module ProjectM36.AtomFunctions.Primitive where
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.Relation (relFold, oneTuple)
import ProjectM36.Tuple
import ProjectM36.AtomFunctionError
import ProjectM36.AtomFunction
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Control.Monad
primitiveAtomFunctions :: AtomFunctions
primitiveAtomFunctions = HS.fromList [
AtomFunction { atomFuncName = "add",
atomFuncType = [IntegerAtomType, IntegerAtomType, IntegerAtomType],
atomFuncBody = body (\(IntegerAtom i1:IntegerAtom i2:_) -> pure (IntegerAtom (i1 + i2)))},
AtomFunction { atomFuncName = "id",
atomFuncType = [TypeVariableType "a", TypeVariableType "a"],
atomFuncBody = body (\(x:_) -> pure x)},
AtomFunction { atomFuncName = "sum",
atomFuncType = foldAtomFuncType IntegerAtomType IntegerAtomType,
atomFuncBody = body (\(RelationAtom rel:_) -> relationSum rel)},
AtomFunction { atomFuncName = "count",
atomFuncType = foldAtomFuncType (TypeVariableType "a") IntegerAtomType,
atomFuncBody = body (\(RelationAtom relIn:_) -> relationCount relIn)},
AtomFunction { atomFuncName = "max",
atomFuncType = foldAtomFuncType IntegerAtomType IntegerAtomType,
atomFuncBody = body (\(RelationAtom relIn:_) -> relationMax relIn)},
AtomFunction { atomFuncName = "min",
atomFuncType = foldAtomFuncType IntegerAtomType IntegerAtomType,
atomFuncBody = body (\(RelationAtom relIn:_) -> relationMin relIn)},
AtomFunction { atomFuncName = "lt",
atomFuncType = [IntegerAtomType, IntegerAtomType, BoolAtomType],
atomFuncBody = body $ integerAtomFuncLessThan False},
AtomFunction { atomFuncName = "lte",
atomFuncType = [IntegerAtomType, IntegerAtomType, BoolAtomType],
atomFuncBody = body $ integerAtomFuncLessThan True},
AtomFunction { atomFuncName = "gte",
atomFuncType = [IntegerAtomType, IntegerAtomType, BoolAtomType],
atomFuncBody = body $ integerAtomFuncLessThan False >=> boolAtomNot},
AtomFunction { atomFuncName = "gt",
atomFuncType = [IntegerAtomType, IntegerAtomType, BoolAtomType],
atomFuncBody = body $ integerAtomFuncLessThan True >=> boolAtomNot},
AtomFunction { atomFuncName = "not",
atomFuncType = [BoolAtomType, BoolAtomType],
atomFuncBody = body $ \(b:_) -> boolAtomNot b }
body = AtomFunctionBody Nothing
integerAtomFuncLessThan :: Bool -> [Atom] -> Either AtomFunctionError Atom
integerAtomFuncLessThan equality (IntegerAtom i1:IntegerAtom i2:_) = pure (BoolAtom (i1 `op` i2))
op = if equality then (<=) else (<)
integerAtomFuncLessThan _ _= pure (BoolAtom False)
boolAtomNot :: Atom -> Either AtomFunctionError Atom
boolAtomNot (BoolAtom b) = pure (BoolAtom (not b))
boolAtomNot _ = error "boolAtomNot called on non-Bool atom"
relationSum :: Relation -> Either AtomFunctionError Atom
relationSum relIn = pure (IntegerAtom (relFold (\tupIn acc -> acc + newVal tupIn) 0 relIn))
newVal tupIn = castInteger (tupleAtoms tupIn V.! 0)
relationCount :: Relation -> Either AtomFunctionError Atom
relationCount relIn = pure (IntegerAtom (relFold (\_ acc -> acc + 1) (0::Integer) relIn))
relationMax :: Relation -> Either AtomFunctionError Atom
relationMax relIn = case oneTuple relIn of
Nothing -> Left AtomFunctionEmptyRelationError
Just oneTup -> pure (IntegerAtom (relFold (\tupIn acc -> max acc (newVal tupIn)) (newVal oneTup) relIn))
newVal tupIn = castInteger (tupleAtoms tupIn V.! 0)
relationMin :: Relation -> Either AtomFunctionError Atom
relationMin relIn = case oneTuple relIn of
Nothing -> Left AtomFunctionEmptyRelationError
Just oneTup -> pure (IntegerAtom (relFold (\tupIn acc -> min acc (newVal tupIn)) (newVal oneTup) relIn))
newVal tupIn = castInteger (tupleAtoms tupIn V.! 0)
castInt :: Atom -> Int
castInt (IntAtom i) = i
castInt _ = error "attempted to cast non-IntAtom to Int"
castInteger :: Atom -> Integer
castInteger (IntegerAtom i) = i
castInteger _ = error "attempted to cast non-IntegerAtom to Int"