module Feature.QuerySpec where import Network.Wai (Application) import Network.Wai.Test (SResponse (simpleHeaders)) import Network.HTTP.Types import Test.Hspec hiding (pendingWith) import Test.Hspec.Wai import Test.Hspec.Wai.JSON import PostgREST.Config.PgVersion (PgVersion, pgVersion110, pgVersion112, pgVersion121) import Protolude hiding (get) import SpecHelper spec :: PgVersion -> SpecWith ((), Application) spec actualPgVersion = do describe "Querying a table with a column called count" $ it "should not confuse count column with pg_catalog.count aggregate" $ get "/has_count_column" `shouldRespondWith` 200 describe "Querying a table with a column called t" $ it "should not conflict with internal postgrest table alias" $ get "/clashing_column?select=t" `shouldRespondWith` 200 describe "Querying a nonexistent table" $ it "causes a 404" $ get "/faketable" `shouldRespondWith` 404 describe "Filtering response" $ do it "matches with equality" $ get "/items?id=eq.5" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":5}] |] { matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-0/*"] } it "matches with equality using not operator" $ get "/items?id=not.eq.5&order=id" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":6},{"id":7},{"id":8},{"id":9},{"id":10},{"id":11},{"id":12},{"id":13},{"id":14},{"id":15}] |] { matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-13/*"] } it "matches with more than one condition using not operator" $ get "/simple_pk?k=like.*yx&extra=not.eq.u" `shouldRespondWith` "[]" it "matches with inequality using not operator" $ do get "/items?" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":14},{"id":15}] |] { matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-1/*"] } get "/items?" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1},{"id":2}] |] { matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-1/*"] } it "matches items IN" $ get "/items?id=in.(1,3,5)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1},{"id":3},{"id":5}] |] { matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-2/*"] } it "matches items NOT IN using not operator" $ get "/items?,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1},{"id":3},{"id":5}] |] { matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-2/*"] } it "matches nulls using not operator" $ get "/no_pk?" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"a":"1","b":"0"},{"a":"2","b":"0"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "matches nulls in varchar and numeric fields alike" $ do get "/no_pk?a=is.null" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"a": null, "b": null}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/nullable_integer?a=is.null" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"a":null}]|] it "matches with trilean values" $ do get "/chores?done=is.true" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id": 1, "name": "take out the garbage", "done": true }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/chores?done=is.false" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id": 2, "name": "do the laundry", "done": false }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/chores?done=is.unknown" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id": 3, "name": "wash the dishes", "done": null }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "matches with trilean values in upper or mixed case" $ do get "/chores?done=is.NULL" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id": 3, "name": "wash the dishes", "done": null }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/chores?done=is.TRUE" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id": 1, "name": "take out the garbage", "done": true }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/chores?done=is.FAlSe" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id": 2, "name": "do the laundry", "done": false }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/chores?done=is.UnKnOwN" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id": 3, "name": "wash the dishes", "done": null }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "fails if 'is' used and there's no null or trilean value" $ do get "/chores?done=is.nil" `shouldRespondWith` 400 get "/chores?done=is.ok" `shouldRespondWith` 400 it "matches with like" $ do get "/simple_pk?k=like.*yx" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"k":"xyyx","extra":"u"}]|] get "/simple_pk?k=like.xy*" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"k":"xyyx","extra":"u"}]|] get "/simple_pk?k=like.*YY*" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"k":"xYYx","extra":"v"}]|] it "matches with like using not operator" $ get "/simple_pk?*yx" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"k":"xYYx","extra":"v"}]|] it "matches with ilike" $ do get "/simple_pk?k=ilike.xy*&order=extra.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"k":"xyyx","extra":"u"},{"k":"xYYx","extra":"v"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/simple_pk?k=ilike.*YY*&order=extra.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"k":"xyyx","extra":"u"},{"k":"xYYx","extra":"v"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "matches with ilike using not operator" $ get "/simple_pk?k=not.ilike.xy*&order=extra.asc" `shouldRespondWith` "[]" describe "Full text search operator" $ do it "finds matches with to_tsquery" $ get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=fts.impossible" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"text_search_vector": "'fun':5 'imposs':9 'kind':3" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can use lexeme boolean operators(&=%26, |=%7C, !) in to_tsquery" $ do get "/tsearch?" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"text_search_vector": "'also':2 'fun':3 'possibl':8"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=fts.impossible%7Cpossible" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"text_search_vector": "'fun':5 'imposs':9 'kind':3"}, {"text_search_vector": "'also':2 'fun':3 'possibl':8"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/tsearch?!possible" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"text_search_vector": "'fun':5 'imposs':9 'kind':3"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "finds matches with plainto_tsquery" $ get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=plfts.The%20Fat%20Rats" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"text_search_vector": "'ate':3 'cat':2 'fat':1 'rat':4" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion112) $ do it "finds matches with websearch_to_tsquery" $ get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=wfts.The%20Fat%20Rats" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"text_search_vector": "'ate':3 'cat':2 'fat':1 'rat':4" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can use boolean operators(and, or, -) in websearch_to_tsquery" $ do get "/tsearch?" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"text_search_vector": "'also':2 'fun':3 'possibl':8"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=wfts.impossible%20or%20possible" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"text_search_vector": "'fun':5 'imposs':9 'kind':3"}, {"text_search_vector": "'also':2 'fun':3 'possibl':8"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/tsearch?" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"text_search_vector": "'fun':5 'imposs':9 'kind':3"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "finds matches with different dictionaries" $ do get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=fts(french).amusant" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"text_search_vector": "'amus':5 'fair':7 'impossibl':9 'peu':4" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=plfts(french).amusant%20impossible" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"text_search_vector": "'amus':5 'fair':7 'impossibl':9 'peu':4" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion112) $ get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=wfts(french).amusant%20impossible" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"text_search_vector": "'amus':5 'fair':7 'impossibl':9 'peu':4" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can be negated with not operator" $ do get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=not.fts.impossible%7Cfat%7Cfun" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"text_search_vector": "'amus':5 'fair':7 'impossibl':9 'peu':4"}, {"text_search_vector": "'art':4 'spass':5 'unmog':7"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=not.fts(english).impossible%7Cfat%7Cfun" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"text_search_vector": "'amus':5 'fair':7 'impossibl':9 'peu':4"}, {"text_search_vector": "'art':4 'spass':5 'unmog':7"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=not.plfts.The%20Fat%20Rats" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"text_search_vector": "'fun':5 'imposs':9 'kind':3"}, {"text_search_vector": "'also':2 'fun':3 'possibl':8"}, {"text_search_vector": "'amus':5 'fair':7 'impossibl':9 'peu':4"}, {"text_search_vector": "'art':4 'spass':5 'unmog':7"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion112) $ get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=not.wfts(english).impossible%20or%20fat%20or%20fun" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"text_search_vector": "'amus':5 'fair':7 'impossibl':9 'peu':4"}, {"text_search_vector": "'art':4 'spass':5 'unmog':7"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "Use of the phraseto_tsquery function" $ do it "finds matches" $ get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=phfts.The%20Fat%20Cats" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"text_search_vector": "'ate':3 'cat':2 'fat':1 'rat':4" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "finds matches with different dictionaries" $ get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=phfts(german).Art%20Spass" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"text_search_vector": "'art':4 'spass':5 'unmog':7" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can be negated with not operator" $ get "/tsearch?text_search_vector=not.phfts(english).The%20Fat%20Cats" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"text_search_vector": "'fun':5 'imposs':9 'kind':3"}, {"text_search_vector": "'also':2 'fun':3 'possibl':8"}, {"text_search_vector": "'amus':5 'fair':7 'impossibl':9 'peu':4"}, {"text_search_vector": "'art':4 'spass':5 'unmog':7"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can be used with or query param" $ get "/tsearch?or=(text_search_vector.phfts(german).Art%20Spass, text_search_vector.phfts(french).amusant, text_search_vector.fts(english).impossible)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ {"text_search_vector": "'fun':5 'imposs':9 'kind':3" }, {"text_search_vector": "'amus':5 'fair':7 'impossibl':9 'peu':4" }, {"text_search_vector": "'art':4 'spass':5 'unmog':7"} ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "matches with computed column" $ get "/items?always_true=eq.true&order=id.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":6},{"id":7},{"id":8},{"id":9},{"id":10},{"id":11},{"id":12},{"id":13},{"id":14},{"id":15}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "order by computed column" $ get "/items?order=anti_id.desc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":6},{"id":7},{"id":8},{"id":9},{"id":10},{"id":11},{"id":12},{"id":13},{"id":14},{"id":15}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "cannot access a computed column that is outside of the config schema" $ get "/items?always_false=is.false" `shouldRespondWith` 400 it "matches filtering nested items 2" $ get "/clients?select=id,projects(id,tasks2(id,name))&*" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "hint":"If a new foreign key between these entities was created in the database, try reloading the schema cache.", "message":"Could not find a relationship between projects and tasks2 in the schema cache"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "matches filtering nested items" $ get "/clients?select=id,projects(id,tasks(id,name))&*" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"projects":[{"id":1,"tasks":[{"id":1,"name":"Design w7"}]},{"id":2,"tasks":[{"id":3,"name":"Design w10"}]}]},{"id":2,"projects":[{"id":3,"tasks":[{"id":5,"name":"Design IOS"}]},{"id":4,"tasks":[{"id":7,"name":"Design OSX"}]}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "matches with cs operator" $ get "/complex_items?select=id&arr_data=cs.{2}" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":2},{"id":3}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "matches with cd operator" $ get "/complex_items?select=id&arr_data=cd.{1,2,4}" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1},{"id":2}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } describe "Shaping response with select parameter" $ do it "selectStar works in absense of parameter" $ get "/complex_items?id=eq.3" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":3,"name":"Three","settings":{"foo":{"int":1,"bar":"baz"}},"arr_data":[1,2,3],"field-with_sep":1}]|] it "dash `-` in column names is accepted" $ get "/complex_items?id=eq.3&select=id,field-with_sep" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":3,"field-with_sep":1}]|] it "one simple column" $ get "/complex_items?select=id" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "rename simple column" $ get "/complex_items?id=eq.1&select=myId:id" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"myId":1}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "one simple column with casting (text)" $ get "/complex_items?select=id::text" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":"1"},{"id":"2"},{"id":"3"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "rename simple column with casting" $ get "/complex_items?id=eq.1&select=myId:id::text" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"myId":"1"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "json column" $ get "/complex_items?id=eq.1&select=settings" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"settings":{"foo":{"int":1,"bar":"baz"}}}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "fails on bad casting (wrong cast type)" $ get "/complex_items?select=id::fakecolumntype" `shouldRespondWith` [json| {"hint":null,"details":null,"code":"42704","message":"type \"fakecolumntype\" does not exist"} |] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [] } it "requesting parents and children" $ get "/projects?id=eq.1&select=id, name, clients(*), tasks(id, name)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","clients":{"id":1,"name":"Microsoft"},"tasks":[{"id":1,"name":"Design w7"},{"id":2,"name":"Code w7"}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "requesting parent and renaming primary key" $ get "/projects?select=name,client:clients(clientId:id,name)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ {"name":"Windows 7","client":{"name": "Microsoft", "clientId": 1}}, {"name":"Windows 10","client":{"name": "Microsoft", "clientId": 1}}, {"name":"IOS","client":{"name": "Apple", "clientId": 2}}, {"name":"OSX","client":{"name": "Apple", "clientId": 2}}, {"name":"Orphan","client":null} ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "requesting parent and specifying/renaming one key of the composite primary key" $ do get "/comments?select=*,users_tasks(userId:user_id)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"commenter_id":1,"user_id":2,"task_id":6,"content":"Needs to be delivered ASAP","users_tasks":{"userId": 2}}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/comments?select=*,users_tasks(taskId:task_id)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"commenter_id":1,"user_id":2,"task_id":6,"content":"Needs to be delivered ASAP","users_tasks":{"taskId": 6}}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "requesting parents and children while renaming them" $ get "/projects?id=eq.1&select=myId:id, name, project_client:clients(*), project_tasks:tasks(id, name)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"myId":1,"name":"Windows 7","project_client":{"id":1,"name":"Microsoft"},"project_tasks":[{"id":1,"name":"Design w7"},{"id":2,"name":"Code w7"}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "requesting parents and filtering parent columns" $ get "/projects?id=eq.1&select=id, name, clients(id)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","clients":{"id":1}}]|] it "rows with missing parents are included" $ get "/projects?id=in.(1,5)&select=id,clients(id)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"clients":{"id":1}},{"id":5,"clients":null}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "rows with no children return [] instead of null" $ get "/projects?id=in.(5)&select=id,tasks(id)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":5,"tasks":[]}]|] it "requesting children 2 levels" $ get "/clients?id=eq.1&select=id,projects(id,tasks(id))" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"projects":[{"id":1,"tasks":[{"id":1},{"id":2}]},{"id":2,"tasks":[{"id":3},{"id":4}]}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "requesting many<->many relation" $ get "/tasks?select=id,users(id)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"users":[{"id":1},{"id":3}]},{"id":2,"users":[{"id":1}]},{"id":3,"users":[{"id":1}]},{"id":4,"users":[{"id":1}]},{"id":5,"users":[{"id":2},{"id":3}]},{"id":6,"users":[{"id":2}]},{"id":7,"users":[{"id":2}]},{"id":8,"users":[]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "requesting many<->many relation with rename" $ get "/tasks?id=eq.1&select=id,theUsers:users(id)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"theUsers":[{"id":1},{"id":3}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "requesting many<->many relation reverse" $ get "/users?select=id,tasks(id)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"tasks":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4}]},{"id":2,"tasks":[{"id":5},{"id":6},{"id":7}]},{"id":3,"tasks":[{"id":1},{"id":5}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "requesting many<->many relation using composite key" $ get "/files?filename=eq.autoexec.bat&project_id=eq.1&select=filename,users_tasks(user_id,task_id)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"filename":"autoexec.bat","users_tasks":[{"user_id":1,"task_id":1},{"user_id":3,"task_id":1}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "requesting data using many<->many relation defined by composite keys" $ get "/users_tasks?user_id=eq.1&task_id=eq.1&select=user_id,files(filename,content)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"user_id":1,"files":[{"filename":"","content":"#include "},{"filename":"autoexec.bat","content":"@ECHO OFF"},{"filename":"","content":"# make $$$!"}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "requesting data using many<->many (composite keys) relation using hint" $ get "/users_tasks?user_id=eq.1&task_id=eq.1&select=user_id,files!touched_files(filename,content)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"user_id":1,"files":[{"filename":"","content":"#include "},{"filename":"autoexec.bat","content":"@ECHO OFF"},{"filename":"","content":"# make $$$!"}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "requesting children with composite key" $ get "/users_tasks?user_id=eq.2&task_id=eq.6&select=*, comments(content)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"user_id":2,"task_id":6,"comments":[{"content":"Needs to be delivered ASAP"}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } describe "computed columns" $ do it "computed column on table" $ get "/items?id=eq.1&select=id,always_true" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"always_true":true}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "computed column on rpc" $ get "/rpc/search?id=1&select=id,always_true" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"always_true":true}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "overloaded computed columns on both tables" $ do get "/items?id=eq.1&select=id,computed_overload" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"computed_overload":true}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/items2?id=eq.1&select=id,computed_overload" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"computed_overload":true}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "overloaded computed column on rpc" $ get "/rpc/search?id=1&select=id,computed_overload" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"computed_overload":true}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion110) $ do describe "partitioned tables embedding" $ do it "can request a table as parent from a partitioned table" $ get "/car_models?name=in.(DeLorean,Murcielago)&select=name,year,car_brands(name)&order=name.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"name":"DeLorean","year":1981,"car_brands":{"name":"DMC"}}, {"name":"Murcielago","year":2001,"car_brands":{"name":"Lamborghini"}}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can request partitioned tables as children from a table" $ get "/car_brands?select=name,car_models(name,year)&order=name.asc&car_models.order=name.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"name":"DMC","car_models":[{"name":"DeLorean","year":1981}]}, {"name":"Ferrari","car_models":[{"name":"F310-B","year":1997}]}, {"name":"Lamborghini","car_models":[{"name":"Murcielago","year":2001},{"name":"Veneno","year":2013}]}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion121) $ do it "can request tables as children from a partitioned table" $ get "/car_models?name=in.(DeLorean,F310-B)&select=name,year,car_racers(name)&order=name.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"name":"DeLorean","year":1981,"car_racers":[]}, {"name":"F310-B","year":1997,"car_racers":[{"name":"Michael Schumacher"}]}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can request a partitioned table as parent from a table" $ get "/car_racers?select=name,car_models(name,year)&order=name.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"name":"Alain Prost","car_models":null}, {"name":"Michael Schumacher","car_models":{"name":"F310-B","year":1997}}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can request partitioned tables as children from a partitioned table" $ get "/car_models?name=in.(DeLorean,Murcielago,Veneno)&select=name,year,car_model_sales(date,quantity)&order=name.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"name":"DeLorean","year":1981,"car_model_sales":[{"date":"2021-01-14","quantity":7},{"date":"2021-01-15","quantity":9}]}, {"name":"Murcielago","year":2001,"car_model_sales":[{"date":"2021-02-11","quantity":1},{"date":"2021-02-12","quantity":3}]}, {"name":"Veneno","year":2013,"car_model_sales":[]}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can request a partitioned table as parent from a partitioned table" $ do get "/car_model_sales?date=in.(2021-01-15,2021-02-11)&select=date,quantity,car_models(name,year)&order=date.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"date":"2021-01-15","quantity":9,"car_models":{"name":"DeLorean","year":1981}}, {"date":"2021-02-11","quantity":1,"car_models":{"name":"Murcielago","year":2001}}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can request many to many relationships between partitioned tables ignoring the intermediate table partitions" $ get "/car_models?select=name,year,car_dealers(name,city)&order=name.asc&limit=4" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"name":"DeLorean","year":1981,"car_dealers":[{"name":"Springfield Cars S.A.","city":"Springfield"}]}, {"name":"F310-B","year":1997,"car_dealers":[]}, {"name":"Murcielago","year":2001,"car_dealers":[{"name":"The Best Deals S.A.","city":"Franklin"}]}, {"name":"Veneno","year":2013,"car_dealers":[]}] |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "cannot request partitions as children from a partitioned table" $ get "/car_models?id=in.(1,2,4)&select=id,name,car_model_sales_202101(id)&order=id.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| {"hint":"If a new foreign key between these entities was created in the database, try reloading the schema cache.", "message":"Could not find a relationship between car_models and car_model_sales_202101 in the schema cache"} |] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "cannot request a partitioned table as parent from a partition" $ get "/car_model_sales_202101?select=id,name,car_models(id,name)&order=id.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| {"hint":"If a new foreign key between these entities was created in the database, try reloading the schema cache.", "message":"Could not find a relationship between car_model_sales_202101 and car_models in the schema cache"} |] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "cannot request a partition as parent from a partitioned table" $ get "/car_model_sales?id=in.(1,3,4)&select=id,name,car_models_default(id,name)&order=id.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| {"hint":"If a new foreign key between these entities was created in the database, try reloading the schema cache.", "message":"Could not find a relationship between car_model_sales and car_models_default in the schema cache"} |] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "cannot request partitioned tables as children from a partition" $ get "/car_models_default?select=id,name,car_model_sales(id,name)&order=id.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| {"hint":"If a new foreign key between these entities was created in the database, try reloading the schema cache.", "message":"Could not find a relationship between car_models_default and car_model_sales in the schema cache"} |] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } describe "view embedding" $ do it "can detect fk relations through views to tables in the public schema" $ get "/consumers_view?select=*,orders_view(*)" `shouldRespondWith` 200 it "can detect fk relations through materialized views to tables in the public schema" $ get "/materialized_projects?select=*,users(*)" `shouldRespondWith` 200 it "can request two parents" $ get "/articleStars?select=createdAt,article:articles(id),user:users(name)&limit=1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"createdAt":"2015-12-08T04:22:57.472738","article":{"id": 1},"user":{"name": "Angela Martin"}}]|] it "can detect relations in views from exposed schema that are based on tables in private schema and have columns renames" $ get "/articles?id=eq.1&select=id,articleStars(users(*))" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"articleStars":[{"users":{"id":1,"name":"Angela Martin"}},{"users":{"id":2,"name":"Michael Scott"}},{"users":{"id":3,"name":"Dwight Schrute"}}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works when requesting parents and children on views" $ get "/projects_view?id=eq.1&select=id, name, clients(*), tasks(id, name)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","clients":{"id":1,"name":"Microsoft"},"tasks":[{"id":1,"name":"Design w7"},{"id":2,"name":"Code w7"}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works when requesting parents and children on views with renamed keys" $ get "/projects_view_alt?t_id=eq.1&select=t_id, name, clients(*), tasks(id, name)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"t_id":1,"name":"Windows 7","clients":{"id":1,"name":"Microsoft"},"tasks":[{"id":1,"name":"Design w7"},{"id":2,"name":"Code w7"}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "detects parent relations when having many views of a private table" $ do get "/books?select=title,author:authors(name)&id=eq.5" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "title": "Farenheit 451", "author": { "name": "Ray Bradbury" } } ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/forties_books?select=title,author:authors(name)&limit=1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "title": "1984", "author": { "name": "George Orwell" } } ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/fifties_books?select=title,author:authors(name)&limit=1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "title": "The Catcher in the Rye", "author": { "name": "J.D. Salinger" } } ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/sixties_books?select=title,author:authors(name)&limit=1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "title": "To Kill a Mockingbird", "author": { "name": "Harper Lee" } } ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can detect fk relations through multiple views recursively when all views are in api schema" $ do get "/consumers_view_view?select=*,orders_view(*)" `shouldRespondWith` 200 it "works with views that have subselects" $ get "/authors_books_number?select=*,books(title)&id=eq.1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ {"id":1, "name":"George Orwell","num_in_forties":1,"num_in_fifties":0,"num_in_sixties":0,"num_in_all_decades":1, "books":[{"title":"1984"}]} ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works with views that have case subselects" $ get "/authors_have_book_in_decade?select=*,books(title)&id=eq.3" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ {"id":3,"name":"Antoine de Saint-Exupéry","has_book_in_forties":true,"has_book_in_fifties":false,"has_book_in_sixties":false, "books":[{"title":"The Little Prince"}]} ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works with views that have subselect in the FROM clause" $ get "/forties_and_fifties_books?select=title,first_publisher,author:authors(name)&id=eq.1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"title":"1984","first_publisher":"Secker & Warburg","author":{"name":"George Orwell"}}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works with views that have subselects in a function call" $ get "/authors_have_book_in_decade2?select=*,books(title)&id=eq.3" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ {"id":3,"name":"Antoine de Saint-Exupéry","has_book_in_forties":true,"has_book_in_fifties":false, "has_book_in_sixties":false,"books":[{"title":"The Little Prince"}]} ]|] it "works with views that have CTE" $ get "/odd_years_publications?select=title,publication_year,first_publisher,author:authors(name)&id=in.(1,2,3)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ {"title":"1984","publication_year":1949,"first_publisher":"Secker & Warburg","author":{"name":"George Orwell"}}, {"title":"The Diary of a Young Girl","publication_year":1947,"first_publisher":"Contact Publishing","author":{"name":"Anne Frank"}}, {"title":"The Little Prince","publication_year":1947,"first_publisher":"Reynal & Hitchcock","author":{"name":"Antoine de Saint-Exupéry"}} ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works when having a capitalized table name and camelCase fk column" $ get "/foos?select=*,bars(*)" `shouldRespondWith` 200 it "works when embedding a view with a table that has a long compound pk" $ do get "/player_view?select=id,contract(purchase_price)&id=in.(1,3,5,7)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1,"contract":[{"purchase_price":10}]}, {"id":3,"contract":[{"purchase_price":30}]}, {"id":5,"contract":[{"purchase_price":50}]}, {"id":7,"contract":[]}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/contract?select=tournament,player_view(first_name)&limit=3" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"tournament":"tournament_1","player_view":{"first_name":"first_name_1"}}, {"tournament":"tournament_2","player_view":{"first_name":"first_name_2"}}, {"tournament":"tournament_3","player_view":{"first_name":"first_name_3"}}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works when embedding a view with a view that referes to a table that has a long compound pk" $ do get "/player_view?select=id,contract_view(purchase_price)&id=in.(1,3,5,7)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1,"contract_view":[{"purchase_price":10}]}, {"id":3,"contract_view":[{"purchase_price":30}]}, {"id":5,"contract_view":[{"purchase_price":50}]}, {"id":7,"contract_view":[]}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/contract_view?select=tournament,player_view(first_name)&limit=3" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"tournament":"tournament_1","player_view":{"first_name":"first_name_1"}}, {"tournament":"tournament_2","player_view":{"first_name":"first_name_2"}}, {"tournament":"tournament_3","player_view":{"first_name":"first_name_3"}}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can embed a view that has group by" $ get "/projects_count_grouped_by?select=number_of_projects,client:clients(name)&order=number_of_projects" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"number_of_projects":1,"client":null}, {"number_of_projects":2,"client":{"name":"Microsoft"}}, {"number_of_projects":2,"client":{"name":"Apple"}}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can embed a view that has a subselect containing a select in a where" $ get "/authors_w_entities?select=name,entities,books(title)&id=eq.1" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"name":"George Orwell","entities":[3, 4],"books":[{"title":"1984"}]}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } describe "aliased embeds" $ do it "works with child relation" $ get "/space?select=id,zones:zone(id,name),stores:zone(id,name)&zones.zone_type_id=eq.2&stores.zone_type_id=eq.3" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "id":1, "zones": [ {"id":1,"name":"zone 1"}, {"id":2,"name":"zone 2"}], "stores": [ {"id":3,"name":"store 3"}, {"id":4,"name":"store 4"}]} ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works with many to many relation" $ get "/users?select=id,designTasks:tasks(id,name),codeTasks:tasks(id,name)&*Design*&*Code*" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "id":1, "designTasks":[ { "id":1, "name":"Design w7" }, { "id":3, "name":"Design w10" } ], "codeTasks":[ { "id":2, "name":"Code w7" }, { "id":4, "name":"Code w10" } ] }, { "id":2, "designTasks":[ { "id":5, "name":"Design IOS" }, { "id":7, "name":"Design OSX" } ], "codeTasks":[ { "id":6, "name":"Code IOS" } ] }, { "id":3, "designTasks":[ { "id":1, "name":"Design w7" }, { "id":5, "name":"Design IOS" } ], "codeTasks":[ ] } ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works with an aliased child plus non aliased child" $ get "/projects?select=id,name,designTasks:tasks(name,users(id,name))&*Design*&,2)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "id":1, "name":"Windows 7", "designTasks":[ { "name":"Design w7", "users":[ { "id":1, "name":"Angela Martin" } ] } ] }, { "id":2, "name":"Windows 10", "designTasks":[ { "name":"Design w10", "users":[ { "id":1, "name":"Angela Martin" } ] } ] }, { "id":3, "name":"IOS", "designTasks":[ { "name":"Design IOS", "users":[ { "id":2, "name":"Michael Scott" } ] } ] }, { "id":4, "name":"OSX", "designTasks":[ { "name":"Design OSX", "users":[ { "id":2, "name":"Michael Scott" } ] } ] }, { "id":5, "name":"Orphan", "designTasks":[ ] } ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works with two aliased children embeds plus and/or" $ get "/entities?select=id,children:child_entities(id,gChildren:grandchild_entities(id))&children.and=(,2,3))&children.gChildren.or=(id.eq.1,id.eq.2)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "id":1, "children":[ {"id":1,"gChildren":[{"id":1}, {"id":2}]}, {"id":2,"gChildren":[]}]}, { "id":2, "children":[ {"id":3,"gChildren":[]}]}, { "id":3,"children":[]}, { "id":4,"children":[]} ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } describe "ordering response" $ do it "by a column asc" $ get "/items?id=lte.2&order=id.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1},{"id":2}] |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-1/*"] } it "by a column desc" $ get "/items?id=lte.2&order=id.desc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":2},{"id":1}] |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-1/*"] } it "by a column with nulls first" $ get "/no_pk?order=a.nullsfirst" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"a":null,"b":null}, {"a":"1","b":"0"}, {"a":"2","b":"0"} ] |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-2/*"] } it "by a column asc with nulls last" $ get "/no_pk?order=a.asc.nullslast" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"a":"1","b":"0"}, {"a":"2","b":"0"}, {"a":null,"b":null}] |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-2/*"] } it "by a column desc with nulls first" $ get "/no_pk?order=a.desc.nullsfirst" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"a":null,"b":null}, {"a":"2","b":"0"}, {"a":"1","b":"0"}] |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-2/*"] } it "by a column desc with nulls last" $ get "/no_pk?order=a.desc.nullslast" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"a":"2","b":"0"}, {"a":"1","b":"0"}, {"a":null,"b":null}] |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-2/*"] } it "by two columns with nulls and direction specified" $ get "/projects?select=client_id,id,name&order=client_id.desc.nullslast,id.desc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"client_id":2,"id":4,"name":"OSX"}, {"client_id":2,"id":3,"name":"IOS"}, {"client_id":1,"id":2,"name":"Windows 10"}, {"client_id":1,"id":1,"name":"Windows 7"}, {"client_id":null,"id":5,"name":"Orphan"}] |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-4/*"] } it "by a column with no direction or nulls specified" $ get "/items?id=lte.2&order=id" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1},{"id":2}] |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-1/*"] } it "without other constraints" $ get "/items?order=id.asc" `shouldRespondWith` 200 it "ordering embeded entities" $ get "/projects?id=eq.1&select=id, name, tasks(id, name)&tasks.order=name.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","tasks":[{"id":2,"name":"Code w7"},{"id":1,"name":"Design w7"}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "ordering embeded entities with alias" $ get "/projects?id=eq.1&select=id, name, the_tasks:tasks(id, name)&tasks.order=name.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","the_tasks":[{"id":2,"name":"Code w7"},{"id":1,"name":"Design w7"}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "ordering embeded entities, two levels" $ get "/projects?id=eq.1&select=id, name, tasks(id, name, users(id, name))&tasks.order=name.asc&tasks.users.order=name.desc" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","tasks":[{"id":2,"name":"Code w7","users":[{"id":1,"name":"Angela Martin"}]},{"id":1,"name":"Design w7","users":[{"id":3,"name":"Dwight Schrute"},{"id":1,"name":"Angela Martin"}]}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "ordering embeded parents does not break things" $ get "/projects?id=eq.1&select=id, name, clients(id, name)&clients.order=name.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","clients":{"id":1,"name":"Microsoft"}}]|] context "order syntax errors" $ do it "gives meaningful error messages when asc/desc/nulls{first,last} are misspelled" $ do get "/items?" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"details":"unexpected \"c\" expecting \"asc\", \"desc\", \"nullsfirst\" or \"nullslast\"","message":"\"failed to parse order (\" (line 1, column 4)"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/items?order=id.descc" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"details":"unexpected 'c' expecting delimiter (.), \",\" or end of input","message":"\"failed to parse order (id.descc)\" (line 1, column 8)"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/items?order=id.nulsfist" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"details":"unexpected \"n\" expecting \"asc\", \"desc\", \"nullsfirst\" or \"nullslast\"","message":"\"failed to parse order (id.nulsfist)\" (line 1, column 4)"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/items?order=id.nullslasttt" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"details":"unexpected 't' expecting \",\" or end of input","message":"\"failed to parse order (id.nullslasttt)\" (line 1, column 13)"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/items?order=id.smth34" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"details":"unexpected \"s\" expecting \"asc\", \"desc\", \"nullsfirst\" or \"nullslast\"","message":"\"failed to parse order (id.smth34)\" (line 1, column 4)"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "gives meaningful error messages when nulls{first,last} are misspelled after asc/desc" $ do get "/items?order=id.asc.nlsfst" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"details":"unexpected \"l\" expecting \"nullsfirst\" or \"nullslast\"","message":"\"failed to parse order (id.asc.nlsfst)\" (line 1, column 8)"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/items?order=id.asc.nullslasttt" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"details":"unexpected 't' expecting \",\" or end of input","message":"\"failed to parse order (id.asc.nullslasttt)\" (line 1, column 17)"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/items?order=id.asc.smth34" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"details":"unexpected \"s\" expecting \"nullsfirst\" or \"nullslast\"","message":"\"failed to parse order (id.asc.smth34)\" (line 1, column 8)"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } describe "Accept headers" $ do it "should respond an unknown accept type with 415" $ request methodGet "/simple_pk" (acceptHdrs "text/unknowntype") "" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"None of these Content-Types are available: text/unknowntype"}|] { matchStatus = 415 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "should respond correctly to */* in accept header" $ request methodGet "/simple_pk" (acceptHdrs "*/*") "" `shouldRespondWith` 200 it "*/* should rescue an unknown type" $ request methodGet "/simple_pk" (acceptHdrs "text/unknowntype, */*") "" `shouldRespondWith` 200 it "specific available preference should override */*" $ do r <- request methodGet "/simple_pk" (acceptHdrs "text/csv, */*") "" liftIO $ do let respHeaders = simpleHeaders r respHeaders `shouldSatisfy` matchHeader "Content-Type" "text/csv; charset=utf-8" it "honors client preference even when opposite of server preference" $ do r <- request methodGet "/simple_pk" (acceptHdrs "text/csv, application/json") "" liftIO $ do let respHeaders = simpleHeaders r respHeaders `shouldSatisfy` matchHeader "Content-Type" "text/csv; charset=utf-8" it "should respond correctly to multiple types in accept header" $ request methodGet "/simple_pk" (acceptHdrs "text/unknowntype, text/csv") "" `shouldRespondWith` 200 it "should respond with CSV to 'text/csv' request" $ request methodGet "/simple_pk" (acceptHdrs "text/csv; version=1") "" `shouldRespondWith` "k,extra\nxyyx,u\nxYYx,v" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "text/csv; charset=utf-8"] } describe "Canonical location" $ do it "Sets Content-Location with alphabetized params" $ get "/no_pk?b=eq.1&a=eq.1" `shouldRespondWith` "[]" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Location" <:> "/no_pk?a=eq.1&b=eq.1"] } it "Omits question mark when there are no params" $ do r <- get "/simple_pk" liftIO $ do let respHeaders = simpleHeaders r respHeaders `shouldSatisfy` matchHeader "Content-Location" "/simple_pk" describe "weird requests" $ do it "can query as normal" $ do get "/Escap3e;" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"so6meIdColumn":1},{"so6meIdColumn":2},{"so6meIdColumn":3},{"so6meIdColumn":4},{"so6meIdColumn":5}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/ghostBusters" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"escapeId":1},{"escapeId":3},{"escapeId":5}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "fails if an operator is not given" $ get "/ghostBusters?id=0" `shouldRespondWith` [json| {"details":"unexpected \"0\" expecting \"not\" or operator (eq, gt, ...)","message":"\"failed to parse filter (0)\" (line 1, column 1)"} |] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "will embed a collection" $ get "/Escap3e;?select=ghostBusters(*)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"ghostBusters":[{"escapeId":1}]},{"ghostBusters":[]},{"ghostBusters":[{"escapeId":3}]},{"ghostBusters":[]},{"ghostBusters":[{"escapeId":5}]}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "will select and filter a column that has spaces" $ get "/Server%20Today?select=Just%20A%20Server%20Model&Just%20A%20Server%20Model=like.*91*" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ {"Just A Server Model":" IBM,9113-550 (P5-550)"}, {"Just A Server Model":" IBM,9113-550 (P5-550)"}, {"Just A Server Model":" IBM,9131-52A (P5-52A)"}, {"Just A Server Model":" IBM,9133-55A (P5-55A)"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "will select and filter a quoted column that has PostgREST reserved characters" $ get "/pgrst_reserved_chars?select=%22:arr-%3Eow::cast%22,%22(inside,parens)%22,%22a.dotted.column%22,%22%20%20col%20%20w%20%20space%20%20%22&%22*id*%22=eq.1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{":arr->ow::cast":" arrow-1 ","(inside,parens)":" parens-1 ","a.dotted.column":" dotted-1 "," col w space ":" space-1"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "binary output" $ do it "can query if a single column is selected" $ request methodGet "/images_base64?select=img&name=eq.A.png" (acceptHdrs "application/octet-stream") "" `shouldRespondWith` "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAB4AAAAeAQMAAAAB/jzhAAAABlBMVEUAAAD/AAAb/40iAAAAP0lEQVQI12NgwAbYG2AE/wEYwQMiZB4ACQkQYZEAIgqAhAGIKLCAEQ8kgMT/P1CCEUwc4IMSzA3sUIIdCHECAGSQEkeOTUyCAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "application/octet-stream"] } it "can get raw output with Accept: text/plain" $ request methodGet "/projects?select=name&id=eq.1" (acceptHdrs "text/plain") "" `shouldRespondWith` "Windows 7" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "text/plain; charset=utf-8"] } it "fails if a single column is not selected" $ do request methodGet "/images?select=img,name&name=eq.A.png" (acceptHdrs "application/octet-stream") "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| {"message":"application/octet-stream requested but more than one column was selected"} |] { matchStatus = 406 } request methodGet "/images?select=*&name=eq.A.png" (acceptHdrs "application/octet-stream") "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| {"message":"application/octet-stream requested but more than one column was selected"} |] { matchStatus = 406 } request methodGet "/images?name=eq.A.png" (acceptHdrs "application/octet-stream") "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| {"message":"application/octet-stream requested but more than one column was selected"} |] { matchStatus = 406 } it "concatenates results if more than one row is returned" $ request methodGet "/images_base64?select=img&name=in.(A.png,B.png)" (acceptHdrs "application/octet-stream") "" `shouldRespondWith` "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAB4AAAAeAQMAAAAB/jzhAAAABlBMVEUAAAD/AAAb/40iAAAAP0lEQVQI12NgwAbYG2AE/wEYwQMiZB4ACQkQYZEAIgqAhAGIKLCAEQ8kgMT/P1CCEUwc4IMSzA3sUIIdCHECAGSQEkeOTUyCAAAAAElFTkSuQmCCiVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAB4AAAAeAQMAAAAB/jzhAAAABlBMVEX///8AAP94wDzzAAAAL0lEQVQIW2NgwAb+HwARH0DEDyDxwAZEyGAhLODqHmBRzAcn5GAS///A1IF14AAA5/Adbiiz/0gAAAAASUVORK5CYII=" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "application/octet-stream"] } describe "values with quotes in IN and NOT IN" $ do it "succeeds when only quoted values are present" $ do get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?name=in.(\"Hebdon, John\")" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"name":"Hebdon, John"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?name=in.(\"Hebdon, John\",\"Williams, Mary\",\"Smith, Joseph\")" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"name":"Hebdon, John"},{"name":"Williams, Mary"},{"name":"Smith, Joseph"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?\"Hebdon, John\",\"Williams, Mary\",\"Smith, Joseph\")&limit=3" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "David White" }, { "name": "Larry Thompson" }, { "name": "Double O Seven(007)" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "succeeds w/ and w/o quoted values" $ do get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?name=in.(David White,\"Hebdon, John\")" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"name":"Hebdon, John"},{"name":"David White"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?\"Hebdon, John\",Larry Thompson,\"Smith, Joseph\")&limit=3" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "Williams, Mary" }, { "name": "David White" }, { "name": "Double O Seven(007)" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?name=in.(\"Double O Seven(007)\")" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"name":"Double O Seven(007)"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "escaped chars" $ do it "accepts escaped double quotes" $ get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?name=in.(\"Double\\\"Quote\\\"McGraw\\\"\")" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "Double\"Quote\"McGraw\"" } ] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "accepts escaped backslashes" $ do get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?name=in.(\"\\\\\")" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{ "name": "\\" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?name=in.(\"/\\\\Slash/\\\\Beast/\\\\\")" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "/\\Slash/\\Beast/\\" } ] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "passes any escaped char as the same char" $ get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?name=in.(\"D\\a\\vid W\\h\\ite\")" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{ "name": "David White" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } describe "IN values without quotes" $ do it "accepts single double quotes as values" $ do get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?name=in.(\")" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{ "name": "\"" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?name=in.(Double\"Quote\"McGraw\")" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "Double\"Quote\"McGraw\"" } ] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "accepts backslashes as values" $ do get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?name=in.(\\)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{ "name": "\\" }] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/w_or_wo_comma_names?name=in.(/\\Slash/\\Beast/\\)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "/\\Slash/\\Beast/\\" } ] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } describe "IN and NOT IN empty set" $ do context "returns an empty result for IN when no value is present" $ do it "works for integer" $ get "/items_with_different_col_types?int_data=in.()" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works for text" $ get "/items_with_different_col_types?text_data=in.()" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works for bool" $ get "/items_with_different_col_types?bool_data=in.()" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works for bytea" $ get "/items_with_different_col_types?bin_data=in.()" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works for char" $ get "/items_with_different_col_types?char_data=in.()" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works for date" $ get "/items_with_different_col_types?date_data=in.()" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works for real" $ get "/items_with_different_col_types?real_data=in.()" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works for time" $ get "/items_with_different_col_types?time_data=in.()" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "returns all results for when no value is present" $ get "/items_with_different_col_types?" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{int_data: 1}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "returns an empty result ignoring spaces" $ get "/items_with_different_col_types?int_data=in.( )" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "only returns an empty result set if the in value is empty" $ get "/items_with_different_col_types?int_data=in.( ,3,4)" `shouldRespondWith` ( if actualPgVersion >= pgVersion121 then [json| {"hint":null,"details":null,"code":"22P02","message":"invalid input syntax for type integer: \"\""} |] else [json| {"hint":null,"details":null,"code":"22P02","message":"invalid input syntax for integer: \"\""} |] ) { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } describe "Embedding when column name = table name" $ do it "works with child embeds" $ get "/being?select=*,descendant(*)&limit=1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"being":1,"descendant":[{"descendant":1,"being":1},{"descendant":2,"being":1},{"descendant":3,"being":1}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works with many to many embeds" $ get "/being?select=*,part(*)&limit=1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"being":1,"part":[{"part":1}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } describe "Foreign table" $ do it "can be queried by using regular filters" $ get "/projects_dump?id=in.(1,2,3)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","client_id":1}, {"id":2,"name":"Windows 10","client_id":1}, {"id":3,"name":"IOS","client_id":2}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can be queried with select, order and limit" $ get "/projects_dump?select=id,name&order=id.desc&limit=3" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":5,"name":"Orphan"}, {"id":4,"name":"OSX"}, {"id":3,"name":"IOS"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "cannot use ltree(in public schema) extension operators if no extra search path added" $ get "/ltree_sample?path=cd.Top.Science.Astronomy" `shouldRespondWith` 400 context "VIEW that has a source FK based on a UNIQUE key" $ it "can be embedded" $ get "/referrals?select=site,link:pages(url)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"site":"", "link":{"url":""}}, {"site":"", "link":{"url":""}} ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "shouldn't produce a Content-Profile header since only a single schema is exposed" $ do r <- get "/items" liftIO $ do let respHeaders = simpleHeaders r respHeaders `shouldSatisfy` noProfileHeader