module Network.PushNotify.APN
( ApnSession
, JsonAps
, JsonApsAlert
, JsonApsMessage
, ApnMessageResult(..)
, ApnToken
, sendMessage
, sendSilentMessage
, newSession
, sendRawMessage
, emptyMessage
, setSound
, clearSound
, setCategory
, clearCategory
, setBadge
, clearBadge
, alertMessage
, setAlertMessage
, clearAlertMessage
, newMessage
, newMessageWithCustomPayload
, hexEncodedToken
, rawToken
) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.QSem
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Int
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.X509
import Data.X509.CertificateStore
import GHC.Generics
import Network.HTTP2.Client
import Network.HTTP2.Client.Helpers
import Network.TLS hiding (sendData)
import Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher
import System.Random
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.List as DL
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Network.HTTP2 as HTTP2
import qualified Network.HPACK as HTTP2
data ApnSession = ApnSession
{ apnSessionPool :: !(IORef [ApnConnection])
, apnSessionConnectionInfo :: !ApnConnectionInfo
, apnSessionConnectionManager :: !ThreadId }
data ApnConnectionInfo = ApnConnectionInfo
{ aciCertPath :: !FilePath
, aciCertKey :: !FilePath
, aciCaPath :: !FilePath
, aciHostname :: !Text
, aciMaxConcurrentStreams :: !Int
, aciTopic :: !ByteString }
data ApnConnection = ApnConnection
{ apnConnectionConnection :: !Http2Client
, apnConnectionInfo :: !ApnConnectionInfo
, apnConnectionWorkerPool :: !QSem
, apnConnectionLastUsed :: !Int64
, apnConnectionFlowControlWorker :: !ThreadId }
newtype ApnToken = ApnToken { unApnToken :: ByteString }
:: ByteString
-> ApnToken
rawToken = ApnToken . B16.encode
:: Text
-> ApnToken
hexEncodedToken = ApnToken . B16.encode . fst . B16.decode . TE.encodeUtf8
data ApnMessageResult = ApnMessageResultOk
| ApnMessageResultFatalError
| ApnMessageResultTemporaryError
| ApnMessageResultTokenNoLongerValid
deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
data JsonApsAlert = JsonApsAlert
{ jaaTitle :: !Text
, jaaBody :: !Text
} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON JsonApsAlert where
toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
{ fieldLabelModifier = drop 3 . map toLower }
data JsonApsMessage
= JsonApsMessage
{ jamAlert :: !(Maybe JsonApsAlert)
, jamBadge :: !(Maybe Int)
, jamSound :: !(Maybe Text)
, jamCategory :: !(Maybe Text)
} deriving (Generic, Show)
emptyMessage :: JsonApsMessage
emptyMessage = JsonApsMessage Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
:: Text
-> JsonApsMessage
-> JsonApsMessage
setSound s a = a { jamSound = Just s }
:: JsonApsMessage
-> JsonApsMessage
clearSound a = a { jamSound = Nothing }
:: Text
-> JsonApsMessage
-> JsonApsMessage
setCategory c a = a { jamCategory = Just c }
:: JsonApsMessage
-> JsonApsMessage
clearCategory a = a { jamCategory = Nothing }
:: Int
-> JsonApsMessage
-> JsonApsMessage
setBadge i a = a { jamBadge = Just i }
:: JsonApsMessage
-> JsonApsMessage
clearBadge a = a { jamBadge = Nothing }
:: Text
-> Text
-> JsonApsMessage
alertMessage title text = setAlertMessage title text emptyMessage
:: Text
-> Text
-> JsonApsMessage
-> JsonApsMessage
setAlertMessage title text a = a { jamAlert = Just jam }
jam = JsonApsAlert title text
:: JsonApsMessage
-> JsonApsMessage
clearAlertMessage a = a { jamAlert = Nothing }
instance ToJSON JsonApsMessage where
toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
{ fieldLabelModifier = drop 3 . map toLower }
data JsonAps
= JsonAps
{ jaAps :: !JsonApsMessage
, jaAppSpecificContent :: !(Maybe Text)
} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON JsonAps where
toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
{ fieldLabelModifier = drop 2 . map toLower }
:: JsonApsMessage
-> JsonAps
newMessage = flip JsonAps Nothing
:: JsonApsMessage
-> Text
-> JsonAps
newMessageWithCustomPayload message payload =
JsonAps message (Just payload)
:: FilePath
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> Bool
-> Int
-> ByteString
-> IO ApnSession
newSession certKey certPath caPath dev maxparallel topic = do
let hostname = if dev
then ""
else ""
connInfo = ApnConnectionInfo certPath certKey caPath hostname maxparallel topic
connections <- newIORef []
connectionManager <- forkIO $ manage 1800 connections
return $ ApnSession connections connInfo connectionManager
getConnection :: ApnSession -> IO ApnConnection
getConnection s = do
let pool = apnSessionPool s
ci = apnSessionConnectionInfo s
connections <- readIORef pool
let len = length connections
if len == 0
then do
conn <- newConnection ci
atomicModifyIORef' pool (\a -> (conn:a, ()))
return conn
else do
num <- randomRIO (0, len 1)
currtime <- round <$> getPOSIXTime :: IO Int64
let conn = connections !! num
conn1 = conn { apnConnectionLastUsed=currtime }
atomicModifyIORef' pool (\a -> (replaceNth num conn1 a, ()))
return conn1
replaceNth n newVal (x:xs)
| n == 0 = newVal:xs
| otherwise = x:replaceNth (n1) newVal xs
manage :: Int64 -> IORef [ApnConnection] -> IO ()
manage timeout ioref = forever $ do
currtime <- round <$> getPOSIXTime :: IO Int64
let minTime = currtime timeout
expiredOnes <- atomicModifyIORef' ioref
(foldl ( \(a,b) i -> if apnConnectionLastUsed i < minTime then (a, (i:b) ) else ( (i:a) ,b)) ([],[]))
mapM_ closeApnConnection expiredOnes
threadDelay 60000000
newConnection :: ApnConnectionInfo -> IO ApnConnection
newConnection aci = do
putStrLn "Starting new connection..."
Just castore <- readCertificateStore $ aciCaPath aci
Right credential <- credentialLoadX509 (aciCertPath aci) (aciCertKey aci)
let credentials = Credentials [credential]
shared = def { sharedCredentials = credentials
, sharedCAStore=castore }
maxConcurrentStreams = aciMaxConcurrentStreams aci
clip = ClientParams
{ clientUseMaxFragmentLength=Nothing
, clientServerIdentification=(T.unpack hostname, undefined)
, clientUseServerNameIndication=True
, clientWantSessionResume=Nothing
, clientShared=shared
, clientHooks=def
{ onCertificateRequest=const . return . Just $ credential }
, clientDebug=DebugParams { debugSeed=Nothing, debugPrintSeed=const $ return () }
, clientSupported=def
{ supportedVersions=[ TLS12 ]
, supportedCiphers=ciphersuite_strong }
conf = [ (HTTP2.SettingsMaxFrameSize, 16384)
, (HTTP2.SettingsMaxConcurrentStreams, maxConcurrentStreams)
, (HTTP2.SettingsMaxHeaderBlockSize, 4096)
, (HTTP2.SettingsInitialWindowSize, 65536)
, (HTTP2.SettingsEnablePush, 1)
hostname = aciHostname aci
client <- newHttp2Client (T.unpack hostname) 443 4096 4096 clip conf
flowWorker <- forkIO $ forever $ do
updated <- _updateWindow $ _incomingFlowControl client
when updated $ putStrLn "sending flow-control update"
threadDelay 1000000
workersem <- newQSem maxConcurrentStreams
currtime <- round <$> getPOSIXTime :: IO Int64
return $ ApnConnection client aci workersem currtime flowWorker
closeApnConnection :: ApnConnection -> IO ()
closeApnConnection connection = do
let flowWorker = apnConnectionFlowControlWorker connection
killThread flowWorker
_gtfo (apnConnectionConnection connection) HTTP2.NoError ""
:: ApnSession
-> ApnToken
-> ByteString
-> IO ApnMessageResult
sendRawMessage s token payload = do
c <- getConnection s
res <- sendApnRaw c token payload
case res of
Left tmc -> return ApnMessageResultTemporaryError
Right res1 -> return res1
:: ApnSession
-> ApnToken
-> JsonAps
-> IO ApnMessageResult
sendMessage s token payload = do
c <- getConnection s
let message = L.toStrict $ encode payload
res <- sendApnRaw c token message
case res of
Left tmc -> return ApnMessageResultTemporaryError
Right res1 -> return res1
:: ApnSession
-> ApnToken
-> IO ApnMessageResult
sendSilentMessage s token = do
c <- getConnection s
let message = "{\"aps\":{\"content-available\":1}}"
res <- sendApnRaw c token message
case res of
Left tmc -> return ApnMessageResultTemporaryError
Right res1 -> return res1
:: ApnConnection
-> ApnToken
-> ByteString
-> IO (Either TooMuchConcurrency ApnMessageResult)
sendApnRaw connection token message = bracket_
(waitQSem (apnConnectionWorkerPool connection))
(signalQSem (apnConnectionWorkerPool connection)) $ do
let headers = [ ( ":method", "POST" )
, ( ":scheme", "https" )
, ( ":authority", TE.encodeUtf8 hostname )
, ( ":path", "/3/device/" `S.append` token1 )
, ( "apns-topic", topic ) ]
aci = apnConnectionInfo connection
hostname = aciHostname aci
topic = aciTopic aci
client = apnConnectionConnection connection
token1 = unApnToken token
_startStream client $ \stream ->
let init = _headers stream headers id
handler isfc osfc = do
upload message client (_outgoingFlowControl client) stream osfc
hdrs <- _waitHeaders stream
let (frameHeader, streamId, errOrHeaders) = hdrs
case errOrHeaders of
Left err -> return ApnMessageResultTemporaryError
Right hdrs1 -> do
let Just status = DL.lookup ":status" hdrs1
return $ case status of
"200" -> ApnMessageResultOk
"400" -> ApnMessageResultFatalError
"403" -> ApnMessageResultFatalError
"405" -> ApnMessageResultFatalError
"410" -> ApnMessageResultTokenNoLongerValid
"413" -> ApnMessageResultFatalError
"429" -> ApnMessageResultTemporaryError
"500" -> ApnMessageResultTemporaryError
"503" -> ApnMessageResultTemporaryError
in StreamDefinition init handler