reflex-dom-core: Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex
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- 'ghc-options: -O2' is rarely needed. Check that it is giving a real benefit and not just imposing longer compile times on your users.
- 'ghc-options/ghc-prof-options: -fprof*' profiling flags are typically not appropriate for a distributed library package. These flags are useful to profile this package, but when profiling other packages that use this one these flags clutter the profile output with excessive detail. If you think other packages really want to see cost centres from this package then use '-fprof-auto-exported' which puts cost centres only on exported functions. Alternatively, if you want to use this, make it conditional based on a Cabal configuration flag (with 'manual: True' and 'default: False') and enable that flag during development.
- 'ghc-options/ghc-prof-options: -fprof*' profiling flags are typically not appropriate for a distributed library package. These flags are useful to profile this package, but when profiling other packages that use this one these flags clutter the profile output with excessive detail. If you think other packages really want to see cost centres from this package then use '-fprof-auto-exported' which puts cost centres only on exported functions. Alternatively, if you want to use this, make it conditional based on a Cabal configuration flag (with 'manual: True' and 'default: False') and enable that flag during development.
- 'ghc-options/ghc-prof-options: -fprof*' profiling flags are typically not appropriate for a distributed library package. These flags are useful to profile this package, but when profiling other packages that use this one these flags clutter the profile output with excessive detail. If you think other packages really want to see cost centres from this package then use '-fprof-auto-exported' which puts cost centres only on exported functions. Alternatively, if you want to use this, make it conditional based on a Cabal configuration flag (with 'manual: True' and 'default: False') and enable that flag during development.
Reflex-DOM is a Functional Reactive web framework based on the Reflex FRP engine
Versions | 0.4, 0.5,, 0.5.3, 0.5.3,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
Change log | |
Dependencies | aeson (>=0.8 && <1.5), base (>=4.7 && <4.13), bifunctors (>=4.2 && <6), bimap (>=0.3 && <0.4), blaze-builder, bytestring (>=0.10 && <0.11), constraints (>=0.9 && <0.12), containers (>=0.6 && <0.7), contravariant (>=1.4 && <1.6), data-default (>=0.5 && <0.8), dependent-map (>=0.3 && <0.4), dependent-sum (>=0.6 && <0.7), dependent-sum-template (>=0.1 && <0.2), directory (>=1.2 && <1.4), exception-transformers (>=0.4 && <0.5), ghcjs-base, ghcjs-dom (>= && <0.10), hashable (>=1.2 && <1.3), jsaddle (>= && <0.10), keycode (>=0.2.1 && <0.3), lens (>=4.7 && <5), monad-control (>=1.0.1 && <1.1), mtl (>=2.1 && <2.3), network-uri (>=2.6.1 && <2.7), primitive (>=0.5 && <0.7), random, ref-tf (>=0.4 && <0.5), reflex (>=0.6.2 && <0.7), semialign (>=1 && <1.1), semigroups (>=0.16 && <0.19), stm (>=2.4 && <2.6), template-haskell, text (>=1.2 && <1.3), these (>=0.4 && <0.9 || >=1 && <1.1), transformers (>=0.3 && <0.6), unix (>=2.7 && <2.8), zenc (>=0.1 && <0.2) [details] |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Author | Ryan Trinkle |
Maintainer | |
Category | FRP, Web, GUI, HTML, Javascript, Reactive, Reactivity, User Interfaces, User-interface |
Source repo | head: git clone |
Uploaded | by JohnEricson at 2019-12-20T23:32:43Z |
[Index] [Quick Jump]
- Foreign
- JavaScript
- Foreign.JavaScript.Orphans
- Foreign.JavaScript.TH
- Foreign.JavaScript.Utils
- JavaScript
- Reflex
Manual Flags
Name | Description | Default |
use-template-haskell | Use template haskell to generate lenses | Enabled |
use-reflex-optimizer | Use the GHC plugin Reflex.Optimizer on some of the modules in the package. This is still experimental. | Disabled |
expose-all-unfoldings | Build the library with -fexpose-all-unfoldings which can help client code specialize better | Disabled |
profile-reflex | Add a layer of profiling to all Reflex events in the system | Disabled |
Automatic Flags
Name | Description | Default |
split-these | Use split these/semialign packages | Enabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info
- reflex-dom-core-0.5.3.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
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