{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- |
-- Module    : Data.Ruby.Marshal.Monad
-- Copyright : (c) Philip Cunningham, 2015
-- License   : MIT
-- Maintainer:  hello@filib.io
-- Stability :  experimental
-- Portability: portable
-- Marshal monad provides an object cache over the Get monad.

module Data.Ruby.Marshal.Monad where

import Control.Applicative
import Prelude

import Control.Monad.State.Strict   (get, gets, lift, put, MonadState, StateT)
import Data.Ruby.Marshal.RubyObject (RubyObject(..))
import Data.Serialize.Get           (Get)
import Data.Vector                  (Vector)

import qualified Data.Vector as V

-- | Marshal monad endows the underlying Get monad with State.
newtype Marshal a = Marshal {
  runMarshal :: StateT Cache Get a
} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState Cache)

-- | Lift Get monad into Marshal monad.
liftMarshal :: Get a -> Marshal a
liftMarshal = Marshal . lift

-- | State that we must carry around during deserialisation.
data Cache = Cache {
    objects :: !(Vector RubyObject)
    -- ^ object cache.
  , symbols :: !(Vector RubyObject)
    -- ^ symbol cache.
} deriving Show

-- | Constructs an empty cache to store symbols and objects.
emptyCache :: Cache
emptyCache = Cache { symbols = V.empty, objects = V.empty }

-- | Look up value in cache.
readCache :: Int -> (Cache -> Vector RubyObject) -> Marshal (Maybe RubyObject)
readCache index f = gets f >>= \cache -> return $ cache V.!? index

-- | Look up object in object cache.
readObject :: Int -> Marshal (Maybe RubyObject)
readObject index = readCache index objects

-- | Look up a symbol in symbol cache.
readSymbol :: Int -> Marshal (Maybe RubyObject)
readSymbol index = readCache index symbols

-- | Write an object to the appropriate cache.
writeCache :: RubyObject -> Marshal ()
writeCache object = do
  cache <- get
  case object of
    RIVar   _ -> put $ cache { objects = V.snoc (objects cache) object }
    RSymbol _ -> put $ cache { symbols = V.snoc (symbols cache) object }
    _         -> return ()