-- This file automatically generated by generate-cr-and-crlf-tests.sh (do not modify!) -- WARNING! Do not remove trailing whitespace or tabs, it's part of the test! {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module LineBreaks.CRLF.QNB.Spec (spec) where import "hspec" Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe) -- local imports import "qm-interpolated-string" Text.InterpolatedString.QM (qnb) spec :: Spec spec = do it "Works as expected" $ [qnb| foo {1+2} bar |] `shouldBe` "foo\n{1+2}\nbar" it "Explicitly cutting off line breaks" $ do [qnb| foo\ {1+2}\ bar\ baz |] `shouldBe` "foo{1+2}barbaz" [qnb| foo\ {1+2}\ bar\ baz\ |] `shouldBe` "foo{1+2}barbaz" describe "Examples from README" $ do it "First (decorative spacing and escaping space symbol)" $ [qnb| hello world, \ what's going on here? |] `shouldBe` "hello world,\n what's going on here?" it "Second (breaking lines)" $ [qnb| it's actual ly NOT ignored |] `shouldBe` "it's actual\nly NOT ignored" it "Third (explicit line breaks symbols, line break plus space)" $ [qnb| \ You could explicitly escape indentation or\n line breaks when you really need it! \ |] `shouldBe` " You could explicitly escape indentation or\n\n\ \line breaks when you really need it! " it "Fourth (escaping interpolation blocks to show them as text)" $ [qnb| {1+2} \{3+4} |] `shouldBe` "{1+2} \\{3+4}" it "Empty string" $ [qnb| |] `shouldBe` "" it "Type annotation in interpolation block" $ [qnb|{10 :: Float}|] `shouldBe` "{10 :: Float}" describe "Escaping" $ do it "Escaping interpolation symbols inside interpolation block" $ do [qnb|foo {"b{a{r"} baz|] `shouldBe` "foo {\"b{a{r\"} baz" [qnb|foo {"b\}a\}r"} baz|] `shouldBe` "foo {\"b\\}a\\}r\"} baz" it "Escaping backslashes" $ do [qnb| foo\bar |] `shouldBe` "foo\\bar" [qnb| foo\\bar |] `shouldBe` "foo\\bar" [qnb| foo\\\bar |] `shouldBe` "foo\\\\bar" [qnb| foo\\\\bar |] `shouldBe` "foo\\\\bar" it "Escaping space by backslash at EOL after space\ \ (line break is cutted off)" $ [qnb| foo \ bar |] `shouldBe` "foo bar" it "Escaped spaces at the edges" $ do [qnb| foo\ |] `shouldBe` "foo " [qnb|\ foo |] `shouldBe` " foo" it "Escaping backslash itself when it makes sense" $ do [qnb| foo\nbar |] `shouldBe` "foo\nbar" [qnb| foo\\nbar |] `shouldBe` "foo\\nbar" [qnb| foo\tbar |] `shouldBe` "foo\tbar" [qnb| foo\\tbar |] `shouldBe` "foo\\tbar" [qnb| foo\ bar |] `shouldBe` "foo\tbar" [qnb| foo\\ bar |] `shouldBe` "foo\\\tbar" [qnb| foo\ bar |] `shouldBe` "foo bar" [qnb| foo\\ bar |] `shouldBe` "foo\\ bar" [qnb| foo\ bar |] `shouldBe` "foobar" [qnb| foo\\ bar |] `shouldBe` "foo\\\nbar" -- By 'not really' it means we just shows here what happens with examples -- for QMB when we use them with QNB quoter. describe "Escaping inside interpolation blocks (not really!)" $ do it "Line-breaks must be interpreted as just haskell code\ \ (not really!)" $ do [qnb| {'\n'} |] `shouldBe` "{'\n'}" [qnb| {"foo\nbar"} |] `shouldBe` "{\"foo\nbar\"}" [qnb| {"foo\\nbar"} |] `shouldBe` "{\"foo\\nbar\"}" [qnb| {"foo\\\nbar"} |] `shouldBe` "{\"foo\\\nbar\"}" [qnb| {"foo\\\\nbar"} |] `shouldBe` "{\"foo\\\\nbar\"}" it "Escaping for multiline strings" $ do [qnb| {"foo\ \bar\ \baz"} |] `shouldBe` "{\"foo\\bar\\baz\"}" [qnb| {"foo \ \bar\ \ baz"} |] `shouldBe` "{\"foo \\bar baz\"}" [qnb| x \ {"foo \ \bar\ \ baz"} \ y |] `shouldBe` "x {\"foo \\bar baz\"} y" it "Escaping of close-bracket '}'" $ do [qnb| { testFoo {testBar = 9000\} } |] `shouldBe` "{ testFoo {testBar = 9000\\} }" [qnb| foo{ testFoo {testBar = 9000\} }bar |] `shouldBe` "foo{ testFoo {testBar = 9000\\} }bar" [qnb|foo{testFoo2 {test1 = (test1 testFoo2) {testBar = 9000\}\}}bar|] `shouldBe` "foo{testFoo2 {test1 = (test1 testFoo2) {testBar = 9000\\}\\}}bar" [qnb| foo { testFoo2 { test1 = (test1 testFoo2) { testBar = 9000 \} \} } bar |] `shouldBe` "foo { testFoo2 {\ntest1 = (test1 testFoo2)\n\ \{ testBar = 9000 \\}\n\\}\n} bar" [qnb| {"\}"} |] `shouldBe` "{\"\\}\"}" [qnb| {"\\\}"} |] `shouldBe` "{\"\\\\}\"}" [qnb| {123}} |] `shouldBe` "{123}}" it "When interpolation block is escaped\ \ everything must be interpreted as usual (not really)" $ do [qnb| \{ foo\nbar\\baz\} } |] `shouldBe` "\\{ foo\nbar\\baz\\} }" [qnb| \{ foo\ bar } |] `shouldBe` "\\{ foobar }" it "Tabs characters in string inside interpolation block\ \ (not really)" $ do [qnb| {"foo\t\tbar" } |] `shouldBe` "{\"foo\t\tbar\" }" [qnb| {"foo bar" } |] `shouldBe` "{\"foo\t\tbar\" }" [qnb| {"foo\\t\tbar"} |] `shouldBe` "{\"foo\\t\tbar\"}" describe "Tabs as indentation" $ do it "Tabs is only indentation at left side" $ do [qnb| foo bar baz |] `shouldBe` "foo bar baz" [qnb| foo bar baz|] `shouldBe` "foo bar baz" it "Tabs also at EOL" $ do [qnb| foo bar baz |] `shouldBe` "foo bar baz" [qnb| foo bar baz |] `shouldBe` "foo bar baz" it "Escaped tabs" $ do [qnb| \tfoo|] `shouldBe` "\tfoo" [qnb| \ foo |] `shouldBe` "\tfoo" [qnb| foo \ |] `shouldBe` "foo\t\t\t" [qnb| foo \ |] `shouldBe` "foo\t\t" [qnb| foo\ |] `shouldBe` "foo\t" it "Tails" $ do [qnb| foo |] `shouldBe` "foo" [qnb| foo |] `shouldBe` "foo" [qnb| foo |] `shouldBe` "foo" describe "New README examples" $ do it "First example" $ [qnb| Hello, world! Pi is {floor pi}.{floor $ (pi - 3) * 100}… |] `shouldBe` "Hello,\nworld!\nPi is {floor pi}.{floor $ (pi - 3) * 100}…" it "Simple usage example" $ [qnb|



|] `shouldBe` "




" it "Can escape spaces" $ [qnb| you can escape spaces \ when you need them |] `shouldBe` "you can escape spaces\n when you need them" -- By 'not really' it means that it just copied from `QM` and shows what -- happens with the same input if you use it with this quoter. it "Indentation and line breaks are ignored (not really)" $ [qnb| indentation and li ne bre aks are i gno red (not really) |] `shouldBe` "indentation and li\nne bre\naks are i\ngno\nred\n(not really)" it "Escaping indentation or line breaks" $ [qnb| \ You can escape indentation or\n line breaks when you need them! \ |] `shouldBe` " You can escape indentation or\n\nline breaks when you need them! " it "Interpolation blocks can be escaped too" $ [qnb| Interpolation blocks can be escaped too: {1+2} \{3+4} |] `shouldBe` "Interpolation blocks can be escaped too: {1+2} \\{3+4}" it "Interpolation" $ [qnb| foo {1+2} |] `shouldBe` "foo {1+2}" it "Haddock example" $ do [qnb| foo {'b':'a':'r':""} baz |] `shouldBe` "foo {'b':'a':'r':\"\"}\nbaz" [qnb| foo {'b':'a':'r':""} baz |] `shouldBe` "foo\n{'b':'a':'r':\"\"}\nbaz" [qnb| foo {'b':'a':'r':""} \ baz |] `shouldBe` "foo {'b':'a':'r':\"\"}\n baz"