{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Data.PSQ.Class.Tests ( tests ) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf) import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isPrint, ord, toLower) import Data.Foldable (Foldable, foldr) import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Tagged (Tagged (..), untag) import Prelude hiding (foldr, lookup, map, null) import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assert, (@?=)) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), Property, forAll, (==>)) import Test.Tasty (TestTree) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty) import Data.PSQ.Class import Data.PSQ.Class.Gen import Data.PSQ.Class.Util -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Index of tests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tests :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Eq (psq Int Char), Foldable (psq Int), Functor (psq Int), NFData (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq [TestTree] tests = Tagged [ testCase "rnf" (untag' test_rnf) , testCase "equality" (untag' test_equality) , testCase "size" (untag' test_size) , testCase "size2" (untag' test_size2) , testCase "empty" (untag' test_empty) , testCase "lookup" (untag' test_lookup) , testCase "findMin" (untag' test_findMin) , testCase "alter" (untag' test_alter) , testCase "alterMin" (untag' test_alterMin) , testCase "fromList" (untag' test_fromList) , testCase "foldr" (untag' test_foldr) , testProperty "show" (untag' prop_show) , testProperty "rnf" (untag' prop_rnf) , testProperty "size" (untag' prop_size) , testProperty "singleton" (untag' prop_singleton) , testProperty "memberLookup" (untag' prop_memberLookup) , testProperty "insertLookup" (untag' prop_insertLookup) , testProperty "insertDelete" (untag' prop_insertDelete) , testProperty "insertDeleteView" (untag' prop_insertDeleteView) , testProperty "deleteNonMember" (untag' prop_deleteNonMember) , testProperty "deleteMin" (untag' prop_deleteMin) , testProperty "alter" (untag' prop_alter) , testProperty "alterMin" (untag' prop_alterMin) , testProperty "toList" (untag' prop_toList) , testProperty "keys" (untag' prop_keys) , testProperty "insertView" (untag' prop_insertView) , testProperty "deleteView" (untag' prop_deleteView) , testProperty "map" (untag' prop_map) , testProperty "unsafeMapMonotonic" (untag' prop_unsafeMapMonotonic) , testProperty "fmap" (untag' prop_fmap) , testProperty "fold'" (untag' prop_fold') , testProperty "foldr" (untag' prop_foldr) , testProperty "valid" (untag' prop_valid) , testProperty "atMostView" (untag' prop_atMostView) ] where untag' :: Tagged psq test -> test untag' = untag -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HUnit tests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_rnf :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), NFData (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq Assertion test_rnf = Tagged $ rnf (empty :: psq Int Char) `seq` return () test_equality :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Eq (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq Assertion test_equality = Tagged $ do -- Mostly to get 100% coverage assert $ e /= s assert $ s /= e where e = empty :: psq Int Char s = singleton 3 100 'a' :: psq Int Char test_size :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq)) => Tagged psq Assertion test_size = Tagged $ do null (empty :: psq Int Char) @?= True null (singleton 1 100 'a' :: psq Int Char) @?= False test_size2 :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq)) => Tagged psq Assertion test_size2 = Tagged $ do size (empty :: psq Int ()) @?= 0 size (singleton 1 100 'a' :: psq Int Char) @?= 1 size (fromList [(1, 100, 'a'), (2, 101, 'c'), (3, 102, 'b')] :: psq Int Char) @?= 3 test_empty :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq)) => Tagged psq Assertion test_empty = Tagged $ do toList (empty :: psq Int ()) @?= [] size (empty :: psq Char Int) @?= 0 test_lookup :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq)) => Tagged psq Assertion test_lookup = Tagged $ do employeeCurrency 1 @?= Just 1 employeeCurrency 2 @?= Nothing where employeeDept = fromList [(1, 100, 2), (3, 101, 1)] :: psq Int Int deptCountry = fromList [(1, 102, 1), (2, 103, 2)] :: psq Int Int countryCurrency = fromList [(1, 104, 2), (2, 105, 1)] :: psq Int Int employeeCurrency :: Int -> Maybe Int employeeCurrency name = do dept <- snd <$> lookup (toTestKey name) employeeDept country <- snd <$> lookup (toTestKey dept) deptCountry snd <$> lookup (toTestKey country) countryCurrency test_findMin :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq)) => Tagged psq Assertion test_findMin = Tagged $ do findMin (empty :: psq Int Char) @?= Nothing findMin (fromList [(5, 101, 'a'), (3, 100, 'b')] :: psq Int Char) @?= Just (3, 100, 'b') test_alter :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Eq (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq Assertion test_alter = Tagged $ do alter f 3 (empty :: psq Int Char) @?= ("Hello", singleton 3 100 'a') alter f 3 (singleton 3 100 'a' :: psq Int Char) @?= ("World", empty) alter f 3 (singleton 3 100 'b' :: psq Int Char) @?= ("Cats", singleton 3 101 'b') where f Nothing = ("Hello", Just (100, 'a')) f (Just (100, 'a')) = ("World", Nothing) f (Just _) = ("Cats", Just (101, 'b')) test_alterMin :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Eq (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq Assertion test_alterMin = Tagged $ do alterMin (\_ -> ((), Nothing)) (empty :: psq Int Char) @?= ((), empty) alterMin (\_ -> ((), Nothing)) (singleton 3 100 'a' :: psq Int Char) @?= ((), empty) test_fromList :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Eq (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq Assertion test_fromList = Tagged $ do let ls = [(1, 0, 'A'), (2, 0, 'B'), (3, 0, 'C'), (4, 0, 'D')] in (fromList ls :: psq Int Char) @?= fromList (reverse ls) let qs = [(4, 0, 'D'), (1, 5, 'Q'), (2, 0, 'B'), (1, 0, 'A'), (3, 0, 'C'), (2, 5, 'Z')] qs' = [(1, 0, 'A'), (2, 5, 'Z'), (3, 0, 'C'), (4, 0, 'D')] in List.sort (toList (fromList qs :: psq Int Char)) @?= qs' test_foldr :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Foldable (psq Int)) => Tagged psq Assertion test_foldr = Tagged $ foldr (\x acc -> acc + ord x) 0 (empty :: psq Int Char) @?= 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- QuickCheck properties -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | For 100% test coverage... prop_show :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq Property prop_show = Tagged $ forAll arbitraryPSQ $ \t -> length (coverShowInstance (t :: psq Int Char)) > 0 -- | For 100% test coverage... prop_rnf :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), NFData (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq Property prop_rnf = Tagged $ forAll arbitraryPSQ $ \t -> rnf (t :: psq Int Char) `seq` True prop_size :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Bool) prop_size = Tagged $ \t -> size (t :: psq Int Char) == length (toList t) prop_singleton :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Eq (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq Property prop_singleton = Tagged $ forAll arbitraryTestKey $ \k -> forAll arbitraryPriority $ \p -> forAll arbitrary $ \x -> insert k p x empty == (singleton k p x :: psq Int Char) prop_memberLookup :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Property) prop_memberLookup = Tagged $ \t -> forAll arbitraryTestKey $ \k -> case lookup k (t :: psq Int Char) of Nothing -> not (member k t) Just _ -> member k t prop_insertLookup :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Property) prop_insertLookup = Tagged $ \t -> forAll arbitraryTestKey $ \k -> forAll arbitraryPriority $ \p -> forAll arbitrary $ \c -> lookup k (insert k p c (t :: psq Int Char)) == Just (p, c) prop_insertDelete :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Eq (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Property) prop_insertDelete = Tagged $ \t -> forAll arbitraryTestKey $ \k -> forAll arbitraryPriority $ \p -> forAll arbitrary $ \c -> (lookup k t == Nothing) ==> (delete k (insert k p c t) == (t :: psq Int Char)) prop_insertDeleteView :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Eq (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Property) prop_insertDeleteView = Tagged $ \t -> forAll arbitraryTestKey $ \k -> forAll arbitraryPriority $ \p -> forAll arbitrary $ \c -> case deleteView k (insert k p c (t :: psq Int Char)) of Nothing -> False Just (p', c', t') | member k t -> p' == p && c' == c && size t' < size t | otherwise -> p' == p && c' == c && t' == t prop_deleteNonMember :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Eq (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Property) prop_deleteNonMember = Tagged $ \t -> forAll arbitraryTestKey $ \k -> (lookup k t == Nothing) ==> (delete k t == (t :: psq Int Char)) prop_deleteMin :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Eq (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Bool) prop_deleteMin = Tagged $ \t -> let t' = deleteMin t in if null t then t' == t else case findMin t of Nothing -> False Just (k, _, _) -> size t' == size t - 1 && member k t && not (member k t') prop_alter :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Property) prop_alter = Tagged $ \t -> forAll arbitraryTestKey $ \k -> let ((), t') = alter f k t :: ((), psq Int Char) in case lookup k t of Just _ -> (size t - 1) == size t' && lookup k t' == Nothing Nothing -> (size t + 1) == size t' && lookup k t' /= Nothing where f Nothing = ((), Just (100, 'a')) f (Just _) = ((), Nothing) prop_alterMin :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Eq (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Bool) prop_alterMin = Tagged $ \t -> let (mbMin, t') = alterMin f (t :: psq Int Char) in case mbMin of Nothing -> t' == singleton 3 100 'a' Just (k, p, v) -> findMin t == Just (k, p, v) && member k t && (case () of _ | isAlphaNum v -> lookup k t' == Just (fromTestKey k, v) | isPrint v -> lookup (toTestKey $ ord v) t' == Just (ord v, v) | otherwise -> not (member k t')) where f Nothing = (Nothing, Just (3, 100, 'a')) f (Just (k, p, v)) | isAlphaNum v = (Just (k, p, v), Just (k, fromTestKey k, v)) | isPrint v = (Just (k, p, v), Just (toTestKey (ord v), ord v, v)) | otherwise = (Just (k, p, v), Nothing) prop_toList :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Eq (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Bool) prop_toList = Tagged $ \t -> (t :: psq Int Char) == fromList (toList t) prop_keys :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Bool) prop_keys = Tagged $ \t -> List.sort (keys (t :: psq Int Char)) == List.sort [k | (k, _, _) <- toList t] prop_insertView :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Property) prop_insertView = Tagged $ \t -> forAll arbitraryTestKey $ \k -> forAll arbitraryPriority $ \p -> forAll arbitrary $ \x -> case insertView k p x (t :: psq Int Char) of (mbPx, t') -> lookup k t == mbPx && lookup k t' == Just (p, x) prop_deleteView :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Property) prop_deleteView = Tagged $ \t -> forAll arbitraryTestKey $ \k -> case deleteView k (t :: psq Int Char) of Nothing -> not (member k t) Just (p, v, t') -> lookup k t == Just (p, v) && not (member k t') prop_map :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Eq (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Bool) prop_map = Tagged $ \t -> map f (t :: psq Int Char) == fromList (List.map (\(k, p, x) -> (k, p, f k p x)) (toList t)) where f k p x = if fromEnum k > p then x else 'a' prop_unsafeMapMonotonic :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Eq (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Bool) prop_unsafeMapMonotonic = Tagged $ \t -> let t' = unsafeMapMonotonic f (t :: psq Int Char) :: psq Int Char in valid t' && t' == fromList (List.map (\(k, p, x) -> let (p', x') = f k p x in (k, p', x')) (toList t)) where f k p x = (p + 1, if fromEnum k > p then x else 'a') prop_fmap :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Eq (psq Int Char), Functor (psq Int), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Bool) prop_fmap = Tagged $ \t -> fmap toLower (t :: psq Int Char) == fromList (List.map (\(p, v, x) -> (p, v, toLower x)) (toList t)) prop_fold' :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, TestKey (Key psq), Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Bool) prop_fold' = Tagged $ \t -> fold' f acc0 (t :: psq Int Char) == List.foldl' (\acc (k, p, x) -> f k p x acc) acc0 (toList t) where -- Needs to be commutative f k p x (kpSum, xs) = (kpSum + fromEnum k + p, List.sort (x : xs)) acc0 = (0, []) prop_foldr :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Foldable (psq Int), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Bool) prop_foldr = Tagged $ \t -> foldr f 0 (t :: psq Int Char) == List.foldr (\(_, _, x) acc -> f x acc) 0 (toList t) where f x acc = acc + ord x prop_valid :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, Arbitrary (psq Int Char), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Bool) prop_valid = Tagged valid prop_atMostView :: forall psq. (PSQ psq, Show (Key psq), Show (psq Int Char)) => Tagged psq (psq Int Char -> Property) prop_atMostView = Tagged $ \t -> forAll arbitraryPriority $ \p -> let (elems, t') = atMostView p t in -- 1. Test that priorities are at most 'p'. and [p' <= p | (_, p', _) <- elems] && -- 2. Test that the remaining priorities are larger than 'p'. (case findMin t' of Nothing -> True Just (_, p', _) -> p' > p) && -- 2. Test that the size of the removed elements and the new queue total -- the original size. length elems + size t' == size t