module Numeric.QuadraticIrrational
( QI, qi, qi', qiModify, runQI, runQI', unQI, unQI'
, qiZero, qiOne, qiIsZero
, qiToFloat
, qiAddI, qiSubI, qiMulI, qiDivI
, qiAddR, qiSubR, qiMulR, qiDivR
, qiNegate, qiRecip, qiAdd, qiSub, qiMul, qiDiv, qiPow
, qiFloor, continuedFractionToQI, qiToContinuedFraction
, module Numeric.QuadraticIrrational.CyclicList
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Squares
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation
import Text.Read
import Numeric.QuadraticIrrational.CyclicList
data QI = QI !Integer
deriving (Eq)
instance Show QI where
showsPrec p (QI a b c d) = showParen (p > 10)
$ showString "qi " . showsPrec 11 a
. showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 b
. showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 c
. showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 d
instance Read QI where
readPrec = parens rQI
rQI = prec 10 $ do
Ident "qi" <- lexP
qi <$> step readPrec <*> step readPrec <*> step readPrec
<*> step readPrec
readListPrec = readListPrecDefault
type QITuple = (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)
qi :: Integer
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> QI
qi a b (nonNegative "qi" -> c) (nonZero "qi" -> d)
| b == 0 = reduceCons a 0 0 d
| c == 0 = reduceCons a 0 0 d
| c == 1 = reduceCons (a + b) 0 0 d
| otherwise = simplifyReduceCons a b c d
simplifyReduceCons :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> QI
simplifyReduceCons a b (nonZero "simplifyReduceCons" -> c) d
| c' == 1 = reduceCons (a + b') 0 0 d
| otherwise = reduceCons a b' c' d
where ~(b', c') = separateSquareFactors b c
separateSquareFactors :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
separateSquareFactors b (nonNegative "separateSquareFactors" -> c) =
case foldl' go (1,1) (factorise c) of
~(bMul, c') -> (b*bMul, c')
go :: (Integer, Integer) -> (Integer, Int) -> (Integer, Integer)
go ~(i, j) ~(fac, pow) =
i `seq` j `seq` fac `seq` pow `seq`
if even pow
then (i*fac^(pow `div` 2), j)
else (i*fac^((pow1) `div` 2), j*fac)
reduceCons :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> QI
reduceCons a b c (nonZero "reduceCons" -> d) =
QI (a `quot` q) (b `quot` q) c (d `quot` q)
where q = signum d * (a `gcd` b `gcd` d)
qi' :: Rational
-> Rational
-> Integer
-> QI
qi' a b (nonNegative "qi'" -> c) = n
n = qi (aN*bD) (bN*aD) c (aD*bD)
(aN, aD) = (numerator a, denominator a)
(bN, bD) = (numerator b, denominator b)
qiModify :: QI
-> (Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer, Integer))
-> QI
qiModify (QI a b c d) f = reduceCons a' b' c d'
where (a', b', d') = f a b d
runQI :: QI -> (Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> a) -> a
runQI (QI a b c d) f = f a b c d
runQI' :: QI -> (Rational -> Rational -> Integer -> a) -> a
runQI' (QI a b c d) f = f (a % d) (b % d) c
unQI :: QI -> (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)
unQI n = runQI n (,,,)
unQI' :: QI -> (Rational, Rational, Integer)
unQI' n = runQI' n (,,)
qiZero :: QI
qiZero = qi 0 0 0 1
qiOne :: QI
qiOne = qi 1 0 0 1
qiIsZero :: QI -> Bool
qiIsZero (unQI -> ~(a,b,_,_)) = a == 0 && b == 0
qiToFloat :: Floating a => QI -> a
qiToFloat (unQI -> ~(a,b,c,d)) =
(fromInteger a + fromInteger b * sqrt (fromInteger c)) / fromInteger d
qiAddI :: QI -> Integer -> QI
qiAddI n x = qiModify n $ \a b d ->
a `seq` b `seq` d `seq` x `seq` (a + d*x, b, d)
qiAddR :: QI -> Rational -> QI
qiAddR n x = qiModify n $ \a b d ->
a `seq` b `seq` d `seq` xN `seq` xD `seq` (a*xD + d*xN, b*xD, d*xD)
where (xN, xD) = (numerator x, denominator x)
qiSubI :: QI -> Integer -> QI
qiSubI n x = qiAddI n (negate x)
qiSubR :: QI -> Rational -> QI
qiSubR n x = qiAddR n (negate x)
qiMulI :: QI -> Integer -> QI
qiMulI n x = qiModify n $ \a b d ->
a `seq` b `seq` d `seq` x `seq` (a*x, b*x, d)
qiMulR :: QI -> Rational -> QI
qiMulR n x = qiModify n $ \a b d ->
a `seq` b `seq` d `seq` xN `seq` xD `seq` (a*xN, b*xN, d*xD)
where (xN, xD) = (numerator x, denominator x)
qiDivI :: QI -> Integer -> QI
qiDivI n (nonZero "qiDivI" -> x) = qiModify n $ \a b d ->
a `seq` b `seq` d `seq` x `seq` (a, b, d*x)
qiDivR :: QI -> Rational -> QI
qiDivR n (nonZero "qiDivR" -> x) = qiMulR n (recip x)
qiNegate :: QI -> QI
qiNegate n = qiModify n $ \a b d ->
a `seq` b `seq` d `seq` (negate a, negate b, d)
qiRecip :: QI -> Maybe QI
qiRecip n@(unQI -> ~(a,b,c,d))
| qiIsZero n = Nothing
| denom == 0 = error ("qiRecip: Failed for " ++ show n)
| otherwise = Just (qiModify n (\_ _ _ -> (a * d, negate (b * d), denom)))
where denom = (a*a b*b * c)
qiAdd :: QI -> QI -> Maybe QI
qiAdd n@(unQI -> ~(a,b,c,d)) n'@(unQI -> ~(a',b',c',d'))
| c == 0 = Just (qiModify n' (\_ _ _ -> (a*d' + a'*d, b'*d, d*d')))
| c' == 0 = Just (qiModify n (\_ _ _ -> (a*d' + a'*d, b*d' , d*d')))
| c == c' = Just (qiModify n (\_ _ _ -> (a*d' + a'*d, b*d' + b'*d, d*d')))
| otherwise = Nothing
qiSub :: QI -> QI -> Maybe QI
qiSub n n' = qiAdd n (qiNegate n')
qiMul :: QI -> QI -> Maybe QI
qiMul n@(unQI -> ~(a,b,c,d)) n'@(unQI -> ~(a',b',c',d'))
| c == 0 = Just (qiModify n' (\_ _ _ -> (a*a' , a*b' , d*d')))
| c' == 0 = Just (qiModify n (\_ _ _ -> (a*a' , a'*b, d*d')))
| c == c' = Just (qiModify n (\_ _ _ -> (a*a' + b*b'*c, a*b' + a'*b, d*d')))
| otherwise = Nothing
qiDiv :: QI -> QI -> Maybe QI
qiDiv n n' = qiMul n =<< qiRecip n'
qiPow :: QI -> Integer -> QI
qiPow num (nonNegative "qiPow" -> pow) = go num pow
go _ 0 = qiOne
go n 1 = n
go n p
| even p = go (sudoQIMul n n) (p `div` 2)
| otherwise = go' (sudoQIMul n n) ((p1) `div` 2) n
go' _ 0 n' = n'
go' n 1 n' = sudoQIMul n n'
go' n p n'
| even p = go' (sudoQIMul n n) (p `div` 2) n'
| otherwise = go' (sudoQIMul n n) ((p1) `div` 2) (sudoQIMul n n')
sudoQIMul n n' = case qiMul n n' of ~(Just m) -> m
qiFloor :: QI -> Integer
qiFloor (unQI -> ~(a,b,c,d)) =
n_d `div` d
n_d = a + min (signum b * b2cLow) (signum b * b2cHigh)
~(b2cLow, b2cHigh) = iSqrtBounds (b*b * c)
continuedFractionToQI :: (Integer, CycList Integer) -> QI
continuedFractionToQI (i0_, is_) = qiAddI (go is_) i0_
go (NonCyc as) = goNonCyc as qiZero
go (Cyc as b bs) = goNonCyc as (goCyc (b:bs))
goNonCyc ((pos -> i):is) final = sudoQIRecip (qiAddI (goNonCyc is final) i)
goNonCyc [] final = final
goCyc is = sudoQIRecip (solvePeriodic is)
solvePeriodic is =
case solvePeriodic' is of
~(a,b,c,d) ->
a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq`
qfPos c (d a) (negate b)
qfPos i j k = qi (negate j) 1 (j*j 4*i*k) (2*i)
solvePeriodic' ((pos -> i):is) =
case solvePeriodic' is of
~(a,b,c,d) ->
a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq` i `seq`
(a*i+c, b*i+d, a, b)
solvePeriodic' [] = (1,0,0,1)
sudoQIRecip n =
fromMaybe (error "continuedFractionToQI: Divide by zero") (qiRecip n)
pos = positive "continuedFractionToQI"
qiToContinuedFraction :: QI
-> (Integer, CycList Integer)
qiToContinuedFraction num
| Just isLoopQI <- loopQI =
case break isLoopQI cfs of
(preLoop, ~(i:postLoop)) ->
let is = takeWhile (not . isLoopQI) postLoop
in (i0, Cyc (map snd preLoop) (snd i) (map snd is))
| otherwise =
(i0, NonCyc (map snd cfs))
(i0, cfs) = qiToContinuedFractionList num
loopQI :: Maybe ((QITuple,a) -> Bool)
loopQI = evalState (go cfs) Set.empty
go ((n,_) : xs) = do
haveSeen <- gets (Set.member n)
modify (Set.insert n)
if haveSeen
then return (Just ((== n) . fst))
else go xs
go [] = return Nothing
qiToContinuedFractionList :: QI -> (Integer, [(QITuple, Integer)])
qiToContinuedFractionList num =
case go (Just num) of
~((_,i) : xs) -> (i, xs)
go (Just n) = (unQI n, i) : go (qiRecip (qiSubI n i))
where i = qiFloor n
go Nothing = []
iSqrtBounds :: Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
iSqrtBounds n = (low, high)
low = integerSquareRoot n
high | low*low == n = low
| otherwise = low + 1
nonNegative :: (Num a, Ord a, Show a) => String -> a -> a
nonNegative name = validate name "non-negative" (>= 0)
positive :: (Num a, Ord a, Show a) => String -> a -> a
positive name = validate name "positive" (> 0)
nonZero :: (Num a, Eq a, Show a) => String -> a -> a
nonZero name = validate name "non-zero" (/= 0)
validate :: Show a => String -> String -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> a
validate name expected f a
| f a = a
| otherwise =
error ("Numeric.QuadraticIrrational." ++ name ++ ": Got " ++ show a
++ ", expected " ++ expected)