powerdns: PowerDNS API bindings for api/v1

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PowerDNS API allows programmatic manipulation of zones and other metadata. This library is a thin wrapper, exposing most of the idiosyncracies directly.

Users are advised to refer to the PowerDNS documentation and its source code for the exact semantics.

All exposed API endpoints are provided.

import qualified PowerDNS.Client as P
import           Network.HTTP.Client (newManager, defaultManagerSettings)
import           Servant.Client (runClientM, mkClientEnv, parseBarseUrl)

main :: IO
main = do
  uri <- parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8081"
  mgr <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
  let env = P.applyXApiKey "secret" (mkClientEnv mgr uri)

  Right r <- runClientM (P.statistics "localhost" Nothing Nothing) env)
  traverse_ print r


Maintainer's Corner

Package maintainers

For package maintainers and hackage trustees


  • No Candidates
Versions [RSS] 0.1, 0.1.1, 0.2.0, 0.2.1, 0.2.2, 0.3.0, 0.4.0, 0.4.1, 0.4.2, 0.4.3, 0.4.4
Change log CHANGELOG.md
Dependencies aeson (>=1.5.6 && <1.6 || >= && <2.1 || >= && <2.2 || >= && <2.3), base (>=4.12 && <4.20), base64-bytestring (>=1.1.0 && <1.2 || >= && <1.3), bytestring (>=0.10.10 && <0.11 || >=0.11.0 && <0.12 || >= && <0.13), case-insensitive (>=1.2.1 && <1.3), containers (>=0.6.2 && <0.8), deepseq (>=1.4.4 && <1.5 || >=1.5.0 && <1.6), hashable (>= && <1.4 || >= && <1.5), servant (>=0.18.2 && <0.21), servant-client (>=0.18.2 && <0.21), servant-client-core (>=0.18.2 && <0.21), text (>=1.2.4 && <1.3 || >=2.0 && <2.2), time (>=1.9.3 && <1.11 || >=1.12 && <1.13 || >=1.14 && <1.15) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright (c) 2021 Victor Nawothnig
Author Victor Nawothnig, Julian Jacobi
Maintainer Victor Nawothnig (dminuoso@icloud.com)
Category Network
Bug tracker https://gitlab.com/wobcom/haskell/powerdns/issues
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2024-06-03 [all 1 reports]