{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module System.Process.CommunicationHandle.Internal ( -- * 'CommunicationHandle': a 'Handle' that can be serialised, -- enabling inter-process communication. CommunicationHandle(..) , closeCommunicationHandle -- ** Internal functions , useCommunicationHandle , createCommunicationPipe ) where import Control.Arrow ( first ) import GHC.IO.Handle (Handle, hClose) #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) import Foreign.C (CInt(..), throwErrnoIf_) import Foreign.Marshal (alloca) import Foreign.Ptr (ptrToWordPtr, wordPtrToPtr) import Foreign.Storable (Storable(peek)) import GHC.IO.Handle.FD (fdToHandle) import GHC.IO.IOMode (IOMode(ReadMode, WriteMode)) import System.Process.Windows (HANDLE, mkNamedPipe) ## if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) import Control.Exception (catch, throwIO) import GHC.IO (onException) import GHC.IO.Device as IODevice (close, devType) import GHC.IO.Encoding (getLocaleEncoding) import GHC.IO.Exception (IOException(..), IOErrorType(InvalidArgument)) import GHC.IO.IOMode (IOMode(ReadWriteMode)) import GHC.IO.Handle.Windows (mkHandleFromHANDLE) import GHC.IO.SubSystem (()) import GHC.IO.Windows.Handle (Io, NativeHandle, fromHANDLE) import GHC.Event.Windows (associateHandle') import System.Process.Common (rawHANDLEToHandle) ## else import System.Process.Common (rawFdToHandle) ## endif #include /* for _O_BINARY */ #else import GHC.IO.FD ( mkFD, setNonBlockingMode ) import GHC.IO.Handle ( noNewlineTranslation ) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,16,0) import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals ( mkFileHandleNoFinalizer ) #else import GHC.IO.IOMode ( IOMode(..) ) import GHC.IO.Handle.Types ( HandleType(..) ) import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals ( mkHandle ) #endif import System.Posix ( Fd(..) , FdOption(..), setFdOption ) import System.Posix.Internals ( fdGetMode ) import System.Process.Internals ( createPipeFd ) #endif -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Communication handles. -- | A 'CommunicationHandle' is an abstraction over operating-system specific -- internal representation of a 'Handle', which can be communicated through a -- command-line interface. -- -- In a typical use case, the parent process creates a pipe, using e.g. -- 'createWeReadTheyWritePipe' or 'createTheyReadWeWritePipe'. -- -- - One end of the pipe is a 'Handle', which can be read from/written to by -- the parent process. -- - The other end is a 'CommunicationHandle', which can be inherited by a -- child process. A reference to the handle can be serialised (using -- the 'Show' instance), and passed to the child process. -- It is recommended to close the parent's reference to the 'CommunicationHandle' -- using 'closeCommunicationHandle' after it has been inherited by the child -- process. -- - The child process can deserialise the 'CommunicationHandle' (using -- the 'Read' instance), and then use 'openCommunicationHandleWrite' or -- 'openCommunicationHandleRead' in order to retrieve a 'Handle' which it -- can write to/read from. -- -- 'readCreateProcessWithExitCodeCommunicationHandle' provides a high-level API -- to this functionality. See there for example code. -- -- @since newtype CommunicationHandle = CommunicationHandle ##if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) HANDLE ##else Fd ##endif deriving ( Eq, Ord ) #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) type Fd = CInt #endif -- @since instance Show CommunicationHandle where showsPrec p (CommunicationHandle h) = showsPrec p ##if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) $ ptrToWordPtr ##endif h -- @since instance Read CommunicationHandle where readsPrec p str = fmap ( first $ CommunicationHandle ##if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) . wordPtrToPtr ##endif ) $ readsPrec p str -- | Internal function used to define 'openCommunicationHandleRead' and -- openCommunicationHandleWrite. useCommunicationHandle :: Bool -> CommunicationHandle -> IO Handle useCommunicationHandle _wantToRead (CommunicationHandle ch) = do ##if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) return () associateHandleWithFallback _wantToRead ch ##endif getGhcHandle ch -- | Close a 'CommunicationHandle'. -- -- Use this to close the 'CommunicationHandle' in the parent process after -- the 'CommunicationHandle' has been inherited by the child process. -- -- @since closeCommunicationHandle :: CommunicationHandle -> IO () closeCommunicationHandle (CommunicationHandle ch) = hClose =<< getGhcHandle ch ##if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) -- Internal function used when associating a 'HANDLE' with the current process. -- -- Explanation: with WinIO, a synchronous handle cannot be associated with the -- current process, while an asynchronous one must be associated before being usable. -- -- In a child process, we don't necessarily know which kind of handle we will receive, -- so we try to associate it (in case it is an asynchronous handle). This might -- fail (if the handle is synchronous), in which case we continue in synchronous -- mode (without associating). -- -- With the current API, inheritable handles in WinIO created with mkNamedPipe -- are synchronous, but it's best to be safe in case the child receives an -- asynchronous handle anyway. associateHandleWithFallback :: Bool -> HANDLE -> IO () associateHandleWithFallback _wantToRead h = associateHandle' h `catch` handler where handler :: IOError -> IO () handler ioErr@(IOError { ioe_handle = _mbErrHandle, ioe_type = errTy, ioe_errno = mbErrNo }) -- Catches the following error that occurs when attemping to associate -- a HANDLE that does not have OVERLAPPING mode set: -- -- associateHandleWithIOCP: invalid argument (The parameter is incorrect.) | InvalidArgument <- errTy , Just 22 <- mbErrNo = return () | otherwise = throwIO ioErr ##endif -- | Gets a GHC Handle File description from the given OS Handle or POSIX fd. #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) getGhcHandle :: HANDLE -> IO Handle getGhcHandle = getGhcHandlePOSIX ## if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) getGhcHandleNative ## endif getGhcHandlePOSIX :: HANDLE -> IO Handle getGhcHandlePOSIX handle = openHANDLE handle >>= fdToHandle openHANDLE :: HANDLE -> IO Fd openHANDLE handle = _open_osfhandle handle (#const _O_BINARY) foreign import ccall "io.h _open_osfhandle" _open_osfhandle :: HANDLE -> CInt -> IO Fd ## if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) getGhcHandleNative :: HANDLE -> IO Handle getGhcHandleNative hwnd = do mb_codec <- fmap Just getLocaleEncoding let iomode = ReadWriteMode native_handle = fromHANDLE hwnd :: Io NativeHandle hw_type <- IODevice.devType $ native_handle mkHandleFromHANDLE native_handle hw_type (show hwnd) iomode mb_codec `onException` IODevice.close native_handle ## endif #else getGhcHandle :: Fd -> IO Handle getGhcHandle (Fd fdint) = do iomode <- fdGetMode fdint (fd0, _) <- mkFD fdint iomode Nothing False True -- The following copies over 'mkHandleFromFDNoFinalizer' fd <- setNonBlockingMode fd0 True let fd_str = "" # if MIN_VERSION_base(4,16,0) mkFileHandleNoFinalizer fd fd_str iomode Nothing noNewlineTranslation # else mkHandle fd fd_str (ioModeToHandleType iomode) True Nothing noNewlineTranslation Nothing Nothing ioModeToHandleType :: IOMode -> HandleType ioModeToHandleType mode = case mode of ReadMode -> ReadHandle WriteMode -> WriteHandle ReadWriteMode -> ReadWriteHandle AppendMode -> AppendHandle # endif #endif -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Creating pipes. -- | Internal helper function used to define 'createWeReadTheyWritePipe' -- and 'createTheyReadWeWritePipe' while reducing code duplication. -- -- The returned 'Handle' does not have any finalizers attached to it; -- use 'hClose' to close it. createCommunicationPipe :: ( forall a. (a, a) -> (a, a) ) -- ^ 'id' (we read, they write) or 'swap' (they read, we write) -> Bool -- ^ whether to pass a handle supporting asynchronous I/O to the child process -- (this flag only has an effect on Windows and when using WinIO) -> IO (Handle, CommunicationHandle) createCommunicationPipe swapIfTheyReadWeWrite _passAsyncHandleToChild = do ##if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) -- NB: it's important to use 'createPipeFd' here. -- -- Were we to instead use 'createPipe', we would create a Handle for both pipe -- ends, including the end we pass to the child. -- Such Handle would have a finalizer which closes the underlying file descriptor. -- However, we will already close the FD after it is inherited by the child. -- This could lead to the following scenario: -- -- - the parent creates a new pipe, e.g. pipe2([7,8]), -- - the parent spawns a child process, and lets FD 8 be inherited by the child, -- - the parent closes FD 8, -- - the parent opens FD 8 for some other purpose, e.g. for writing to a file, -- - the finalizer for the Handle wrapping FD 8 runs, closing FD 8, even though -- it is now in use for a completely different purpose. (ourFd, theirFd) <- swapIfTheyReadWeWrite <$> createPipeFd -- Don't allow the child process to inherit a parent file descriptor -- (such inheritance happens by default on Unix). setFdOption (Fd ourFd) CloseOnExec True -- NB: we will be closing this handle manually, so don't use 'handleFromFd' -- which attaches a finalizer that closes the FD. See the above comment -- about 'createPipeFd'. ourHandle <- getGhcHandle (Fd ourFd) return (ourHandle, CommunicationHandle $ Fd theirFd) ##else trueForWinIO <- return False ## if defined (__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) return True ## endif -- On Windows, use mkNamedPipe to create the two pipe ends. alloca $ \ pfdStdInput -> alloca $ \ pfdStdOutput -> do let (inheritRead, inheritWrite) = swapIfTheyReadWeWrite (False, True) -- WinIO: -- - make the parent pipe end overlapped, -- - make the child end overlapped if requested, -- Otherwise: make both pipe ends synchronous. overlappedRead = trueForWinIO && ( _passAsyncHandleToChild || not inheritRead ) overlappedWrite = trueForWinIO && ( _passAsyncHandleToChild || not inheritWrite ) throwErrnoIf_ (==False) "mkNamedPipe" $ mkNamedPipe pfdStdInput inheritRead overlappedRead pfdStdOutput inheritWrite overlappedWrite let ((ourPtr, ourMode), (theirPtr, _theirMode)) = swapIfTheyReadWeWrite ((pfdStdInput, ReadMode), (pfdStdOutput, WriteMode)) ourHANDLE <- peek ourPtr theirHANDLE <- peek theirPtr -- With WinIO, we need to associate any handles we are going to use in -- the current process before being able to use them. return () ## if defined (__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) associateHandle' ourHANDLE ## endif ourHandle <- ## if !defined (__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) ( \ fd -> rawFdToHandle fd ourMode ) =<< openHANDLE ourHANDLE ## else -- NB: it's OK to call the following function even when we're not -- using WinIO at runtime, so we don't use . rawHANDLEToHandle ourHANDLE ourMode ## endif return $ (ourHandle, CommunicationHandle theirHANDLE) ##endif