roundtrip-aeson: Un-/parse JSON with roundtrip invertible syntax definitions.

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Verily, Un-/parse JSON with roundtrip invertible syntax definitions.

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      • Data.Aeson.Roundtrip


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Dependencies aeson, base (>=4.7 && <5), bytestring, containers (>=0.5 && <0.6), lens, lens-aeson, roundtrip (>=0.2 && <0.3), scientific, text (>=1.2 && <1.3), unordered-containers, vector [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright Copyright 2014-2015 Anchor Systems and others.
Author Thomas Sutton <>, Christian Marie <>
Maintainer Christian Marie
Category Data
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Uploaded by ChristianMarie at 2018-10-14T07:55:31Z
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Readme for roundtrip-aeson-

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Roundtrip Aeson

Build Status

roundtrip allows you to write invertible syntax descriptions -- or, to put it another way, a parser and pretty printer combined -- for String or XML data. This package extends this to support constructing and destructing JSON documents.


Using roundtrip-aeson is relatively straightforward:

  1. Define your data type;

  2. Define partial isomorphisms for the constructors (probably using the template haskell);

  3. Describe the syntax of its JSON representation; and

  4. Use that representation to build and parse JSON.

import Data.Aeson.RoundTrip

data Invoice
    = Unpaid Bool Integer Bool
    | Paid Double
  deriving (Show)

defineIsomorphisms ''Invoice

invoiceSyntax :: JsonSyntax s => s Invoice
invoiceSyntax =
        <$> jsonField "overdue" jsonBool
        <*> jsonField "total"   jsonIntegral
        <*> jsonField "warned"  jsonBool
    <|> paid
        <$> jsonField "total"   jsonRealFrac

main :: IO ()
main = do
    -- Build a JSON representation.
    let Right x = runBuilder invoiceSyntax $ Unpaid False 40 [False]
    L.putStrLn $ encode x
    -- Parse a JSON representation.
    print $ runParser invoiceSyntax x

See tests/demo.hs for the complete source of this example.