{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LINE 1 "Quipper/Algorithms/BWT/Alternative.hs" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Quipper.Algorithms.BWT.Alternative where
import Quipper
import Quipper.Libraries.Qureg
import Quipper.Libraries.Simulation
import Quipper.Algorithms.BWT.Definitions
import qualified Quipper.Algorithms.BWT.BWT as BWT
import Quipper.Utils.Sampling
import Quipper.Utils.Auxiliary
import Control.Monad
import Text.Printf
import Data.Bits (xor)
import Text.Printf
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data Oracle = Oracle {
n :: Int,
m :: Int,
k :: Int,
entrance :: Boollist,
oraclefun :: Int -> (Qulist, Qulist, Qubit) -> Circ ()
convert_oracle :: Oracle -> BWT.Oracle
convert_oracle Oracle { n=n, m=m, k=k, entrance=e, oraclefun=f1 } =
BWT.Oracle { BWT.n=n, BWT.m=m, BWT.k=k, BWT.entrance=e, BWT.oraclefun=f2 }
f2 c (a, b, r) = f1 c (qulist_of_qureg_te a, qulist_of_qureg_te b, r)
qrwbwt :: Oracle -> Timestep -> Int -> Circ Bitlist
qrwbwt oracle dt s = do
comment (printf "ENTER: qrwbwt (dt=%.3e, s=%d)" dt s)
a <- qinit (entrance oracle)
replicateM s $ hamiltonian dt oracle a
exit <- measure a
comment_with_label "EXIT: qrwbwt" exit "exit"
return exit
hamiltonian :: Timestep -> Oracle -> Qulist -> Circ ()
hamiltonian dt oracle a = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: hamiltonian" a "a"
for 0 ((k oracle)-1) 1 $ \c -> do
with_ancilla_list (length a) $ \b -> do
with_ancilla $ \r -> do
(oraclefun oracle) c (a,b,r)
time_step dt (a,b,r)
reverse_generic_imp ((oraclefun oracle) c) (a,b,r)
comment_with_label "EXIT: hamiltonian" a "a"
time_step :: Timestep -> (Qulist, Qulist, Qubit) -> Circ ()
time_step dt (a,b,r) = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: time_step" (a,b,r) ("a","b","r")
with_ancilla $ \h -> do
basischange (a,b,h)
controlledExpGate (dt,r,h)
(reverse_generic_imp basischange) (a,b,h)
comment_with_label "EXIT: time_step" (a,b,r) ("a","b","r")
basischange :: (Qulist, Qulist, Qubit) -> Circ ()
basischange (a,b,h) = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: basischange" (a,b,h) ("a","b","h")
zipWithM_ gate_W a b
zipWithM_ (dc_not h) a b
comment_with_label "EXIT: basischange" (a,b,h) ("a","b","h")
dc_not h x y = qnot_at h `controlled` (x .==. 1 .&&. y .==. 0)
compute_steps :: Int -> Double -> Double -> Int
compute_steps n epsilon dt =
floor (t / dt)
t = fromIntegral (n * n * n * n) / (2.0 * epsilon)
oracle_blackbox :: Int -> Oracle
oracle_blackbox n =
let m = n+2 in
Oracle {
n = n,
m = m,
k = 4,
entrance = boollist_of_int_bh (n+2) 1,
oraclefun = \c (a, b, r) ->
named_gate_at ("O(" ++ show c ++ ")") (a ++ b ++ [r])
return ()
oracle_simple :: Oracle
oracle_simple =
let n = 3
m = 5
k = 4
invalid = 0
invalid_vec = boollist_of_int_bh m invalid
green = 0
blue = 1
red = 2
black = 3
edges :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
edges 0 = [(1,3), (2,5), (4,8), (6,12), (7,15), (9,17), (10,18),
(13,21), (19,25), (22,27), (24,28), (26,29)]
edges 1 = [(2,4), (3,6), (5,10), (7,14), (8,16), (11,19), (12,20),
(17,24), (21,26), (23,27), (25,28), (29,30)]
edges 2 = [(1,2), (3,7), (4,9), (5,11), (6,13), (14,22), (15,23),
(16,24), (18,25), (20,26), (27,29), (28,30)]
edges 3 = [(8,17), (9,18), (10,19), (11,20), (12,21), (13,22),
(14,23), (15,16)]
edges n = error ("oracle_simple: illegal color: " ++ show n)
multi_controlled_multi_not :: Int -> (Qulist, Qulist) -> (Int, Int) -> Circ ()
multi_controlled_multi_not m (a,v) (n1, n2) = do
let vec1 = boollist_of_int_bh m n1
let vec2 = boollist_of_int_bh m n2
bool_controlled_not v vec2 `controlled` a .==. vec1
return ()
oracle_O :: Int -> (Qulist, Qulist) -> Circ ()
oracle_O c (a,v) = do
let e = edges c
foreach e $ \(n1, n2) -> do
multi_controlled_multi_not m (a,v) (n1, invalid `xor` n2)
multi_controlled_multi_not m (a,v) (n2, invalid `xor` n1)
oracle_B :: (Qulist, Qulist) -> Circ ()
oracle_B (v,b) =
for 0 (m-1) 1 $ \i -> do
qnot_at (b !! i) `controlled` (v !! i) .==. 1
oracle_R :: (Qulist, Qubit) -> Circ ()
oracle_R (v,r) = do
qnot_at r `controlled` v .==. invalid_vec
oraclefun :: Int -> (Qulist, Qulist, Qubit) -> Circ ()
oraclefun c (a,b,r) = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: oracle_simple" (a,b,r) ("a","b","r")
with_ancilla_init invalid_vec $ \v -> do
oracle_O c (a,v)
oracle_B (v,b)
oracle_R (v,r)
oracle_O c (a,v)
comment_with_label "EXIT: oracle_simple" (a,b,r) ("a","b","r")
Oracle { n = n,
m = m,
k = k,
entrance = boollist_of_int_bh m 1,
oraclefun = oraclefun
type Node = (Bool, [Bool])
node_of_int :: Int -> Int -> Node
node_of_int m a = node_of_boollist (boollist_of_int_bh m a)
int_of_node :: Node -> Int
int_of_node n = int_of_boollist_unsigned_bh (boollist_of_node n)
node_of_boollist :: [Bool] -> Node
node_of_boollist (t:a) = (t,a)
node_of_boollist [] = error "node_of_boollist: empty boollist"
boollist_of_node :: Node -> [Bool]
boollist_of_node (t,a) = t:a
parent :: Node -> Node
parent (t, aa) = (t, False : init aa)
childintree :: Node -> Bool -> Node
childintree (t, h:aa) childbit = (t, aa ++ [childbit])
childintree _ _ = error "childintree: invalid node"
bit_adder :: Bool -> (Bool, Bool, Bool) -> (Bool, Bool)
bit_adder sign (carry, x, y) = (carry', z)
y' = y `bool_xor` sign
z = carry `bool_xor` x `bool_xor` y'
carry' = majority carry x y'
majority a b c = if a==b then a else c
doweld1 :: Boollist -> Bool -> [Bool] -> [Bool]
doweld1 f s (a:aa) = a : aa' where
aa' = snd $ fold_right_zip (bit_adder s) (s, aa, f)
doweld1 f s [] = error "doweld1: invalid node"
doweld0 :: Boollist -> [Bool] -> [Bool]
doweld0 g (a:aa) = a : aa' where
aa' = g `boollist_xor` aa
doweld0 g [] = error "doweld0: invalid node"
weld :: Boollist -> Boollist -> Node -> Bool -> Node
weld f g (t, aa) weldbit = (not t, bb)
bb = if weldbit
then doweld1 g t aa
else doweld0 f aa
child :: Boollist -> Boollist -> Node -> Bool -> Node
child f g (t, aa) childbit =
case aa of
True : _ ->
weld f g (t, aa) childbit
False : _ ->
childintree (t, aa) childbit
_ -> error "child: invalid node"
level_parity :: [Bool] -> Bool
level_parity [] = False
level_parity (h:t) = if h then False else not (level_parity t)
is_zero :: [Bool] -> Bool
is_zero [] = True
is_zero (h:t) = if h then False else is_zero t
is_root :: [Bool] -> Bool
is_root [] = True
is_root (h:[]) = True
is_root (h:t) = if h then False else is_root t
v_function :: Boollist -> Boollist -> Int -> Node -> Maybe Node
v_function f g c a =
let (t,aa) = a
bc_hi = level_parity aa
z = is_zero aa
e = is_root aa
a1 = if last aa then True else False
[c_hi, c_lo] = boollist_of_int_bh 2 c
[cbc_hi, cbc_lo] = [c_hi `bool_xor` bc_hi, c_lo]
if not e && [cbc_hi, cbc_lo] == [True, a1] then Just(parent a) else
if not z && cbc_hi == False then Just(child f g a cbc_lo) else
type CNode = (Bit, Bitlist)
type QNode = (Qubit, [Qubit])
qnode_of_qulist :: Qulist -> QNode
qnode_of_qulist (t:a) = (t,a)
qnode_of_qulist [] = error "qnode_of_qulist: empty list"
cnode_of_bitlist :: Bitlist -> CNode
cnode_of_bitlist (t:a) = (t,a)
cnode_of_bitlist [] = error "cnode_of_bitlist: empty list"
cboollist_xor :: Bitlist -> Bitlist -> Circ Bitlist
cboollist_xor = zipWithM (\x y -> cgate_xor [x,y])
cparent :: CNode -> Circ CNode
cparent (t, aa_in) = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: cparent" (t, aa_in) ("t", "aa_in")
false <- cinit False
let aa_out = false : init aa_in
comment_with_label "EXIT: cparent" (t, aa_out) ("t", "aa_out")
return (t, aa_out)
cchildintree :: CNode -> Bit -> Circ CNode
cchildintree (t, node_in@(h:aa)) childbit = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: cchildintree" (t, node_in) ("t", "node_in")
let node_out = aa ++ [childbit]
comment_with_label "EXIT: cchildintree" (t, node_out) ("t", "node_out")
return (t, node_out)
cchildintree _ _ = error "cchildintree: invalid node"
cbit_adder :: Bit -> (Bit, Bit, Bit) -> Circ (Bit, Bit)
cbit_adder sign (carry_in, x, y) = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: cbit_adder" (sign, carry_in, x, y) ("sign", "carry_in", "x", "y")
y' <- cgate_xor [y, sign]
z <- cgate_xor [carry_in, x, y']
carry_out <- cmajority carry_in x y'
comment_with_label "EXIT: cbit_adder" (carry_out, z) ("carry_out", "z")
return (carry_out, z)
cmajority a b c = do
cond <- cgate_eq a b
cgate_if cond a c
cdoweld1 :: Boollist -> Bit -> Bitlist -> Circ Bitlist
cdoweld1 f s node_in@(a:aa) = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: cdoweld1" (s, node_in) ("s", "node_in")
f' <- cinit f
(_,aa') <- fold_right_zipM (cbit_adder s) (s, aa, f')
let node_out = a : aa'
comment_with_label "EXIT: cdoweld1" node_out "node_out"
return node_out
cdoweld1 f s [] = error "cdoweld1: invalid node"
cdoweld0 :: Boollist -> Bitlist -> Circ Bitlist
cdoweld0 g node_in@(a:aa) = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: cdoweld0" node_in "node_in"
g' <- cinit g
aa' <- g' `cboollist_xor` aa
let node_out = a:aa'
comment_with_label "EXIT: cdoweld0" node_out "node_out"
return node_out
cdoweld0 g [] = error "cdoweld0: invalid node"
cweld :: Boollist -> Boollist -> CNode -> Bit -> Circ CNode
cweld f g node_in@(t, aa) weldbit = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: cweld" (node_in, weldbit) ("node_in", "weldbit")
bb <- circ_if weldbit (
cdoweld1 g t aa
cdoweld0 f aa
t' <- cgate_not t
let node_out = (t', bb)
comment_with_label "EXIT: cweld" node_out "node_out"
return node_out
cchild :: Boollist -> Boollist -> CNode -> Bit -> Circ CNode
cchild f g node_in@(t, a:aa) childbit = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: cchild" (node_in, childbit) ("node_in", "childbit")
node_out <- circ_if a (
cweld f g (t, a:aa) childbit
cchildintree (t, a:aa) childbit
comment_with_label "EXIT: cchild" node_out "node_out"
return node_out
cchild f g (t, _) childbit =
error "cchild: invalid node"
clevel_parity :: Bitlist -> Circ Bit
clevel_parity node = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: clevel_parity" node "node"
parity <- clevel_parity_rec node
comment_with_label "EXIT: clevel_parity" parity "parity"
return parity
clevel_parity_rec :: Bitlist -> Circ Bit
clevel_parity_rec [] = cinit False
clevel_parity_rec (h:t) = do
r <- clevel_parity_rec t
circ_if h (
cinit False
cgate_not r
cis_zero :: Bitlist -> Circ Bit
cis_zero node = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: cis_zero" node "node"
is_zero <- cis_zero_rec node
comment_with_label "EXIT: cis_zero" is_zero "is_zero"
return is_zero
cis_zero_rec :: Bitlist -> Circ Bit
cis_zero_rec [] = cinit True
cis_zero_rec (h:t) = do
circ_if h (
cinit False
cis_zero_rec t
cis_root :: Bitlist -> Circ Bit
cis_root node = do
comment_with_label "ENTER: cis_root" node "node"
is_root <- cis_root_rec node
comment_with_label "EXIT: cis_root" is_root "is_root"
return is_root
cis_root_rec :: Bitlist -> Circ Bit
cis_root_rec [] = cinit True
cis_root_rec (h:[]) = cinit True
cis_root_rec (h:t) = do
circ_if h (
cinit False
cis_root_rec t
cv_function :: Boollist -> Boollist -> Int -> CNode -> Circ (CNode,Bit)
cv_function f g color a = do
comment_with_label (printf "ENTER: cv_function (color=%d)" color) a "a"
let (t,aa) = a
bc_hi <- clevel_parity aa
z <- cis_zero aa
e <- cis_root aa
let a1 = last aa
let [c_hi', c_lo'] = boollist_of_int_bh 2 color
c_hi <- cinit c_hi'
c_lo <- cinit c_lo'
cbc_hi <- cgate_xor [c_hi, bc_hi]
let cbc_lo = c_lo
not_e <- cgate_not e
cbc_lo_eq_a1 <- cgate_eq cbc_lo a1
cond1 <- cgate_and [not_e, cbc_hi, cbc_lo_eq_a1]
(b, invalid) <- circ_if cond1 (
cparent_a <- cparent a
false <- cinit False
return (cparent_a, false)
cchild_a_cbc_lo <- cchild f g a cbc_lo
not_z <- cgate_not z
cbc_hi_eq_false <- cgate_not cbc_hi
valid <- cgate_and [not_z, cbc_hi_eq_false]
not_valid <- cgate_not valid
return (cchild_a_cbc_lo, not_valid)
comment_with_label (printf "EXIT: cv_function (color=%d)" color) (b, invalid) ("b", "invalid")
return (b, invalid)
oracle_classical :: Boollist -> Boollist -> Oracle
oracle_classical f g =
Oracle { n = n,
m = m,
k = k,
entrance = entrance,
oraclefun = oraclefun
} where
n = length f
m = n+2
k = 4
entrance = boollist_of_int_bh m 1
oraclefun :: Int -> (Qulist, Qulist, Qubit) -> Circ ()
oraclefun color (a,b,r) = do
let an = qnode_of_qulist a
let bn = qnode_of_qulist b
(classical_to_quantum . classical_to_reversible) (cv_function f g color) (an, (bn, r))
return ()
main_edges1 :: IO()
main_edges1 = mapM_ output (sample_all0 (127,3))
f = take 5 (True : False : f)
g = take 5 (False : True : g)
output :: (Int,Int) -> IO()
output (a,c) =
case v_function f g c (node_of_int 7 a) of
Nothing -> printf "%d ---%d---> None\n" a c
Just b -> printf "%d ---%d---> %d\n" a c (int_of_node b)
circfun :: Boollist -> Boollist -> Int -> Node -> (Node, Bool)
circfun f g color nd =
run_classical_generic (cv_function f g color) nd
main_edges2 :: IO()
main_edges2 = mapM_ output (sample_all0 (127,3))
f = take 5 (True : False : f)
g = take 5 (False : True : g)
output :: (Int,Int) -> IO()
output (a,c) =
case circfun f g c (node_of_int 7 a) of
(node, False) -> printf "%d ---%d---> %d\n" a c (int_of_node node)
(garbage, True) -> printf "%d ---%d---> None (%d)\n" a c (int_of_node garbage)
main_oraclec :: Format -> BWT.Oracle -> Int -> IO()
main_oraclec format oracle color =
print_generic format circuit cnode_shape
m' = BWT.m oracle
n' = BWT.n oracle
f = take n' (True : False : f)
g = take n' (False : True : g)
cnode_shape = cnode_of_bitlist (replicate m' bit)
circuit n = cv_function f g color n
main_oracle2 :: Format -> BWT.Oracle -> Int -> IO()
main_oracle2 format oracle color =
print_generic format circuit cnode_shape
m' = BWT.m oracle
n' = BWT.n oracle
f = take n' (True : False : f)
g = take n' (False : True : g)
cnode_shape = cnode_of_bitlist (replicate m' bit)
circuit n = classical_to_cnot (cv_function f g color n)
main_oracle3 :: Format -> BWT.Oracle -> Int -> IO()
main_oracle3 format oracle color =
print_generic format circuit (cnode_shape, (cnode_shape, qubit))
m' = BWT.m oracle
n' = BWT.n oracle
f = take n' (True : False : f)
g = take n' (False : True : g)
cnode_shape = qnode_of_qulist (replicate m' qubit)
circuit = (classical_to_quantum . classical_to_reversible) (cv_function f g color)
main_qrwbwt :: IO()
main_qrwbwt =
print_simple EPS (qrwbwt (oracle_classical f g) dt 1)
f = [False, False, True]
g = [True, False, True]
dt = pi/180