#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
module Text.RE.PCRE.RE
( re
, reMS
, reMI
, reBS
, reBI
, reMultilineSensitive
, reMultilineInsensitive
, reBlockSensitive
, reBlockInsensitive
, re_
, cp
, regexType
, RE
, reOptions
, reSource
, reCaptureNames
, reRegex
, Options
, prelude
, preludeEnv
, preludeTestsFailing
, preludeTable
, preludeSummary
, preludeSources
, preludeSource
, noPreludeOptions
, defaultOptions
, unpackSimpleRegexOptions
, compileRegex
, compileRegexWith
, compileRegexWithOptions
, escape
, escapeREString
) where
import Data.Bits
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Prelude.Compat
import Text.RE
import Text.RE.Internal.EscapeREString
import Text.RE.Internal.NamedCaptures
import Text.RE.Internal.PreludeMacros
import Text.RE.Internal.QQ
import Text.RE.TestBench
import Text.RE.Types.CaptureID
import Text.RE.Types.Options
import Text.Regex.PCRE
, reMS
, reMI
, reBS
, reBI
, reMultilineSensitive
, reMultilineInsensitive
, reBlockSensitive
, reBlockInsensitive
, re_ :: QuasiQuoter
re = re' $ Just minBound
reMS = reMultilineSensitive
reMI = reMultilineInsensitive
reBS = reBlockSensitive
reBI = reBlockInsensitive
reMultilineSensitive = re' $ Just MultilineSensitive
reMultilineInsensitive = re' $ Just MultilineInsensitive
reBlockSensitive = re' $ Just BlockSensitive
reBlockInsensitive = re' $ Just BlockInsensitive
re_ = re' Nothing
regexType :: RegexType
regexType =
mkPCRE $ \txt env md -> txt =~ mdRegexSource regexType ExclCaptures env md
data RE =
{ _re_options :: !Options
, _re_source :: !String
, _re_cnames :: !CaptureNames
, _re_regex :: !Regex
reOptions :: RE -> Options
reOptions = _re_options
reSource :: RE -> String
reSource = _re_source
reCaptureNames :: RE -> CaptureNames
reCaptureNames = _re_cnames
reRegex :: RE -> Regex
reRegex = _re_regex
type Options = Options_ RE CompOption ExecOption
instance IsOption SimpleRegexOptions RE CompOption ExecOption where
makeOptions = unpackSimpleRegexOptions
instance IsOption (Macros RE) RE CompOption ExecOption where
makeOptions ms = Options ms def_comp_option def_exec_option
instance IsOption CompOption RE CompOption ExecOption where
makeOptions co = Options prelude co def_exec_option
instance IsOption ExecOption RE CompOption ExecOption where
makeOptions eo = Options prelude def_comp_option eo
instance IsOption Options RE CompOption ExecOption where
makeOptions = id
instance IsOption () RE CompOption ExecOption where
makeOptions _ = unpackSimpleRegexOptions minBound
def_comp_option :: CompOption
def_comp_option = optionsComp defaultOptions
def_exec_option :: ExecOption
def_exec_option = optionsExec defaultOptions
noPreludeOptions :: Options
noPreludeOptions = defaultOptions { optionsMacs = emptyMacros }
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = makeOptions (minBound::SimpleRegexOptions)
unpackSimpleRegexOptions :: SimpleRegexOptions -> Options
unpackSimpleRegexOptions sro =
{ optionsMacs = prelude
, optionsComp = comp
, optionsExec = defaultExecOpt
comp =
wiggle ml compMultiline $
wiggle ci compCaseless
wiggle True m v = v .|. m
wiggle False m v = v .&. complement m
(ml,ci) = case sro of
MultilineSensitive -> (,) True False
MultilineInsensitive -> (,) True True
BlockSensitive -> (,) False False
BlockInsensitive -> (,) False True
compileRegex :: (Functor m,Monad m) => String -> m RE
compileRegex = compileRegexWithOptions ()
compileRegexWith :: (Functor m,Monad m) => SimpleRegexOptions -> String -> m RE
compileRegexWith = compileRegexWithOptions
compileRegexWithOptions :: ( IsOption o RE CompOption ExecOption
, Functor m
, Monad m
=> o
-> String
-> m RE
compileRegexWithOptions = compileRegex_ . makeOptions
compileRegex_ :: ( Functor m , Monad m )
=> Options
-> String
-> m RE
compileRegex_ os re_s = uncurry mk <$> compileRegex' os re_s
mk cnms rex =
{ _re_options = os
, _re_source = re_s
, _re_cnames = cnms
, _re_regex = rex
re' :: Maybe SimpleRegexOptions -> QuasiQuoter
re' mb = case mb of
Nothing ->
(qq0 "re_")
{ quoteExp = parse minBound (\rs->[|flip unsafeCompileRegex rs|])
Just sro ->
(qq0 "re")
{ quoteExp = parse sro (\rs->[|unsafeCompileRegexSimple sro rs|])
parse :: SimpleRegexOptions -> (String->Q Exp) -> String -> Q Exp
parse sro mk rs = either error (\_->mk rs) $ compileRegex_ os rs
os = unpackSimpleRegexOptions sro
unsafeCompileRegexSimple :: SimpleRegexOptions -> String -> RE
unsafeCompileRegexSimple sro re_s = unsafeCompileRegex os re_s
os = unpackSimpleRegexOptions sro
unsafeCompileRegex :: IsOption o RE CompOption ExecOption
=> o
-> String
-> RE
unsafeCompileRegex = unsafeCompileRegex_ . makeOptions
unsafeCompileRegex_ :: Options -> String -> RE
unsafeCompileRegex_ os = either oops id . compileRegexWithOptions os
oops = error . ("unsafeCompileRegex: " ++)
compileRegex' :: (Functor m,Monad m)
=> Options
-> String
-> m (CaptureNames,Regex)
compileRegex' Options{..} s0 = do
(cnms,s2) <- either fail return $ extractNamedCaptures s1
(,) cnms <$> makeRegexOptsM optionsComp optionsExec s2
s1 = expandMacros reSource optionsMacs s0
prelude :: Macros RE
prelude = runIdentity $ preludeMacros mk regexType ExclCaptures
mk = Identity . unsafeCompileRegex_ noPreludeOptions
preludeTestsFailing :: [MacroID]
preludeTestsFailing = badMacros preludeEnv
preludeEnv :: MacroEnv
preludeEnv = preludeMacroEnv regexType
preludeTable :: String
preludeTable = preludeMacroTable regexType
preludeSummary :: PreludeMacro -> String
preludeSummary = preludeMacroSummary regexType
preludeSources :: String
preludeSources = preludeMacroSources regexType
preludeSource :: PreludeMacro -> String
preludeSource = preludeMacroSource regexType
escape :: (String->String) -> String -> RE
escape f = unsafeCompileRegex () . f . escapeREString