{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LINE 1 "Quipper/Libraries/ClassicalOptim/QuipperInterface.hs" #-} -- | This module contains the interface between the simplified circuit -- model and Quipper's internal circuit model. The main useful -- exported functions are: -- -- * @'simplify_classical'@, which optimizes a classical circuit such -- as those coming from Template Haskell; -- -- * @'classical_to_reversible_optim'@, which provides a mechanism -- equivalent to @'Q.classical_to_reversible'@, but with optimization -- inlined. module Quipper.Libraries.ClassicalOptim.QuipperInterface where import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM {- containers- -} import qualified Quipper as Q import qualified Quipper.Internal.Monad as Q import qualified Quipper.Internal.QData as Q import qualified Quipper.Internal.Circuit as Q import qualified Quipper.Internal.Generic as Q import qualified Quipper.Internal.Printing as Q import qualified Quipper.Libraries.Simulation as Q import qualified Quipper.Libraries.Simulation.ClassicalSimulation as Q import qualified Quipper.Internal.Transformer as Q import qualified Quipper.Internal.Control as Q import qualified Quipper.Libraries.Arith as Q import qualified Quipper.Utils.Auxiliary as Q import Quipper.Libraries.ClassicalOptim.Circuit import Quipper.Libraries.ClassicalOptim.Simplification -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Auxiliary functions -- | Extract the list of wires from a piece of quantum data. getListWire :: (Q.QData qc) => qc -> [Wire] getListWire x = map Q.wire_of_qubit $ Q.qubits_of_qdata x -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Quipper circuits to simple circuits -- | Translates a Quipper circuit to a simple circuit. The only gates -- considered are initializations, terminations, and multi-controlled -- NOT gates. All other gates are ignored. -- -- Note that simple circuits do not possess termination wires: these -- wires are simply not terminated, and all subsequent initializations -- using the same wire ID are sent to fresh wires. -- -- The state of this function is a bit complex, as it keeps track of -- where the output wires are mapped to. quipperGateToMyGate :: (IS.IntSet,IM.IntMap Wire,Wire) -> Q.Gate -> ((IS.IntSet,IM.IntMap Wire,Wire), Maybe Gate) quipperGateToMyGate (s,m,f) (Q.QGate "not" _ [w] _ ctls _) = ((s,m,f), Just $ Cnot (IM.findWithDefault w w m) $ map (\(Q.Signed a b) -> (IM.findWithDefault a a m,b)) ctls) quipperGateToMyGate (s,m,f) (Q.QInit b w _) = case (IS.member w s) of True -> ((s,IM.insert w f m,f+1), Just $ Init b f) False -> ((s,m,f), Just $ Init b w) quipperGateToMyGate (s,m,f) (Q.QTerm b w _) = ((IS.insert w s, m,f), Nothing) quipperGateToMyGate smf _ = (smf, Nothing) -- | Get the wire initialized by the gate, if it is an initialization gate. quipperGateInitW :: Q.Gate -> Maybe Wire quipperGateInitW (Q.QInit _ w _) = Just w quipperGateInitW _ = Nothing -- | Given a list of Quipper gates, get the smallest wire id not in use. quipperGateFreshWire :: Wire -> [Q.Gate] -> Wire quipperGateFreshWire w gs = (+) 1 $ L.foldl' max w $ catMaybes $ map quipperGateInitW gs -- | Send a Quipper 'Q.Circuit' to a 'CircState'. quipperCircuitToMyCirc :: Q.Circuit -> CircState quipperCircuitToMyCirc (_, gs, _, n) = emptyState { circuit = catMaybes $ snd $ L.mapAccumL quipperGateToMyGate (IS.empty,IM.empty,quipperGateFreshWire n gs) gs, freshWire = n } -- | Send a Quipper 'Q.BCircuit' to a 'CircState'. quipperBCircuitToMyCirc :: Q.BCircuit -> CircState quipperBCircuitToMyCirc (c,_) = quipperCircuitToMyCirc c -- | Generate a custom error message. myCircErrMsg :: String -> String myCircErrMsg s = "myCirc: " ++ s -- | Given a Quipper circuit generating function and a shape argument, -- return a simple circuit together with the list of non-garbage -- circuit outputs. quipperFunToMyCirc :: (Q.QData x, Q.QData y) => (x -> Q.Circ y) -> x -> (CircState,[Wire]) quipperFunToMyCirc f shape = let (_, bc, output) = Q.encapsulate_generic myCircErrMsg f shape in (quipperBCircuitToMyCirc bc, getListWire output) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Simple circuits to Quipper circuits -- | Translate a gate from the simple circuit model into a Quipper gate. myGateToQuipperGate :: Gate -> Q.Gate myGateToQuipperGate (Cnot w ctls) = Q.QGate "not" True [w] [] (map (\(w,b) -> Q.Signed w b) ctls) False myGateToQuipperGate (Init b w) = Q.QInit b w False myGateToQuipperGate NoOp = error "myGateToQuipperGate cannot deal with NoOp" -- | Generate a Quipper comment. The first argument is a comment -- string, and the second argument is a label to apply to the qubits -- in the third argument. makeComment :: String -> String -> [Wire] -> Q.Gate makeComment comment label ws = Q.Comment comment False $ map (\(i,x) -> (i, label ++ "[" ++ (show x) ++ "]")) (zip ws [0..(length ws)-1]) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Algebraic optimization of Quipper circuits -- | Optimize a Quipper 'Q.BCircuit'. The second argument is the list -- of non-garbage outputs. A corresponding list of outputs is also -- returned along with the circuit. quipperBCircuitSimpl :: Q.BCircuit -> [Wire] -> (Q.BCircuit,[Wire]) quipperBCircuitSimpl (c,e) output = (((a1,c'',a2',n'),e),o') where (a1,gs,a2,n) = c mycirc = quipperCircuitToMyCirc c (c',o') = compressWires (IM.keys a1) $ simplRec $ (\x -> (x,output)) {-set_init_first output-} $ circuit $ mycirc i' = IM.keys a1 c'' = (makeComment "Start classical circuit" "in" i') : (map myGateToQuipperGate c') ++ [makeComment "End classical circuit" "out" o'] allwires = getAllWires c' a2' = IM.fromList $ map (\x -> (x,Q.Qbit)) $ IS.toAscList allwires n' = (+) 1 $ head $ IS.toDescList allwires -- | Optimize a Quipper circuit producing function (together with a -- shape argument). Return the optimized circuit as a Quipper -- 'Q.BCircuit', along with a list of the non-garbage circuit outputs. simplify_classical' :: (Q.QData x, Q.QData y) => (x -> Q.Circ y) -> x -> (Q.BCircuit, [Wire]) simplify_classical' f shape = let (_,bc,output) = Q.encapsulate_generic myCircErrMsg f shape in let list_output = getListWire output in quipperBCircuitSimpl bc list_output -- | Optimize a Quipper circuit-producing function. This assumes that -- the function only consists of pseudo-classical quantum gates, i.e., -- initializations, terminations, and (possibly multiply controlled) -- NOT gates. The behavior on other kinds of circuits is undefined. -- The second argument is a shape parameter. simplify_classical :: (Q.QData x, Q.QData y) => (x -> Q.Circ y) -> x -> Q.Circ y simplify_classical f shape = let (input,bc,output) = Q.encapsulate_generic myCircErrMsg f shape in let list_output = getListWire output in let (bc',list_output') = quipperBCircuitSimpl bc list_output in Q.unencapsulate_generic (input,bc', Q.qdata_of_qubits output $ map Q.qubit_of_wire list_output') shape -- | Like 'Q.classical_to_reversible', but also apply circuit optimization. classical_to_reversible_optim :: (Q.QData qa, Q.QData qb) => (qa -> Q.Circ qb) -> ((qa,qb) -> Q.Circ (qa,qb)) classical_to_reversible_optim f = Q.classical_to_reversible (simplify_classical f) -- | Like 'classical_to_reversible_optim', but insert the optimized -- circuit as a boxed subroutine. box_classical_to_reversible_optim :: (Q.QData qa, Q.QData qb) => String -> (qa -> Q.Circ qb) -> ((qa,qb) -> Q.Circ (qa,qb)) box_classical_to_reversible_optim s f = Q.classical_to_reversible (Q.box s $ simplify_classical f)