module Data.PropertyList.PropertyListItem
(PropertyListItem(..)) where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Data.PropertyList.Algebra
import Data.PropertyList.Types
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Time
import Data.Char
import Data.Int
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Word
import Data.OneOfN
import Control.Monad
import Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
import Data.Generics
tryRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
tryRead s = case reads s of
[(d, "")] -> Just d
_ -> Nothing
tryToIntegral :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> Maybe b
tryToIntegral d = case properFraction d of
(i, 0) -> Just i
_ -> Nothing
toStrictByteString :: BL.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
toStrictByteString = BS.concat . BL.toChunks
toLazyByteString :: BS.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
toLazyByteString = BL.fromChunks . return
class PropertyListItem i where
toPropertyList :: i -> PropertyList
fromPropertyList :: PropertyList -> Maybe i
listToPropertyList :: [i] -> PropertyList
listToPropertyList = plArray . map toPropertyList
listFromPropertyList :: PropertyList -> Maybe [i]
listFromPropertyList (fromPlArray -> Just x) = mapM fromPropertyList x
listFromPropertyList _ = Nothing
instance PropertyListItem a => PropertyListItem [a] where
toPropertyList = listToPropertyList
fromPropertyList = listFromPropertyList
instance PropertyListItem PropertyList where
toPropertyList = id
fromPropertyList = Just
instance PropertyListItem BS.ByteString where
toPropertyList = plData
fromPropertyList (fromPlData -> Just x) = Just x
fromPropertyList _ = Nothing
instance PropertyListItem BL.ByteString where
toPropertyList = plData . toStrictByteString
fromPropertyList (fromPlData -> Just x) = Just (toLazyByteString x)
fromPropertyList _ = Nothing
instance PropertyListItem UTCTime where
toPropertyList = plDate
fromPropertyList (fromPlDate -> Just x) = Just x
fromPropertyList _ = Nothing
instance PropertyListItem a => PropertyListItem (M.Map String a) where
toPropertyList = plDict . fmap toPropertyList
fromPropertyList (fromPlDict -> Just x) = Traversable.mapM fromPropertyList x
fromPropertyList _ = Nothing
instance PropertyListItem Double where
toPropertyList = plReal
fromPropertyList (fromPlInt -> Just i) = Just (fromInteger i)
fromPropertyList (fromPlReal -> Just d) = Just d
fromPropertyList (fromPlString -> Just s) = tryRead s
fromPropertyList _ = Nothing
instance PropertyListItem Float where
toPropertyList = toPropertyList . (realToFrac :: Float -> Double)
fromPropertyList = fmap (realToFrac :: Double -> Float) . fromPropertyList
$( do
decls <- [d|
instance PropertyListItem Integer where
toPropertyList = plInt . fromIntegral
fromPropertyList pl = case runIdentity (plistCoalgebra pl) of
PLInt i -> Just (fromIntegral i)
PLReal d -> tryToIntegral d
PLString s -> tryRead s
_ -> Nothing
[ everywhereM (mkM (return . replace)) dec
| t <- [''Integer, ''Int,
''Int8, ''Int16, ''Int32, ''Int64,
''Word8, ''Word16, ''Word32, ''Word64]
, dec <- decls
, let replace name
| name == ''Integer = t
| otherwise = name
instance PropertyListItem Char where
toPropertyList c = plString [c]
fromPropertyList (fromPlString -> Just [c]) = Just c
fromPropertyList _ = Nothing
listToPropertyList = plString
listFromPropertyList (fromPlString -> Just x) = Just x
listFromPropertyList (fromPlBool -> Just True) = Just "YES"
listFromPropertyList (fromPlBool -> Just False) = Just "NO"
listFromPropertyList (fromPlInt -> Just i) = Just (show i)
listFromPropertyList (fromPlReal -> Just d) = Just (show d)
listFromPropertyList other = Nothing
instance PropertyListItem Text.Text where
toPropertyList = toPropertyList . Text.unpack
fromPropertyList = fmap Text.pack . fromPropertyList
instance PropertyListItem Bool where
toPropertyList = plBool
fromPropertyList (fromPlBool -> Just d) = Just d
fromPropertyList (fromPlString -> Just b)
| map toLower b `elem` ["yes", "true"]
= Just True
| map toLower b `elem` ["no", "false"]
= Just False
fromPropertyList _ = Nothing
$( let types = ''Either : [mkTcName ("OneOf" ++ show n) | n <- [2..20]]
mkTcName n = Name (mkOccName n) nameFlavour
where Name _ nameFlavour = ''OneOf2
mkInstance typeName = do
TyConI (DataD _ _ _ cons _) <- reify typeName
let conNames = [name | NormalC name _ <- cons]
let tyVarNames = zipWith (\con n -> mkName ("a" ++ show n)) conNames [1..]
tyVars = map varT tyVarNames
typeWithVars = foldl appT (conT typeName) tyVars
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 612
context = cxt [classP ''PropertyListItem [tyVar] | tyVar <- tyVars]
context = cxt [appT (conT ''PropertyListItem) tyVar | tyVar <- tyVars]
inst = appT (conT ''PropertyListItem) typeWithVars
pl = mkName "pl"
whre =
[ funD 'toPropertyList [clause [] (normalB toPLbody ) []]
, funD 'fromPropertyList [clause [varP pl] (normalB fromPLbody) []]
lcFirst (c:cs) = toLower c : cs
fold = varE . mkName . lcFirst . nameBase
toPLbody = appsE (fold typeName : map (const (varE 'toPropertyList)) conNames)
fromPLbody = appE (varE 'msum) $ listE
[ [| fmap $(conE con) (fromPropertyList $(varE pl)) |]
| con <- conNames
instanceD context inst whre
mapM mkInstance types