riot: Riot is an Information Organisation Tool

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Riot is a tool for keeping (textual) information organised. Some people call such programs outliners. It is a todo list and note manager, and a manager for whatever information one might collect, that I wrote because I couldn't find a single one that was at all close to what I wanted. Riot has an interface resembling those of slrn and mutt and all text editing is done with an external editor: Riot is simply a nice-to-use browser for collections of text.

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Versions [RSS] 1.20080618
Change log ChangeLog
Dependencies base, containers, directory, haskell98, mtl, old-locale, packedstring, process, unix [details]
License LicenseRef-GPL
Author Tuomo Valkonen
Maintainer Tuomo Valkonen
Category System
Home page
Uploaded by DonaldStewart at 2008-08-26T22:23:18Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables riot
Downloads 1107 total (2 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs not available [build log]
All reported builds failed as of 2017-01-03 [all 8 reports]

Readme for riot-1.20080618

[back to package description]

Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 2004-2008.
<tuomov at>



You will need GHC 6 (The Glorious/Glasgow Haskell Compilation System) and
GNU make to compile riot. Once you have ensured that you have these programs

 1. Edit to change some settings for your system (usually in the
    case it has broken wide character support).

 2. Run 'make' ('gmake' on some systems) to build riot.

 3. Run 'make install' to install it.


Configuration must be done at build time by editing the Config.hs
in this directory. See ConfigAPI.hs for the settings that can be


Riot stores its data in mbox format files: you may open riot files
in any mail reader, and also open normal mailboxes in riot.

The name of the program is a recursive acronym for 
'Riot is an Information/Incredible Organisation Tool' .


Riot itself was mostly written by me, Tuomo Valkonen. 

Stefan Wehr has written some significant improvements.

The currently dysfunctional support for dynamic loading of 
configuration with hs-plugins was written by Don Stewart.

The code in Ginsu/ and Curses/ is mostly by John Meacham; see the
LICENSE therein for details. I have made some minor modifications.