module Text.CSL.Input.Bibtex
( readBibtexInput
, readBibtexInputString
import Text.Parsec hiding (optional, (<|>), many, State)
import Control.Applicative
import Text.Pandoc
import Data.List.Split (splitOn, splitWhen, wordsBy)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char (toLower, isUpper, toUpper, isDigit, isAlphaNum)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.RWS
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import Text.CSL.Reference
import Text.CSL.Style (Formatted(..), Locale(..), CslTerm(..), Agent(..))
import Text.CSL.Util (trim, onBlocks, unTitlecase, protectCase, splitStrWhen)
import Text.CSL.Parser (parseLocale)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Walk as Walk
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
blocksToFormatted :: [Block] -> Bib Formatted
blocksToFormatted bs =
case bs of
[Plain xs] -> inlinesToFormatted xs
[Para xs] -> inlinesToFormatted xs
_ -> inlinesToFormatted $ Walk.query (:[]) bs
adjustSpans :: Lang -> Inline -> [Inline]
adjustSpans _ (Span ("",[],[]) xs) = xs
adjustSpans lang (RawInline (Format "latex") s)
| s == "\\hyphen" = [Str "-"]
| otherwise = bottomUp (concatMap (adjustSpans lang)) $ parseRawLaTeX lang s
adjustSpans _ x = [x]
parseRawLaTeX :: Lang -> String -> [Inline]
parseRawLaTeX lang ('\\':xs) =
case readLaTeX def{readerParseRaw = True} contents of
Pandoc _ [Para ys] -> f command ys
Pandoc _ [Plain ys] -> f command ys
_ -> []
where (command', contents') = break (=='{') xs
command = trim command'
contents = drop 1 $ reverse $ drop 1 $ reverse contents'
f "mkbibquote" ils = [Quoted DoubleQuote ils]
f "textnormal" ils = [Span ("",["nodecor"],[]) ils]
f "bibstring" [Str s] = [Str $ resolveKey' lang s]
f _ ils = [Span nullAttr ils]
parseRawLaTeX _ _ = []
inlinesToFormatted :: [Inline] -> Bib Formatted
inlinesToFormatted ils = do
lang <- gets localeLanguage
return $ Formatted $ bottomUp (concatMap (adjustSpans lang)) ils
data Item = Item{ identifier :: String
, entryType :: String
, fields :: [(String, String)]
readBibtexInput :: Bool -> FilePath -> IO [Reference]
readBibtexInput isBibtex f = UTF8.readFile f >>= readBibtexInputString isBibtex
readBibtexInputString :: Bool -> String -> IO [Reference]
readBibtexInputString isBibtex bibstring = do
env <- getEnvironment
let lang = case lookup "LANG" env of
Just x -> case splitWhen (\c -> c == '.' || c == '_') x of
(w:z:_) -> Lang w z
[w] -> Lang w mempty
_ -> Lang "en" "US"
Nothing -> Lang "en" "US"
let items = case runParser (bibEntries <* eof) [] "stdin" bibstring of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right xs -> resolveCrossRefs isBibtex xs
locale <- parseLocale (langToLocale lang)
return $ mapMaybe (itemToReference lang locale isBibtex) items
type BibParser = Parsec [Char] [(String, String)]
bibEntries :: BibParser [Item]
bibEntries = many (try (skipMany nonEntry >> bibItem)) <* skipMany nonEntry
where nonEntry = bibSkip <|> bibComment <|> bibPreamble <|> bibString
bibSkip :: BibParser ()
bibSkip = skipMany1 (satisfy (/='@'))
bibComment :: BibParser ()
bibComment = try $ do
char '@'
cistring "comment"
skipMany (satisfy (/='\n'))
bibPreamble :: BibParser ()
bibPreamble = try $ do
char '@'
cistring "preamble"
void inBraces
return ()
bibString :: BibParser ()
bibString = try $ do
char '@'
cistring "string"
char '{'
f <- entField
char '}'
updateState $ (f:)
return ()
inBraces :: BibParser String
inBraces = try $ do
char '{'
res <- manyTill
( many1 (noneOf "{}\\")
<|> (char '\\' >> ( (char '{' >> return "\\{")
<|> (char '}' >> return "\\}")
<|> return "\\"))
<|> (braced <$> inBraces)
) (char '}')
return $ concat res
braced :: String -> String
braced s = "{" ++ s ++ "}"
inQuotes :: BibParser String
inQuotes = do
char '"'
concat <$> manyTill ( many1 (noneOf "\"\\{")
<|> (char '\\' >> (\c -> ['\\',c]) <$> anyChar)
<|> braced <$> inBraces
) (char '"')
fieldName :: BibParser String
fieldName = (map toLower) <$> many1 (letter <|> digit <|> oneOf "-_")
isBibtexKeyChar :: Char -> Bool
isBibtexKeyChar c = isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ".:;?!`'()/*@_+=-[]*"
bibItem :: BibParser Item
bibItem = do
char '@'
enttype <- map toLower <$> many1 letter
char '{'
entid <- many (satisfy isBibtexKeyChar)
char ','
entfields <- entField `sepEndBy` (char ',')
char '}'
return $ Item entid enttype entfields
entField :: BibParser (String, String)
entField = try $ do
k <- fieldName
char '='
vs <- (expandString <|> inQuotes <|> inBraces <|> rawWord) `sepBy`
(try $ spaces >> char '#' >> spaces)
return (k, concat vs)
rawWord :: BibParser String
rawWord = many1 alphaNum
expandString :: BibParser String
expandString = do
k <- fieldName
strs <- getState
case lookup k strs of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> return k
cistring :: String -> BibParser String
cistring [] = return []
cistring (c:cs) = do
x <- (char (toLower c) <|> char (toUpper c))
xs <- cistring cs
return (x:xs)
resolveCrossRefs :: Bool -> [Item] -> [Item]
resolveCrossRefs isBibtex entries =
map (resolveCrossRef isBibtex entries) entries
splitKeys :: String -> [String]
splitKeys = wordsBy (\c -> c == ' ' || c == ',')
getXrefFields :: Bool -> Item -> [Item] -> String -> [(String, String)]
getXrefFields isBibtex baseEntry entries keys = do
let keys' = splitKeys keys
xrefEntry <- [e | e <- entries, identifier e `elem` keys']
(k, v) <- fields xrefEntry
if k == "crossref" || k == "xdata"
then do
xs <- mapM (getXrefFields isBibtex baseEntry entries)
(splitKeys v)
(x, y) <- xs
guard $ isNothing $ lookup x $ fields xrefEntry
return (x, y)
else do
k' <- if isBibtex
then return k
else transformKey (entryType xrefEntry) (entryType baseEntry) k
guard $ isNothing $ lookup k' $ fields baseEntry
return (k',v)
resolveCrossRef :: Bool -> [Item] -> Item -> Item
resolveCrossRef isBibtex entries entry = foldl go entry (fields entry)
where go entry' (key, val) =
if key == "crossref" || key == "xdata"
then entry'{ fields = fields entry' ++
getXrefFields isBibtex entry entries val }
else entry'
transformKey :: String -> String -> String -> [String]
transformKey _ _ "ids" = []
transformKey _ _ "crossref" = []
transformKey _ _ "xref" = []
transformKey _ _ "entryset" = []
transformKey _ _ "entrysubtype" = []
transformKey _ _ "execute" = []
transformKey _ _ "label" = []
transformKey _ _ "options" = []
transformKey _ _ "presort" = []
transformKey _ _ "related" = []
transformKey _ _ "relatedoptions" = []
transformKey _ _ "relatedstring" = []
transformKey _ _ "relatedtype" = []
transformKey _ _ "shorthand" = []
transformKey _ _ "shorthandintro" = []
transformKey _ _ "sortkey" = []
transformKey x y "author"
| x `elem` ["mvbook", "book"] &&
y `elem` ["inbook", "bookinbook", "suppbook"] = ["bookauthor", "author"]
transformKey x y "author"
| x == "mvbook" && y == "book" = ["bookauthor", "author"]
transformKey "mvbook" y z
| y `elem` ["book", "inbook", "bookinbook", "suppbook"] = standardTrans z
transformKey x y z
| x `elem` ["mvcollection", "mvreference"] &&
y `elem` ["collection", "reference", "incollection", "inreference",
"suppcollection"] = standardTrans z
transformKey "mvproceedings" y z
| y `elem` ["proceedings", "inproceedings"] = standardTrans z
transformKey "book" y z
| y `elem` ["inbook", "bookinbook", "suppbook"] = bookTrans z
transformKey x y z
| x `elem` ["collection", "reference"] &&
y `elem` ["incollection", "inreference", "suppcollection"] = bookTrans z
transformKey "proceedings" "inproceedings" z = bookTrans z
transformKey "periodical" y z
| y `elem` ["article", "suppperiodical"] =
case z of
"title" -> ["journaltitle"]
"subtitle" -> ["journalsubtitle"]
"shorttitle" -> []
"sorttitle" -> []
"indextitle" -> []
"indexsorttitle" -> []
_ -> [z]
transformKey _ _ x = [x]
standardTrans :: String -> [String]
standardTrans z =
case z of
"title" -> ["maintitle"]
"subtitle" -> ["mainsubtitle"]
"titleaddon" -> ["maintitleaddon"]
"shorttitle" -> []
"sorttitle" -> []
"indextitle" -> []
"indexsorttitle" -> []
_ -> [z]
bookTrans :: String -> [String]
bookTrans z =
case z of
"title" -> ["booktitle"]
"subtitle" -> ["booksubtitle"]
"titleaddon" -> ["booktitleaddon"]
"shorttitle" -> []
"sorttitle" -> []
"indextitle" -> []
"indexsorttitle" -> []
_ -> [z]
data Lang = Lang String String
langToLocale :: Lang -> String
langToLocale (Lang x y) = x ++ ('-':y)
resolveKey :: Lang -> Formatted -> Formatted
resolveKey lang (Formatted ils) = Formatted (Walk.walk go ils)
where go (Str s) = Str $ resolveKey' lang s
go x = x
resolveKey' :: Lang -> String -> String
resolveKey' (Lang "en" "US") k =
case map toLower k of
"inpreparation" -> "in preparation"
"submitted" -> "submitted"
"forthcoming" -> "forthcoming"
"inpress" -> "in press"
"prepublished" -> "pre-published"
"mathesis" -> "Master’s thesis"
"phdthesis" -> "PhD thesis"
"candthesis" -> "Candidate thesis"
"techreport" -> "technical report"
"resreport" -> "research report"
"software" -> "computer software"
"datacd" -> "data CD"
"audiocd" -> "audio CD"
"patent" -> "patent"
"patentde" -> "German patent"
"patenteu" -> "European patent"
"patentfr" -> "French patent"
"patentuk" -> "British patent"
"patentus" -> "U.S. patent"
"patreq" -> "patent request"
"patreqde" -> "German patent request"
"patreqeu" -> "European patent request"
"patreqfr" -> "French patent request"
"patrequk" -> "British patent request"
"patrequs" -> "U.S. patent request"
"countryde" -> "Germany"
"countryeu" -> "European Union"
"countryep" -> "European Union"
"countryfr" -> "France"
"countryuk" -> "United Kingdom"
"countryus" -> "United States of America"
"newseries" -> "new series"
"oldseries" -> "old series"
_ -> k
resolveKey' _ k = resolveKey' (Lang "en" "US") k
parseMonth :: String -> String
parseMonth "jan" = "1"
parseMonth "feb" = "2"
parseMonth "mar" = "3"
parseMonth "apr" = "4"
parseMonth "may" = "5"
parseMonth "jun" = "6"
parseMonth "jul" = "7"
parseMonth "aug" = "8"
parseMonth "sep" = "9"
parseMonth "oct" = "10"
parseMonth "nov" = "11"
parseMonth "dec" = "12"
parseMonth x = x
data BibState = BibState{
untitlecase :: Bool
, localeLanguage :: Lang
type Bib = RWST Item () BibState Maybe
notFound :: String -> Bib a
notFound f = fail $ f ++ " not found"
getField :: String -> Bib Formatted
getField f = do
fs <- asks fields
case lookup f fs of
Just x -> latex x
Nothing -> notFound f
getPeriodicalTitle :: String -> Bib Formatted
getPeriodicalTitle f = do
fs <- asks fields
case lookup f fs of
Just x -> blocksToFormatted $ onBlocks protectCase $ latex' $ trim x
Nothing -> notFound f
getTitle :: String -> Bib Formatted
getTitle f = do
fs <- asks fields
case lookup f fs of
Just x -> latexTitle x
Nothing -> notFound f
getShortTitle :: Bool -> String -> Bib Formatted
getShortTitle requireColon f = do
fs <- asks fields
utc <- gets untitlecase
let processTitle = if utc then onBlocks unTitlecase else id
case lookup f fs of
Just x -> case processTitle $ latex' x of
bs | not requireColon || containsColon bs ->
blocksToFormatted $ upToColon bs
| otherwise -> return mempty
Nothing -> notFound f
containsColon :: [Block] -> Bool
containsColon [Para xs] = (Str ":") `elem` xs
containsColon [Plain xs] = containsColon [Para xs]
containsColon _ = False
upToColon :: [Block] -> [Block]
upToColon [Para xs] = [Para $ takeWhile (/= (Str ":")) xs]
upToColon [Plain xs] = upToColon [Para xs]
upToColon bs = bs
getDates :: String -> Bib [RefDate]
getDates f = getRawField f >>= parseDates
parseDates :: Monad m => String-> m [RefDate]
parseDates = mapM parseDate . splitWhen (== '/')
parseDate :: Monad m => String -> m RefDate
parseDate s = do
let (year', month', day') =
case splitWhen (== '-') s of
[y] -> (y, mempty, mempty)
[y,m] -> (y, m, mempty)
[y,m,d] -> (y, m, d)
_ -> (mempty, mempty, mempty)
return RefDate { year = Literal $ dropWhile (=='0') year'
, month = Literal $ dropWhile (=='0') month'
, season = mempty
, day = Literal $ dropWhile (=='0') day'
, other = mempty
, circa = False
isNumber :: String -> Bool
isNumber ('-':d:ds) = all isDigit (d:ds)
isNumber (d:ds) = all isDigit (d:ds)
isNumber _ = False
fixLeadingDash :: String -> String
fixLeadingDash (c:d:ds)
| (c == '–' || c == '—') && isDigit d = '-':d:ds
fixLeadingDash xs = xs
getOldDates :: String -> Bib [RefDate]
getOldDates prefix = do
year' <- fixLeadingDash <$> getRawField (prefix ++ "year")
month' <- (parseMonth <$> getRawField (prefix ++ "month")) <|> return ""
day' <- getRawField (prefix ++ "day") <|> return mempty
endyear' <- fixLeadingDash <$> getRawField (prefix ++ "endyear") <|> return ""
endmonth' <- getRawField (prefix ++ "endmonth") <|> return ""
endday' <- getRawField (prefix ++ "endday") <|> return ""
let start' = RefDate { year = Literal $ if isNumber year' then year' else ""
, month = Literal $ month'
, season = mempty
, day = Literal day'
, other = Literal $ if isNumber year' then "" else year'
, circa = False
let end' = if null endyear'
then []
else [RefDate { year = Literal $ if isNumber endyear' then endyear' else ""
, month = Literal $ endmonth'
, day = Literal $ endday'
, season = mempty
, other = Literal $ if isNumber endyear' then "" else endyear'
, circa = False
return (start':end')
getRawField :: String -> Bib String
getRawField f = do
fs <- asks fields
case lookup f fs of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> notFound f
getAuthorList :: Options -> String -> Bib [Agent]
getAuthorList opts f = do
fs <- asks fields
case lookup f fs of
Just x -> latexAuthors opts x
Nothing -> notFound f
getLiteralList :: String -> Bib [Formatted]
getLiteralList f = do
fs <- asks fields
case lookup f fs of
Just x -> toLiteralList $ latex' x
Nothing -> notFound f
getLiteralList' :: String -> Bib Formatted
getLiteralList' f = (Formatted . intercalate [Str ";", Space] . map unFormatted)
<$> getLiteralList f
splitByAnd :: [Inline] -> [[Inline]]
splitByAnd = splitOn [Space, Str "and", Space]
toLiteralList :: [Block] -> Bib [Formatted]
toLiteralList [Para xs] =
mapM inlinesToFormatted $ splitByAnd xs
toLiteralList [Plain xs] = toLiteralList [Para xs]
toLiteralList _ = mzero
toAuthorList :: Options -> [Block] -> Bib [Agent]
toAuthorList opts [Para xs] =
mapM (toAuthor opts) $ splitByAnd xs
toAuthorList opts [Plain xs] = toAuthorList opts [Para xs]
toAuthorList _ _ = mzero
toAuthor :: Options -> [Inline] -> Bib Agent
toAuthor _ [Str "others"] = return $
Agent { givenName = []
, droppingPart = mempty
, nonDroppingPart = mempty
, familyName = mempty
, nameSuffix = mempty
, literal = Formatted [Str "others"]
, commaSuffix = False
, parseNames = True
toAuthor _ [Span ("",[],[]) ils] =
return $
Agent { givenName = []
, droppingPart = mempty
, nonDroppingPart = mempty
, familyName = mempty
, nameSuffix = mempty
, literal = Formatted ils
, commaSuffix = False
, parseNames = True
toAuthor opts ils = do
let useprefix = optionSet "useprefix" opts
let usecomma = optionSet "juniorcomma" opts
let bibtex = optionSet "bibtex" opts
let words' = wordsBy (\x -> x == Space || x == Str "\160")
let commaParts = map words' $ splitWhen (== Str ",")
$ splitStrWhen (\c -> c == ',' || c == '\160') ils
let (first, vonlast, jr) =
case commaParts of
[fvl] -> let (caps', rest') = span isCapitalized fvl
in if null rest' && not (null caps')
then (init caps', [last caps'], [])
else (caps', rest', [])
[vl,f] -> (f, vl, [])
(vl:j:f:_) -> (f, vl, j )
[] -> ([], [], [])
let (von, lastname) =
if bibtex
then case span isCapitalized $ reverse vonlast of
([],(w:ws)) -> (reverse ws, [w])
(vs, ws) -> (reverse ws, reverse vs)
else case span (not . isCapitalized) vonlast of
(vs@(_:_), []) -> (init vs, [last vs])
(vs, ws) -> (vs, ws)
let prefix = Formatted $ intercalate [Space] von
let family = Formatted $ intercalate [Space] lastname
let suffix = Formatted $ intercalate [Space] jr
let givens = map Formatted first
return $
Agent { givenName = givens
, droppingPart = if useprefix then mempty else prefix
, nonDroppingPart = if useprefix then prefix else mempty
, familyName = family
, nameSuffix = suffix
, literal = mempty
, commaSuffix = usecomma
, parseNames = True
isCapitalized :: [Inline] -> Bool
isCapitalized (Str (c:cs) : rest)
| isUpper c = True
| isDigit c = isCapitalized (Str cs : rest)
| otherwise = False
isCapitalized (_:rest) = isCapitalized rest
isCapitalized [] = True
optionSet :: String -> Options -> Bool
optionSet key opts = case lookup key opts of
Just "true" -> True
Just s -> s == mempty
_ -> False
latex' :: String -> [Block]
latex' s = bs
where Pandoc _ bs = readLaTeX def{readerParseRaw = True} s
latex :: String -> Bib Formatted
latex s = blocksToFormatted $ latex' $ trim s
latexTitle :: String -> Bib Formatted
latexTitle s = do
utc <- gets untitlecase
let processTitle = if utc then onBlocks unTitlecase else id
blocksToFormatted $ processTitle $ latex' s
latexAuthors :: Options -> String -> Bib [Agent]
latexAuthors opts = toAuthorList opts . latex' . trim
bib :: Bib Reference -> Item -> Maybe Reference
bib m entry = fmap fst $ evalRWST m entry (BibState True (Lang "en" "US"))
toLocale :: String -> String
toLocale "english" = "en-US"
toLocale "usenglish" = "en-US"
toLocale "american" = "en-US"
toLocale "british" = "en-GB"
toLocale "ukenglish" = "en-GB"
toLocale "canadian" = "en-US"
toLocale "australian" = "en-GB"
toLocale "newzealand" = "en-GB"
toLocale "afrikaans" = "af-ZA"
toLocale "arabic" = "ar"
toLocale "basque" = "eu"
toLocale "bulgarian" = "bg-BG"
toLocale "catalan" = "ca-AD"
toLocale "croatian" = "hr-HR"
toLocale "czech" = "cs-CZ"
toLocale "danish" = "da-DK"
toLocale "dutch" = "nl-NL"
toLocale "estonian" = "et-EE"
toLocale "finnish" = "fi-FI"
toLocale "canadien" = "fr-CA"
toLocale "acadian" = "fr-CA"
toLocale "french" = "fr-FR"
toLocale "francais" = "fr-FR"
toLocale "austrian" = "de-AT"
toLocale "naustrian" = "de-AT"
toLocale "german" = "de-DE"
toLocale "germanb" = "de-DE"
toLocale "ngerman" = "de-DE"
toLocale "greek" = "el-GR"
toLocale "polutonikogreek" = "el-GR"
toLocale "hebrew" = "he-IL"
toLocale "hungarian" = "hu-HU"
toLocale "icelandic" = "is-IS"
toLocale "italian" = "it-IT"
toLocale "japanese" = "ja-JP"
toLocale "latvian" = "lv-LV"
toLocale "lithuanian" = "lt-LT"
toLocale "magyar" = "hu-HU"
toLocale "mongolian" = "mn-MN"
toLocale "norsk" = "nb-NO"
toLocale "nynorsk" = "nn-NO"
toLocale "farsi" = "fa-IR"
toLocale "polish" = "pl-PL"
toLocale "brazil" = "pt-BR"
toLocale "brazilian" = "pt-BR"
toLocale "portugues" = "pt-PT"
toLocale "portuguese" = "pt-PT"
toLocale "romanian" = "ro-RO"
toLocale "russian" = "ru-RU"
toLocale "serbian" = "sr-RS"
toLocale "serbianc" = "sr-RS"
toLocale "slovak" = "sk-SK"
toLocale "slovene" = "sl-SL"
toLocale "spanish" = "es-ES"
toLocale "swedish" = "sv-SE"
toLocale "thai" = "th-TH"
toLocale "turkish" = "tr-TR"
toLocale "ukrainian" = "uk-UA"
toLocale "vietnamese" = "vi-VN"
toLocale "latin" = "la"
toLocale x = x
concatWith :: Char -> [Formatted] -> Formatted
concatWith sep = Formatted . foldl go mempty . map unFormatted
where go :: [Inline] -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
go accum [] = accum
go accum s = case reverse accum of
[] -> s
(Str x:_)
| not (null x) && last x `elem` "!?.,:;"
-> accum ++ (Space : s)
_ -> accum ++ (Str [sep] : Space : s)
type Options = [(String, String)]
parseOptions :: String -> Options
parseOptions = map breakOpt . splitWhen (==',')
where breakOpt x = case break (=='=') x of
(w,v) -> (map toLower $ trim w,
map toLower $ trim $ drop 1 v)
ordinalize :: Locale -> String -> String
ordinalize locale n =
case [termSingular c | c <- terms, cslTerm c == ("ordinal-" ++ pad0 n)] ++
[termSingular c | c <- terms, cslTerm c == "ordinal"] of
(suff:_) -> n ++ suff
[] -> n
where pad0 [c] = ['0',c]
pad0 s = s
terms = localeTerms locale
itemToReference :: Lang -> Locale -> Bool -> Item -> Maybe Reference
itemToReference lang locale bibtex = bib $ do
modify $ \st -> st{ localeLanguage = lang,
untitlecase = case lang of
Lang "en" _ -> True
_ -> False }
id' <- asks identifier
et <- asks entryType
guard $ et /= "xdata"
opts <- (parseOptions <$> getRawField "options") <|> return []
let getAuthorList' = getAuthorList
(("bibtex", map toLower $ show bibtex):opts)
st <- getRawField "entrysubtype" <|> return mempty
isEvent <- (True <$ (getRawField "eventdate"
<|> getRawField "eventtitle"
<|> getRawField "venue")) <|> return False
let (reftype, refgenre) = case et of
| st == "magazine" -> (ArticleMagazine,mempty)
| st == "newspaper" -> (ArticleNewspaper,mempty)
| otherwise -> (ArticleJournal,mempty)
"book" -> (Book,mempty)
"booklet" -> (Pamphlet,mempty)
"bookinbook" -> (Chapter,mempty)
"collection" -> (Book,mempty)
"electronic" -> (Webpage,mempty)
"inbook" -> (Chapter,mempty)
"incollection" -> (Chapter,mempty)
"inreference" -> (EntryEncyclopedia,mempty)
"inproceedings" -> (PaperConference,mempty)
"manual" -> (Book,mempty)
"mastersthesis" -> (Thesis, Formatted [Str $ resolveKey' lang "mathesis"])
"misc" -> (NoType,mempty)
"mvbook" -> (Book,mempty)
"mvcollection" -> (Book,mempty)
"mvproceedings" -> (Book,mempty)
"mvreference" -> (Book,mempty)
"online" -> (Webpage,mempty)
"patent" -> (Patent,mempty)
| st == "magazine" -> (ArticleMagazine,mempty)
| st == "newspaper" -> (ArticleNewspaper,mempty)
| otherwise -> (ArticleJournal,mempty)
"phdthesis" -> (Thesis, Formatted [Str $ resolveKey' lang "phdthesis"])
"proceedings" -> (Book,mempty)
"reference" -> (Book,mempty)
"report" -> (Report,mempty)
"suppbook" -> (Chapter,mempty)
"suppcollection" -> (Chapter,mempty)
| st == "magazine" -> (ArticleMagazine,mempty)
| st == "newspaper" -> (ArticleNewspaper,mempty)
| otherwise -> (ArticleJournal,mempty)
"techreport" -> (Report,mempty)
"thesis" -> (Thesis,mempty)
"unpublished" -> (if isEvent then Speech else Manuscript,mempty)
"www" -> (Webpage,mempty)
"artwork" -> (Graphic,mempty)
"audio" -> (Song,mempty)
"commentary" -> (Book,mempty)
"image" -> (Graphic,mempty)
"jurisdiction" -> (LegalCase,mempty)
"legislation" -> (Legislation,mempty)
"legal" -> (Treaty,mempty)
"letter" -> (PersonalCommunication,mempty)
"movie" -> (MotionPicture,mempty)
"music" -> (Song,mempty)
"performance" -> (Speech,mempty)
"review" -> (Review,mempty)
"software" -> (Book,mempty)
"standard" -> (Legislation,mempty)
"video" -> (MotionPicture,mempty)
"data" -> (Dataset,mempty)
"letters" -> (PersonalCommunication,mempty)
"newsarticle" -> (ArticleNewspaper,mempty)
_ -> (NoType,mempty)
reftype' <- resolveKey lang <$> getField "type" <|> return mempty
let isContainer = et `elem` ["book","collection","proceedings","reference",
"mvbook","mvcollection","mvproceedings", "mvreference",
let defaultHyphenation = case lang of
Lang x y -> x ++ "-" ++ y
let getLangId = do
langid <- (trim . map toLower) <$> getRawField "langid"
idopts <- (trim . map toLower) <$>
getRawField "langidopts" <|> return ""
case (langid, idopts) of
("english","variant=british") -> return "british"
("english","variant=american") -> return "american"
("english","variant=us") -> return "american"
("english","variant=usmax") -> return "american"
("english","variant=uk") -> return "british"
("english","varant=australian") -> return "australian"
("english","variant=newzealand") -> return "newzealand"
(x,_) -> return x
hyphenation <- ((toLocale . map toLower) <$>
(getLangId <|> getRawField "hyphenation"))
<|> return mempty
author' <- getAuthorList' "author" <|> return []
containerAuthor' <- getAuthorList' "bookauthor" <|> return []
translator' <- getAuthorList' "translator" <|> return []
editortype <- getRawField "editortype" <|> return mempty
editor'' <- getAuthorList' "editor" <|> return []
director'' <- getAuthorList' "director" <|> return []
let (editor', director') = case editortype of
"director" -> ([], editor'')
_ -> (editor'', director'')
let isArticle = et `elem` ["article", "periodical", "suppperiodical"]
let isPeriodical = et == "periodical"
let hasVolumes = et `elem`
let hyphenation' = if null hyphenation
then defaultHyphenation
else hyphenation
let la = case splitWhen (== '-') hyphenation' of
(x:_) -> x
[] -> mempty
modify $ \s -> s{ untitlecase = la == "en" }
title' <- getTitle (if isPeriodical then "issuetitle" else "title")
<|> return mempty
subtitle' <- getTitle (if isPeriodical then "issuesubtitle" else "subtitle")
<|> return mempty
titleaddon' <- getTitle "titleaddon"
<|> return mempty
volumeTitle' <- (getTitle "maintitle" >> guard hasVolumes
>> getTitle "booktitle")
<|> return mempty
volumeSubtitle' <- (getTitle "maintitle" >> guard hasVolumes
>> getTitle "booksubtitle")
<|> return mempty
volumeTitleAddon' <- (getTitle "maintitle" >> guard hasVolumes
>> getTitle "booktitleaddon")
<|> return mempty
containerTitle' <- (guard isPeriodical >> getPeriodicalTitle "title")
<|> getTitle "maintitle"
<|> (guard (not isContainer) >>
guard (volumeTitle' == mempty) >> getTitle "booktitle")
<|> getPeriodicalTitle "journaltitle"
<|> getPeriodicalTitle "journal"
<|> return mempty
containerSubtitle' <- (guard isPeriodical >> getPeriodicalTitle "subtitle")
<|> getTitle "mainsubtitle"
<|> (guard (not isContainer) >>
guard (volumeSubtitle' == mempty) >>
getTitle "booksubtitle")
<|> getPeriodicalTitle "journalsubtitle"
<|> return mempty
containerTitleAddon' <- (guard isPeriodical >> getPeriodicalTitle "titleaddon")
<|> getTitle "maintitleaddon"
<|> (guard (not isContainer) >>
guard (volumeTitleAddon' == mempty) >>
getTitle "booktitleaddon")
<|> return mempty
containerTitleShort' <- (guard isPeriodical >> getField "shorttitle")
<|> (guard (not isContainer) >>
getTitle "booktitleshort")
<|> getPeriodicalTitle "journaltitleshort"
<|> getPeriodicalTitle "shortjournal"
<|> return mempty
let fixSeriesTitle (Formatted [Str xs]) | all isDigit xs =
Formatted [Str (ordinalize locale xs),
Space, Str (resolveKey' lang "ser.")]
fixSeriesTitle x = x
seriesTitle' <- (fixSeriesTitle . resolveKey lang) <$>
getTitle "series" <|> return mempty
shortTitle' <- getTitle "shorttitle"
<|> if subtitle' /= mempty
then getShortTitle False "title"
else getShortTitle True "title"
<|> return mempty
eventTitle' <- getTitle "eventtitle" <|> return mempty
origTitle' <- getTitle "origtitle" <|> return mempty
pubfields <- mapM (\f -> Just `fmap`
(if bibtex || f == "howpublished"
then getField f
else getLiteralList' f)
<|> return Nothing)
["school","institution","organization", "howpublished","publisher"]
let publisher' = concatWith ';' [p | Just p <- pubfields]
origpublisher' <- getField "origpublisher" <|> return mempty
venue' <- getField "venue" <|> return mempty
address' <- (if bibtex
then getField "address"
else getLiteralList' "address"
<|> (guard (et /= "patent") >>
getLiteralList' "location"))
<|> return mempty
origLocation' <- (if bibtex
then getField "origlocation"
else getLiteralList' "origlocation")
<|> return mempty
jurisdiction' <- if et == "patent"
then ((concatWith ';' . map (resolveKey lang)) <$>
getLiteralList "location") <|> return mempty
else return mempty
pages' <- getField "pages" <|> return mempty
volume' <- getField "volume" <|> return mempty
part' <- getField "part" <|> return mempty
volumes' <- getField "volumes" <|> return mempty
pagetotal' <- getField "pagetotal" <|> return mempty
chapter' <- getField "chapter" <|> return mempty
edition' <- getField "edition" <|> return mempty
version' <- getField "version" <|> return mempty
(number', collectionNumber', issue') <-
(getField "number" <|> return mempty) >>= \x ->
if et `elem` ["book","collection","proceedings","reference",
"mvbook","mvcollection","mvproceedings", "mvreference",
"bookinbook","inbook", "incollection","inproceedings",
"inreference", "suppbook","suppcollection"]
then return (mempty,x,mempty)
else if isArticle
then (getField "issue" >>= \y ->
return (mempty,mempty,concatWith ',' [x,y]))
<|> return (mempty,mempty,x)
else return (x,mempty,mempty)
issued' <- getDates "date" <|> getOldDates mempty <|> return []
eventDate' <- getDates "eventdate" <|> getOldDates "event"
<|> return []
origDate' <- getDates "origdate" <|> getOldDates "orig"
<|> return []
accessed' <- getDates "urldate" <|> getOldDates "url" <|> return []
url' <- (guard (et == "online" || lookup "url" opts /= Just "false")
>> getRawField "url")
<|> (do etype <- getRawField "eprinttype"
eprint <- getRawField "eprint"
case map toLower etype of
"arxiv" -> return $ "" ++ eprint
"googlebooks" -> return $ "" ++
_ -> mzero)
<|> return mempty
doi' <- (guard (lookup "doi" opts /= Just "false") >> getRawField "doi")
<|> return mempty
isbn' <- getRawField "isbn" <|> return mempty
issn' <- getRawField "issn" <|> return mempty
callNumber' <- getRawField "library" <|> return mempty
annotation' <- getField "annotation" <|> getField "annote"
<|> return mempty
abstract' <- getField "abstract" <|> return mempty
keywords' <- getField "keywords" <|> return mempty
note' <- if et == "periodical"
then return mempty
else (getField "note" <|> return mempty)
addendum' <- if bibtex
then return mempty
else getField "addendum"
<|> return mempty
pubstate' <- resolveKey lang `fmap`
( getField "pubstate"
<|> case issued' of
(x:_) | other x == Literal "forthcoming" ->
return (Formatted [Str "forthcoming"])
_ -> return mempty
let convertEnDash (Str s) = Str (map (\c -> if c == '–' then '-' else c) s)
convertEnDash x = x
let takeDigits (Str xs : _) =
case takeWhile isDigit xs of
[] -> []
ds -> [Str ds]
takeDigits x = x
return $ emptyReference
{ refId = Literal id'
, refType = reftype
, author = author'
, editor = editor'
, translator = translator'
, director = director'
, containerAuthor = containerAuthor'
, issued = issued'
, eventDate = eventDate'
, accessed = accessed'
, originalDate = origDate'
, title = concatWith '.' [
concatWith ':' [title', subtitle']
, titleaddon' ]
, titleShort = shortTitle'
, containerTitle = concatWith '.' [
concatWith ':' [ containerTitle'
, containerSubtitle']
, containerTitleAddon' ]
, collectionTitle = seriesTitle'
, volumeTitle = concatWith '.' [
concatWith ':' [ volumeTitle'
, volumeSubtitle']
, volumeTitleAddon' ]
, containerTitleShort = containerTitleShort'
, collectionNumber = collectionNumber'
, originalTitle = origTitle'
, publisher = publisher'
, originalPublisher = origpublisher'
, publisherPlace = address'
, originalPublisherPlace = origLocation'
, jurisdiction = jurisdiction'
, event = eventTitle'
, eventPlace = venue'
, page = Formatted $
Walk.walk convertEnDash $ unFormatted pages'
, pageFirst = Formatted $ takeDigits $ unFormatted pages'
, numberOfPages = pagetotal'
, version = version'
, volume = Formatted $ intercalate [Str "."]
$ filter (not . null)
[unFormatted volume', unFormatted part']
, numberOfVolumes = volumes'
, issue = issue'
, chapterNumber = chapter'
, status = pubstate'
, edition = edition'
, genre = if refgenre == mempty
then reftype'
else refgenre
, note = concatWith '.' [note', addendum']
, annote = annotation'
, abstract = abstract'
, keyword = keywords'
, number = number'
, url = Literal url'
, doi = Literal doi'
, isbn = Literal isbn'
, issn = Literal issn'
, language = Literal hyphenation
, callNumber = Literal callNumber'