module Satchmo.Unary.Op.Common
( iszero, equals
, lt, le, ge, eq, gt
, min, max
, minimum, maximum
, select, antiselect
, add_quadratic, add_by_odd_even_merge, add_by_bitonic_sort
import Prelude
hiding ( and, or, not, compare, min, max, minimum, maximum )
import qualified Prelude
import qualified Satchmo.Code as C
import Satchmo.Unary.Data
(Number, make, bits, width, constant)
import Satchmo.Boolean (MonadSAT, Boolean, Booleans, fun2, fun3, and, or, not, xor, assert, boolean, monadic)
import qualified Satchmo.Boolean as B
import Control.Monad ( forM, when, foldM, guard )
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List ( transpose )
iszero n = case bits n of
[] -> B.constant True
x : xs -> return $ not x
extended :: MonadSAT m
=> ( [(Boolean,Boolean)] -> m a )
-> Number -> Number
-> m a
extended action a b = do
f <- B.constant False
let zipf [] [] = []
zipf (x:xs) [] = (x,f) : zipf xs []
zipf [] (y:ys) = (f,y) : zipf [] ys
zipf (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y) : zipf xs ys
action $ zipf ( bits a ) ( bits b )
le, ge, eq, equals, gt, lt
:: MonadSAT m => Number -> Number -> m Boolean
for = flip map
equals = extended $ \ xys -> monadic and $
for xys $ \ (x,y) -> fun2 (==) x y
le = extended $ \ xys -> monadic and $
for xys $ \ (x,y) -> fun2 (<=) x y
ge = flip le
eq = equals
lt a b = fmap not $ ge a b
gt = flip lt
min a b = do
cs <- extended ( \ xys ->
forM xys $ \ (x,y) -> and [x,y] ) a b
return $ make cs
max a b = do
cs <- extended ( \ xys ->
forM xys $ \ (x,y) -> or [x,y] ) a b
return $ make cs
maximum [x] = return x
maximum xs | Prelude.not ( null xs ) = do
f <- B.constant False
let w = Prelude.maximum $ map width xs
fill x = bits x ++ replicate (w width x) f
ys <- forM ( transpose $ map fill xs ) B.or
return $ make ys
minimum [x] = return x
minimum xs | Prelude.not ( null xs ) = do
f <- B.constant False
let w = Prelude.maximum $ map width xs
fill x = bits x ++ replicate (w width x) f
ys <- forM ( transpose $ map fill xs ) B.and
return $ make ys
select f a = do
bs <- forM ( bits a ) $ \ b -> and [f,b]
return $ make bs
antiselect p n = do
bs <- forM ( bits n ) $ \ b -> B.or [p, b]
return $ make bs
cutoff_with_carry :: MonadSAT m
=> Maybe Int -> Number -> m (Number, Boolean)
cutoff_with_carry mwidth n = do
f <- B.constant False
case mwidth of
Nothing -> return (n , f )
Just width -> do
let ( pre, post ) = splitAt width $ bits n
return ( make pre, case post of
[] -> f
carry : _ -> carry )
cutoff mwidth n = do
( result, carry ) <- cutoff_with_carry mwidth n
assert [ not carry ]
return result
add_quadratic :: MonadSAT m => Maybe Int -> Number -> Number -> m Number
add_quadratic mwidth a b = do
t <- B.constant True
pairs <- sequence $ do
(i,x) <- zip [0 .. ] $ t : bits a
(j,y) <- zip [0 .. ] $ t : bits b
guard $ i+j > 0
guard $ case mwidth of
Just width -> i+j <= width + 1
Nothing -> True
return $ do z <- and [x,y] ; return (i+j, [z])
cs <- forM ( map snd $ M.toAscList $ M.fromListWith (++) pairs ) or
cutoff mwidth $ make cs
add_by_odd_even_merge mwidth a b = do
zs <- oe_merge (bits a) (bits b)
cutoff mwidth $ make zs
add_by_bitonic_sort mwidth a b = do
let n = length ( bits a) + length (bits b)
f <- B.constant False
let input = (bits a)
++ replicate (fill n) f
++ (reverse $ bits b)
zs <- bitonic_sort input
cutoff mwidth $ make zs
fill n = if n <= 1 then 0 else
let (d,m) = divMod n 2
in m + 2*fill (d+m)
bitonic_sort [ ] = return [ ]
bitonic_sort [z] = return [z]
bitonic_sort zs = do
let (h,0) = divMod (length zs) 2
(pre, post) = splitAt h zs
hi <- forM ( zip pre post ) $ \ (x,y) -> or [x,y]
lo <- forM ( zip pre post ) $ \ (x,y) -> and [x,y]
shi <- bitonic_sort hi
slo <- bitonic_sort lo
return $ shi ++ slo
oe_merge [] ys = return ys
oe_merge xs [] = return xs
oe_merge [x] [y] = do
comparator x y
oe_merge xs ys = do
let ( xo, xe ) = divide xs
( yo, ye ) = divide ys
m : mo <- oe_merge xo yo
me <- oe_merge xe ye
re <- repair me mo
return $ m : re
divide (x : xs) =
let ( this, that ) = divide xs
in ( x : that, this )
divide [] = ( [], [] )
repair (x:xs) (y:ys) = do
here <- comparator x y
later <- repair xs ys
return $ here ++ later
repair [] [] = return []
repair [x] [] = return [x]
repair [] [y] = return [y]
comparator x y = do
hi <- Satchmo.Boolean.or [x, y]
lo <- Satchmo.Boolean.and [x, y]
return [ hi, lo ]