module Time.SCalendar.Operations
  ( augmentCalendar
  , isQuantityAvailable
  , isReservAvailable
  , reservePeriod'
  , reservePeriod
  , reserveManyPeriods
  , reserveManyPeriods'
  , cancelPeriod
  , cancelManyPeriods
  , periodReport
  ) where

import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Time.SCalendar.Zippers
import Time.SCalendar.Types
import Data.Time (UTCTime(..), toGregorian)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Time.SCalendar.Internal
import qualified Data.Set as S ( null
                               , size
                               , difference
                               , isSubsetOf
                               , union
                               , unions   )

-- | Given an SCalendar of size 2^n, this function increases its size k times, that is,
-- 2^(n+k). The new SCalendar is properly updated up to its root so that it will render
-- the same results as the previous one. For example, given an SCalendar `c` of size 2^5=32,
-- 'augmentCalendar c 3' would produce a new SCalendar of size 2^(5+3)=256.
augmentCalendar :: SCalendar -- ^ SCalendar to be augmented.
                -> Int -- ^ Number of times by which the SCalendar will be augmented.
                -> Maybe SCalendar
augmentCalendar _ k
  | k <= 0 = Nothing
augmentCalendar scal k = do
  let interval = getInterval $ calendar scal
      (from, to) = (getFrom interval, getTo interval)
      (UTCTime gregDay _) = from
      (year, month, day) = toGregorian gregDay
      newSize = daysBetween from to * (2^k)
  largerCal <- createCalendar year month day newSize
  (_, bs) <- goToNode interval largerCal
  updatedCal <- updateQ (calendar scal, bs)
  (root, _) <- upToRoot updatedCal
  return $ SCalendar (calUnits scal) root

-- | Given a quantity, this function determines if it is available in a TimePeriod for a
-- specific SCalendar. Thus, it does not take into account the particular resources whose
-- availability wants to be determined: it is only concerned with the availabilty of a quantity
-- in a specific SCalendar.
isQuantityAvailable :: Int -- ^ Quantity of resources.
                    -> TimePeriod -- ^ TimePeriod over which we want to determine the availability of
                                  -- the quantity.
                    -> SCalendar -- ^ SCalendar over which we want to determine the availability of
                                 -- the quantity in a Given TimePeriod.
                    -> Bool
isQuantityAvailable quant interval scal
  | S.null (calUnits scal) = False
  | quant <= 0 = False
  | quant > S.size (calUnits scal) = False
  | not $ intervalFitsCalendar interval (calendar scal) = False
  | otherwise = checkQuantAvailability (toTimeUnit interval) quant (calUnits scal) (calendar scal, [])

-- | Given a Reservation, this function determines if it is available in a SCalendar. A
-- Reservation is the product of a set of identifiers which point to reservable resources
-- and a TimePeriod over which those resources are to be reserved. Thus, this function
-- checks if that particular set of resources is available for a TimePeriod in the given SCalendar.
isReservAvailable :: Reservation -> SCalendar -> Bool
isReservAvailable reservation scal
  | S.null (calUnits scal) = False
  | not $ S.isSubsetOf (reservUnits reservation) (calUnits scal) = False
  | not $ intervalFitsCalendar (reservPeriod reservation) (calendar scal) = False
  | otherwise = checkReservAvailability reservation (calUnits scal) (calendar scal, [])

-- | This function introduces a new Reservation in a Calendar. Note that since no availability check
-- is performed before introducing the Reservation, here we use a plain Calendar. Thus this function
-- is useful to introduce Reservations without any constraint, but that's why it must be used carefully
-- since information can be lost due to the usage of the union set-operation to update the Q and QN sets
-- in the Calendar.
reservePeriod' :: Reservation -> Calendar -> Maybe Calendar
reservePeriod' reservation calendar = do
  let interval = (toTimeUnit . reservPeriod) reservation
  tmNodes <- topMostNodes interval calendar
  let tmIntervals = fmap getZipInterval tmNodes
  updateCalendar tmIntervals (reservUnits reservation) calendar (\x y -> Just $ S.union x y)

-- | This function is like reservePeriod' but adds a list of Reservations without any availabilty check.
reserveManyPeriods' :: [Reservation] -> Calendar -> Maybe Calendar
reserveManyPeriods' [] calendar = Just calendar
reserveManyPeriods' (reservation:rs) calendar = do
  updatedCalendar <- addReservation reservation calendar
  reserveManyPeriods' rs updatedCalendar
    addReservation res cal
      | isNothing maybeCalendar = Just cal
      | otherwise = maybeCalendar
      where maybeCalendar = reservePeriod' res cal

-- | This function introduces a new Reservation in a SCalendar applying an availability check. This means
-- that if the reservation conflicts with others already made in the SCalendar, it will no be introduced.
-- Thus this function takes into account the set of reservable identifiers for the SCalendar to calculate
-- the subset of available ones and introduce the Reservation if possible.
reservePeriod :: Reservation -> SCalendar -> Maybe SCalendar
reservePeriod reservation scalendar
  | not $ isReservAvailable reservation scalendar = Nothing
reservePeriod reservation scal = do
  updatedCalendar <- reservePeriod' reservation (calendar scal)
  return $ SCalendar (calUnits scal) updatedCalendar

-- | This function is like reservePeriod but introduces several Reservations at once. It is important to note
-- that if a Reservation in the list conflicts with others already made in the SCalendar, it will be excluded.
-- Thus the order of the Reservations in the list matters, since if one Reservation passes the availability check
-- but the next one does not, then latter will be excluded.
reserveManyPeriods :: [Reservation] -> SCalendar -> Maybe SCalendar
reserveManyPeriods [] calendar = Just calendar
reserveManyPeriods (reservation:rs) calendar = do
  updatedCalendar <- addReservation reservation calendar
  reserveManyPeriods rs updatedCalendar
    addReservation res uCal
      | isNothing maybeCalendar = Just uCal
      | otherwise = maybeCalendar
      where maybeCalendar = reservePeriod res uCal

-- | This function removes reserved identifiers in a Calendar according to the Set of identifiers and TimePeriod
-- specified in the Cancellation. Thus a Cancellation only affects the nodes whose upper or lower bounds are
-- included in the TimePeriod of the Cancellation.
cancelPeriod :: Cancellation -> Calendar -> Maybe Calendar
cancelPeriod cancellation calendar = do
  tmNodes <- topMostNodes (cancPeriod cancellation) calendar
  let tmIntervals = fmap getZipInterval tmNodes
  updateCalendar tmIntervals (cancUnits cancellation) calendar diff
    diff x y
      | not $ S.isSubsetOf y x = Nothing
      | otherwise = Just (S.difference x y)

-- | This is like cancelPeriod but performs several Cancellations at once.
cancelManyPeriods :: [Cancellation] -> Calendar -> Maybe Calendar
cancelManyPeriods [] calendar = Just calendar
cancelManyPeriods (cancellation:cs) calendar = do
  updatedCalendar <- addCancellation cancellation calendar
  cancelManyPeriods cs updatedCalendar
    addCancellation canc cal
      | isNothing maybeCalendar = Just cal
      | otherwise = maybeCalendar
      where maybeCalendar = cancelPeriod canc cal

-- | Given a TimePeriod and a SCalendar, this function returns a Report which summarizes important
-- data about the reserved and available identifiers in that SCalendar.
periodReport :: TimePeriod -> SCalendar -> Maybe Report
periodReport interval scal = do
  guard $ intervalFitsCalendar interval (calendar scal)
  tmNodes <- topMostNodes (toTimeUnit interval) (calendar scal)
  qMaxs <- mapM getQMax tmNodes
  let sQMax =  S.unions qMaxs
  return $ Report interval (calUnits scal) sQMax (S.difference (calUnits scal) sQMax)