{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Reactive.Banana.Prim.Types where

import           Control.Monad.Trans.RWSIO
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import           Control.Monad.Trans.ReaderWriterIO
import           Data.Functor
import           Data.Hashable
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Vault.Lazy                    as Lazy
import           System.IO.Unsafe
import           System.Mem.Weak

import Reactive.Banana.Prim.Graph            (Graph)
import Reactive.Banana.Prim.OrderedBag as OB (OrderedBag, empty)
import Reactive.Banana.Prim.Util

-- | A 'Network' represents the state of a pulse/latch network,
data Network = Network
    { nTime           :: !Time                 -- Current time.
    , nOutputs        :: !(OrderedBag Output)  -- Remember outputs to prevent garbage collection.
    , nAlwaysP        :: !(Maybe (Pulse ()))   -- Pulse that always fires.

type Inputs        = ([SomeNode], Lazy.Vault)
type EvalNetwork a = Network -> IO (a, Network)
type Step          = EvalNetwork (IO ())

emptyNetwork = Network
    { nTime    = next beginning
    , nOutputs = OB.empty
    , nAlwaysP = Nothing

type Build  = ReaderWriterIOT BuildR BuildW IO
type BuildR = (Time, Pulse ())
    -- ( current time
    -- , pulse that always fires)
newtype BuildW = BuildW (DependencyBuilder, [Output], Action, Maybe (Build ()))
    -- reader : current timestamp
    -- writer : ( actions that change the network topology
    --          , outputs to be added to the network
    --          , late IO actions
    --          , late build actions
    --          )

instance Monoid BuildW where
    mempty                          = BuildW mempty
    (BuildW x) `mappend` (BuildW y) = BuildW (x `mappend` y)

type BuildIO = Build

type DependencyBuilder = (Endo (Graph SomeNode), [(SomeNode, SomeNode)])

-- | Priority used to determine evaluation order for pulses.
type Level = Int

ground :: Level
ground = 0

-- | 'IO' actions as a monoid with respect to sequencing.
newtype Action = Action { doit :: IO () }
instance Monoid Action where
    mempty = Action $ return ()
    (Action x) `mappend` (Action y) = Action (x >> y)

-- | Lens-like functionality.
data Lens s a = Lens (s -> a) (a -> s -> s)
set    (Lens _   set)   = set
update (Lens get set) f = \s -> set (f $ get s) s

    Pulse and Latch
type Pulse  a = Ref (Pulse' a)
data Pulse' a = Pulse
    { _keyP      :: Lazy.Key (Maybe a) -- Key to retrieve pulse from cache.
    , _seenP     :: !Time              -- See note [Timestamp].
    , _evalP     :: EvalP (Maybe a)    -- Calculate current value.
    , _childrenP :: [Weak SomeNode]    -- Weak references to child nodes.
    , _parentsP  :: [Weak SomeNode]    -- Weak reference to parent nodes.
    , _levelP    :: !Level             -- Priority in evaluation order.
    , _nameP     :: String             -- Name for debugging.

instance Show (Pulse a) where
    show p = _nameP (unsafePerformIO $ readRef p) ++ " " ++ show (hashWithSalt 0 p)

type Latch  a = Ref (Latch' a)
data Latch' a = Latch
    { _seenL  :: !Time               -- Timestamp for the current value.
    , _valueL :: a                   -- Current value.
    , _evalL  :: EvalL a             -- Recalculate current latch value.
type LatchWrite = Ref LatchWrite'
data LatchWrite' = forall a. LatchWrite
    { _evalLW  :: EvalP a            -- Calculate value to write.
    , _latchLW :: Weak (Latch a)     -- Destination 'Latch' to write to.

type Output  = Ref Output'
data Output' = Output
    { _evalO     :: EvalP EvalO
instance Eq Output where (==) = equalRef

data SomeNode
    = forall a. P (Pulse a)
    | L LatchWrite
    | O Output

instance Hashable SomeNode where
    hashWithSalt s (P x) = hashWithSalt s x
    hashWithSalt s (L x) = hashWithSalt s x
    hashWithSalt s (O x) = hashWithSalt s x

instance Eq SomeNode where
    (P x) == (P y) = equalRef x y
    (L x) == (L y) = equalRef x y
    (O x) == (O y) = equalRef x y

{-# INLINE mkWeakNodeValue #-}
mkWeakNodeValue :: SomeNode -> v -> IO (Weak v)
mkWeakNodeValue (P x) = mkWeakRefValue x
mkWeakNodeValue (L x) = mkWeakRefValue x
mkWeakNodeValue (O x) = mkWeakRefValue x

-- Lenses for various parameters
seenP  = Lens _seenP  (\a s -> s { _seenP = a })
seenL  = Lens _seenL  (\a s -> s { _seenL = a })
valueL = Lens _valueL (\a s -> s { _valueL = a })
parentsP  = Lens _parentsP (\a s -> s { _parentsP = a })
childrenP = Lens _childrenP (\a s -> s { _childrenP = a })
levelP = Lens _levelP (\a s -> s { _levelP = a })

-- | Evaluation monads.
type EvalPW   = (EvalLW, [(Output, EvalO)])
type EvalLW   = Action

type EvalO    = Future (IO ())
type Future   = IO

-- Note: For efficiency reasons, we unroll the monad transformer stack.
-- type EvalP = RWST () Lazy.Vault EvalPW Build
type EvalP    = RWSIOT BuildR (EvalPW,BuildW) Lazy.Vault IO
    -- writer : (latch updates, IO action)
    -- state  : current pulse values

-- Computation with a timestamp that indicates the last time it was performed.
type EvalL    = ReaderWriterIOT () Time IO

    Show functions for debugging
printNode :: SomeNode -> IO String
printNode (P p) = _nameP <$> readRef p
printNode (L l) = return "L"
printNode (O o) = return "O"

    Time monoid
-- | A timestamp local to this program run.
-- Useful e.g. for controlling cache validity.
newtype Time = T Integer deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- | Before the beginning of time. See Note [TimeStamp]
agesAgo :: Time
agesAgo = T (-1)

beginning :: Time
beginning = T 0

next :: Time -> Time
next (T n) = T (n+1)

instance Monoid Time where
    mappend (T x) (T y) = T (max x y)
    mempty              = beginning

{- Note [Timestamp]

The time stamp indicates how recent the current value is.

For Pulse:
During pulse evaluation, a time stamp equal to the current
time indicates that the pulse has already been evaluated in this phase.

For Latch:
The timestamp indicates the last time at which the latch has been written to.

    agesAgo   = The latch has never been written to.
    beginning = The latch has been written to before everything starts.

The second description is ensured by the fact that the network
writes timestamps that begin at time `next beginning`.
