-- Fork of: https://github.com/audreyt/interpolatedstring-perl6/blob/63d91a83eb5e48740c87570a8c7fd4668afe6832/src/Text/InterpolatedString/Perl6.hs
-- Author of the 'interpolatedstring-perl6' package: Audrey Tang

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}

{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}


module Text.InterpolatedString.QM (qm, qn, ShowQ(..)) where

import "base" GHC.Exts (IsString (fromString))
import qualified "template-haskell" Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import "template-haskell" Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter (QuasiQuoter))
import "haskell-src-meta" Language.Haskell.Meta.Parse (parseExp)
import "bytestring" Data.ByteString.Char8 as Strict (ByteString, unpack)
import "bytestring" Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as Lazy (ByteString, unpack)
import "text" Data.Text as T (Text, unpack)
import "text" Data.Text.Lazy as LazyT (Text, unpack)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import "base" Data.Monoid (mempty, mappend)

class ShowQ a where
  showQ :: a -> String

instance ShowQ Char where
  showQ = (:[])

instance ShowQ String where
  showQ = id

instance ShowQ Strict.ByteString where
  showQ = Strict.unpack

instance ShowQ Lazy.ByteString where
  showQ = Lazy.unpack

instance ShowQ T.Text where
  showQ = T.unpack

instance ShowQ LazyT.Text where
  showQ = LazyT.unpack

instance Show a => ShowQ a where
  showQ = show

class QQ a string where
  toQQ :: a -> string

instance IsString s => QQ s s where
  toQQ = id

instance (ShowQ a, IsString s) => QQ a s where
  toQQ = fromString . showQ

data StringPart = Literal String | AntiQuote String deriving Show

unQM :: String -> String -> [StringPart]
unQM a ""          = [Literal (reverse a)]
unQM a ('\\':x:xs) = unQM (x:a) xs
unQM a ("\\")      = unQM ('\\':a) ""
unQM a ('}':xs)    = AntiQuote (reverse a) : parseQM "" xs
unQM a (x:xs)      = unQM (x:a) xs

parseQM :: String -> String -> [StringPart]
parseQM a ""             = [Literal (reverse a)]
parseQM a ('\\':'\\':xs) = parseQM ('\\':a) xs
parseQM a ('\\':'{':xs)  = parseQM ('{':a) xs
parseQM a ('\\':' ':xs)  = parseQM (' ':a) xs
parseQM a ('\\':'\n':xs) = parseQM a ('\n':xs)
parseQM a ('\\':'n':xs)  = parseQM ('\n':a) xs
parseQM a ("\\")         = parseQM ('\\':a) ""
parseQM a ('{':xs)       = Literal (reverse a) : unQM "" xs
parseQM a (clearIndentAtSOF   -> Just clean) = parseQM a clean
parseQM a (clearIndentTillEOF -> Just clean) = parseQM a clean
parseQM a ('\n':xs)      = parseQM a xs -- cut off line breaks
parseQM a (x:xs)         = parseQM (x:a) xs

parseQN :: String -> String -> [StringPart]
parseQN a ""             = [Literal (reverse a)]
parseQN a ('\\':'\\':xs) = parseQN ('\\':a) xs
parseQN a ('\\':' ':xs)  = parseQN (' ':a) xs
parseQN a ('\\':'\n':xs) = parseQN a ('\n':xs)
parseQN a ('\\':'n':xs)  = parseQN ('\n':a) xs
parseQN a ("\\")         = parseQN ('\\':a) ""
parseQN a (clearIndentAtSOF   -> Just clean) = parseQN a clean
parseQN a (clearIndentTillEOF -> Just clean) = parseQN a clean
parseQN a ('\n':xs)      = parseQN a xs -- cut off line breaks
parseQN a (x:xs)         = parseQN (x:a) xs

clearIndentTillEOF :: String -> Maybe String
clearIndentTillEOF s | s == ""             = Nothing
                     | head s `elem` "\t " = cutOff s
                     | otherwise           = Nothing

  where cutOff x | x == ""             = Just ""
                 | head x == '\n'      = Just x
                 | head x `elem` "\t " = cutOff $ tail x
                 | otherwise           = Nothing

clearIndentAtSOF :: String -> Maybe String
clearIndentAtSOF s | s == ""                      = Nothing
                   | head s == '\n' && hasChanges = Just processed
                   | otherwise                    = Nothing

  where processed  = '\n' : cutOff (tail s)
        hasChanges = processed /= s

        cutOff x | x == ""             = ""
                 | head x `elem` "\t " = cutOff $ tail x
                 | otherwise           = x

clearIndentAtStart :: String -> String
clearIndentAtStart s | s == ""             = ""
                     | head s `elem` "\t " = clearIndentAtStart $ tail s
                     | otherwise           = s

makeExpr :: [StringPart] -> TH.ExpQ
makeExpr [] = [| mempty |]
makeExpr (Literal a : xs) =
  TH.appE [| mappend (fromString a) |]    $ makeExpr xs
makeExpr (AntiQuote a : xs) =
  TH.appE [| mappend (toQQ $(reify a)) |] $ makeExpr xs

reify :: String -> TH.Q TH.Exp
reify s = case parseExp s of
               Left  e -> TH.reportError e >> [| mempty |]
               Right e -> return e

-- | QuasiQuoter for multiline interpolated string.
-- @
-- [qm| foo {'b':'a':'r':""}
--    \\ baz |] -- "foo bar baz"
-- @
-- Symbols that could be escaped:
--   * @\\@ - backslash itself (two backslashes one by one: @\\\\@)
--     @[qm| foo\\\\bar |] -- "foo\\\\bar"@
--   * Space symbol at the edge
--     (to put it to the output instead of just ignoring it)
--     @[qm| foo\\ |] -- "foo "@ or @[qm|\\ foo |] -- " foo"@
--   * Line break @\\n@ (actual line breaks are ignored)
--   * Opening bracket of interpolation block @\\{@
--     to prevent interpolatin and put it as it is
--     @[qm| {1+2} \\{3+4} |] -- "3 {3+4}"@
qm :: QuasiQuoter
qm = QuasiQuoter f
  (error "Cannot use qm as a pattern")
  (error "Cannot use qm as a type")
  (error "Cannot use qm as a dec")
  where f = makeExpr . parseQM "" . clearIndentAtStart . filter (/= '\r')

-- | Works just like `qm` but without interpolation
--   (just multiline string with decorative indentation).
-- @
-- [qn| foo {'b':'a':'r':""}
--    \\ baz |] -- "foo {'b':'a':'r':\\"\\"} baz"
-- @
-- Interpolation blocks goes just as text:
-- @[qn| {1+2} \\{3+4} |] -- "{1+2} \\\\{3+4}"@
qn :: QuasiQuoter
qn = QuasiQuoter f
  (error "Cannot use qn as a pattern")
  (error "Cannot use qn as a type")
  (error "Cannot use qn as a dec")
  where f = makeExpr . parseQN "" . clearIndentAtStart . filter (/= '\r')