{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Test.StateMachine.Types -- Copyright : (C) 2017, ATS Advanced Telematic Systems GmbH -- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Stevan Andjelkovic <stevan@advancedtelematic.com> -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- This module contains the main types exposed to the user. The module -- is perhaps best read indirectly, on a per need basis, via the main -- module "Test.StateMachine". -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Test.StateMachine.Types ( -- * Untyped actions Untyped(..) -- * Type aliases , StateMachine , stateMachine , StateMachine'(..) , Generator , Shrinker , Precondition , Transition , Postcondition , InitialModel , Result(..) , Semantics , Runner -- * Data type generic operations , module Test.StateMachine.Types.Generics -- * Higher-order functors, foldables and traversables , module Test.StateMachine.Types.HFunctor -- * References , module Test.StateMachine.Types.References ) where import Data.Functor.Classes (Ord1) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Void (Void) import Test.QuickCheck (Gen, Property) import Test.StateMachine.Types.Generics import Test.StateMachine.Types.HFunctor import Test.StateMachine.Types.References ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | An untyped action is an action where the response type is hidden -- away using an existential type. -- -- We need to hide the response type when generating actions, because -- in general the actions we want to generate will have different -- response types; and thus we can only type the generating function -- if we hide the response type. data Untyped (act :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) where Untyped :: (Show resp, Typeable resp) => act Symbolic resp -> Untyped act ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | A (non-failing) state machine record bundles up all functionality -- needed to perform our tests. type StateMachine model act m = StateMachine' model act Void m -- | Same as above, but with possibly failing semantics. data StateMachine' model act err m = StateMachine { generator' :: Generator model act , shrinker' :: Shrinker act , precondition' :: Precondition model act , transition' :: Transition model act , postcondition' :: Postcondition model act , model' :: InitialModel model , semantics' :: Semantics act err m , runner' :: Runner m } -- | Helper for lifting non-failing semantics to a possibly failing -- state machine record. stateMachine :: Functor m => Generator model act -> Shrinker act -> Precondition model act -> Transition model act -> Postcondition model act -> InitialModel model -> (forall resp. act Concrete resp -> m resp) -> Runner m -> StateMachine' model act Void m stateMachine gen shr precond trans post model sem run = StateMachine gen shr precond trans post model (fmap Ok . sem) run -- | When generating actions we have access to a model containing -- symbolic references. type Generator model act = model Symbolic -> Gen (Untyped act) -- | Shrinking should preserve the response type of the action. type Shrinker act = forall (v :: * -> *) resp. act v resp -> [act v resp] -- | Pre-conditions are checked while generating, at this stage we do -- not yet have access to concrete references. type Precondition model act = forall resp. model Symbolic -> act Symbolic resp -> Bool -- | The transition function must be polymorphic in the type of -- variables used, as it is used both while generating and executing. type Transition model act = forall resp v. Ord1 v => model v -> act v resp -> v resp -> model v -- | Post-conditions are checked after the actions have been executed -- and we got a response. type Postcondition model act = forall resp. model Concrete -> act Concrete resp -> resp -> Property -- | The initial model is polymorphic in the type of references it uses, -- so that it can be used both in the pre- and the post-condition -- check. type InitialModel m = forall (v :: * -> *). m v -- | The result of executing an action. data Result resp err = Ok resp | Fail err -- | When we execute our actions we have access to concrete references. type Semantics act err m = forall resp. act Concrete resp -> m (Result resp err) -- | How to run the monad used by the semantics. type Runner m = m Property -> IO Property