prob: Discrete probability monad

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Provides the Distribution monad, which describes discrete probability distributions.

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Versions [RSS], 0.1.1
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Dependencies base (>=4.12 && <5), containers, random [details]
Tested with ghc ==8.6.5 || ==8.8.4 || ==8.10.7 || ==9.0.2 || ==9.2.3
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Chris Smith and Shae Erisson
Maintainer Chris Smith <>
Category Math
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Uploaded by ChrisSmith at 2022-12-19T00:33:26Z
Distributions NixOS:0.1.1
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Last success reported on 2022-12-19 [all 1 reports]

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A monad for discrete probability distributions in Haskell. The type Distribution prob a represents a probability distribution over values of a, with probability represented by the type prob. The meaning is very similar to However, this implementation is carefully designed to work with potentially infinite distributions and recursive do blocks, which do not always work correctly there.

For example, the following definition:

rerollOnes = do
  x <- uniform [1 .. 6]
  if x == 1
    then rerollOnes
    else return x

is a perfectly good description of a stochastic process that rolls a die, but rerolls the die indefinitely if it lands on a 1. The distribution monad from the probability package hangs when asked to describe this distribution:

ghci> rerollOnes
fromFreqs ^CInterrupted.

This library, by contrast, gives a productive answer. Note, however, that it is an infinite answer:

ghci> possibilities rerollOnes
[(0.16666666666666666,2), (2.7777777777777776e-2,2), (0.16666666666666666,3),
(4.629629629629629e-3,2), (2.7777777777777776e-2,3), (0.16666666666666663,4),
(7.716049382716048e-4,2), (4.6296296296296285e-3,3), (2.7777777777777776e-2,4),
(0.1666666666666666,5), (0.16666666666666677,6), (1.2860082304526747e-4,2),
(7.716049382716048e-4,3), (4.6296296296296285e-3,4) ,(2.777777777777777e-2,5),
(2.7777777777777797e-2,6), (2.143347050754458e-5,2), (1.2860082304526747e-4,3),
(7.716049382716047e-4,4), (4.6296296296296285e-3,5), (4.629629629629632e-3,6),
(3.572245084590763e-6,2), (2.143347050754458e-5,3), (1.2860082304526747e-4,4),

Left to run long enough, the program will continue to emit possibilities, with the sums converging toward the expected result of a 0.2 probability of rolling each number from 2 through 6. You can also use finitize to approximate the result:

ghci> possibilities $ simplify (finitize 0.00001 d)
[(0.19999998015419398,2), (0.19999988092516383,3), (0.19999928555098298,4),

Internally, a value of type Distribution prob a is represented not as a list of possibilities but as a binary decision tree. This is a rich enough structure to allow productive enumeration of all possibilities using a breadth-first traversal, even if the process described is infinite and left recursive.