{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {- | Interpolation buffers. -} module FRP.Rhine.ResamplingBuffer.Interpolation where -- containers import Data.Sequence -- simple-affine-space import Data.VectorSpace -- rhine import FRP.Rhine.ClSF import FRP.Rhine.ResamplingBuffer import FRP.Rhine.ResamplingBuffer.KeepLast import FRP.Rhine.ResamplingBuffer.Util -- | A simple linear interpolation based on the last calculated position and velocity. linear :: ( Monad m , Clock m cl1 , Clock m cl2 , VectorSpace v s , Num s , s ~ Diff (Time cl1) , s ~ Diff (Time cl2) ) => -- | The initial velocity (derivative of the signal) v -> -- | The initial position v -> ResamplingBuffer m cl1 cl2 v v linear initVelocity initPosition = (derivativeFrom initPosition &&& clId) &&& timeInfoOf sinceInit ^->> keepLast ((initVelocity, initPosition), 0) >>-^ proc ((velocity, lastPosition), sinceInit1) -> do sinceInit2 <- timeInfoOf sinceInit -< () let diff = sinceInit2 - sinceInit1 returnA -< lastPosition ^+^ diff *^ velocity {- | sinc-Interpolation, or Whittaker-Shannon-Interpolation. The incoming signal is strictly bandlimited by the frequency at which @cl1@ ticks. Each incoming value is hulled in a sinc function, these are added and sampled at @cl2@'s ticks. In order not to produce a space leak, the buffer only remembers the past values within a given window, which should be chosen much larger than the average time between @cl1@'s ticks. -} sinc :: ( Monad m , Clock m cl1 , Clock m cl2 , VectorSpace v s , Ord s , Floating s , s ~ Diff (Time cl1) , s ~ Diff (Time cl2) ) => -- | The size of the interpolation window -- (for how long in the past to remember incoming values) s -> ResamplingBuffer m cl1 cl2 v v sinc windowSize = historySince windowSize ^->> keepLast empty >>-^ proc as -> do sinceInit2 <- sinceInitS -< () returnA -< vectorSum $ mkSinc sinceInit2 <$> as where mkSinc sinceInit2 (TimeInfo {..}, as) = let t = pi * (sinceInit2 - sinceInit) / sinceLast in (sin t / t) *^ as vectorSum = foldr (^+^) zeroVector -- TODO Do we want to give initial values? {- | Interpolates the signal with Hermite splines, using 'threePointDerivative'. Caution: In order to calculate the derivatives of the incoming signal, it has to be delayed by two ticks of @cl1@. In a non-realtime situation, a higher quality is achieved if the ticks of @cl2@ are delayed by two ticks of @cl1@. -} cubic :: ( Monad m , VectorSpace v s , Floating v , Eq v , Fractional s , s ~ Diff (Time cl1) , s ~ Diff (Time cl2) ) => ResamplingBuffer m cl1 cl2 v v {- FOURMOLU_DISABLE -} cubic = ((delay zeroVector &&& threePointDerivative) &&& (sinceInitS >-> delay 0)) >-> (clId &&& delay (zeroVector, 0)) ^->> keepLast ((zeroVector, 0), (zeroVector, 0)) >>-^ proc (((dv, v), t1), ((dv', v'), t1')) -> do t2 <- sinceInitS -< () let t = (t1 - t1') / (t2 - t1') tsquared = t ^ 2 tcubed = t ^ 3 vInter = ( 2 * tcubed - 3 * tsquared + 1) *^ v' ^+^ ( tcubed - 2 * tsquared + t ) *^ dv' ^+^ (-2 * tcubed + 3 * tsquared ) *^ v ^+^ ( tcubed - tsquared ) *^ dv returnA -< vInter {- FOURMOLU_ENABLE -}