{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}

module FRP.Rhine.Schedule where

-- dunai
import Data.MonadicStreamFunction

-- rhine
import FRP.Rhine.Clock

-- * The schedule type

-- | A schedule implements a combination of two clocks.
--   It outputs a time stamp and an 'Either' value,
--   which specifies which of the two subclocks has ticked.
data Schedule m cl1 cl2
  = (TimeDomainOf cl1 ~ TimeDomainOf cl2)
  => Schedule
    { startSchedule
        :: cl1 -> cl2
        -> m (MSF m () (TimeDomainOf cl1, Either (Tag cl1) (Tag cl2)), TimeDomainOf cl1)
-- The type constraint in the constructor is actually useful when pattern matching on 'Schedule',
-- which is interesting since a constraint like 'Monad m' is useful.
-- When reformulating as a GADT, it might get used,
-- but that would mean that we can't use record syntax.

-- * Utilities to create new schedules from existing ones

-- | Lift a schedule along a monad morphism.
  :: (Monad m1, Monad m2)
  => (forall a . m1 a -> m2 a)
  -> Schedule m1 cl1 cl2
  -> Schedule m2 cl1 cl2
hoistSchedule hoist Schedule {..} = Schedule startSchedule'
    startSchedule' cl1 cl2 = hoist
      $ first (hoistMSF hoist) <$> startSchedule cl1 cl2
    hoistMSF = liftMSFPurer
    -- TODO This should be a dunai issue

-- | Swaps the clocks for a given schedule.
  :: Monad m
  => Schedule m cl1 cl2
  -> Schedule m cl2 cl1
flipSchedule Schedule {..} = Schedule startSchedule_
    startSchedule_ cl2 cl1 = first (arr (second swapEither) <<<) <$> startSchedule cl1 cl2
    swapEither :: Either a b -> Either b a -- TODO Why is stuff like this not in base? Maybe send pull request...
    swapEither (Left  a) = Right a
    swapEither (Right b) = Left  b

-- * Composite clocks

-- | Two clocks can be combined with a schedule as a clock
--   for an asynchronous sequential composition of signal functions.
data SequentialClock m cl1 cl2
  = TimeDomainOf cl1 ~ TimeDomainOf cl2
  => SequentialClock
    { sequentialCl1      :: cl1
    , sequentialCl2      :: cl2
    , sequentialSchedule :: Schedule m cl1 cl2

instance (Monad m, Clock m cl1, Clock m cl2)
      => Clock m (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2) where
  type TimeDomainOf (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2) = TimeDomainOf cl1
  type Tag          (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2) = Either (Tag cl1) (Tag cl2)
  startClock SequentialClock {..}
    = startSchedule sequentialSchedule sequentialCl1 sequentialCl2

-- | Two clocks can be combined with a schedule as a clock
--   for an asynchronous parallel composition of signal functions.
data ParallelClock m cl1 cl2
  = TimeDomainOf cl1 ~ TimeDomainOf cl2
  => ParallelClock
    { parallelCl1      :: cl1
    , parallelCl2      :: cl2
    , parallelSchedule :: Schedule m cl1 cl2

instance (Monad m, Clock m cl1, Clock m cl2)
      => Clock m (ParallelClock m cl1 cl2) where
  type TimeDomainOf (ParallelClock m cl1 cl2) = TimeDomainOf cl1
  type Tag          (ParallelClock m cl1 cl2) = Either (Tag cl1) (Tag cl2)
  startClock ParallelClock {..}
    = startSchedule parallelSchedule parallelCl1 parallelCl2

-- * Navigating the clock tree

-- | The clock that represents the rate at which data enters the system.
type family Leftmost cl where
  Leftmost (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2) = Leftmost cl1
  Leftmost (ParallelClock   m cl1 cl2) = ParallelClock m (Leftmost cl1) (Leftmost cl2)
  Leftmost cl                          = cl

-- | The clock that represents the rate at which data leaves the system.
type family Rightmost cl where
  Rightmost (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2) = Rightmost cl2
  Rightmost (ParallelClock   m cl1 cl2) = ParallelClock m (Rightmost cl1) (Rightmost cl2)
  Rightmost cl                          = cl

-- | A tree representing possible last times to which
--   the constituents of a clock may have ticked.
data LastTime cl where
    :: LastTime cl1 -> LastTime cl2
    -> LastTime (SequentialClock m cl1 cl2)
    :: LastTime cl1 -> LastTime cl2
    -> LastTime (ParallelClock   m cl1 cl2)
  LeafLastTime :: TimeDomainOf cl -> LastTime cl

-- | An inclusion of a clock into a tree of parallel compositions of clocks.
data ParClockInclusion clS cl where
    :: ParClockInclusion (ParallelClock m clL clR) cl
    -> ParClockInclusion                  clL      cl
    :: ParClockInclusion (ParallelClock m clL clR) cl
    -> ParClockInclusion                      clR  cl
  ParClockRefl :: ParClockInclusion cl cl

-- | Generates a tag for the composite clock from a tag of a leaf clock,
--   given a parallel clock inclusion.
parClockTagInclusion :: ParClockInclusion clS cl -> Tag clS -> Tag cl
parClockTagInclusion (ParClockInL parClockInL) tag = parClockTagInclusion parClockInL $ Left  tag
parClockTagInclusion (ParClockInR parClockInR) tag = parClockTagInclusion parClockInR $ Right tag
parClockTagInclusion ParClockRefl              tag = tag