module Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Extra ( -- * Acquire acquire1 , acquireType1 , mkAcquire1 , mkAcquireType1 , acquireReleaseSelf , unAcquire -- * MonadResource , registerType , releaseType , unprotectType , acquireReleaseKey -- * MonadMask , runResourceT , withAcquire , withAcquireRelease -- * Restore , Restore (..) , getRestoreIO , withRestoreIO -- * Async , asyncRestore -- * IO , once , onceK ) where import Control.Concurrent.Async qualified as Async import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Exception.Safe qualified as Ex import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift qualified as U import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource qualified as R import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal qualified as R import Data.Acquire.Internal qualified as A import Data.IORef import Data.IntMap.Strict qualified as IntMap import Data.Kind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Like 'A.mkAcquire1', but the acquire function is provided the current -- 'Restore'-like function. acquire1 :: ((forall x. IO x -> IO x) -> IO a) -> (a -> IO ()) -> A.Acquire a acquire1 acq rel = acquireType1 acq \a _ -> rel a -- | Like 'A.mkAcquireType1', but the acquire function is provided the current -- 'Restore'-like function. acquireType1 :: ((forall x. IO x -> IO x) -> IO a) -> (a -> A.ReleaseType -> IO ()) -> A.Acquire a acquireType1 acq rel = A.Acquire \res -> do rel1 <- onceK $ uncurry rel a <- acq res pure $ A.Allocated a $ curry rel1 a -- | Like 'A.mkAcquire', but the release function will be run at most once. -- Subsequent executions of the release function will be no-ops. mkAcquire1 :: IO a -> (a -> IO ()) -> A.Acquire a mkAcquire1 acq = acquire1 \_ -> acq -- | Like 'A.mkAcquireType', but the release function will be run at most once. -- Subsequent executions of the release function will be no-ops. mkAcquireType1 :: IO a -> (a -> A.ReleaseType -> IO ()) -> A.Acquire a mkAcquireType1 acq = acquireType1 \_ -> acq -- | Build an 'A.Acquire' having access to its own release function. -- -- The release function will be run at most once. Subsequent executions of -- the release function will be no-ops. acquireReleaseSelf :: A.Acquire ((A.ReleaseType -> IO ()) -> a) -> A.Acquire a acquireReleaseSelf (A.Acquire f) = A.Acquire \restore -> do A.Allocated g rel0 <- f restore rel1 <- onceK rel0 pure $ A.Allocated (g rel1) rel1 -- | Removes the 'A.Acquire' and 'A.Allocated' wrappers. unAcquire :: (MonadIO m) => A.Acquire a -> (forall x. IO x -> IO x) -- ^ 'Restore'-like function. -> m (a, A.ReleaseType -> IO ()) unAcquire (A.Acquire f) restore = liftIO do A.Allocated a rel <- f restore pure (a, rel) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Like 'R.runResourceT', but requires only 'Ex.MonadMask'. runResourceT :: (Ex.MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => R.ResourceT m a -> m a runResourceT (R.ResourceT r) = do istate <- liftIO R.createInternalState Ex.mask \restoreM -> do a <- restoreM (r istate) `Ex.catchAsync` \e -> liftIO do R.stateCleanupChecked (Just e) istate Ex.throwM e liftIO $ R.stateCleanupChecked Nothing istate pure a -- | Like 'withAcquireRelease', but doesn't take the extra release function. withAcquire :: (Ex.MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => A.Acquire a -> (a -> m b) -> m b withAcquire (A.Acquire f) g = do Restore restoreIO <- getRestoreIO Ex.mask \restoreM -> do A.Allocated x free <- liftIO $ f restoreIO b <- Ex.withException (restoreM (g x)) \e -> liftIO $ free $ A.ReleaseExceptionWith e liftIO $ free A.ReleaseNormal pure b -- | @'withAcquireRelease' acq \\release a -> act@ acquires the @a@ and -- automaticaly releases it when @mb@ returns or throws an exception. -- If desired, @release@ can be used to release @a@ earlier. withAcquireRelease :: (Ex.MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => A.Acquire a -> ((A.ReleaseType -> IO ()) -> a -> m b) -> m b withAcquireRelease (A.Acquire f) g = do Restore restoreIO <- getRestoreIO Ex.mask \restoreM -> do A.Allocated x free <- liftIO $ f restoreIO -- Wrapper so that we don't perform `free` again if `g` already did. free1 <- onceK free b <- Ex.withException (restoreM (g free1 x)) \e -> liftIO $ free1 $ A.ReleaseExceptionWith e liftIO $ free1 A.ReleaseNormal pure b -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Like 'R.register', but gives access to the 'A.ReleaseType' too. registerType :: (R.MonadResource m) => (A.ReleaseType -> IO ()) -> m R.ReleaseKey registerType = R.liftResourceT . R.ResourceT . flip R.registerType -- | Like 'R.release', but allows specifying the 'A.ReleaseType' too. releaseType :: (MonadIO m) => R.ReleaseKey -> A.ReleaseType -> m () releaseType rk rt = liftIO $ maybe mempty ($ rt) =<< unprotectType rk -- | Like 'R.unprotect', but allows specifying the 'A.ReleaseType' too. unprotectType :: (MonadIO m) => R.ReleaseKey -> m (Maybe (A.ReleaseType -> IO ())) unprotectType (R.ReleaseKey istate key) = liftIO do atomicModifyIORef' istate \case R.ReleaseMap next rf im | Just g <- IntMap.lookup key im -> (R.ReleaseMap next rf (IntMap.delete key im), Just g) rm -> (rm, Nothing) -- | 'acquireReleaseKey' will 'unprotectType' the 'R.ReleaseKey', -- and use 'A.Acquire' to manage the release action instead. acquireReleaseKey :: R.ReleaseKey -> A.Acquire () acquireReleaseKey rk = void $ A.mkAcquireType (unprotectType rk) (maybe mempty id) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Wrapper around a “restore” function like the one given -- by @'mask' (\\restore -> ...)@, in a particular 'Monad' @m@. type Restore :: (Type -> Type) -> Type newtype Restore m = Restore (forall x. m x -> m x) -- | Get the current 'Restore' action in 'IO', wrapped in 'Restore'. getRestoreIO :: (MonadIO m) => m (Restore IO) getRestoreIO = -- Ugly, but safe. Check the implementation in base. liftIO $ Ex.mask \f -> pure (Restore f) -- | Get the current 'Restore' action in 'IO', without the 'Restore' wrapper. withRestoreIO :: (Ex.MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => ((forall x. IO x -> IO x) -> m a) -> m a withRestoreIO f = getRestoreIO >>= \(Restore g) -> f g -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Like 'R.resourceFork', but uses 'Async.Async' to communicate with the -- background thread. -- -- The 'Async.Async' is initially 'Ex.mask'ed. A 'Restore'-like function is -- provided to restore to the call-site masking state. -- -- As a convenience, the 'Async.Async' may optionally be safely ''ed -- by this function, too. asyncRestore :: (U.MonadUnliftIO m) => Bool -- ^ Whether to '' the 'Async.Async'. -> ((forall x. IO x -> IO x) -> R.ResourceT m a) -- ^ You may use 'U.liftIOOp' on this 'Restore'-like function. -> R.ResourceT m (R.ReleaseKey, Async.Async a) asyncRestore link k = R.ResourceT \r -> U.withRunInIO \m2io -> Ex.mask \restoreIO -> do let R.ResourceT !f = k restoreIO R.stateAlloc r aa <- Async.async do a <- Ex.withException (m2io (f r)) \e -> R.stateCleanup (A.ReleaseExceptionWith e) r a <$ R.stateCleanup A.ReleaseNormal r when link $ aa key <- R.register' r $ Async.uninterruptibleCancel aa pure (key, aa) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | @'once' ma@ creates a wrapper for @ma@ which will execute @ma@ at most -- once. Further executions of the same wrapped @ma@ are a no-op. It's safe to -- attempt to use the wrapper concurrently; only one thread will get to execute -- the actual @ma@ at most. once :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n, Ex.MonadMask n) => n () -> m (n ()) once = fmap ($ ()) . onceK . const -- | Kleisli version of 'once'. onceK :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n, Ex.MonadMask n) => (a -> n ()) -> m (a -> n ()) onceK kma = do done <- liftIO $ newMVar False pure \a -> Ex.bracket (liftIO $ takeMVar done) (\_ -> liftIO $ putMVar done True) (\d -> unless d (kma a))