-- This file is part of purebred
-- Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Róman Joost
-- purebred is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see .
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Main where
import Data.Char (chr)
import System.IO.Temp (createTempDirectory, getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory)
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import System.IO (hPutStr, stderr)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv, getEnvironment)
import System.FilePath.Posix ((>))
import Control.Monad (filterM, void, when)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.List (isInfixOf, sort)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadIO, MonadReader, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState)
import Control.Lens (Getter, Lens', _init, _last, at, preview, set, to, view)
import System.Directory
( copyFile, getCurrentDirectory, listDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive
, removeFile
import System.Posix.Files (getFileStatus, isRegularFile)
import System.Process.Typed
(byteStringInput, proc, readProcess_, runProcess_, setEnv, setStdin)
import Test.Tasty (defaultMain)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertBool, assertEqual)
import Test.Tasty.Tmux
import Data.MIME
(MIMEMessage, createTextPlainMessage, message, mime, parse,
headers, renderMessage)
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}
type PurebredTestCase = TestCase GlobalEnv
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain $ testTmux pre post tests
pre = do
dir <- mkTempDir
setUpPurebredConfig dir
precompileConfig dir -- all tests can use same precompiled binary
pure (GlobalEnv dir)
post (GlobalEnv dir) =
removeDirectoryRecursive dir
tests =
[ testUserViewsMailSuccessfully
, testUserCanManipulateNMQuery
, testUserCanSwitchBackToIndex
, testUserCanAbortMailComposition
, testSendMail
, testCanToggleHeaders
, testSetsMailToRead
, testShowsAndClearsError
, testHelp
, testManageTagsOnMails
, testManageTagsOnThreads
, testConfig
, testUpdatesReadState
, testCanJumpToFirstListItem
, testAddAttachments
, testFromAddressIsProperlyReset
, testRepliesToMailSuccessfully
, testUserCanMoveBetweenThreads
, testShowsMailEntities
, testOpenCommandDoesNotKillPurebred
, testOpenEntitiesSuccessfully
, testPipeEntitiesSuccessfully
, testEditingMailHeaders
, testShowsInvalidCompositionInput
, testShowsInvalidTaggingInput
, testKeepDraftMail
, testDiscardsMail
, testShowsNewMail
, testConfirmDialogResets
, testCursorPositionedEndOnReply
, testSubstringSearchInMailBody
, testSubstringMatchesAreCleared
, testAutoview
testAutoview :: PurebredTestCase
testAutoview = purebredTmuxSession "automatically copies output for display" $
\step -> do
step "search for HTML mail"
findMail step "subject:\"HTML mail\""
step "open HTML mail"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "This is a HTML mail for purebred in which the HTML part contains")
step "use as reply"
sendKeys "r" (Regex ">\\s+This is a HTML mail for purebred")
testSubstringMatchesAreCleared :: PurebredTestCase
testSubstringMatchesAreCleared = purebredTmuxSession "substring match indicator only shown on mail" $
\step -> do
step "No match indicator is shown"
assertRegexS "New:\\s[0-9]\\]\\s+Threads"
step "search for Lorem mail"
sendKeys ":" (Regex ("Query: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "tag:inbox"))
sendKeys "C-u" (Regex ("Query: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "\\s+"))
step "enter free text search"
sendLine "Lorem ipsum" (Substring "Item 1 of 1")
step "show mail contents"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur")
step "show substring search editor"
sendKeys "/" (Substring "Search for")
step "enter needle and show results"
sendKeys "et\r" (Substring "1 of 20 matches")
step "go back to threads"
sendKeys "Escape" (Regex "New:\\s[0-9]\\]\\s+Threads")
testSubstringSearchInMailBody :: PurebredTestCase
testSubstringSearchInMailBody = purebredTmuxSession "search for substrings in mailbody" $
\step -> do
step "search for Lorem mail"
sendKeys ":" (Regex ("Query: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "tag:inbox"))
sendKeys "C-u" (Regex ("Query: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "\\s+"))
step "enter free text search"
sendLine "Lorem ipsum" (Substring "Item 1 of 1")
step "show mail contents"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur")
step "show substring search editor"
sendKeys "/" (Substring "Search for")
step "enter needle and show results"
sendKeys "et\r" (Regex ("am"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["32"] ["47"] <> "et"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["39"] ["49"] <> ", consect"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] ["42"] <> "et"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["39"] ["49"] <> "ur"))
step "highlight next search result"
sendKeys "n" (Regex ("am"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] ["42"] <> "et"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["39"] ["49"] <> ", consect"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["32"] ["47"] <> "et"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["39"] ["49"] <> "ur"))
step "focus search input editor again"
sendKeys "/" (Regex (buildAnsiRegex [] ["33"] ["40"] <> "Search for:\\s"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "\\s+$"))
step "search for different needle"
sendKeys "Lorem\r" (Regex ("\""
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["32"] ["47"] <> "Lorem"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["39"] ["49"] <> " ipsum"))
step "clear all highlights"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur")
testCursorPositionedEndOnReply :: PurebredTestCase
testCursorPositionedEndOnReply = purebredTmuxSession "cursor positioned on EOL when replying" $
\step -> do
step "pick first mail"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "This is a test mail for purebred")
step "start replying"
sendKeys "r" (Substring "> This is a test mail for purebred")
step "exit vim"
sendKeys ": x\r" (Substring "Attachments")
step "focus from field"
sendKeys "f" (Regex $ "From: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "")
sendKeys ", fromuser@foo.test\r" (Substring $ "From: "
<> ", fromuser@foo.test")
step "user can change to header"
sendKeys "t" (Regex $ "To: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "")
step "append an additional from email"
sendKeys ", touser@foo.test\r" (Substring "To: , touser@foo.test")
step "change subject"
sendKeys "s" (Regex $ "Subject: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> ".*subject\\s+$")
step "enter subject"
sendKeys " appended\r" (Substring "Subject: Re: Testmail with whitespace in the subject appended")
testConfirmDialogResets :: PurebredTestCase
testConfirmDialogResets = purebredTmuxSession "confirm dialog resets state" $
\step -> do
composeNewMail step
step "abort composition"
sendKeys "q" (Substring "Keep draft?")
step "choose Discard"
sendKeys "Tab" (Substring "Discard")
step "confirm discard"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Testmail")
composeNewMail step
step "abort composition"
sendKeys "q" (Regex (buildAnsiRegex [] ["30"] ["42"] <> "\\s+Keep" ))
-- Note: The most time in this test is spend on waiting. The default
-- time for the indicator to refresh is 5 seconds.
testShowsNewMail :: PurebredTestCase
testShowsNewMail = purebredTmuxSession "shows newly delivered mail" $
\step -> do
step "shows new mails"
sendKeys "Down" (Substring "New: 4")
mdir <- view envMaildir
let notmuchcfg = mdir > "notmuch-config"
m = set (headers . at "subject") (Just "new mail notification") $ createTextPlainMessage "Hello there"
rendered = LB.fromStrict $ renderMessage m
config = setStdin (byteStringInput rendered) $ proc "notmuch"
[ "--config=" <> notmuchcfg
, "insert"
, "--folder"
, "tmp"
, "--create-folder"
void $ readProcess_ config
step "shows new delivered mail"
sendKeys "Up" (Substring "New: 5")
-- reload mails to see the new e-mail
step "focus query widget"
sendKeys ":" (Regex ("Query: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "tag:inbox"))
step "view mail"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "new mail notification")
testShowsInvalidTaggingInput :: PurebredTestCase
testShowsInvalidTaggingInput = purebredTmuxSession "shows errors when tagging" $
\step -> do
step "start tagging"
sendKeys "`" (Regex ("Labels: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "enter invalid tag input"
sendKeys "=," (Substring "Failed reading: unexpected ',' at offset 1")
step "clear"
sendKeys "BSpace" (Regex ("Labels: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "="))
step "exit editor"
sendKeys "C-g" (Substring "Query")
step "open thread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Testmail with whitespace")
step "start tagging"
sendKeys "`" (Regex ("Labels: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "enter invalid tag input"
sendKeys "=," (Substring "Failed reading: unexpected ',' at offset 1")
step "clear"
sendKeys "BSpace" (Regex ("Labels: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "="))
testShowsInvalidCompositionInput :: PurebredTestCase
testShowsInvalidCompositionInput = purebredTmuxSession "shows errors when composing" $
\step -> do
step "start composition"
sendKeys "m" (Substring "From")
step "trigger error"
sendKeys "<" (Substring "Failed reading")
step "continue"
sendKeys "BSpace" (Substring "Purebred: (0,27)")
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "To:")
step "trigger error"
sendKeys "," (Substring "Failed reading")
step "continue"
sendKeys "BSpace" (Substring "Purebred: (0,0)")
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Subject:")
step "leave empty subject"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "~")
step "enter mail body"
sendKeys "iThis is a test body" (Substring "body")
step "exit insert mode in vim"
sendKeys "Escape" (Substring "body")
step "exit vim"
sendKeys ": x\r" (Substring "text/plain")
step "focus from field"
sendKeys "f" (Regex $ "From:\\s"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []
<> "\"Joe Bloggs\" ")
step "trigger error"
sendKeys "," (Substring "Failed reading: unexpected ',' at offset 27")
step "abort editing"
sendKeys "C-g" (Substring "ComposeView-Attachments")
step "focus to field"
sendKeys "t" (Regex $ "To:\\s" <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [])
step "trigger error"
sendKeys "," (Substring "Failed reading")
step "abort editing"
sendKeys "C-g" (Substring "ComposeView-Attachments")
testDiscardsMail :: PurebredTestCase
testDiscardsMail = purebredTmuxSession "discards draft mail" $
\step -> do
composeNewMail step
step "abort composition"
sendKeys "Escape" (Substring "Keep draft?")
step "choose Discard"
sendKeys "Tab" (Substring "Discard")
step "confirm discard"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Testmail")
step "no draft mail exists in Maildir"
maildir <- view envMaildir
assertFileAmountInMaildir (maildir > "Drafts" > "new") 0
testKeepDraftMail :: PurebredTestCase
testKeepDraftMail = purebredTmuxSession "compose mail from draft" $
\step -> do
composeNewMail step
step "abort composition"
sendKeys "q" (Substring "Keep draft?")
step "confirm Keep"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Draft saved")
step "assert draft exists"
maildir <- view envMaildir
assertFileAmountInMaildir (maildir > "Drafts" > "new") 1
step "search for draft"
sendKeys ":" (Regex ("Query: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "tag:inbox"))
sendKeys "C-u" (Regex ("Query: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "\\s+"))
step "enter new tag"
sendLine "tag:draft" (Substring "Item 1 of 1")
step "view mail"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Draft mail subject")
step "edit as new"
sendKeys "e" (Regex "From: \"Joe Bloggs\" \\s+To: user@to.test\\s+Subject:\\sDraft mail subject")
step "assert draft has been removed"
mdir <- view envMaildir
assertFileAmountInMaildir (mdir > "Drafts" > "new") 0
step "send mail"
sendKeys "y" (Substring "Query")
testdir <- view effectiveDir
let fpath = testdir > "sentMail"
contents <- liftIO $ B.readFile fpath
let decoded = chr . fromEnum <$> B.unpack contents
assertSubstr "This is a test body" decoded
testEditingMailHeaders :: PurebredTestCase
testEditingMailHeaders = purebredTmuxSession "user can edit mail headers" $
\step -> do
step "start composition"
sendKeys "m" (Substring "From")
step "accept default"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "To")
step "enter to: email"
sendKeys "user@to.test\r" (Substring "Subject")
step "leave default"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "~")
step "enter mail body"
sendKeys "iThis is a test body" (Substring "body")
step "exit insert mode in vim"
sendKeys "Escape" (Substring "body")
step "exit vim"
sendKeys ": x\r" (Substring "text/plain")
>>= assertSubstring "From: \"Joe Bloggs\" "
step "user can change from header"
sendKeys "f" (Regex $ "From: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "\"Joe Bloggs\" ")
let lastLineIsStatusLine = "Purebred:.*ComposeView-Attachments\\s+$^$"
step "append an email"
sendKeys ", testuser@foo.test\r" (Substring $ "From: "
<> "\"Joe Bloggs\" , testuser@foo.test")
>>= assertRegex lastLineIsStatusLine
step "user can change to header"
sendKeys "t" (Regex $ "To: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "user@to.test")
step "append an additional from email"
sendKeys ", testuser@foo.test\r" (Substring "To: user@to.test, testuser@foo.test")
>>= assertRegex lastLineIsStatusLine
step "change subject"
sendKeys "s" (Regex $ "Subject: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "")
step "enter subject"
sendKeys "foo subject\r" (Substring "Subject: foo subject")
>>= assertRegex lastLineIsStatusLine
testPipeEntitiesSuccessfully :: PurebredTestCase
testPipeEntitiesSuccessfully = purebredTmuxSession "pipe entities successfully" $
\step -> do
setEnvVarInSession "LESS" ""
step "open thread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "This is a test mail for purebred")
step "show entities"
sendKeys "v" (Substring "text/plain")
step "pipe to"
sendKeys "|" (Substring "Pipe to")
step "use less"
sendLine "less" (Regex ("This is a test mail for purebred"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] ["40"]
<> "\\s+"
<> buildAnsiRegex ["7"] ["39"] ["49"]
<> "\\(END\\)"))
testOpenEntitiesSuccessfully :: PurebredTestCase
testOpenEntitiesSuccessfully = purebredTmuxSession "open entities successfully" $
\step -> do
setEnvVarInSession "LESS" ""
step "open thread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "This is a test mail for purebred")
step "show entities"
sendKeys "v" (Substring "text/plain")
step "open one entity"
sendKeys "o" (Substring "Open With")
sendLine "less" (Regex ("This is a test mail for purebred"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] ["40"]
<> "\\s+"
<> buildAnsiRegex ["7"] ["39"] ["49"]
<> ".*purebred.*END"))
testOpenCommandDoesNotKillPurebred :: PurebredTestCase
testOpenCommandDoesNotKillPurebred = purebredTmuxSession "open attachment does not kill purebred" $
\step -> do
step "open thread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "This is a test mail for purebred")
step "show entities"
sendKeys "v" (Substring "text/plain")
step "open with"
sendKeys "o" (Substring "Open With")
step "Open with bogus command"
sendLine "asdfasdfasdf" (Substring "ProcessError")
testShowsMailEntities :: PurebredTestCase
testShowsMailEntities = purebredTmuxSession "shows mail entities successfully" $
\step -> do
step "open thread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "This is a test mail for purebred")
step "show entities"
sendKeys "v" (Substring "text/plain")
step "select the second entity"
sendKeys "j" (Substring "text/html")
step "close the list of entities"
out <- sendKeys "q" (Substring "This is a test mail for purebred")
-- poor mans (?!text)
assertRegex "[^t][^e][^x][^t]" out
testUserCanMoveBetweenThreads :: PurebredTestCase
testUserCanMoveBetweenThreads = purebredTmuxSession "user can navigate between threads" $
\step -> do
-- assert that the first mail is really the one we're later navigating back
-- to
assertRegexS (buildAnsiRegex ["1"] ["37"] ["43"] <> "\\sAug'17.*Testmail with whitespace")
step "View Mail"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "This is a test mail for purebred")
step "Navigate down the threads list"
sendKeys "J" (Substring "HOLY PUREBRED")
step "Navigate up the threads list"
sendKeys "K" (Substring "This is a test mail for purebred")
testRepliesToMailSuccessfully :: PurebredTestCase
testRepliesToMailSuccessfully = purebredTmuxSession "replies to mail successfully" $
\step -> do
let subject = "Testmail with whitespace in the subject"
testdir <- view effectiveDir
step "pick first mail"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "This is a test mail for purebred") >>= put
assertSubstringS "From: "
assertSubstringS "To: "
assertSubstringS ("Subject: " <> subject)
step "start replying"
sendKeys "r" (Substring "> This is a test mail for purebred")
step "exit vim"
sendKeys ": x\r" (Substring "Attachments") >>= put
assertSubstringS "From: "
assertSubstringS "To: "
assertSubstringS ("Subject: Re: " <> subject)
step "send mail"
sendKeys "y" (Substring "Query")
let fpath = testdir > "sentMail"
contents <- liftIO $ B.readFile fpath
let decoded = chr . fromEnum <$> B.unpack contents
assertSubstr ("Subject: Re: " <> subject) decoded
assertSubstr "From: frase@host.example" decoded
assertSubstr "To: roman@host.example" decoded
assertSubstr "> This is a test mail for purebred" decoded
testFromAddressIsProperlyReset :: PurebredTestCase
testFromAddressIsProperlyReset = purebredTmuxSession "from address is reset to configured identity" $
\step -> do
step "Start composing"
sendKeys "m" (Substring "Joe Bloggs")
step "abort editing"
sendKeys "Escape" (Substring "tag:inbox")
step "Start composing again"
sendKeys "m" (Substring "Joe Bloggs")
testCanJumpToFirstListItem :: PurebredTestCase
testCanJumpToFirstListItem = purebredTmuxSession "can jump to first and last mail" $
\step -> do
step "Jump to last mail"
sendKeys "G" (Substring "4 of 4")
step "Jump to first mail"
sendKeys "1" (Substring "1 of 4")
testUpdatesReadState :: PurebredTestCase
testUpdatesReadState = purebredTmuxSession "updates read state for mail and thread" $
\step -> do
findMail step "subject:WIP Refactor"
step "view unread mail in thread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "WIP Refactor")
step "view next unread in thread"
sendKeys "Down" (Substring "2 of 2")
step "go back to thread list which is now read"
sendKeys "q" (Regex (buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] ["43"] <> T.encodeUtf8 " Feb'17\\sRóman\\sJoost\\s+\\(2\\)"))
step "set one mail to unread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Beginning of large text")
sendKeys "t" (Regex (buildAnsiRegex ["1"] ["37"] []
<> "\\sRe: WIP Refactor\\s+"
<> buildAnsiRegex ["0"] ["34"] ["40"]))
step "returning to thread list shows entire thread as unread"
sendKeys "q" (Regex (buildAnsiRegex ["1"] ["37"] [] <> "\\sWIP Refactor\\s"))
testConfig :: PurebredTestCase
testConfig = purebredTmuxSession "test custom config" $
\step -> do
-- Set a short command prompt, to a value otherwise unlikely to
-- appear, so that we can easily check for program termination.
let unlikelyString = "unlikely"
sendKeys ("PS1=" <> unlikelyString <> "$ \r") (Substring unlikelyString)
step "archive thread"
sendKeys "a" (Substring "archive")
step "quit"
sendKeys "q" Unconditional
-- Wait a bit so that purebred, which may not yet have
-- terminated, does not eat the upcoming keystroke(s)
liftIO $ threadDelay 200000 -- 0.2 seconds
-- Press Enter again to deal with case where cursor is not at
-- column 0, which could cause target string to be split.
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring unlikelyString)
testAddAttachments :: PurebredTestCase
testAddAttachments = purebredTmuxSession "use file browser to add attachments" $
\step -> do
testdir <- view effectiveDir
-- To be resilient against differences in list contents between
-- git and sdist, list the directory ourselves to work out what
-- the final entry should be. Note that dirs come first in the
-- filebrowser widget.
files <- sort . fmap (T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack) <$> liftIO (
getSourceDirectory >>= listDirectory
>>= filterM (fmap isRegularFile . getFileStatus) )
lastFile = fromMaybe "MISSING" $ preview _last files
secondLastFile = fromMaybe "MISSING" $ preview (_init . _last) files
composeNewMail step
step "start file browser"
cwd <- B.pack <$> liftIO getCurrentDirectory
sendKeys "a" (Regex $ "Path: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["34"] ["40"] <> cwd)
step "jump to the end of the list"
sendKeys "G" (Regex $ buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] ["43"] <> T.encodeUtf8 "\\s\9744 - " <> lastFile)
step "add first selected file"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring lastFile)
step "up to select mail body"
sendKeys "Up" (Substring "Item 1 of 2")
-- edit the mail body a few times to check if the code not mistakenly adds
-- the same mail body as an attachment
step "edit mail body text"
sendKeys "e" (Substring "test body")
step "append to mail body"
sendKeys "i. foo" (Substring "foo")
step "exit insert mode in vim"
sendKeys "Escape" (Substring "foo")
step "exit vim"
sendKeys ": x\r" (Substring "Attachments")
step "edit mail body text"
sendKeys "e" (Substring "test body")
step "append to mail body"
sendKeys "i. foo" (Substring "foo")
step "exit insert mode in vim"
sendKeys "Escape" (Substring "foo")
step "exit vim"
sendKeys ": x\r" (Substring "Item 1 of 2")
-- try removing attachments
step "select the attachment"
sendKeys "Down" (Substring "Item 2 of 2")
step "remove the attachment"
sendKeys "D" (Not (Substring "screenshot.png"))
step "try to remove the last attachment"
sendKeys "D" (Substring "You may not remove the only attachment")
-- add the attachment again and send it
step "start file browser"
sendKeys "a" (Regex $ "Path: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["34"] ["40"] <> cwd)
step "jump to the end of the list"
sendKeys "G" (Regex $ buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] ["43"] <> T.encodeUtf8 "\\s\9744 - " <> lastFile)
step "select the file"
sendKeys "Space" (Regex $ buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] ["43"] <> T.encodeUtf8 "\\s\9745 - " <> lastFile)
step "move one item up"
sendKeys "Up" (Regex $ buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] ["43"] <> T.encodeUtf8 "\\s\9744 - " <> secondLastFile)
step "add selected files"
out <- sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Item 3 of 3")
assertSubstring secondLastFile out
step "send mail"
sendKeys "y" (Substring "Query")
let fpath = testdir > "sentMail"
contents <- liftIO $ B.readFile fpath
let decoded = chr . fromEnum <$> B.unpack contents
assertSubstr "attachment; filename" decoded
assertSubstr (B.unpack secondLastFile) decoded
assertSubstr (B.unpack lastFile) decoded
assertSubstr "This is a test body" decoded
testManageTagsOnMails :: PurebredTestCase
testManageTagsOnMails = purebredTmuxSession "manage tags on mails" $
\step -> do
step "view mail in thread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Testmail")
step "focus command to show mail tags"
sendKeys "`" (Regex (buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "enter new tag"
sendLine "+inbox +foo +bar" (Regex ("foo"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []
<> "\\s"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["36"] []
<> "bar"))
>>= assertSubstring "This is a test mail"
step "go back to list of threads"
sendKeys "Escape" (Substring "List of Threads")
-- find newly tagged mail
step "focus tag search"
sendKeys ":" (Regex (buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "tag"))
sendKeys "C-u" (Regex (buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "enter tag to search `foo and bar`"
sendLine "tag:foo and tag:bar" (Substring "tag:foo and tag:bar")
step "view mail in thread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Testmail")
step "attempt to add a new tag"
sendKeys "`" (Regex (buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "cancel tagging and expect old UI"
-- instead of asserting the absence of the tagging editor, we assert the
-- last visible "item" in the UI followed by whitespace.
sendKeys "Escape" (Regex "This is a test mail for purebred\\s+$")
testManageTagsOnThreads :: PurebredTestCase
testManageTagsOnThreads = purebredTmuxSession "manage tags on threads" $
\step -> do
-- setup: tag the mails in the thread with two different tags and then
-- tag the thread as a whole with a new tag. All mails should keep their
-- distinct tags, while having received a new tag.
step "navigate to thread"
sendKeys "Down" (Substring "Item 2 of 4")
sendKeys "Down" (Substring "Item 3 of 4")
step "show thread mails"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "ViewMail")
step "open mail tag editor"
sendKeys "`" (Regex ("Labels:." <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "add new tag"
sendLine "+archive" (Substring "archive")
step "move to second mail"
sendKeys "Down" (Substring "Item 2 of 2")
step "open mail tag editor"
sendKeys "`" (Regex ("Labels:." <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "add new tag"
sendLine "+replied -inbox" (Substring "replied")
step "thread tags shows new tags"
sendKeys "Escape" (Regex ("archive"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []
<> "\\s"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["36"] []
<> "replied"))
step "open thread tag editor"
sendKeys "`" (Regex ("Labels:." <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "remove tag"
-- "cheating" here a bit, since just invoking tmux with sending literally
-- "-only" will fail due to tmux parsing it as an argument, but the mail is
-- already tagged with "thread" so the additional adding won't do anything
sendLine "+thread" (Regex ("archive"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []
<> "\\s"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["36"] [] <> "replied" <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []
<> "\\s"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["36"] [] <> "thread"))
step "show thread mails"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "ViewMail")
step "second mail shows old tag"
sendKeys "Escape" (Regex ("replied"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []
<> "\\s"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["36"] []
<> "thread"
<> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []
<> "\\sWIP Refactor"))
step "open thread tag editor"
sendKeys "`" (Regex ("Labels:." <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "abort editing"
sendKeys "Escape" (Substring "Query")
testHelp :: PurebredTestCase
testHelp = purebredTmuxSession "help view" $
\step -> do
step "shows Keybindings"
sendKeys "?" (Substring "quit the application")
sendKeys "Escape" (Substring "Purebred")
testShowsAndClearsError :: PurebredTestCase
testShowsAndClearsError = purebredTmuxSession "shows and clears error" $
\step -> do
testmdir <- view envMaildir
liftIO $ removeFile (testmdir <> "/new/1502941827.R15455991756849358775.url")
step "open thread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Testmail")
step "shows error message"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "FileReadError")
>>= assertRegex "open(Binary)?File:.*does not exist"
step "error is cleared with next registered keybinding"
sendKeys "Up" (Substring "Purebred: Item 1 of 4")
testSetsMailToRead :: PurebredTestCase
testSetsMailToRead = purebredTmuxSession "user can toggle read tag" $
\step -> do
step "open thread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "This is a test mail for purebred")
step "first unread mail is opened"
sendKeys "Escape" (Substring "List of Threads")
>>= assertRegex (buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] ["43"] <> ".*Testmail")
step "show mail"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "This is a test mail for purebred")
step "toggle single mail back to unread (bold again)"
sendKeys "t" (Regex (buildAnsiRegex ["1"] ["37"] ["43"] <> ".*Testmail"))
testCanToggleHeaders :: PurebredTestCase
testCanToggleHeaders = purebredTmuxSession "user can toggle Headers" $
\step -> do
step "open thread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Testmail")
step "view mail"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "This is a test mail")
step "toggle to show all headers"
sendKeys "h" (Regex "[Rr]eturn-[Pp]ath")
step "toggle filtered headers"
out <- sendKeys "h" (Substring "This is a test mail")
assertRegex "Purebred.*\n.*[Ff]rom" out
testUserViewsMailSuccessfully :: PurebredTestCase
testUserViewsMailSuccessfully = purebredTmuxSession "user can view mail" $
\step -> do
step "shows tag"
assertSubstringS "inbox"
assertSubstringS "Testmail with whitespace in the subject"
step "open thread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Testmail with whitespace in the subject")
step "view mail"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "This is a test mail")
step "go back to thread list"
sendKeys "q" (Substring "WIP Refactor")
step "Move down to threaded mails"
sendKeys "Down" (Substring "Purebred: Item 2 of 4")
sendKeys "Down" (Substring "Purebred: Item 3 of 4")
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Re: WIP Refactor")
step "Scroll down"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Beginning of large text")
sendKeys "Space" (Substring "Sed ut perspiciatis")
step "go to next unread mail"
sendKeys "j" (Substring "Re: WIP Refactor")
step "Scroll down (again)"
sendKeys "Space" (Substring "Sed ut perspiciatis")
step "go to previous mail with reset scroll state"
sendKeys "k" (Regex "Subject:\\s.*WIP Refactor")
testUserCanManipulateNMQuery :: PurebredTestCase
testUserCanManipulateNMQuery =
"manipulating notmuch search query results in empty index" $
\step -> do
step "focus command"
sendKeys ":" (Regex (buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "tag"))
step "delete all input"
sendKeys "C-u" (Regex ("Query: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "search for non existing tags yielding no results"
sendLine "does not match anything" (Substring "No items")
step "search for mail correctly tagged"
sendKeys ":" (Regex ("Query: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "does"))
sendKeys "C-u" (Regex (buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "enter new tag"
sendLine "tag:replied" (Substring "Item 1 of 1")
step "open thread"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "This is Purebred")
step "view currently selected mail"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "HOLY PUREBRED")
testUserCanSwitchBackToIndex :: PurebredTestCase
testUserCanSwitchBackToIndex =
purebredTmuxSession "user can switch back to mail index during composition" $
\step -> do
step "start composition"
sendKeys "m" (Substring "From")
step "enter from email"
sendKeys "C-a" Unconditional
sendKeys "C-k" Unconditional
sendKeys "testuser@foo.test\r" (Substring "To")
step "enter to: email"
sendKeys "user@to.test\r" (Substring "Subject")
step "enter subject"
sendKeys "test subject\r" (Substring "~")
step "enter mail body"
sendKeys "iThis is a test body" (Substring "body")
step "exit insert mode in vim"
sendKeys "Escape" (Substring "body")
step "exit vim"
sendKeys ": x\r" (Regex "From: testuser@foo.test")
step "switch back to index"
sendKeys "Tab" (Substring "Testmail")
step "switch back to the compose editor"
sendKeys "Tab" (Substring "test subject")
testUserCanAbortMailComposition :: PurebredTestCase
testUserCanAbortMailComposition =
purebredTmuxSession "user can abort composing mail" $
\step -> do
composeNewMail step
step "abort mail"
sendKeys "q" (Substring "Keep draft?")
step "choose discard"
-- TODO: buildAnsiRegex will cause the generated Regex not
-- to match. Maybe not \\s+ even though raw it looks like
-- there is white space?
-- see https://github.com/purebred-mua/tasty-tmux/issues/8
sendKeys "Tab" (Substring "Discard")
step "confirm discard"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "Testmail")
step "start composition again"
sendKeys "m" (Substring "From")
sendKeys "Enter" (Regex ("To:\\s" <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "enter to: email"
sendKeys "new@second.test\r" (Regex ("Subject:\\s" <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "enter subject"
sendKeys "test subject\r" (Regex "~\\s+")
step "enter mail body"
sendKeys "iThis is my second mail" Unconditional
step "exit insert mode in vim"
sendKeys "Escape" Unconditional
step "exit vim"
sendKeys ": x\r" (Regex ("To: new@second.test\\s+"
<> "Subject: test subject"))
step "edit body"
sendKeys "e" (Regex "This is my second mail\\s+")
testSendMail :: PurebredTestCase
testSendMail =
purebredTmuxSession "sending mail successfully" $
\step -> do
testdir <- view effectiveDir
mdir <- view envMaildir
composeNewMail step
step "user can re-edit body"
sendKeys "e" (Substring "This is a test body")
step "Writes more text"
sendKeys "i. More text" (Substring "text")
step "exit insert mode in vim"
sendKeys "Escape" (Substring "body")
step "exit vim"
sendKeys ": x\r" (Regex ("text/plain; charset=us-ascii\\s" <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["34"] ["40"] <> "\\s+"))
-- pre-check before we sent:
-- * Drafts is empty before sending
-- * Sent folder doesn't exist yet
step "Drafts is empty before sending"
assertFileAmountInMaildir (mdir > "Drafts" > "new") 0
step "Sent folder doesn't exist yet"
files <- liftIO $ listDirectory mdir
liftIO $
"expected no maildir directories"
(sort ["Drafts", ".notmuch", "notmuch-config", "new", "cur"])
(sort files)
step "send mail and go back to threads"
sendKeys "y" (Regex ("Query:\\s" <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["34"] [] <> "tag:inbox"))
-- check that the sent mail can be parsed without errors
step "parse mail with purebred-email"
assertMailSuccessfullyParsed (testdir > "sentMail")
-- check that the sent mail is indexed
step "focus query"
sendKeys ":" (Regex (buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "tag"))
step "delete all input"
sendKeys "C-u" (Regex ("Query: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] []))
step "enter sent tags"
sendLine "tag:sent" (Substring "Draft mail subject")
-- check that a copy of the sent mail has been copied to our Maildir
step "Drafts directory is empty"
assertFileAmountInMaildir (mdir > "Drafts" > "new") 0
step "Sent directory has a new entry"
assertFileAmountInMaildir (mdir > "Sent" > "cur") 1
findMail ::
( HasTmuxSession testEnv
, MonadReader testEnv m
, MonadState Capture m
, MonadIO m
=> (String -> m ())
-> String -- ^ query
-> m Capture
findMail step query = do
step ("search for mail with query: " <> query)
sendKeys ":" (Regex ("Query: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "tag:inbox"))
sendKeys "C-u" (Regex ("Query: " <> buildAnsiRegex [] ["37"] [] <> "\\s+"))
step "enter free text search"
sendLine query (Substring "Item 1 of 1")
composeNewMail ::
HasTmuxSession testEnv
=> (MonadReader testEnv m, MonadState Capture m, MonadIO m) =>
(String -> m ()) -> m ()
composeNewMail step = do
step "start composition"
sendKeys "m" (Substring "From")
step "accept default"
sendKeys "Enter" (Substring "To")
step "enter to: email"
sendKeys "user@to.test\r" (Substring "Subject")
step "leave default"
sendKeys "Draft mail subject\r" (Substring "~")
step "enter mail body"
sendKeys "iThis is a test body" (Substring "body")
step "exit insert mode in vim"
sendKeys "Escape" (Substring "body")
step "exit vim"
sendKeys ": x\r" (Substring "text/plain") >>= put
assertSubstringS "From: \"Joe Bloggs\" "
parseMail :: B.ByteString -> Either String MIMEMessage
parseMail = parse (message mime)
assertSubstr :: MonadIO m => String -> String -> m ()
assertSubstr needle haystack = liftIO $ assertBool
(needle <> " not found in\n\n" <> haystack)
(needle `isInfixOf` haystack)
assertMailSuccessfullyParsed :: (MonadIO m) => String -> m ()
assertMailSuccessfullyParsed fp = do
contents <- liftIO $ B.readFile fp
let result = parseMail contents
liftIO $ assertBool "expected successful MIMEMessage" (isRight result)
assertFileAmountInMaildir :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> Int -> m ()
assertFileAmountInMaildir maildir expected =
let errmsg fs = "expecting " <> show expected <> " file(s), dir contents: " <> show fs
in liftIO $ do
-- Wait a bit so we can be sure that the IO operation has
-- completed. If we don't wait here, the UI has most likely
-- repainted quicker than the deletion of the file ending in
-- flakyness. The test will most likely pass quicker on faster IO
-- machines than in our CI.
threadDelay 200000 -- 0.2 seconds
files <- listDirectory maildir
assertEqual (errmsg files) expected (length files)
-- Global test environment (shared by all test cases)
newtype GlobalEnv = GlobalEnv FilePath
globalEnvDir :: Lens' GlobalEnv FilePath
globalEnvDir f (GlobalEnv a) = fmap GlobalEnv (f a)
-- Session test environment
data Env = Env
{ _envGlobalEnv :: GlobalEnv
, _envDir :: Maybe FilePath -- override the global config dir
, _envMaildir :: FilePath
, _envSessionName :: String
instance HasTmuxSession Env where
tmuxSession = envSessionName
globalEnv :: Lens' Env GlobalEnv
globalEnv f (Env a b c d) = fmap (\a' -> Env a' b c d) (f a)
sessionEnvDir :: Lens' Env (Maybe FilePath)
sessionEnvDir f (Env a b c d) = fmap (\b' -> Env a b' c d) (f b)
-- | The effective config dir for a session
effectiveDir :: Getter Env FilePath
effectiveDir = to $ \env ->
fromMaybe (view (globalEnv . globalEnvDir) env) (view sessionEnvDir env)
envMaildir :: Lens' Env FilePath
envMaildir f (Env a b c d) = fmap (\c' -> Env a b c' d) (f c)
envSessionName :: Lens' Env String
envSessionName f (Env a b c d) = fmap (\d' -> Env a b c d') (f d)
{-# ANN envSessionName ("HLint: ignore Avoid lambda" :: String) #-}
-- | Tear down a test session
tearDown :: Env -> IO ()
tearDown (Env _ dir mdir _) = do
traverse_ removeDirectoryRecursive dir -- remove session config dir if exists
removeDirectoryRecursive mdir
-- | Set up a test session.
setUp :: GlobalEnv -> TmuxSession -> IO Env
setUp gEnv sessionName = do
maildir <- setUpTempMaildir
-- For now, we never need to override the global config dir.
-- But in the future, if we have tests for which we want to use
-- a custom config, create the dir and set to 'Just dir'
sessionConfDir = Nothing
env = Env gEnv sessionConfDir maildir sessionName
-- a) Make the regex less color code dependent by setting the TERM to 'ansi'.
-- This can happen if different environments support more than 16 colours (e.g.
-- background values > 37), while our CI environment only supports 16 colours.
runReaderT (setEnvVarInSession "TERM" "ansi") env
-- set the config dir
runReaderT (view effectiveDir >>= setEnvVarInSession "PUREBRED_CONFIG_DIR") env
pure env
precompileConfig :: FilePath -> IO ()
precompileConfig testdir = do
env <- getEnvironment
let systemEnv = ("PUREBRED_CONFIG_DIR", testdir) : env
config = setEnv systemEnv $ proc "purebred" ["--version"]
runProcess_ config
-- | Get the explicitly-specified source directory via SRCDIR
-- env var, or fall back to CWD.
getSourceDirectory :: IO FilePath
getSourceDirectory = lookupEnv "SRCDIR" >>= maybe getCurrentDirectory pure
setUpPurebredConfig :: FilePath -> IO ()
setUpPurebredConfig testdir = do
c <- getSourceDirectory
copyFile (c <> "/configs/purebred.hs") (testdir <> "/purebred.hs")
mkTempDir :: IO FilePath
mkTempDir = getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory >>= flip createTempDirectory "purebredtest"
-- | Set up a temporary Maildir containing the test database
-- The returned directory contains the 'Maildir' subdirectory.
setUpTempMaildir :: IO FilePath
setUpTempMaildir = do
basedir <- mkTempDir
cwd <- getSourceDirectory
runProcess_ $ proc "cp" ["-r", cwd <> "/test/data/Maildir/", basedir]
let mdir = basedir > "Maildir"
-- Rename files with maildir flags ; these had to be renamed (':' replaced
-- with '_') to appease Hackage requirement that tarballs only contain
-- filenames that are valid on both POSIX and Windows. We have to fix the
-- filenames here before using them.
runProcess_ $ proc "find"
[ mdir, "-name", "*_2,*"
, "-execdir", "sh", "-c", "mv {} $(echo {} | sed s/_2,/:2,/)", ";"
setUpNotmuchCfg mdir >>= setUpNotmuch
pure mdir
-- | run notmuch to create the notmuch database
-- Note: discard stdout which otherwise clobbers the test output
setUpNotmuch :: FilePath -> IO ()
setUpNotmuch notmuchcfg = void $ readProcess_ $ proc "notmuch" ["--config=" <> notmuchcfg, "new" ]
-- | Write a minimal notmuch config pointing to the database.
setUpNotmuchCfg :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
setUpNotmuchCfg dir = do
let cfgData = "[database]\npath=" <> dir <> "\n"
cfgFile = dir <> "/notmuch-config"
writeFile cfgFile cfgData $> cfgFile
purebredTmuxSession = withTmuxSession setUp tearDown
-- | convenience function to print captured output to STDERR
debugOutput :: String -> IO ()
debugOutput out = do
d <- lookupEnv "DEBUG"
when (isJust d) $ hPutStr stderr ("\n\n" <> out)
-- | start the application
-- Note: this is currently defined as an additional test step for no good
-- reason.
startApplication :: (MonadReader Env m, MonadIO m) => m ()
startApplication = do
srcdir <- liftIO getSourceDirectory
tmuxSendKeys LiteralKeys ("cd " <> srcdir <> "\r")
testmdir <- view envMaildir
tmuxSendKeys InterpretKeys ("purebred --database " <> testmdir <> "\r")
void $ waitForCondition (Substring "Purebred: Item") defaultRetries defaultBackoff