restartable: Minimal live coding library for model-view-event-update applications.

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Minimal live coding library. It can store model of the model-view-event-update applications. It uses FromJSON and ToJSON with default value for absent data elements, and Generic parser otherwise:

import Initially(initially, Initial)

data MyModel = Model { timestamp :: UTCTime }

instance ToJSON MyModel where
instance FromJSON MyModel where
  parseJSON = initially myDefaultValue
instance Initial MyModel

main = restartable myMain

It is preferred to attach initial value to every substructure, so whenever it fails to parse the remaining part of the state is still parsed correctly.


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Dependencies aeson (>= && <1.5), base (>=4.7 && <5), bytestring (>= && <0.11), unix (>= && <2.8) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright '2020
Author Michał J. Gajda
Category Control
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Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by MichalGajda at 2020-11-09T13:20:41Z
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Minimal live coding library for model-view-event-update applications.

Minimal live coding library. It can store model of the model-view-event-update applications. It uses FromJSON and ToJSON with default value for absent data elements, and Generic parser otherwise:

import Control.Restartable.Initially(initially, Initial)

data MyModel = Model { timestamp :: UTCTime }

instance ToJSON MyModel where
instance FromJSON MyModel where
  parseJSON = initially myDefaultValue
instance Initial MyModel

Then in the main module use:

import Control.Restartable.Checkpoint(restartable, Ending(..))

main = restartable "" myMain

myMain :: MyModel -> IO (MyModel, Ending)

It is preferred to attach initial value to every substructure, so whenever it fails to parse the remaining part of the state is still parsed correctly.