### `pretty-ghci` [![Build Status][0]][1] This library will make your GHCi experience colourful in 3 steps: 1. Install the executable globally with `cabal v2-install pretty-ghci` 2. Modify your `~/.ghc/ghci.conf` ```haskell :set prompt "λ> " :set prompt-cont "|> " -- Typing `:pretty` will turn on the pretty-printing :set -package process :{ :def pretty \_ -> pure $ unlines $ [ ":{" , "let pprint x = System.Process.withCreateProcess cp' $ \\(Just i) _ _ ph -> do" , " System.IO.hPutStrLn i (show x)" , " System.IO.hClose i" , " _ <- System.Process.waitForProcess ph" , " pure ()" , " where cp = System.Process.proc \"pp-ghci\" [\"--value\", \"--smarter-layout\"]" , " cp' = cp{ System.Process.std_out = System.Process.Inherit" , " , System.Process.std_err = System.Process.Inherit" , " , System.Process.std_in = System.Process.CreatePipe }" , ":}" , ":set -interactive-print pprint" ] :} -- Typing `:no-pretty` will turn off the pretty-printing :def no-pretty \_ -> pure (":set -interactive-print System.IO.print") -- Make things pretty by default! :pretty ``` 3. Enjoy! ## Advantages over existing alternatives * One stop-solution for formatting and coloring with a small dependency graph * Takes your terminal width into account during the layout step * Works for values whose `Show` instance don't produce valid Haskell (ex: `Show (->)`) * Handles unboxed literals (ex: `MyTriple 1# 2.0# "hello"#`) * Your output will be coloured according to its lexical structure even if parsing fails * Install one global executable, not one library per GHC version * Works in `cabal repl` (although you need to call `:pretty` once at the start) [0]: https://travis-ci.org/harpocrates/pretty-ghci.svg?branch=master [1]: https://travis-ci.org/harpocrates/pretty-ghci