# HaskellPrintDebugger Prints lines with IDE friendly stack traces in Haskell. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Example: > debugTraceIO "foobar" foobar in thread "1" :     at Main.call(Main.hs:41) See screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/KCXYHNk.png ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions: 1. Add the file "StackTraceDebug.hs" to your Haskell project. 2. Add "import StackTraceDebug" if you want to call the function 3. Call "debugTraceIO" with any String argument. 4. When you are done, remove or comment out all calls to debugTraceIO. 5. Optionally, set value "debugMode" to "False" in "StackTraceDebug.hs" to mute all calls to "debugTraceIO". ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Benefits: - Does not require to be compiled with "-prof" - Easier to locate your print statements - Location of print statement can be highlighted in an IDE - Easy to turn print statemments on/off without having to manually uncomment each one. - Public Domain ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Requirements: - GHC 7.10.1 (or greater) - "-XImplicitParams" compiler option - "split" package or addition of ", split" to "build-depends" line in ".cabal" file ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Configuration: Sample ".cabal" file: > name: HaskellProject1 > version: 1.0 > Build-Type: Simple > cabal-version: >= 1.2 > > executable HaskellProject1 > main-is: Main.hs > hs-source-dirs: src > build-depends: base, split Sample compilation:     $> ghc StackTraceDebug.hs -Wall -Werror -XImplicitParams ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Know bugs: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35354153/haskell-cannot-import-ghc-srcloc ^ Doesn't build correctly on Caball Ubuntu 14.04 with old (ubuntu LTS repo) version of GHC. (but compiles fine on Windows with "ghc StackTraceDebug.hs -Wall -Werror -XImplicitParams") To report or pinpoint bugs, email johnmichaelreedfas@gmail.com