module Data.PropertyList.Xml.Algebra
( UnparsedXmlPlistItem(..)
, unparsedXmlPlistItemToElement
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.PropertyList.Algebra
import Data.Time
import System.Locale
import Text.XML.Light
dateFormat :: String
dateFormat = "%FT%T%QZ"
b64encode :: BS.ByteString -> String
b64encode = BSC8.unpack . B64.encode
instance PListAlgebra Identity Element where
plistAlgebra = toElem . runIdentity
toElem :: PropertyListS Element -> Element
toElem (PLArray x) = unode "array" x
toElem (PLData x) = unode "data" (b64encode x)
toElem (PLDate x) = unode "date" (formatTime defaultTimeLocale dateFormat x)
toElem (PLDict x) = unode "dict" $ concat
[ [ unode "key" k, v]
| (k,v) <- M.toAscList x
toElem (PLReal x) = unode "real" (show x)
toElem (PLInt x) = unode "integer" (show x)
toElem (PLString x) = unode "string" x
toElem (PLBool True) = unode "true" ()
toElem (PLBool False) = unode "false" ()
data UnparsedXmlPlistItem
= UnparsedData String
| UnparsedDate String
| UnparsedInt String
| UnparsedReal String
| UnparsedXml Element
deriving Show
unparsedXmlPlistItemToElement = toElem
toElem (UnparsedData x) = unode "data" x
toElem (UnparsedDate x) = unode "date" x
toElem (UnparsedInt x) = unode "integer" x
toElem (UnparsedReal x) = unode "real" x
toElem (UnparsedXml e) = e
b64decode :: String -> Either String BS.ByteString
b64decode = B64.decode . BSC8.pack . filter (not . isSpace)
instance PListAlgebra (Either Element) Element where
plistAlgebra (Left x) = x
plistAlgebra (Right x) = plistAlgebra (Identity x)
instance PListAlgebra (Either UnparsedXmlPlistItem) Element where
plistAlgebra (Left x) = unparsedXmlPlistItemToElement x
plistAlgebra (Right x) = plistAlgebra (Identity x)
instance PListCoalgebra (Either UnparsedXmlPlistItem) Element where
plistCoalgebra e = coalg e
coalg (Element (QName name _ _) [] content _) = fromElem name content
coalg _ = reject UnparsedXml e
fromElem "array" content
= accept PLArray (onlyElems content)
fromElem "data" content
= let contentText = text content
in case b64decode contentText of
Right xs -> accept PLData xs
Left _ -> reject UnparsedData contentText
fromElem "date" content
= let contentText = text content
in case parseTime defaultTimeLocale dateFormat contentText of
Nothing -> reject UnparsedDate contentText
Just x -> accept PLDate x
fromElem "dict" content
= fmap (PLDict . M.fromList) (fromDict (onlyElems content))
fromElem "real" content
= tryRead PLReal UnparsedReal (text content)
fromElem "integer" content
= tryRead PLInt UnparsedInt (text content)
fromElem "string" content
= accept PLString (text content)
fromElem "true" [] = accept PLBool True
fromElem "false" [] = accept PLBool False
fromElem _ _ = reject UnparsedXml e
fromDict [] = Right []
fromDict (key : value : rest)
= case key of
Element (QName "key" _ _) [] content _
-> fmap ((text content, value) :) (fromDict rest)
_ -> reject UnparsedXml e
text = concatMap cdData . onlyText
accept :: (a -> c) -> a -> Either b c
accept con = Right . con
reject :: (a -> b) -> a -> Either b c
reject con = Left . con
tryRead :: Read a => (a -> c) -> (String -> b) -> String -> Either b c
tryRead onGood onBad str =
case reads str of
((result, ""):_) -> accept onGood result
_ -> reject onBad str
instance PListCoalgebra Maybe Element where
= either (const Nothing :: UnparsedXmlPlistItem -> Maybe a) Just
. plistCoalgebra