module Feature.RpcSpec where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL (empty, readFile) import Network.Wai (Application) import Network.Wai.Test (SResponse (simpleBody, simpleHeaders, simpleStatus)) import Network.HTTP.Types import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Test.Hspec hiding (pendingWith) import Test.Hspec.Wai import Test.Hspec.Wai.JSON import Text.Heredoc import PostgREST.Config.PgVersion (PgVersion, pgVersion100, pgVersion109, pgVersion110, pgVersion112, pgVersion114, pgVersion140) import Protolude hiding (get) import SpecHelper spec :: PgVersion -> SpecWith ((), Application) spec actualPgVersion = describe "remote procedure call" $ do context "a proc that returns a set" $ do it "returns paginated results" $ do request methodPost "/rpc/getitemrange" (rangeHdrs (ByteRangeFromTo 0 0)) [json| { "min": 2, "max": 4 } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":3}] |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-0/*"] } request methodGet "/rpc/getitemrange?min=2&max=4" (rangeHdrs (ByteRangeFromTo 0 0)) "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":3}] |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-0/*"] } request methodHead "/rpc/getitemrange?min=2&max=4" (rangeHdrs (ByteRangeFromTo 0 0)) "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-0/*"] } it "includes total count if requested" $ do request methodPost "/rpc/getitemrange" (rangeHdrsWithCount (ByteRangeFromTo 0 0)) [json| { "min": 2, "max": 4 } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":3}] |] { matchStatus = 206 -- it now knows the response is partial , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-0/2"] } request methodGet "/rpc/getitemrange?min=2&max=4" (rangeHdrsWithCount (ByteRangeFromTo 0 0)) "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":3}] |] { matchStatus = 206 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-0/2"] } request methodHead "/rpc/getitemrange?min=2&max=4" (rangeHdrsWithCount (ByteRangeFromTo 0 0)) "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 206 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-0/2"] } it "returns proper json" $ do post "/rpc/getitemrange" [json| { "min": 2, "max": 4 } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"id": 3}, {"id":4} ] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/rpc/getitemrange?min=2&max=4" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"id": 3}, {"id":4} ] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "returns CSV" $ do request methodPost "/rpc/getitemrange" (acceptHdrs "text/csv") [json| { "min": 2, "max": 4 } |] `shouldRespondWith` "id\n3\n4" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "text/csv; charset=utf-8"] } request methodGet "/rpc/getitemrange?min=2&max=4" (acceptHdrs "text/csv") "" `shouldRespondWith` "id\n3\n4" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "text/csv; charset=utf-8"] } request methodHead "/rpc/getitemrange?min=2&max=4" (acceptHdrs "text/csv") "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "text/csv; charset=utf-8"] } context "unknown function" $ do it "returns 404" $ post "/rpc/fakefunc" [json| {} |] `shouldRespondWith` 404 it "should fail with 404 on unknown proc name" $ get "/rpc/fake" `shouldRespondWith` 404 it "should fail with 404 on unknown proc args" $ do get "/rpc/sayhello" `shouldRespondWith` 404 get "/rpc/sayhello?any_arg=value" `shouldRespondWith` 404 it "should not ignore unknown args and fail with 404" $ get "/rpc/add_them?a=1&b=2&smthelse=blabla" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "hint":"If a new function was created in the database with this name and parameters, try reloading the schema cache.", "message":"Could not find the test.add_them(a, b, smthelse) function in the schema cache" } |] { matchStatus = 404 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "should fail with 404 when no json arg is found with prefer single object" $ request methodPost "/rpc/sayhello" [("Prefer","params=single-object")] [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "hint":"If a new function was created in the database with this name and parameters, try reloading the schema cache.", "message":"Could not find the test.sayhello function with a single json or jsonb parameter in the schema cache" } |] { matchStatus = 404 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "should fail with 404 for overloaded functions with unknown args" $ do get "/rpc/overloaded?wrong_arg=value" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "hint":"If a new function was created in the database with this name and parameters, try reloading the schema cache.", "message":"Could not find the test.overloaded(wrong_arg) function in the schema cache" } |] { matchStatus = 404 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/rpc/overloaded?a=1&b=2&wrong_arg=value" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "hint":"If a new function was created in the database with this name and parameters, try reloading the schema cache.", "message":"Could not find the test.overloaded(a, b, wrong_arg) function in the schema cache" } |] { matchStatus = 404 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "ambiguous overloaded functions with same parameters' names but different types" $ do it "should fail with 300 Multiple Choices without explicit type casts" $ get "/rpc/overloaded_same_args?arg=value" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "hint":"Try renaming the parameters or the function itself in the database so function overloading can be resolved", "message":"Could not choose the best candidate function between: test.overloaded_same_args(arg => integer), test.overloaded_same_args(arg => xml), test.overloaded_same_args(arg => text, num => integer)"}|] { matchStatus = 300 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works when having uppercase identifiers" $ do get "/rpc/quotedFunction?user=mscott&fullName=Michael Scott&SSN=401-32-XXXX" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"user": "mscott", "fullName": "Michael Scott", "SSN": "401-32-XXXX"}|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } post "/rpc/quotedFunction" [json|{"user": "dschrute", "fullName": "Dwight Schrute", "SSN": "030-18-XXXX"}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"user": "dschrute", "fullName": "Dwight Schrute", "SSN": "030-18-XXXX"}|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "shaping the response returned by a proc" $ do it "returns a project" $ do post "/rpc/getproject" [json| { "id": 1} |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","client_id":1}]|] get "/rpc/getproject?id=1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","client_id":1}]|] it "can filter proc results" $ do post "/rpc/getallprojects?id=gt.1&id=lt.5&select=id" [json| {} |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/rpc/getallprojects?id=gt.1&id=lt.5&select=id" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can limit proc results" $ do post "/rpc/getallprojects?id=gt.1&id=lt.5&select=id&limit=2&offset=1" [json| {} |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":3},{"id":4}]|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "1-2/*"] } get "/rpc/getallprojects?id=gt.1&id=lt.5&select=id&limit=2&offset=1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":3},{"id":4}]|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "1-2/*"] } it "select works on the first level" $ do post "/rpc/getproject?select=id,name" [json| { "id": 1} |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7"}]|] get "/rpc/getproject?id=1&select=id,name" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7"}]|] context "foreign entities embedding" $ do it "can embed if related tables are in the exposed schema" $ do post "/rpc/getproject?select=id,name,client:clients(id),tasks(id)" [json| { "id": 1} |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","client":{"id":1},"tasks":[{"id":1},{"id":2}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/rpc/getproject?id=1&select=id,name,client:clients(id),tasks(id)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","client":{"id":1},"tasks":[{"id":1},{"id":2}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "cannot embed if the related table is not in the exposed schema" $ do post "/rpc/single_article?select=*,article_stars(*)" [json|{ "id": 1}|] `shouldRespondWith` 400 get "/rpc/single_article?id=1&select=*,article_stars(*)" `shouldRespondWith` 400 it "can embed if the related tables are in a hidden schema but exposed as views" $ do post "/rpc/single_article?select=id,articleStars(userId)" [json|{ "id": 2}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"id": 2, "articleStars": [{"userId": 3}]}|] get "/rpc/single_article?id=2&select=id,articleStars(userId)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"id": 2, "articleStars": [{"userId": 3}]}|] it "can embed an M2M relationship table" $ get "/rpc/getallusers?select=name,tasks(name)&id=gt.1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ {"name":"Michael Scott", "tasks":[{"name":"Design IOS"}, {"name":"Code IOS"}, {"name":"Design OSX"}]}, {"name":"Dwight Schrute","tasks":[{"name":"Design w7"}, {"name":"Design IOS"}]} ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can embed an M2M relationship table that has a parent relationship table" $ get "/rpc/getallusers?select=name,tasks(name,project:projects(name))&id=gt.1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ {"name":"Michael Scott","tasks":[ {"name":"Design IOS","project":{"name":"IOS"}}, {"name":"Code IOS","project":{"name":"IOS"}}, {"name":"Design OSX","project":{"name":"OSX"}} ]}, {"name":"Dwight Schrute","tasks":[ {"name":"Design w7","project":{"name":"Windows 7"}}, {"name":"Design IOS","project":{"name":"IOS"}} ]} ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion110) $ it "can embed if rpc returns domain of table type" $ do post "/rpc/getproject_domain?select=id,name,client:clients(id),tasks(id)" [json| { "id": 1} |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","client":{"id":1},"tasks":[{"id":1},{"id":2}]}]|] get "/rpc/getproject_domain?id=1&select=id,name,client:clients(id),tasks(id)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","client":{"id":1},"tasks":[{"id":1},{"id":2}]}]|] context "a proc that returns an empty rowset" $ it "returns empty json array" $ do post "/rpc/test_empty_rowset" [json| {} |] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/rpc/test_empty_rowset" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "proc return types" $ do context "returns text" $ do it "returns proper json" $ post "/rpc/sayhello" [json| { "name": "world" } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|"Hello, world"|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can handle unicode" $ post "/rpc/sayhello" [json| { "name": "¥" } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|"Hello, ¥"|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "returns array" $ post "/rpc/ret_array" [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[1, 2, 3]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "returns setof integers" $ post "/rpc/ret_setof_integers" [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[1,2,3]|] it "returns enum value" $ post "/rpc/ret_enum" [json|{ "val": "foo" }|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|"foo"|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "returns domain value" $ post "/rpc/ret_domain" [json|{ "val": "8" }|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|8|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "returns range" $ post "/rpc/ret_range" [json|{ "low": 10, "up": 20 }|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|"[10,20)"|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "returns row of scalars" $ post "/rpc/ret_scalars" [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"a":"scalars", "b":"foo", "c":1, "d":"[10,20)"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "returns composite type in exposed schema" $ post "/rpc/ret_point_2d" [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"x": 10, "y": 5}|] it "cannot return composite type in hidden schema" $ post "/rpc/ret_point_3d" [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` 401 when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion110) $ it "returns domain of composite type" $ post "/rpc/ret_composite_domain" [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"x": 10, "y": 5}|] it "returns single row from table" $ post "/rpc/single_article?select=id" [json|{"id": 2}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"id": 2}|] it "returns null for void" $ post "/rpc/ret_void" [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` "null" { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "returns null for an integer with null value" $ post "/rpc/ret_null" [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` "null" { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "different types when overloaded" $ do it "returns composite type" $ post "/rpc/ret_point_overloaded" [json|{"x": 1, "y": 2}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"x": 1, "y": 2}|] it "returns json scalar with prefer single object" $ request methodPost "/rpc/ret_point_overloaded" [("Prefer","params=single-object")] [json|{"x": 1, "y": 2}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"x": 1, "y": 2}|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "proc argument types" $ do -- different syntax for array needed for pg<10 when (actualPgVersion < pgVersion100) $ it "accepts a variety of arguments (Postgres < 10)" $ post "/rpc/varied_arguments" [json| { "double": 3.1, "varchar": "hello", "boolean": true, "date": "20190101", "money": 0, "enum": "foo", "arr": "{a,b,c}", "integer": 43, "json": {"some key": "some value"}, "jsonb": {"another key": [1, 2, "3"]} } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "double": 3.1, "varchar": "hello", "boolean": true, "date": "2019-01-01", "money": "$0.00", "enum": "foo", "arr": ["a", "b", "c"], "integer": 43, "json": {"some key": "some value"}, "jsonb": {"another key": [1, 2, "3"]} } |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion100) $ it "accepts a variety of arguments (Postgres >= 10)" $ post "/rpc/varied_arguments" [json| { "double": 3.1, "varchar": "hello", "boolean": true, "date": "20190101", "money": 0, "enum": "foo", "arr": ["a", "b", "c"], "integer": 43, "json": {"some key": "some value"}, "jsonb": {"another key": [1, 2, "3"]} } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "double": 3.1, "varchar": "hello", "boolean": true, "date": "2019-01-01", "money": "$0.00", "enum": "foo", "arr": ["a", "b", "c"], "integer": 43, "json": {"some key": "some value"}, "jsonb": {"another key": [1, 2, "3"]} } |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "accepts a variety of arguments with GET" $ -- without JSON / JSONB here, because passing those via query string is useless - they just become a "json string" all the time get "/rpc/varied_arguments?double=3.1&varchar=hello&boolean=true&date=20190101&money=0&enum=foo&arr=%7Ba,b,c%7D&integer=43" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "double": 3.1, "varchar": "hello", "boolean": true, "date": "2019-01-01", "money": "$0.00", "enum": "foo", "arr": ["a", "b", "c"], "integer": 43, "json": {}, "jsonb": {} } |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "accepts a variety of arguments from an html form" $ request methodPost "/rpc/varied_arguments" [("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")] "double=3.1&varchar=hello&boolean=true&date=20190101&money=0&enum=foo&arr=%7Ba,b,c%7D&integer=43" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "double": 3.1, "varchar": "hello", "boolean": true, "date": "2019-01-01", "money": "$0.00", "enum": "foo", "arr": ["a", "b", "c"], "integer": 43, "json": {}, "jsonb": {} } |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "parses embedded JSON arguments as JSON" $ post "/rpc/json_argument" [json| { "arg": { "key": 3 } } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|"object"|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } when (actualPgVersion < pgVersion100) $ it "parses quoted JSON arguments as JSON (Postgres < 10)" $ post "/rpc/json_argument" [json| { "arg": "{ \"key\": 3 }" } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|"object"|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } when ((actualPgVersion >= pgVersion109 && actualPgVersion < pgVersion110) || actualPgVersion >= pgVersion114) $ it "parses quoted JSON arguments as JSON string (from Postgres 10.9, 11.4)" $ post "/rpc/json_argument" [json| { "arg": "{ \"key\": 3 }" } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|"string"|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "improper input" $ do it "rejects unknown content type even if payload is good" $ do request methodPost "/rpc/sayhello" (acceptHdrs "audio/mpeg3") [json| { "name": "world" } |] `shouldRespondWith` 415 request methodGet "/rpc/sayhello?name=world" (acceptHdrs "audio/mpeg3") "" `shouldRespondWith` 415 it "rejects malformed json payload" $ do p <- request methodPost "/rpc/sayhello" (acceptHdrs "application/json") "sdfsdf" liftIO $ do simpleStatus p `shouldBe` badRequest400 isErrorFormat (simpleBody p) `shouldBe` True it "treats simple plpgsql raise as invalid input" $ do p <- post "/rpc/problem" "{}" liftIO $ do simpleStatus p `shouldBe` badRequest400 isErrorFormat (simpleBody p) `shouldBe` True it "treats plpgsql assert as internal server error" $ do p <- post "/rpc/assert" "{}" liftIO $ do simpleStatus p `shouldBe` internalServerError500 isErrorFormat (simpleBody p) `shouldBe` True context "unsupported verbs" $ do it "DELETE fails" $ request methodDelete "/rpc/sayhello" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"Bad Request"}|] { matchStatus = 405 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "PATCH fails" $ request methodPatch "/rpc/sayhello" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` 405 it "OPTIONS fails" $ -- TODO: should return info about the function request methodOptions "/rpc/sayhello" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` 405 it "executes the proc exactly once per request" $ do -- callcounter is persistent even with rollback, because it uses a sequence -- reset counter first to make test repeatable request methodPost "/rpc/reset_sequence" [("Prefer", "tx=commit")] [json|{"name": "callcounter_count", "value": 1}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|""|] -- now the test post "/rpc/callcounter" [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|1|] post "/rpc/callcounter" [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|2|] context "a proc that receives no parameters" $ do it "interprets empty string as empty json object on a post request" $ post "/rpc/noparamsproc" BL.empty `shouldRespondWith` [json| "Return value of no parameters procedure." |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "interprets empty string as a function with no args on a get request" $ get "/rpc/noparamsproc" `shouldRespondWith` [json| "Return value of no parameters procedure." |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "returns proper output when having the same return col name as the proc name" $ do post "/rpc/test" [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"test":"hello","value":1}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/rpc/test" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"test":"hello","value":1}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "procs with OUT/INOUT params" $ do it "returns an object result when there is a single OUT param" $ do get "/rpc/single_out_param?num=5" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"num_plus_one":6}|] get "/rpc/single_json_out_param?a=1&b=two" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"my_json": {"a": 1, "b": "two"}}|] it "returns an object result when there is a single INOUT param" $ get "/rpc/single_inout_param?num=2" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"num":3}|] it "returns an object result when there are many OUT params" $ get "/rpc/many_out_params" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"my_json":{"a": 1, "b": "two"},"num":3,"str":"four"}|] it "returns an object result when there are many INOUT params" $ get "/rpc/many_inout_params?num=1&str=two&b=false" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"num":1,"str":"two","b":false}|] context "procs with TABLE return" $ do it "returns an object result when there is a single-column TABLE return type" $ get "/rpc/single_column_table_return" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"a": "A"}]|] it "returns an object result when there is a multi-column TABLE return type" $ get "/rpc/multi_column_table_return" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"a": "A", "b": "B"}]|] context "procs with VARIADIC params" $ do when (actualPgVersion < pgVersion100) $ it "works with POST (Postgres < 10)" $ post "/rpc/variadic_param" [json| { "v": "{hi,hello,there}" } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|["hi", "hello", "there"]|] when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion100) $ do it "works with POST (Postgres >= 10)" $ post "/rpc/variadic_param" [json| { "v": ["hi", "hello", "there"] } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|["hi", "hello", "there"]|] context "works with GET and repeated params" $ do it "n=0 (through DEFAULT)" $ get "/rpc/variadic_param" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[]|] it "n=1" $ get "/rpc/variadic_param?v=hi" `shouldRespondWith` [json|["hi"]|] it "n>1" $ get "/rpc/variadic_param?v=hi&v=there" `shouldRespondWith` [json|["hi", "there"]|] context "works with POST and repeated params from html form" $ do it "n=0 (through DEFAULT)" $ request methodPost "/rpc/variadic_param" [("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[]|] it "n=1" $ request methodPost "/rpc/variadic_param" [("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")] "v=hi" `shouldRespondWith` [json|["hi"]|] it "n>1" $ request methodPost "/rpc/variadic_param" [("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")] "v=hi&v=there" `shouldRespondWith` [json|["hi", "there"]|] it "returns last value for repeated params without VARIADIC" $ get "/rpc/sayhello?name=ignored&name=world" `shouldRespondWith` [json|"Hello, world"|] when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion100) $ it "returns last value for repeated non-variadic params in function with other VARIADIC arguments" $ get "/rpc/sayhello_variadic?name=ignored&name=world&v=unused" `shouldRespondWith` [json|"Hello, world"|] it "can handle procs with args that have a DEFAULT value" $ do get "/rpc/many_inout_params?num=1&str=two" `shouldRespondWith` [json| {"num":1,"str":"two","b":true}|] get "/rpc/three_defaults?b=4" `shouldRespondWith` [json|8|] it "can map a RAISE error code and message to a http status" $ get "/rpc/raise_pt402" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{ "hint": "Upgrade your plan", "details": "Quota exceeded" }|] { matchStatus = 402 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "defaults to status 500 if RAISE code is PT not followed by a number" $ get "/rpc/raise_bad_pt" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"hint": null, "details": null}|] { matchStatus = 500 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } context "expects a single json object" $ do it "does not expand posted json into parameters" $ request methodPost "/rpc/singlejsonparam" [("prefer","params=single-object")] [json| { "p1": 1, "p2": "text", "p3" : {"obj":"text"} } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "p1": 1, "p2": "text", "p3" : {"obj":"text"} } |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "accepts parameters from an html form" $ request methodPost "/rpc/singlejsonparam" [("Prefer","params=single-object"),("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")] ("integer=7&double=2.71828&varchar=forms+are+fun&" <> "boolean=false&date=1900-01-01&money=$3.99&enum=foo") `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "integer": "7", "double": "2.71828", "varchar" : "forms are fun" , "boolean":"false", "date":"1900-01-01", "money":"$3.99", "enum":"foo" } |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works with GET" $ request methodGet "/rpc/singlejsonparam?p1=1&p2=text" [("Prefer","params=single-object")] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{ "p1": "1", "p2": "text"}|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "should work with an overloaded function" $ do it "overloaded()" $ get "/rpc/overloaded" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[1,2,3]|] it "overloaded(json) single-object" $ request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded" [("Prefer","params=single-object")] [json|[{"x": 1, "y": "first"}, {"x": 2, "y": "second"}]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"x": 1, "y": "first"}, {"x": 2, "y": "second"}]|] it "overloaded(int, int)" $ get "/rpc/overloaded?a=1&b=2" `shouldRespondWith` [str|3|] it "overloaded(text, text, text)" $ get "/rpc/overloaded?a=1&b=2&c=3" `shouldRespondWith` [json|"123"|] it "overloaded_html_form()" $ request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_html_form" [("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[1,2,3]|] it "overloaded_html_form(json) single-object" $ request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_html_form" [("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), ("Prefer","params=single-object")] "a=1&b=2&c=3" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"a": "1", "b": "2", "c": "3"}|] it "overloaded_html_form(int, int)" $ request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_html_form" [("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")] "a=1&b=2" `shouldRespondWith` [str|3|] it "overloaded_html_form(text, text, text)" $ request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_html_form" [("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")] "a=1&b=2&c=3" `shouldRespondWith` [json|"123"|] -- context "embedding overloaded functions with the same signature except for the last param with a default value" $ do it "overloaded_default(text default)" $ do request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_default?select=id,name,users(name)" [("Content-Type", "application/json")] [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id": 2, "name": "Code w7", "users": [{"name": "Angela Martin"}]}] |] it "overloaded_default(int)" $ request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_default" [("Content-Type", "application/json")] [json|{"must_param":1}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"val":1}|] it "overloaded_default(int, text default)" $ do request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_default?select=id,name,users(name)" [("Content-Type", "application/json")] [json|{"a":4}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id": 5, "name": "Design IOS", "users": [{"name": "Michael Scott"}, {"name": "Dwight Schrute"}]}] |] it "overloaded_default(int, int)" $ request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_default" [("Content-Type", "application/json")] [json|{"a":2,"must_param":4}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"a":2,"val":4}|] context "only for POST rpc" $ do it "gives a parse filter error if GET style proc args are specified" $ post "/rpc/sayhello?name=John" [json|{name: "John"}|] `shouldRespondWith` 400 it "ignores json keys not included in ?columns" $ post "/rpc/sayhello?columns=name" [json|{"name": "John", "smth": "here", "other": "stuff", "fake_id": 13}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|"Hello, John"|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "only takes the first object in case of array of objects payload" $ post "/rpc/add_them" [json|[ {"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"a": 4, "b": 6}, {"a": 100, "b": 200} ]|] `shouldRespondWith` "3" { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "bulk RPC with params=multiple-objects" $ do it "works with a scalar function an returns a json array" $ request methodPost "/rpc/add_them" [("Prefer", "params=multiple-objects")] [json|[ {"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"a": 4, "b": 6}, {"a": 100, "b": 200} ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [3, 10, 300] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works with a scalar function an returns a json array when posting CSV" $ request methodPost "/rpc/add_them" [("Content-Type", "text/csv"), ("Prefer", "params=multiple-objects")] "a,b\n1,2\n4,6\n100,200" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [3, 10, 300] |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "works with a non-scalar result" $ request methodPost "/rpc/get_projects_below?select=id,name" [("Prefer", "params=multiple-objects")] [json|[ {"id": 1}, {"id": 5} ]|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7"}, {"id":2,"name":"Windows 10"}, {"id":3,"name":"IOS"}, {"id":4,"name":"OSX"}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "HTTP request env vars" $ do it "custom header is set" $ request methodPost "/rpc/get_guc_value" [("Custom-Header", "test")] ( if actualPgVersion >= pgVersion140 then [json| { "prefix": "request.headers", "name": "custom-header" } |] else [json| { "name": "request.header.custom-header" } |] ) `shouldRespondWith` [json|"test"|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } it "standard header is set" $ request methodPost "/rpc/get_guc_value" [("Origin", "")] ( if actualPgVersion >= pgVersion140 then [json| { "prefix": "request.headers", "name": "origin" } |] else [json| { "name": "request.header.origin" } |] ) `shouldRespondWith` [json|""|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } it "current role is available as GUC claim" $ request methodPost "/rpc/get_guc_value" [] ( if actualPgVersion >= pgVersion140 then [json| { "prefix": "", "name": "role" } |] else [json| { "name": "request.jwt.claim.role" } |] ) `shouldRespondWith` [json|"postgrest_test_anonymous"|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } it "single cookie ends up as claims" $ request methodPost "/rpc/get_guc_value" [("Cookie","acookie=cookievalue")] ( if actualPgVersion >= pgVersion140 then [json| {"prefix": "request.cookies", "name":"acookie"} |] else [json| {"name":"request.cookie.acookie"} |] ) `shouldRespondWith` [json|"cookievalue"|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [] } it "multiple cookies ends up as claims" $ request methodPost "/rpc/get_guc_value" [("Cookie","acookie=cookievalue;secondcookie=anothervalue")] ( if actualPgVersion >= pgVersion140 then [json| {"prefix": "request.cookies", "name":"secondcookie"} |] else [json| {"name":"request.cookie.secondcookie"} |] ) `shouldRespondWith` [json|"anothervalue"|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [] } it "app settings available" $ request methodPost "/rpc/get_guc_value" [] [json| { "name": "app.settings.app_host" } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|"localhost"|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } it "gets the Authorization value" $ request methodPost "/rpc/get_guc_value" [authHeaderJWT "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjoicG9zdGdyZXN0X3Rlc3RfYXV0aG9yIn0.Xod-F15qsGL0WhdOCr2j3DdKuTw9QJERVgoFD3vGaWA"] ( if actualPgVersion >= pgVersion140 then [json| {"prefix": "request.headers", "name":"authorization"} |] else [json| {"name":"request.header.authorization"} |] ) `shouldRespondWith` [json|"Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjoicG9zdGdyZXN0X3Rlc3RfYXV0aG9yIn0.Xod-F15qsGL0WhdOCr2j3DdKuTw9QJERVgoFD3vGaWA"|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [] } it "gets the http method" $ request methodPost "/rpc/get_guc_value" [] [json| {"name":"request.method"} |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|"POST"|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [] } it "gets the http path" $ request methodPost "/rpc/get_guc_value" [] [json| {"name":"request.path"} |] `shouldRespondWith` [json|"/rpc/get_guc_value"|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [] } context "binary output" $ do context "Proc that returns scalar" $ do it "can query without selecting column" $ request methodPost "/rpc/ret_base64_bin" (acceptHdrs "application/octet-stream") "" `shouldRespondWith` "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAB4AAAAeAQMAAAAB/jzhAAAABlBMVEUAAAD/AAAb/40iAAAAP0lEQVQI12NgwAbYG2AE/wEYwQMiZB4ACQkQYZEAIgqAhAGIKLCAEQ8kgMT/P1CCEUwc4IMSzA3sUIIdCHECAGSQEkeOTUyCAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "application/octet-stream"] } it "can get raw output with Accept: text/plain" $ request methodGet "/rpc/welcome" (acceptHdrs "text/plain") "" `shouldRespondWith` "Welcome to PostgREST" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "text/plain; charset=utf-8"] } context "Proc that returns set of scalars" $ it "can query without selecting column" $ request methodGet "/rpc/welcome_twice" (acceptHdrs "text/plain") "" `shouldRespondWith` "Welcome to PostgRESTWelcome to PostgREST" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "text/plain; charset=utf-8"] } context "Proc that returns rows" $ do it "can query if a single column is selected" $ request methodPost "/rpc/ret_rows_with_base64_bin?select=img" (acceptHdrs "application/octet-stream") "" `shouldRespondWith` "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAB4AAAAeAQMAAAAB/jzhAAAABlBMVEUAAAD/AAAb/40iAAAAP0lEQVQI12NgwAbYG2AE/wEYwQMiZB4ACQkQYZEAIgqAhAGIKLCAEQ8kgMT/P1CCEUwc4IMSzA3sUIIdCHECAGSQEkeOTUyCAAAAAElFTkSuQmCCiVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAB4AAAAeAQMAAAAB/jzhAAAABlBMVEX///8AAP94wDzzAAAAL0lEQVQIW2NgwAb+HwARH0DEDyDxwAZEyGAhLODqHmBRzAcn5GAS///A1IF14AAA5/Adbiiz/0gAAAAASUVORK5CYII=" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "application/octet-stream"] } it "fails if a single column is not selected" $ request methodPost "/rpc/ret_rows_with_base64_bin" (acceptHdrs "application/octet-stream") "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| {"message":"application/octet-stream requested but more than one column was selected"} |] { matchStatus = 406 } context "only for GET rpc" $ do it "should fail on mutating procs" $ do get "/rpc/callcounter" `shouldRespondWith` 405 get "/rpc/setprojects?id_l=1&id_h=5&name=FreeBSD" `shouldRespondWith` 405 it "should filter a proc that has arg name = filter name" $ get "/rpc/get_projects_below?id=5&id=gt.2&select=id" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{ "id": 3 }, { "id": 4 }]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "should work with filters that have the not operator" $ do get "/rpc/get_projects_below?id=5&" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{ "id": 1 }, { "id": 2 }]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/rpc/get_projects_below?id=5&,3)&select=id" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{ "id": 2 }, { "id": 4 }]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "should work with filters that use the plain with language fts operator" $ do get "/rpc/get_tsearch?text_search_vector=fts(english).impossible" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"text_search_vector":"'fun':5 'imposs':9 'kind':3"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/rpc/get_tsearch?text_search_vector=plfts.impossible" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"text_search_vector":"'fun':5 'imposs':9 'kind':3"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/rpc/get_tsearch?text_search_vector=not.fts(english).fun%7Crat" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"text_search_vector":"'amus':5 'fair':7 'impossibl':9 'peu':4"},{"text_search_vector":"'art':4 'spass':5 'unmog':7"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } when (actualPgVersion >= pgVersion112) $ get "/rpc/get_tsearch?text_search_vector=wfts.impossible" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"text_search_vector":"'fun':5 'imposs':9 'kind':3"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "should work with the phraseto_tsquery function" $ get "/rpc/get_tsearch?text_search_vector=phfts(english).impossible" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"text_search_vector":"'fun':5 'imposs':9 'kind':3"}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "should work with an argument of custom type in public schema" $ get "/rpc/test_arg?my_arg=something" `shouldRespondWith` [json|"foobar"|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "GUC headers on function calls" $ do it "succeeds setting the headers" $ do get "/rpc/get_projects_and_guc_headers?id=eq.2&select=id" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id": 2}]|] {matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson, "X-Test" <:> "key1=val1; someValue; key2=val2", "X-Test-2" <:> "key1=val1"]} get "/rpc/get_int_and_guc_headers?num=1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|1|] {matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson, "X-Test" <:> "key1=val1; someValue; key2=val2", "X-Test-2" <:> "key1=val1"]} post "/rpc/get_int_and_guc_headers" [json|{"num": 1}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|1|] {matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson, "X-Test" <:> "key1=val1; someValue; key2=val2", "X-Test-2" <:> "key1=val1"]} it "fails when setting headers with wrong json structure" $ do get "/rpc/bad_guc_headers_1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"response.headers guc must be a JSON array composed of objects with a single key and a string value"}|] { matchStatus = 500 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } get "/rpc/bad_guc_headers_2" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"response.headers guc must be a JSON array composed of objects with a single key and a string value"}|] { matchStatus = 500 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } get "/rpc/bad_guc_headers_3" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"response.headers guc must be a JSON array composed of objects with a single key and a string value"}|] { matchStatus = 500 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } post "/rpc/bad_guc_headers_1" [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"response.headers guc must be a JSON array composed of objects with a single key and a string value"}|] { matchStatus = 500 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } it "can set the same http header twice" $ get "/rpc/set_cookie_twice" `shouldRespondWith` "null" { matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson , "Set-Cookie" <:> "sessionid=38afes7a8; HttpOnly; Path=/" , "Set-Cookie" <:> "id=a3fWa; Expires=Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT; Secure; HttpOnly" ]} it "can override the Location header on a trigger" $ post "/stuff" [json|[{"id": 2, "name": "stuff 2"}]|] `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 201 , matchHeaders = ["Location" <:> "/stuff?id=eq.2&overriden=true"] } -- On -- it was reported that blank headers ` : ` where added and that cause proxies to fail the requests. -- These tests are to ensure no blank headers are added. context "Blank headers bug" $ do it "shouldn't add blank headers on POST" $ do r <- request methodPost "/loc_test" [] [json|{"id": "1", "c": "c1"}|] liftIO $ do let respHeaders = simpleHeaders r respHeaders `shouldSatisfy` noBlankHeader it "shouldn't add blank headers on PATCH" $ do r <- request methodPatch "/loc_test?id=eq.1" [] [json|{"c": "c2"}|] liftIO $ do let respHeaders = simpleHeaders r respHeaders `shouldSatisfy` noBlankHeader it "shouldn't add blank headers on GET" $ do r <- request methodGet "/loc_test" [] "" liftIO $ do let respHeaders = simpleHeaders r respHeaders `shouldSatisfy` noBlankHeader it "shouldn't add blank headers on DELETE" $ do r <- request methodDelete "/loc_test?id=eq.1" [] "" liftIO $ do let respHeaders = simpleHeaders r respHeaders `shouldSatisfy` noBlankHeader context "GUC status override" $ do it "can override the status on RPC" $ get "/rpc/send_body_status_403" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message" : "invalid user or password"}|] { matchStatus = 403 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } it "can override the status through trigger" $ patch "/stuff?id=eq.1" [json|[{"name": "updated stuff 1"}]|] `shouldRespondWith` 205 it "fails when setting invalid status guc" $ get "/rpc/send_bad_status" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"message":"response.status guc must be a valid status code"}|] { matchStatus = 500 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } context "single unnamed param" $ do it "can insert json directly" $ post "/rpc/unnamed_json_param" [json|{"A": 1, "B": 2, "C": 3}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"A": 1, "B": 2, "C": 3}|] it "can insert text directly" $ request methodPost "/rpc/unnamed_text_param" [("Content-Type", "text/plain"), ("Accept", "text/plain")] [str|unnamed text arg|] `shouldRespondWith` [str|unnamed text arg|] it "can insert bytea directly" $ do let file = unsafePerformIO $ BL.readFile "test/spec/fixtures/image.png" r <- request methodPost "/rpc/unnamed_bytea_param" [("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"), ("Accept", "application/octet-stream")] file liftIO $ do let respBody = simpleBody r respBody `shouldBe` file it "will err when no function with single unnamed json parameter exists and application/json is specified" $ request methodPost "/rpc/unnamed_int_param" [("Content-Type", "application/json")] [json|{"x": 1, "y": 2}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{ "hint": "If a new function was created in the database with this name and parameters, try reloading the schema cache.", "message": "Could not find the test.unnamed_int_param(x, y) function or the test.unnamed_int_param function with a single unnamed json or jsonb parameter in the schema cache" }|] { matchStatus = 404 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } it "will err when no function with single unnamed text parameter exists and text/plain is specified" $ request methodPost "/rpc/unnamed_int_param" [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] [str|a simple text|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{ "hint": "If a new function was created in the database with this name and parameters, try reloading the schema cache.", "message": "Could not find the test.unnamed_int_param function with a single unnamed text parameter in the schema cache" }|] { matchStatus = 404 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } it "will err when no function with single unnamed bytea parameter exists and application/octet-stream is specified" $ let file = unsafePerformIO $ BL.readFile "test/spec/fixtures/image.png" in request methodPost "/rpc/unnamed_int_param" [("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")] file `shouldRespondWith` [json|{ "hint": "If a new function was created in the database with this name and parameters, try reloading the schema cache.", "message": "Could not find the test.unnamed_int_param function with a single unnamed bytea parameter in the schema cache" }|] { matchStatus = 404 , matchHeaders = [ matchContentTypeJson ] } it "should be able to resolve when a single unnamed json parameter exists and other overloaded functions are found" $ do request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_unnamed_param" [("Content-Type", "application/json")] [json|{}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| 1 |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_unnamed_param" [("Content-Type", "application/json")] [json|{"x": 1, "y": 2}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| 3 |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "should be able to fallback to the single unnamed parameter function when other overloaded functions are not found" $ do request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_unnamed_param" [("Content-Type", "application/json")] [json|{"A": 1, "B": 2, "C": 3}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json|{"A": 1, "B": 2, "C": 3}|] request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_unnamed_param" [("Content-Type", "text/plain"), ("Accept", "text/plain")] [str|unnamed text arg|] `shouldRespondWith` [str|unnamed text arg|] let file = unsafePerformIO $ BL.readFile "test/spec/fixtures/image.png" r <- request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_unnamed_param" [("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"), ("Accept", "application/octet-stream")] file liftIO $ do let respBody = simpleBody r respBody `shouldBe` file it "should call the function with no parameters and not fallback to the single unnamed parameter function when using GET with Content-Type headers" $ do request methodGet "/rpc/overloaded_unnamed_param" [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| 1|] { matchStatus = 200 } request methodGet "/rpc/overloaded_unnamed_param" [("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| 1|] { matchStatus = 200 } it "should fail to fallback to any single unnamed parameter function when using an unsupported Content-Type header" $ do request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_unnamed_param" [("Content-Type", "text/csv")] "a,b\n1,2\n4,6\n100,200" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "hint":"If a new function was created in the database with this name and parameters, try reloading the schema cache.", "message":"Could not find the test.overloaded_unnamed_param(a, b) function in the schema cache"}|] { matchStatus = 404 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "should fail with multiple choices when two fallback functions with single unnamed json and jsonb parameters exist" $ do request methodPost "/rpc/overloaded_unnamed_json_jsonb_param" [("Content-Type", "application/json")] [json|{"A": 1, "B": 2, "C": 3}|] `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "hint":"Try renaming the parameters or the function itself in the database so function overloading can be resolved", "message":"Could not choose the best candidate function between: test.overloaded_unnamed_json_jsonb_param( => json), test.overloaded_unnamed_json_jsonb_param( => jsonb)"}|] { matchStatus = 300 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] }