name: raaz version: 0.2.2 synopsis: The raaz cryptographic library. description: Raaz is a cryptographic library for Haskell. The library is designed with a special emphasis on using the type system of Haskell to eliminate a large set of vulnerabilities like buffer overflows, timing attacks etc. It also strives to achieve this safety with no compromise on performance. homepage: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Piyush P Kurur maintainer: category: Codec, Raaz build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 extra-source-files: , , , bug-reports: -- List of platform specific source files. extra-source-files: entropy/urandom/Raaz/Entropy.hs entropy/arc4random/Raaz/Entropy.hs entropy/getrandom/Raaz/Entropy.hs entropy/windows/Raaz/Entropy.hsc -- The man page in markdown and its -- makefile. Needs pandoc to build mans/ mans/Makefile source-repository head type: git location: ------------------------- Flags ------------------------------------------------------------- flag opt-native Description: Use optimisation for the platform on which it is being built. Do not enable this when cross compiling as it can break the implementation. Also tested only with gcc. Default: False Manual: True flag vector128 Description: Make use of vector instructions with size being 128. Do not enable this unless you have reasons to. It is better to use opt-native and opt-vectorise and let gcc have a go at the portable implementation Default: False Manual: True flag vector256 Description: Make use of gcc vector instructions with size being 256. Do not enable this unless you have reasons to. It is better to use opt-native and opt-vectorise and let gcc have a go at the portable implementation. Default: False Manual: True flag vector512 Description: Make use of gcc vector instructions with size being 512. Default: False Manual: True flag avx2 Description: Support avx2 optimisations. Warning: enable only if you are sure of support. Default: False Manual: True flag linux-getrandom Description: Use the getrandom for system entropy instead of /dev/urandom. Available only on linux kernel > 3.17. Default: False Manual: True flag liquidhaskell Description: Use liquid haskell form verifying properties. Only for developers. Default: False Manual: True ----------------------------- The library ----------------------------------------------------- library default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall hs-source-dirs: . exposed-modules: Raaz , Raaz.Core , Raaz.Core.ByteSource , Raaz.Core.CpuSupports -- , Raaz.Core.DH , Raaz.Core.Encode , Raaz.Core.Memory , Raaz.Core.MonoidalAction , Raaz.Core.Parse.Applicative , Raaz.Core.Primitives , Raaz.Core.Types , Raaz.Core.Util , Raaz.Core.Transfer -- -- Cryptographic hashes -- , Raaz.Hash , Raaz.Hash.Internal , Raaz.Hash.Blake2 , Raaz.Hash.Blake2.Implementation.CPortable , Raaz.Hash.Sha1 , Raaz.Hash.Sha1.Implementation.CPortable , Raaz.Hash.Sha224 , Raaz.Hash.Sha224.Implementation.CPortable , Raaz.Hash.Sha256 , Raaz.Hash.Sha256.Implementation.CPortable , Raaz.Hash.Sha384 , Raaz.Hash.Sha384.Implementation.CPortable , Raaz.Hash.Sha512 , Raaz.Hash.Sha512.Implementation.CPortable -- -- Ciphers -- , Raaz.Cipher , Raaz.Cipher.Internal , Raaz.Cipher.AES , Raaz.Cipher.AES.CBC.Implementation.CPortable , Raaz.Cipher.ChaCha20 , Raaz.Cipher.ChaCha20.Implementation.CPortable -- -- Randomness -- , Raaz.Random other-modules: Raaz.Core.Constants , Raaz.Core.Encode.Internal , Raaz.Core.Encode.Base16 , Raaz.Core.Encode.Base64 , Raaz.Core.Util.ByteString , Raaz.Core.Types.Aligned , Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer , Raaz.Core.Types.Tuple , Raaz.Core.Types.Equality , Raaz.Core.Types.Endian , Raaz.Core.Types.Describe , Raaz.Core.Types.Copying -- -- Hashes -- , Raaz.Hash.Internal.HMAC , Raaz.Hash.Blake2.Internal , Raaz.Hash.Blake2.Recommendation , Raaz.Hash.Sha.Util , Raaz.Hash.Sha1.Internal , Raaz.Hash.Sha1.Recommendation , Raaz.Hash.Sha256.Recommendation , Raaz.Hash.Sha256.Internal , Raaz.Hash.Sha224.Recommendation , Raaz.Hash.Sha224.Internal , Raaz.Hash.Sha384.Recommendation , Raaz.Hash.Sha384.Internal , Raaz.Hash.Sha512.Recommendation , Raaz.Hash.Sha512.Internal -- -- Internal modules from cipher -- , Raaz.Cipher.AES.Internal , Raaz.Cipher.AES.Recommendation , Raaz.Cipher.ChaCha20.Internal , Raaz.Cipher.ChaCha20.Recommendation -- -- Internal module for randomness -- , Raaz.Random.ChaCha20PRG , Raaz.Entropy , Paths_raaz build-depends: base >= 4.6 && < 4.15 , bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.12 , deepseq >= 1.1 && < 1.5 , vector >= 0.7.1 && < 0.13 if impl(ghc < 8) -- 'transformers' needed for "Control.Monad.IO.Class" only -- starting with base-4.9 we don't need 'transformers' anymore build-depends: transformers c-sources: cbits/raaz/core/endian.c -- hash implementations , cbits/raaz/hash/blake2/blake2b/portable.c , cbits/raaz/hash/blake2/blake2s/portable.c , cbits/raaz/hash/sha1/portable.c , cbits/raaz/hash/sha256/portable.c , cbits/raaz/hash/sha512/portable.c -- ciphers , cbits/raaz/cipher/aes/common.c , cbits/raaz/cipher/aes/cportable.c -- chacha20 , cbits/raaz/cipher/chacha20/cportable.c -- memory management , cbits/raaz/core/memory.c -- cpu support , cbits/raaz/core/cpusupports.c include-dirs: cbits includes: raaz/core/endian.h install-includes: cbits/raaz/core/endian.h , cbits/raaz/hash/blake2/common.h , cbits/raaz/hash/blake2/blake2b/constants.h , cbits/raaz/hash/blake2/blake2s/constants.h , cbits/raaz/cipher/aes/common.h , cbits/raaz/cipher/aes/cportable.h , cbits/raaz/cipher/chacha20/common.h --------------------------- Options for vector instructions --------------------------------- if flag(opt-native) cc-options: -march=native if arch(x86_64) cc-options: -DARCH_X86_64 if flag(vector128) cpp-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_128 cc-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_128 exposed-modules: Raaz.Cipher.ChaCha20.Implementation.Vector128 c-sources: cbits/raaz/cipher/chacha20/vector128.c if flag(vector256) cpp-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_256 cc-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_256 exposed-modules: Raaz.Cipher.ChaCha20.Implementation.Vector256 c-sources: cbits/raaz/cipher/chacha20/vector256.c if flag(avx2) cpp-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_256 cc-options: -DHAVE_AVX2 -DHAVE_VECTOR_256 if !flag(opt-native) cc-options: -mavx2 if flag(vector512) cpp-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_512 cc-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_512 ----------------------- System specific configurations ---------------------------------- if os(linux) cc-options: -DPLATFORM_LINUX if os(osx) cc-options: -DPLATFORM_OSX if os(openbsd) cc-options: -DPLATFORM_OPENBSD if os(windows) cc-options: -DPLATFORM_WINDOWS -DUNICODE cpp-options: -DPLATFORM_WINDOWS extra-libraries: Advapi32, Kernel32 build-tools: hsc2hs --------------------- Entropy ---------------------------------------------- if os(openbsd) || os(netbsd) -- Entropy for openbsd using arc4random hs-source-dirs: entropy/arc4random else if os(linux) && flag(linux-getrandom) -- Use getentropy on linux hs-source-dirs: entropy/getrandom if os(windows) -- Use CryptGenRandom hs-source-dirs: entropy/windows else -- Entropy for generic posix by reading /dev/urandom hs-source-dirs: entropy/urandom ---------------------------- Executables ------------------------------------------------- executable raaz default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: bin main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Command.Checksum , Command.Rand , Command.CpuInfo , Usage build-depends: base , optparse-applicative >= 0.10.0 && < 0.17 , raaz if impl(ghc < 8) -- 'transformers' needed for "Control.Monad.IO.Class" only -- starting with base-4.9 we don't need 'transformers' anymore build-depends: transformers ---------------------------- Test suit ----------------------------------------------------- test-Suite spec default-language: Haskell2010 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: spec main-is: Spec.hs if flag(vector128) cpp-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_128 if flag(vector256) cpp-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_256 if flag(vector512) cpp-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_512 if !os(windows) cpp-options: -DHAVE_DEV_NULL ghc-options: -Wall other-modules: Common , Common.Cipher , Common.Hash , Common.Imports , Common.Instances , Common.Utils , Raaz.Cipher.AESSpec , Raaz.Cipher.ChaCha20Spec , Raaz.Core.ByteSourceSpec , Raaz.Core.EncodeSpec , Raaz.Core.MemorySpec , Raaz.Core.Types.WordSpec , Raaz.Core.Util.ByteStringSpec , Raaz.RandomSpec , Raaz.Hash.Sha1Spec , Raaz.Hash.Sha224Spec , Raaz.Hash.Sha256Spec , Raaz.Hash.Sha384Spec , Raaz.Hash.Sha512Spec , Raaz.Hash.Blake2Spec build-depends: base , bytestring , HUnit >= 1.2 , QuickCheck >= 2.4 , hspec , hspec-discover , transformers , raaz , vector build-tool-depends: hspec-discover:hspec-discover -------------------------- Liquid haskell verification ------------------------------------- test-Suite liquidspec hs-source-dirs: liquid default-language: Haskell2010 main-is: LiquidSpec.hs type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 build-depends: base if flag(liquidhaskell) build-depends: liquidhaskell >=0.8 , directory , filepath buildable: True else buildable: False ---------------------------------------------- Bench marks ----------------------------------------- benchmark blaze-vs-write hs-source-dirs: benchmarks default-language: Haskell2010 main-is: BlazeVsWrite.hs type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 build-depends: base , blaze-builder , bytestring , criterion >= , criterion-measurement , raaz ---------------------------------------------- Cipher implemntation benchmarks ---------------------- benchmark bench-ciphers hs-source-dirs: benchmarks default-language: Haskell2010 if flag(vector128) cpp-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_128 if flag(vector256) || flag(avx2) cpp-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_256 if flag(vector512) cpp-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_512 main-is: Cipher.hs type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 build-depends: base , blaze-builder , bytestring , criterion >= , criterion-measurement , raaz -------------------------------- Benchmarking all primitives -------------------------------- benchmark primitives hs-source-dirs: benchmarks default-language: Haskell2010 if flag(vector128) cpp-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_128 if flag(vector256) || flag(avx2) cpp-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_256 if flag(vector512) cpp-options: -DHAVE_VECTOR_512 main-is: BenchPrimitives.hs type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 build-depends: base , blaze-builder , bytestring , criterion >= , criterion-measurement , pretty , raaz