rhine- Functional Reactive Programming with type-level clocks

Safe HaskellNone



Combinators for composing signal networks sequentially and parallely.



(>>>^) :: Monad m => SN m cl a b -> (b -> c) -> SN m cl a c Source #

Postcompose a signal network with a pure function.

(^>>>) :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> SN m cl b c -> SN m cl a c Source #

Precompose a signal network with a pure function.

(****) :: Monad m => SN m cl a b -> SN m cl c d -> SN m cl (a, c) (b, d) Source #

Compose two signal networks on the same clock in data-parallel. At one tick of cl, both networks are stepped.

(||||) :: (Monad m, Clock m clL, Clock m clR, Time clL ~ Time clR, Time clL ~ Time (Out clL), Time clL ~ Time (In clL), Time clR ~ Time (Out clR), Time clR ~ Time (In clR)) => SN m clL a b -> SN m clR a b -> SN m (ParClock m clL clR) a b Source #

Compose two signal networks on different clocks in clock-parallel. At one tick of ParClock m cl1 cl2, one of the networks is stepped, dependent on which constituent clock has ticked.

Note: This is essentially an infix synonym of Parallel

(++++) :: (Monad m, Clock m clL, Clock m clR, Time clL ~ Time clR, Time clL ~ Time (Out clL), Time clL ~ Time (In clL), Time clR ~ Time (Out clR), Time clR ~ Time (In clR)) => SN m clL a b -> SN m clR a c -> SN m (ParClock m clL clR) a (Either b c) Source #

Compose two signal networks on different clocks in clock-parallel. At one tick of ParClock m cl1 cl2, one of the networks is stepped, dependent on which constituent clock has ticked.