module ProjectM36.Base where
import ProjectM36.DatabaseContextFunctionError
import ProjectM36.AtomFunctionError
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import Data.Hashable (Hashable, hashWithSalt)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.UUID (UUID)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf)
import Control.DeepSeq.Generics (genericRnf)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Text (Text,unpack)
import Data.Binary
import Data.Vector.Binary()
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day,toGregorian,fromGregorian)
import Data.Hashable.Time ()
import Data.Typeable
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
type StringType = Text
data Atom = IntAtom Int |
DoubleAtom Double |
TextAtom Text |
DayAtom Day |
DateTimeAtom UTCTime |
ByteStringAtom ByteString |
BoolAtom Bool |
RelationAtom Relation |
ConstructedAtom DataConstructorName AtomType [Atom]
deriving (Eq, Show, Binary, Typeable, NFData, Generic)
instance Hashable Atom where
hashWithSalt salt (ConstructedAtom dConsName _ atoms) = salt `hashWithSalt` atoms
`hashWithSalt` dConsName
hashWithSalt salt (IntAtom i) = salt `hashWithSalt` i
hashWithSalt salt (DoubleAtom d) = salt `hashWithSalt` d
hashWithSalt salt (TextAtom t) = salt `hashWithSalt` t
hashWithSalt salt (DayAtom d) = salt `hashWithSalt` d
hashWithSalt salt (DateTimeAtom dt) = salt `hashWithSalt` dt
hashWithSalt salt (ByteStringAtom bs) = salt `hashWithSalt` bs
hashWithSalt salt (BoolAtom b) = salt `hashWithSalt` b
hashWithSalt salt (RelationAtom r) = salt `hashWithSalt` r
instance Binary UTCTime where
put utc = put $ toRational (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds utc)
get = do
r <- get :: Get Rational
return (posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromRational r))
instance Binary Day where
put day = put $ toGregorian day
get = do
(y,m,d) <- get :: Get (Integer, Int, Int)
return (fromGregorian y m d)
data AtomType = IntAtomType |
DoubleAtomType |
TextAtomType |
DayAtomType |
DateTimeAtomType |
ByteStringAtomType |
BoolAtomType |
RelationAtomType Attributes |
ConstructedAtomType TypeConstructorName TypeVarMap |
TypeVariableType TypeVarName
deriving (Eq, NFData, Generic, Binary, Show)
type TypeVarMap = M.Map TypeVarName AtomType
instance Hashable TypeVarMap where
hashWithSalt salt tvmap = hashWithSalt salt (M.keys tvmap)
isRelationAtomType :: AtomType -> Bool
isRelationAtomType (RelationAtomType _) = True
isRelationAtomType _ = False
type AttributeName = StringType
data Attribute = Attribute AttributeName AtomType deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Binary)
instance Hashable Attribute where
hashWithSalt salt (Attribute attrName _) = hashWithSalt salt attrName
type Attributes = V.Vector Attribute
attributesEqual :: Attributes -> Attributes -> Bool
attributesEqual attrs1 attrs2 = attrsAsSet attrs1 == attrsAsSet attrs2
attrsAsSet = HS.fromList . V.toList
sortedAttributesIndices :: Attributes -> [(Int, Attribute)]
sortedAttributesIndices attrs = L.sortBy (\(_, (Attribute name1 _)) (_,(Attribute name2 _)) -> compare name1 name2) $ V.toList (V.indexed attrs)
newtype RelationTupleSet = RelationTupleSet { asList :: [RelationTuple] } deriving (Hashable, Show, Generic, Binary)
instance Read Relation where
readsPrec = error "relation read not supported"
instance Eq RelationTupleSet where
set1 == set2 = hset set1 == hset set2
hset = HS.fromList . asList
instance NFData RelationTupleSet where rnf = genericRnf
instance Hashable RelationTuple where
hashWithSalt salt (RelationTuple attrs tupVec) = if V.length attrs /= V.length tupVec then
error "invalid tuple: attributes and tuple count mismatch"
salt `hashWithSalt`
sortedAttrs `hashWithSalt`
(V.toList sortedTupVec)
sortedAttrsIndices = sortedAttributesIndices attrs
sortedAttrs = map snd sortedAttrsIndices
sortedTupVec = (\(index, _) -> tupVec V.! index) $ V.fromList sortedAttrsIndices
data RelationTuple = RelationTuple Attributes (V.Vector Atom) deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Binary RelationTuple
instance Eq RelationTuple where
(==) tuple1@(RelationTuple attrs1 _) tuple2@(RelationTuple attrs2 _) = attributesEqual attrs1 attrs2 && atomsEqual
atomForAttribute attr (RelationTuple attrs tupVec) = case V.findIndex (== attr) attrs of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just index -> tupVec V.!? index
atomsEqual = V.all (== True) $ (\attr -> atomForAttribute attr tuple1 == atomForAttribute attr tuple2) attrs1
instance NFData RelationTuple where rnf = genericRnf
data Relation = Relation Attributes RelationTupleSet deriving (Show, Generic,Typeable)
instance Eq Relation where
Relation attrs1 tupSet1 == Relation attrs2 tupSet2 = attributesEqual attrs1 attrs2 && tupSet1 == tupSet2
instance NFData Relation where rnf = genericRnf
instance Hashable Relation where
hashWithSalt salt (Relation attrs tupSet) = salt `hashWithSalt`
sortedAttrs `hashWithSalt`
asList tupSet
sortedAttrs = map snd (sortedAttributesIndices attrs)
instance Binary Relation
data RelationCardinality = Countable | Finite Int deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Ord)
type RelVarName = StringType
type RelationalExpr = RelationalExprBase ()
data RelationalExprBase a =
MakeRelationFromExprs (Maybe [AttributeExprBase a]) [TupleExprBase a] |
MakeStaticRelation Attributes RelationTupleSet |
ExistingRelation Relation |
RelationVariable RelVarName a |
Project AttributeNames (RelationalExprBase a) |
Union (RelationalExprBase a) (RelationalExprBase a) |
Join (RelationalExprBase a) (RelationalExprBase a) |
Rename AttributeName AttributeName (RelationalExprBase a) |
Difference (RelationalExprBase a) (RelationalExprBase a) |
Group AttributeNames AttributeName (RelationalExprBase a) |
Ungroup AttributeName (RelationalExprBase a) |
Restrict (RestrictionPredicateExprBase a) (RelationalExprBase a) |
Equals (RelationalExprBase a) (RelationalExprBase a) |
NotEquals (RelationalExprBase a) (RelationalExprBase a) |
Extend (ExtendTupleExprBase a) (RelationalExprBase a)
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)
instance Binary RelationalExpr
type NotificationName = StringType
type Notifications = M.Map NotificationName Notification
data Notification = Notification {
changeExpr :: RelationalExpr,
reportExpr :: RelationalExpr
deriving (Show, Eq, Binary, Generic, NFData)
type TypeVarName = StringType
data TypeConstructorDef = ADTypeConstructorDef TypeConstructorName [TypeVarName] |
PrimitiveTypeConstructorDef TypeConstructorName AtomType
deriving (Show, Generic, Binary, Eq, NFData)
data TypeConstructor = ADTypeConstructor TypeConstructorName [TypeConstructor] |
PrimitiveTypeConstructor TypeConstructorName AtomType |
TypeVariable TypeVarName
deriving (Show, Generic, Binary, Eq, NFData)
type TypeConstructorMapping = [(TypeConstructorDef, DataConstructorDefs)]
type TypeConstructorName = StringType
type TypeConstructorArgName = StringType
type DataConstructorName = StringType
type AtomTypeName = StringType
data DataConstructorDef = DataConstructorDef DataConstructorName [DataConstructorDefArg] deriving (Eq, Show, Binary, Generic, NFData)
type DataConstructorDefs = [DataConstructorDef]
data DataConstructorDefArg = DataConstructorDefTypeConstructorArg TypeConstructor |
DataConstructorDefTypeVarNameArg TypeVarName
deriving (Show, Generic, Binary, Eq, NFData)
type InclusionDependencies = M.Map IncDepName InclusionDependency
type RelationVariables = M.Map RelVarName Relation
type SchemaName = StringType
type Subschemas = M.Map SchemaName Schema
data Schemas = Schemas DatabaseContext Subschemas
data Schema = Schema SchemaIsomorphs
deriving (Generic, Binary)
data SchemaIsomorph = IsoRestrict RelVarName RestrictionPredicateExpr (RelVarName, RelVarName) |
IsoRename RelVarName RelVarName |
IsoUnion (RelVarName, RelVarName) RestrictionPredicateExpr RelVarName
deriving (Generic, Binary, Show)
type SchemaIsomorphs = [SchemaIsomorph]
data DatabaseContext = DatabaseContext {
inclusionDependencies :: InclusionDependencies,
relationVariables :: RelationVariables,
atomFunctions :: AtomFunctions,
dbcFunctions :: DatabaseContextFunctions,
notifications :: Notifications,
typeConstructorMapping :: TypeConstructorMapping
} deriving (NFData, Generic)
type IncDepName = StringType
data InclusionDependency = InclusionDependency RelationalExpr RelationalExpr deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)
instance Binary InclusionDependency
type AttributeNameAtomExprMap = M.Map AttributeName AtomExpr
type DatabaseContextExprName = StringType
data DatabaseContextExpr =
NoOperation |
Define RelVarName [AttributeExpr] |
Undefine RelVarName |
Assign RelVarName RelationalExpr |
Insert RelVarName RelationalExpr |
Delete RelVarName RestrictionPredicateExpr |
Update RelVarName AttributeNameAtomExprMap RestrictionPredicateExpr |
AddInclusionDependency IncDepName InclusionDependency |
RemoveInclusionDependency IncDepName |
AddNotification NotificationName RelationalExpr RelationalExpr |
RemoveNotification NotificationName |
AddTypeConstructor TypeConstructorDef [DataConstructorDef] |
RemoveTypeConstructor TypeConstructorName |
RemoveAtomFunction AtomFunctionName |
RemoveDatabaseContextFunction DatabaseContextFunctionName |
ExecuteDatabaseContextFunction DatabaseContextFunctionName [AtomExpr] |
MultipleExpr [DatabaseContextExpr]
deriving (Show, Eq, Binary, Generic)
data DatabaseContextIOExpr = AddAtomFunction AtomFunctionName [TypeConstructor] AtomFunctionBodyScript |
AddDatabaseContextFunction DatabaseContextFunctionName [TypeConstructor] DatabaseContextFunctionBodyScript
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Binary)
type RestrictionPredicateExpr = RestrictionPredicateExprBase ()
data RestrictionPredicateExprBase a =
TruePredicate |
AndPredicate (RestrictionPredicateExprBase a) (RestrictionPredicateExprBase a) |
OrPredicate (RestrictionPredicateExprBase a) (RestrictionPredicateExprBase a) |
NotPredicate (RestrictionPredicateExprBase a) |
RelationalExprPredicate (RelationalExprBase a) |
AtomExprPredicate (AtomExprBase a) |
AttributeEqualityPredicate AttributeName (AtomExprBase a)
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)
instance Binary RestrictionPredicateExpr
type HeadName = StringType
type TransactionHeads = M.Map HeadName Transaction
data TransactionGraph = TransactionGraph TransactionHeads (S.Set Transaction)
transactionsForGraph :: TransactionGraph -> S.Set Transaction
transactionsForGraph (TransactionGraph _ t) = t
transactionHeadsForGraph :: TransactionGraph -> TransactionHeads
transactionHeadsForGraph (TransactionGraph heads _) = heads
data TransactionInfo = TransactionInfo TransactionId (S.Set TransactionId) |
MergeTransactionInfo TransactionId TransactionId (S.Set TransactionId)
deriving(Show, Generic)
instance Binary TransactionInfo
type TransactionId = UUID
data Transaction = Transaction TransactionId TransactionInfo Schemas
type DirtyFlag = Bool
data DisconnectedTransaction = DisconnectedTransaction TransactionId Schemas DirtyFlag
transactionId :: Transaction -> TransactionId
transactionId (Transaction tid _ _) = tid
transactionInfo :: Transaction -> TransactionInfo
transactionInfo (Transaction _ info _) = info
instance Eq Transaction where
(Transaction uuidA _ _) == (Transaction uuidB _ _) = uuidA == uuidB
instance Ord Transaction where
compare (Transaction uuidA _ _) (Transaction uuidB _ _) = compare uuidA uuidB
type AtomExpr = AtomExprBase ()
data AtomExprBase a = AttributeAtomExpr AttributeName |
NakedAtomExpr Atom |
FunctionAtomExpr AtomFunctionName [AtomExprBase a] a |
RelationAtomExpr (RelationalExprBase a) |
ConstructedAtomExpr DataConstructorName [AtomExprBase a] a
deriving (Eq,Show,Generic, NFData)
instance Binary AtomExpr
data ExtendTupleExprBase a = AttributeExtendTupleExpr AttributeName (AtomExprBase a)
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)
type ExtendTupleExpr = ExtendTupleExprBase ()
instance Binary ExtendTupleExpr
type AtomFunctions = HS.HashSet AtomFunction
type AtomFunctionName = StringType
type AtomFunctionBodyScript = StringType
type AtomFunctionBodyType = [Atom] -> Either AtomFunctionError Atom
data AtomFunctionBody = AtomFunctionBody (Maybe AtomFunctionBodyScript) AtomFunctionBodyType
instance NFData AtomFunctionBody where
rnf (AtomFunctionBody mScript _) = rnf mScript
instance Show AtomFunctionBody where
show (AtomFunctionBody mScript _) = case mScript of
Just script -> show (unpack script)
Nothing -> "<compiled>"
data AtomFunction = AtomFunction {
atomFuncName :: AtomFunctionName,
atomFuncType :: [AtomType],
atomFuncBody :: AtomFunctionBody
} deriving (Generic, NFData)
instance Hashable AtomFunction where
hashWithSalt salt func = salt `hashWithSalt` (atomFuncName func)
instance Eq AtomFunction where
f1 == f2 = atomFuncName f1 == atomFuncName f2
instance Show AtomFunction where
show aFunc = unpack (atomFuncName aFunc) ++ "::" ++ showArgTypes ++ "; " ++ body
body = show (atomFuncBody aFunc)
showArgTypes = concat (L.intersperse "->" $ map show (atomFuncType aFunc))
data AttributeNames = AttributeNames (S.Set AttributeName) |
InvertedAttributeNames (S.Set AttributeName) |
UnionAttributeNames AttributeNames AttributeNames |
IntersectAttributeNames AttributeNames AttributeNames
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Binary, NFData)
data PersistenceStrategy = NoPersistence |
MinimalPersistence FilePath |
CrashSafePersistence FilePath
deriving (Show, Read)
type AttributeExpr = AttributeExprBase ()
data AttributeExprBase a = AttributeAndTypeNameExpr AttributeName TypeConstructor a |
NakedAttributeExpr Attribute
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Binary, NFData)
data TupleExprBase a = TupleExpr (M.Map AttributeName (AtomExprBase a))
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
instance Binary TupleExpr
type TupleExpr = TupleExprBase ()
data MergeStrategy =
UnionMergeStrategy |
UnionPreferMergeStrategy HeadName |
SelectedBranchMergeStrategy HeadName
deriving (Eq, Show, Binary, Generic, NFData)
type DatabaseContextFunctionName = StringType
type DatabaseContextFunctionBodyScript = StringType
type DatabaseContextFunctionBodyType = [Atom] -> DatabaseContext -> Either DatabaseContextFunctionError DatabaseContext
data DatabaseContextFunctionBody = DatabaseContextFunctionBody (Maybe DatabaseContextFunctionBodyScript) DatabaseContextFunctionBodyType
instance NFData DatabaseContextFunctionBody where
rnf (DatabaseContextFunctionBody mScript _) = rnf mScript
data DatabaseContextFunction = DatabaseContextFunction {
dbcFuncName :: DatabaseContextFunctionName,
dbcFuncType :: [AtomType],
dbcFuncBody :: DatabaseContextFunctionBody
} deriving (Generic, NFData)
type DatabaseContextFunctions = HS.HashSet DatabaseContextFunction
instance Hashable DatabaseContextFunction where
hashWithSalt salt func = salt `hashWithSalt` (dbcFuncName func)
instance Eq DatabaseContextFunction where
f1 == f2 = dbcFuncName f1 == dbcFuncName f2