module Data.Raz.Core.Sequence where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad ((>=>), join)
import Control.Monad.Random hiding (fromList)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Prelude hiding
(filter, lookup, take, drop, splitAt, zipWith)
import Data.Raz.Core.Internal
import Data.Raz.Util
cons :: MonadRandom m => a -> Tree a -> m (Tree a)
cons a Empty = return (Leaf a)
cons a t = randomLevel <&> \lv ->
joinSides (Bin lv 1 (Leaf a) Empty) t
snoc :: MonadRandom m => Tree a -> a -> m (Tree a)
snoc Empty a = return (Leaf a)
snoc t a = randomLevel <&> \lv ->
joinSides t (Bin lv 1 Empty (Leaf a))
append :: MonadRandom m => Tree a -> Tree a -> m (Tree a)
append t1 Empty = return t1
append Empty t2 = return t2
append t1 t2 = randomLevel <&> \lv ->
t1 `joinSides` Bin lv 0 Empty Empty `joinSides` t2
replicate :: MonadRandom m => Int -> a -> m (Tree a)
replicate n = fromList . List.replicate n
tails :: MonadRandom m => Tree a -> m (Tree (Tree a))
tails = tailsWith return
tailsWith :: MonadRandom m => (Tree a -> m b) -> Tree a -> m (Tree b)
tailsWith f t = join $ liftA2 append (tailsWith' f t) (Leaf <$> f Empty)
tailsWith' :: Applicative m => (Tree a -> m b) -> Tree a -> m (Tree b)
tailsWith' f (Leaf a) = Leaf <$> f (Leaf a)
tailsWith' f (Bin lv c l r) =
Bin lv c
<$> tailsWith' (\l' -> f (bin lv l' r)) l
<*> tailsWith' f r
tailsWith' f Empty = pure Empty
takeWhileL :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Tree a
takeWhileL p = fst . spanL p
takeWhileR :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Tree a
takeWhileR p = snd . spanR p
dropWhileL :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Tree a
dropWhileL p = snd . spanL p
dropWhileR :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Tree a
dropWhileR p = fst . spanR p
spanL :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> (Tree a, Tree a)
spanL p Empty = (Empty, Empty)
spanL p (Leaf a)
| p a = (Leaf a, Empty)
| otherwise = (Empty, Leaf a)
spanL p (Bin lv _ l r) =
case spanL p l of
(_, Empty) ->
case spanL p r of
(Empty, _) -> (l, r)
(lr, rr) -> (bin lv l lr, rr)
(ll, rl) -> (ll, bin lv rl r)
spanR :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> (Tree a, Tree a)
spanR p Empty = (Empty, Empty)
spanR p (Leaf a)
| p a = (Empty, Leaf a)
| otherwise = (Leaf a, Empty)
spanR p (Bin lv _ l r) =
case spanR p r of
(Empty, _) ->
case spanR p l of
(_, Empty) -> (l, r)
(ll, rl) -> (ll, bin lv rl r)
(lr, rr) -> (bin lv l lr, rr)
breakL :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> (Tree a, Tree a)
breakL p = spanL (not . p)
breakR :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> (Tree a, Tree a)
breakR p = spanR (not . p)
partition :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> (Tree a, Tree a)
partition p Empty = (Empty, Empty)
partition p t = (fold true, fold false)
(true, false) = partition' p t
partition' :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> (TList a, TList a)
partition' p (Bin lv _ l r) = partition'' p lv r (partition' p l)
partition' p (Leaf a)
| p a = (Tree (Leaf a) Nil, Nil)
| otherwise = (Nil, Tree (Leaf a) Nil)
:: (a -> Bool)
-> Lev
-> Tree a
-> (TList a, TList a)
-> (TList a, TList a)
partition'' p lv0 (Bin lv _ l r) tf =
partition'' p lv r . partition'' p lv0 l $ tf
partition'' p lv0 (Leaf a) (true, false)
| p a = (push' true, false)
| otherwise = (true, push' false)
push' = Tree (Leaf a) . push lv0
filter p Empty = Empty
filter p (Leaf a)
| p a = Leaf a
| otherwise = Empty
filter p (Bin lv _ l r) =
case (filter p l, filter p r) of
(Empty, r') -> r'
(l', Empty) -> l'
(l', r') -> bin lv l' r'
lookup :: Int -> Tree a -> Maybe a
lookup n = checked n (\t -> Just (viewC (focus n t))) Nothing
(!?) :: Tree a -> Int -> Maybe a
(!?) = flip lookup
index :: Tree a -> Int -> a
index t n = viewC (focus n t)
adjust :: (a -> a) -> Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
adjust f n t = checked n (unfocus . adjustC f . focus n) t t
adjust' :: (a -> a) -> Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
adjust' f n t = checked n (unfocus . adjustC' f . focus n) t t
update :: Int -> a -> Tree a -> Tree a
update n a t = checked n (unfocus . alterC a . focus n) t t
checked :: Int -> (Tree a -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
checked n f b t
| n < 0 || size t <= n = b
| otherwise = f t
take :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
take n _ | n <= 0 = Empty
take _ (Leaf a) = Leaf a
take n t@(Bin lv c l r)
| n <= size l = take n l
| n < c = Bin lv n l (take (n size l) r)
| otherwise = t
drop :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
drop n t | n <= 0 = t
drop _ (Leaf _) = Empty
drop n (Bin lv c l r)
| n < size l = Bin lv (c n) (drop n l) r
| n < c = drop (n size l) r
| otherwise = Empty
insertAt :: MonadRandom m => Int -> a -> Tree a -> m (Tree a)
insertAt = insertAt' L
deleteAt :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
deleteAt i t | i < 0 = t
deleteAt i Empty = Empty
deleteAt i (Leaf a) = Empty
deleteAt i t@(Bin lv c l r)
| i < size l = Bin lv (c 1) (deleteAt i l) r
| i < c = Bin lv c l (deleteAt (i size l) r)
| otherwise = t
splitAt :: Int -> Tree a -> (Tree a, Tree a)
splitAt n t | n <= 0 = (Empty, t)
splitAt n Empty = (Empty, Empty)
splitAt n (Leaf a) = (Leaf a, Empty)
splitAt n t@(Bin lv c l r)
| n < size l = let (ll, rl) = splitAt n l in (ll, Bin lv (c n) rl r)
| n == size l = (l, r)
| n < c = let (lr, rr) = splitAt (n size l) r in (Bin lv n l lr, rr)
| otherwise = (t, Empty)
elemIndexL :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> Maybe Int
elemIndexL a = findIndexL (a ==)
elemIndicesL :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> [Int]
elemIndicesL a = findIndicesL (a ==)
elemIndexR :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> Maybe Int
elemIndexR a = findIndexR (a ==)
elemIndicesR :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> [Int]
elemIndicesR a = findIndicesR (a ==)
findIndexL :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Maybe Int
findIndexL p = listToMaybe . findIndicesL p
findIndicesL :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> [Int]
findIndicesL p t = findIndicesL' 0 p t []
findIndicesL' :: Int -> (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> [Int] -> [Int]
findIndicesL' n p (Leaf a) | p a = (n :)
findIndicesL' n p (Bin _ _ l r)
= findIndicesL' n p l . findIndicesL' (n + size l) p r
findIndicesL' _ _ _ = id
findIndexR :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Maybe Int
findIndexR p = listToMaybe . findIndicesR p
findIndicesR :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> [Int]
findIndicesR p t = findIndicesR' 0 p t []
findIndicesR' :: Int -> (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> [Int] -> [Int]
findIndicesR' n p (Leaf a) | p a = (n :)
findIndicesR' n p (Bin _ _ l r)
= findIndicesR' (n + size l) p r . findIndicesR' n p l
findIndicesR' _ _ _ = id
mapWithIndex :: (Int -> a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
mapWithIndex f t = mapWithIndex' f 0 t
mapWithIndex' :: (Int -> a -> b) -> Int -> Tree a -> Tree b
mapWithIndex' _ _ Empty = Empty
mapWithIndex' f n (Leaf a) = Leaf (f n a)
mapWithIndex' f n (Bin lv c l r) =
Bin lv c (mapWithIndex' f n l) (mapWithIndex' f (n + size l) r)
traverseWithIndex :: Applicative f => (Int -> a -> f b) -> Tree a -> f (Tree b)
traverseWithIndex f t = traverseWithIndex' f 0 t
:: Applicative f => (Int -> a -> f b) -> Int -> Tree a -> f (Tree b)
traverseWithIndex' _ _ Empty = pure Empty
traverseWithIndex' f n (Leaf a) = Leaf <$> f n a
traverseWithIndex' f n (Bin lv c l r) =
Bin lv c <$> traverseWithIndex' f n l <*> traverseWithIndex' f (n + size l) r
zip :: Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree (a, b)
zip = zipWith (,)
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree c
zipWith f a b = fold $ zipWith' f (Tree a Nil) (Tree b Nil) Nil
zipWith' :: (a -> b -> c) -> TList a -> TList b -> TList c -> TList c
zipWith' f Nil _ = id
zipWith' f _ Nil = id
zipWith' f as bs =
case (trim R as, trim R bs) of
(Cons a (Level la as'), Cons b (Level lb bs')) ->
zipWith' f as' bs' . push la . Tree (Leaf (f a b))
(Cons a _, Cons b _) ->
Tree (Leaf (f a b))
ap :: Tree (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
ap f (Leaf x) = ($ x) <$> f
ap _ Empty = Empty
ap f x@(Bin lv' c' _ _) = go f
go (Bin lv c l r) = Bin (lv + lv') (c * c') (go l) (go r)
go (Leaf f) = f <$> x
go Empty = Empty