselects in pg10 - @steve-chavez - #1197, Allow CORS for PUT - @bkylerussell - #1181, Correctly qualify function argument of custom type in public schema - @steve-chavez - #1008, Allow columns that contain spaces in filters - @steve-chavez ## [5.1.0] - 2018-08-31 ### Added - #1099, Add support for getting json/jsonb by array index - @steve-chavez - #1145, Add materialized view columns to OpenAPI output - @steve-chavez - #709, Allow embedding on views with subselects/CTE - @steve-chavez - #1148, OpenAPI: add `required` section for the non-nullable columns - @laughedelic - #1158, Add summary to OpenAPI doc for RPC functions - @mdr1384 ### Fixed - #1113, Fix UPSERT failing when having a camel case PK column - @steve-chavez - #945, Fix slow start-up time on big schemas - @steve-chavez - #1129, Fix view embedding when table is capitalized - @steve-chavez - #1149, OpenAPI: Change `GET` response type to array - @laughedelic - #1152, Fix RPC failing when having arguments with reserved or uppercase keywords - @mdr1384 - #905, Fix intermittent empty replies - @steve-chavez - #1139, Fix JWTIssuedAtFuture failure for valid iat claim - @steve-chavez - #1141, Fix app.settings resetting on pool timeout - @steve-chavez ### Changed - #1099, Numbers in json path `?select=data->1->>key` now get treated as json array indexes instead of keys - @steve-chavez - #1128, Allow finishing a json path with a single arrow `->`. Now a json can be obtained without resorting to casting, Previously: `/json_arr?select=data->>2::json`, now: `/json_arr?select=data->2` - @steve-chavez - #724, Change server-host default of *4 to ### Deprecated - #724, SIGHUP deprecated, SIGUSR1 should be used instead ## [] - 2018-05-14 ### Added - The configuration (e.g. `postgrest.conf`) now accepts arbitrary settings that will be passed through as session-local database settings. This can be used to pass in secret keys directly as strings, or via OS environment variables. For instance: `app.settings.jwt_secret = "$(MYAPP_JWT_SECRET)"` will take `MYAPP_JWT_SECRET` from the environment and make it available to postgresql functions as `current_setting('app.settings.jwt_secret')`. Only `app.settings.*` values in the configuration file are treated in this way. - @canadaduane - #256, Add support for bulk UPSERT with POST and single UPSERT with PUT - @steve-chavez - #1078, Add ability to specify source column in embed - @steve-chavez - #821, Allow embeds alias to be used in filters - @steve-chavez - #906, Add jspath configurable `role-claim-key` - @steve-chavez - #1061, Add foreign tables to OpenAPI output - @rhyamada ### Fixed - #828, Fix computed column only working in public schema - @steve-chavez - #925, Fix RPC high memory usage by using parametrized query and avoiding json encoding - @steve-chavez - #987, Fix embedding with self-reference foreign key - @steve-chavez - #1044, Fix view parent embedding when having many views - @steve-chavez - #781, Fix accepting misspelled desc/asc ordering modificators - @onporat, @steve-chavez ### Changed - #828, A `SET SCHEMA ` is done on each request, this has the following implications: - Computed columns now only work if they belong to the db-schema - Stored procedures might require a `search_path` to work properly, for further details see https://postgrest.org/en/v5.0/api.html#explicit-qualification - To use RPC now the `json_to_record/json_to_recordset` functions are needed, these are available starting from PostgreSQL 9.4 - @steve-chavez - Overloaded functions now depend on the `dbStructure`, restart/sighup may be needed for their correct functioning - @steve-chavez - #1098, Removed support for: + curly braces `{}` in embeds, i.e. `/clients?select=*,projects{*}` can no longer be used, from now on parens `()` should be used `/clients?select=*,projects(*)` - @steve-chavez + "in" operator without parens, i.e. `/clients?id=in.1,2,3` no longer supported, `/clients?id=in.(1,2,3)` should be used - @steve-chavez + "@@", "@>" and "<@" operators, from now on their mnemonic equivalents should be used "fts", "cs" and "cd" respectively - @steve-chavez ## [] - 2018-01-08 ### Added - #887, #601, #1007, Allow specifying dictionary and plain/phrase tsquery in full text search - @steve-chavez - #328, Allow doing GET on rpc - @steve-chavez - #917, Add ability to map RAISE errorcode/message to http status - @steve-chavez - #940, Add ability to map GUC to http response headers - @steve-chavez - #1022, Include git sha in version report - @begriffs - Faster queries using json_agg - @ruslantalpa ### Fixed - #876, Read secret files as binary, discard final LF if any - @eric-brechemier - #968, Treat blank proxy uri as missing - @begriffs - #933, OpenAPI externals docs url to current version - @steve-chavez - #962, OpenAPI don't err on nonexistent schema - @steve-chavez - #954, make OpenAPI rpc output dependent on user privileges - @steve-chavez - #955, Support configurable aud claim - @statik - #996, Fix embedded column conflicts table name - @grotsev - #974, Fix RPC error when function has single OUT param - @steve-chavez - #1021, Reduce join size in allColumns for faster program start - @nextstopsun - #411, Remove the need for pk in &select for parent embed - @steve-chavez - #1016, Fix anonymous requests when configured with jwt-aud - @ruslantalpa ## [] - 2017-09-06 ### Added - #567, Support more JWT signing algorithms, including RSA - @begriffs - #889, Allow more than two conditions in a single and/or - @steve-chavez - #883, Binary output support for RPC - @steve-chavez - #885, Postgres COMMENTs on SCHEMA/TABLE/COLUMN are used for OpenAPI - @ldesgoui - #907, Ability to embed using a specific relation when there are multiple between tables - @ruslantalpa - #930, Split table comment on newline to get OpenAPI operation summary and description - @daurnimator - #938, Support for range operators - @russelldavies ### Fixed - #877, Base64 secret read from a file ending with a newline - @eric-brechemier - #896, Boolean env var interpolation in config file - @begriffs - #885, OpenAPI repetition reduced by using more definitions- @ldesgoui - #924, Improve relations initialization time - @9too - #927, Treat blank pre-request as missing - @begriffs ### Changed - #938, Deprecate symbol operators with mnemonic names. - @russelldavies ## [] - 2017-06-11 ### Added - #742, Add connection retrying on startup and SIGHUP - @steve-chavez - #652, Add and/or params for complex boolean logic - @steve-chavez - #808, Env var interpolation in config file (helps Docker) - @begriffs - #878 - CSV output support for RPC - @begriffs ### Fixed - #822, Treat blank string JWT secret as no secret - @begriffs ## [] - 2017-04-25 ### Added - Allow requesting binary output on GET - @steve-chavez - Accept clients requesting `Content-Type: application/json` from / - @feynmanliang - #493, Updating with empty JSON object makes zero updates @koulakis - Make HTTP headers and cookies available as GUCs #800 - @ruslantalpa - #701, Ability to quote values on IN filters - @steve-chavez - #641, Allow IN filter to have no values - @steve-chavez ### Fixed - #827, Avoid Warp reaper, extend socket timeout to 1 hour - @majorcode - #791, malformed nested JSON error - @diogob - Resource embedding in views referencing tables in public schema - @fab1an - #777, Empty body is allowed when calling a non-parameterized RPC - @koulakis - #831, Fix proc resource embedding issue with search_path - @steve-chavez - #547, Use read-only transaction for stable/immutable RPC - @begriffs ## [] - 2017-01-19 ### Added - Allow test database to be on another host - @dsimunic - `Prefer: params=single-object` to treat payload as single json argument in RPC - @dsimunic - Ability to generate an OpenAPI spec - @mainx07, @hudayou, @ruslantalpa, @begriffs - Ability to generate an OpenAPI spec behind a proxy - @hudayou - Ability to set addresses to listen on - @hudayou - Filtering, shaping and embedding with &select for the /rpc path - @ruslantalpa - Output names of used-defined types (instead of 'USER-DEFINED') - @martingms - Implement support for singular representation responses for POST/PATCH requests - @ehamberg - Include RPC endpoints in OpenAPI output - @begriffs, @LogvinovLeon - Custom request validation with `--pre-request` argument - @begriffs - Ability to order by jsonb keys - @steve-chavez - Ability to specify offset for a deeper level - @ruslantalpa - Ability to use binary base64 encoded secrets - @TrevorBasinger ### Fixed - Do not apply limit to parent items - @ruslantalpa - Fix bug in relation detection when selecting parents two levels up by using the name of the FK - @ruslantalpa - Customize content negotiation per route - @begriffs - Allow using nulls order without explicit order direction - @steve-chavez - Fatal error on postgres unsupported version, format supported version in error message - @steve-chavez - Prevent database memory cosumption by prepared statements caches - @ruslantalpa - Use specific columns in the RETURNING section - @ruslantalpa - Fix columns alias for RETURNING - @steve-chavez ### Changed - Replace `Prefer: plurality=singular` with `Accept: application/vnd.pgrst.object` - @begriffs - Standardize arrays in responses for `Prefer: return=representation` - @begriffs - Calling unknown RPC gives 404, not 400 - @begriffs - Use HTTP 400 for raise\_exception - @begriffs - Remove non-OpenAPI schema description - @begriffs - Use comma rather than semicolon to separate Prefer header values - @begriffs - Omit total query count by default - @begriffs - No more reserved `jwt_claims` return type - @begriffs - HTTP 401 rather than 400 for expired JWT - @begriffs - Remove default JWT secret - @begriffs - Use GUC request.jwt.claim.foo rather than postgrest.claims.foo - @begriffs - Use config file rather than command line arguments - @begriffs ## [] - 2016-06-10 ### Added - Reload database schema on SIGHUP - @begriffs - Support "-" in column names - @ruslantalpa - Support column/node renaming `alias:column` - @ruslantalpa - Accept posts from HTML forms - @begriffs - Ability to order embedded entities - @ruslantalpa - Ability to paginate using &limit and &offset parameters - @ruslantalpa - Ability to apply limits to embedded entities and enforce --max-rows on all levels - @ruslantalpa, @begriffs - Add allow response header in OPTIONS - @begriffs ### Fixed - Return 401 or 403 for access denied rather than 404 - @begriffs - Omit Content-Type header for empty body - @begriffs - Prevent role from being changed twice - @begriffs - Use read-only transaction for read requests - @ruslantalpa - Include entities from the same parent table using two different foreign keys - @ruslantalpa - Ensure that Location header in 201 response is URL-encoded - @league - Fix garbage collector CPU leak - @ruslantalpa et al. - Return deleted items when return=representation header is sent - @ruslantalpa - Use table default values for empty object inserts - @begriffs ## [] - 2016-03-28 ### Fixed - Preserve unicode values in insert,update,rpc (regression) - @begriffs - Prevent duplicate call to stored procs (regression) - @begriffs - Allow SQL functions to generate registered JWT claims - @begriffs - Terminate gracefully on SIGTERM (for use in Docker) - @recmo - Relation detection fix for views that depend on multiple tables - @ruslantalpa - Avoid count on plurality=singular and allow multiple Prefer values - @ruslantalpa ## [] - 2016-02-28 ### Fixed - Prevent query error from infecting later connection - @begriffs, @ruslantalpa, @nikita-volkov, @jwiegley ### Added - Applies range headers to RPC calls - @diogob ## [] - 2016-02-12 ### Fixed - Improved usage screen - @begriffs - Reject non-POSTs to rpc endpoints - @begriffs - Throw an error for OPTIONS on nonexistent tables - @calebmer - Remove deadlock on simultaneous contentious updates - @ruslantalpa, @begriffs ## [] - 2016-01-08 ### Fixed - Fix bug in many-many relation detection - @ruslantalpa - Inconsistent escaping of table names in read queries - @calebmer ## [] - 2015-12-16 ### Fixed - Miscalculation of time used for expiring tokens - @calebmer - Remove bcrypt dependency to fix Windows build - @begriffs - Detect relations event when authenticator does not have rights to intermediate tables - @ruslantalpa - Ensure db connections released on sigint - @begriffs - Fix #396 include records with missing parents - @ruslantalpa - `pgFmtIdent` always quotes #388 - @calebmer - Default schema, changed from `"1"` to `public` - @calebmer - #414 revert to separate count query - @ruslantalpa - Fix #399, allow inserting in tables with no select privileges using "Prefer: representation=minimal" - @ruslantalpa ### Added - Allow order by computed columns - @diogob - Set max rows in response with --max-rows - @begriffs - Selection by column name (can detect if `_id` is not included) - @calebmer ## [] - 2015-11-27 ### Fixed - Filter columns on embedded parent items - @ruslantalpa ## [] - 2015-11-24 ### Fixed - Use reasonable amount of memory during bulk inserts - @begriffs ### Added - Ensure JWT expires - @calebmer - Postgres connection string argument - @calebmer - Encode JWT for procs that return type `jwt_claims` - @diogob - Full text operators `@>`,`<@` - @ruslantalpa - Shaping of the response body (filter columns, embed relations) with &select parameter for POST/PATCH - @ruslantalpa - Detect relationships between public views and private tables - @calebmer - `Prefer: plurality=singular` for selecting single objects - @calebmer ### Removed - API versioning feature - @calebmer - `--db-x` command line arguments - @calebmer - Secure flag - @calebmer - PUT request handling - @ruslantalpa ### Changed - Embed foreign keys with {} rather than () - @begriffs - Remove version number from binary filename in release - @begriffs ## [] - 2015-11-12 ### Fixed - Correct order for -> and ->> in a json path - @ruslantalpa - Return empty array instead of 500 when a set returning function returns an empty result set - @diogob ## [] - 2015-10-25 ### Added - Embed associations, e.g. `/film?select=*,director(*)` - @ruslantalpa - Filter columns, e.g. `?select=col1,col2` - @ruslantalpa - Does not execute the count total if header "Prefer: count=none" - @diogob ### Fixed - Tolerate a missing role in user creation - @calebmer - Avoid unnecessary text re-encoding - @ruslantalpa ## [] - 2015-09-01 ### Fixed - Accepts `*/*` in Accept header - @diogob ## [] - 2015-08-28 ### Added - Negate any filter in a uniform way, e.g. `?col=not.eq=foo` - @diogob - Call stored procedures - Filter NOT IN values, e.g. `?col=notin.1,2,3` - @rall - CSV responses to GET requests with `Accept: text/csv` - @diogob - Debian init scripts - @mkhon - Allow filters by computed columns - @diogob ### Fixed - Reset user role on error - Compatible with Stack - Add materialized views to results in GET / - @diogob - Indicate insertable=true for views that are insertable through triggers - @diogob - Builds under GHC 7.10 - Allow the use of columns named "count" in relations queried - @diogob ## [] - 2015-06-03 ### Added - Full text search, eg `/foo?text_vector=@@.bar` - Include auth id as well as db role to views (for row-level security) ## [] - 2015-05-20 ### Fixed - Put -Werror behind a cabal flag (for CI) so Hackage accepts package ## [] - 2015-05-20 ### Added - Return range headers in PATCH - Return PATCHed resources if header "Prefer: return=representation" - Allow nested objects and arrays in JSON post for jsonb columns - JSON Web Tokens - [Federico Rampazzo](https://github.com/framp) - Expose PostgREST as a Haskell package ### Fixed - Return 404 if no records updated by PATCH ## [] - 2015-04-17 ### Added - Option to specify nulls first or last, eg `/people?order=age.desc.nullsfirst` - Filter nulls, `?col=is.null` and `?col=isnot.null` - Filter within jsonb, `?col->a->>b=eq.c` - Accept CSV in post body for bulk inserts ### Fixed - Allow NULL values in posts - Show full command line usage on param errors ## [] - 2015-03-03 ### Added - Server response logging - Filter IN values, e.g. `?col=in.1,2,3` - Return POSTed resource if header "Prefer: return=representation" - Allow override of default (v1) schema ## [] - 2015-02-18 ### Added - A changelog - Filter by substring match, e.g. `?col=like.*hello*` (or ilike for case insensitivity). - Access-Control-Expose-Headers for CORS ### Fixed - Make filter position match docs, e.g. `?order=col.asc` rather than `?order=asc.col`.