{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module Database.RethinkDB.Types.Datum where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad

import           Data.Text           (Text)
import qualified Data.Text           as T
import           Data.Time
import           Data.Scientific
import           Data.Time.Clock.POSIX

import           Data.Aeson          (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..))
import           Data.Aeson.Types    (Value, Parser)
import qualified Data.Aeson          as A

import           Data.Vector         (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector         as V
import           Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS

import           GHC.Generics

#if !MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
import           System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)

-- | A sumtype covering all the primitive types which can appear in queries
-- or responses.
-- It is similar to the aeson 'Value' type, except that RethinkDB has a few
-- more types (like 'Time'), which have a special encoding in JSON.

data Datum
    = Null
    | Bool   !Bool
    | Number !Double
    | String !Text
    | Array  !(Array Datum)
    | Object !Object
    | Time   !ZonedTime
    deriving (Show, Generic)

-- | Arrays are vectors of 'Datum'.

type Array a = Vector a

-- | Objects are maps from 'Text' to 'Datum'. Like 'Aeson', we're using
-- a strict 'HashMap'.

type Object = HashMap Text Datum

-- | We can't automatically derive 'Eq' because 'ZonedTime' does not have an
-- instance of 'Eq'. See the 'eqTime' function for why we can compare times.
instance Eq Datum where
    (Null    ) == (Null    ) = True
    (Bool   x) == (Bool   y) = x == y
    (Number x) == (Number y) = x == y
    (String x) == (String y) = x == y
    (Array  x) == (Array  y) = x == y
    (Object x) == (Object y) = x == y
    (Time   x) == (Time   y) = (zonedTimeToUTC x) == (zonedTimeToUTC y)
    _          == _          = False

instance ToJSON Datum where
    toJSON (Null    ) = A.Null
    toJSON (Bool   x) = toJSON x
    toJSON (Number x) = toJSON x
    toJSON (String x) = toJSON x
    toJSON (Array  x) = toJSON x
    toJSON (Time   x) = toJSON x
    toJSON (Object x) = toJSON x

instance FromJSON Datum where
    parseJSON   (A.Null    ) = pure Null
    parseJSON   (A.Bool   x) = pure $ Bool x
    parseJSON   (A.Number x) = pure $ Number (realToFrac x)
    parseJSON v@(A.String x) = (Time <$> parseJSON v) <|> (pure $ String x)
    parseJSON   (A.Array  x) = Array <$> V.mapM parseJSON x
    parseJSON   (A.Object x) = do
        -- HashMap does not provide a mapM, what a shame :(
        items <- mapM (\(k, v) -> (,) <$> pure k <*> parseJSON v) $ HMS.toList x
        pure $ Object $ HMS.fromList items

parseWire :: A.Value -> Parser Datum
parseWire (A.Null    ) = pure Null
parseWire (A.Bool   x) = pure $ Bool x
parseWire (A.Number x) = pure $ Number (realToFrac x)
parseWire (A.String x) = pure $ String x
parseWire (A.Array  x) = Array <$> V.mapM parseWire x
parseWire (A.Object x) = (Time <$> zonedTimeParser x) <|> do
    -- HashMap does not provide a mapM, what a shame :(
    items <- mapM (\(k, v) -> (,) <$> pure k <*> parseWire v) $ HMS.toList x
    pure $ Object $ HMS.fromList items

zonedTimeParser :: HashMap Text A.Value -> Parser ZonedTime
zonedTimeParser o = do
    reqlType <- o A..: "$reql_type$"
    guard $ reqlType == ("TIME" :: Text)

    -- Parse the timezone using 'parseTime'. This overapproximates the
    -- possible responses from the server, but better than rolling our
    -- own timezone parser.
    tz <- o A..: "timezone" >>= \tz -> case parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Z" tz of
        Just d -> pure d
        _      -> fail "Could not parse TimeZone"

    t <- o A..: "epoch_time" :: Parser Double
    pure $ utcToZonedTime tz $ posixSecondsToUTCTime $ realToFrac t
#if !MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
    parseTimeM _ = parseTime

-- | Types which can be converted to or from a 'Datum'.

class ToDatum a where
    toDatum :: a -> Datum

class FromDatum a where
    parseDatum :: Datum -> Parser a

(.=) :: ToDatum a => Text -> a -> (Text, Datum)
k .= v = (k, toDatum v)

(.:) :: FromDatum a => HashMap Text Datum -> Text -> Parser a
o .: k = maybe (fail $ "key " ++ show k ++ "not found") parseDatum $ HMS.lookup k o

(.:?) :: FromDatum a => HashMap Text Datum -> Text -> Parser (Maybe a)
o .:? k = maybe (pure Nothing) parseDatum $ HMS.lookup k o

object :: [(Text, Datum)] -> Datum
object = Object . HMS.fromList

-- Datum

instance ToDatum Datum where
    toDatum = id

instance FromDatum Datum where
    parseDatum = pure

-- ()

instance ToDatum () where
    toDatum () = Array V.empty

instance FromDatum () where
    parseDatum (Array x) = if V.null x then pure () else fail "()"
    parseDatum _         = fail "()"

-- (a,b)

instance (ToDatum a, ToDatum b) => ToDatum (a,b) where
    toDatum (a,b) = Array $ V.fromList [toDatum a, toDatum b]

instance (FromDatum a, FromDatum b) => FromDatum (a,b) where
    parseDatum (Array x) = case V.toList x of
        [a,b] -> (,) <$> parseDatum a <*> parseDatum b
        _     -> fail "(a,b)"
    parseDatum _         = fail "(a,b)"

-- (a,b,c)

instance (ToDatum a, ToDatum b, ToDatum c) => ToDatum (a,b,c) where
    toDatum (a,b,c) = Array $ V.fromList [toDatum a, toDatum b, toDatum c]

instance (FromDatum a, FromDatum b, FromDatum c) => FromDatum (a,b,c) where
    parseDatum (Array x) = case V.toList x of
        [a,b,c] -> (,,) <$> parseDatum a <*> parseDatum b <*> parseDatum c
        _       -> fail "(a,b,c)"
    parseDatum _         = fail "(a,b,c)"

-- Bool

instance ToDatum Bool where
    toDatum = Bool

instance FromDatum Bool where
    parseDatum (Bool x) = pure x
    parseDatum _        = fail "Bool"

-- Double

instance ToDatum Double where
    toDatum = Number

instance FromDatum Double where
    parseDatum (Number x) = pure x
    parseDatum _          = fail "Double"

-- Float

instance ToDatum Float where
    toDatum = Number . realToFrac

instance FromDatum Float where
    parseDatum (Number x) = pure $ realToFrac x
    parseDatum _          = fail "Float"

-- Int

instance ToDatum Int where
    toDatum = Number . fromIntegral

instance FromDatum Int where
    parseDatum (Number x) = pure $ floor x
    parseDatum _          = fail "Int"

-- Char

instance ToDatum Char where
    toDatum = String . T.singleton

instance FromDatum Char where
    parseDatum (String x) =
        if T.compareLength x 1 == EQ
            then pure $ T.head x
            else fail "Expected a string of length 1"
    parseDatum _ = fail "Char"

-- [Char] (aka String)
-- This instance overlaps the more generic 'FromDatum a => FromDatum [a]', hence
-- the need for the OVERLAPPING pragma.

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} ToDatum [Char] where
    toDatum = String . T.pack

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} FromDatum [Char] where
    parseDatum (String x) = pure $ T.unpack x
    parseDatum _          = fail "String"

-- Text

instance ToDatum Text where
    toDatum = String

instance FromDatum Text where
    parseDatum (String x) = pure x
    parseDatum _          = fail "Text"

-- Array (Vector)

instance (ToDatum a) => ToDatum (Array a) where
    toDatum = Array . V.map toDatum

instance (FromDatum a) => FromDatum (Array a) where
    parseDatum (Array v) = V.mapM parseDatum v
    parseDatum _         = fail "Array"

-- Object (HashMap Text Datum)

instance ToDatum Object where
    toDatum = Object

instance FromDatum Object where
    parseDatum (Object o) = do
        -- HashMap does not provide a mapM, what a shame :(
        items <- mapM (\(k, v) -> (,) <$> pure k <*> parseDatum v) $ HMS.toList o
        pure $ HMS.fromList items

    parseDatum _          = fail "Object"

-- ZonedTime

instance ToDatum ZonedTime where
    toDatum = Time

instance FromDatum ZonedTime where
    parseDatum (Time x) = pure x
    parseDatum _        = fail "ZonedTime"

-- UTCTime

instance ToDatum UTCTime where
    toDatum = Time . utcToZonedTime utc

instance FromDatum UTCTime where
    parseDatum (Time x) = pure (zonedTimeToUTC x)
    parseDatum _        = fail "UTCTime"

-- [a]

instance ToDatum a => ToDatum [a] where
    toDatum = Array . V.fromList . map toDatum

instance FromDatum a => FromDatum [a] where
    parseDatum (Array x) = V.toList <$> V.mapM parseDatum x
    parseDatum _         = fail "[a]"

-- Maybe a

instance ToDatum a => ToDatum (Maybe a) where
    toDatum Nothing  = Null
    toDatum (Just x) = toDatum x

instance FromDatum a => FromDatum (Maybe a) where
    parseDatum Null = pure Nothing
    parseDatum d    = Just <$> parseDatum d

-- Value

instance ToDatum Value where
    toDatum (A.Null    ) = Null
    toDatum (A.Bool   x) = Bool x
    toDatum (A.Number x) = Number $ toRealFloat x
    toDatum (A.String x) = String x
    toDatum (A.Array  x) = Array $ V.map toDatum x
    toDatum (A.Object x) = Object $ fmap toDatum x

instance FromDatum Value where
    parseDatum (Null    ) = pure A.Null
    parseDatum (Bool   x) = pure $ A.Bool x
    parseDatum (Number x) = pure $ A.Number (realToFrac x)
    parseDatum (String x) = pure $ A.String x
    parseDatum (Array  x) = A.Array <$> V.mapM parseDatum x
    parseDatum (Object x) = do
        -- HashMap does not provide a mapM, what a shame :(
        items <- mapM (\(k, v) -> (,) <$> pure k <*> parseDatum v) $ HMS.toList x
        pure $ A.Object $ HMS.fromList items
    parseDatum (Time   x) = pure $ toJSON x