module Peruser where import Control.Monad.State.Strict import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV import qualified Data.Vector as V import Control.Monad.IfElse import Control.Applicative import Prelude import Types import Status import Time import Player import Rand import World import Level.Border changePeruser :: (Peruser -> Peruser) -> M () changePeruser f = modify $ \s -> s { peruser = f (peruser s) } runPeruser :: NextStep -> M NextStep runPeruser cont = do playery <- snd . playerHead <$> gets player wh <- worldHeight if playery > wh - 5 then do -- scroll now, since the player is near the bottom scrollUp cont else do -- scroll occasionaly thistime <- randM random if thistime then do p <- gets peruser let (n, p') = stepPeruser p modify $ \s -> s { peruser = p' } timeleft n else return cont where timeleft n | n == 0 = scrollUp cont | n < 4 = checkPinch cont | n < 5 = do showRandomMessage [ "The scroll tightens alarmingly.." , "The scroll shifts menacingly.." , "The scroll begins to move.." , "The scroll shudders beneath you.." ] return cont | otherwise = return cont stepPeruser :: Peruser -> (Int, Peruser) stepPeruser p | peruseCountDown p < 1 = (0, p { peruseCountDown = peruseSpeed p }) | otherwise = (peruseCountDown p, p { peruseCountDown = pred (peruseCountDown p) }) data Danger = Safe | SegmentCrush [Segment] | HeadCrush checkDanger :: M Danger checkDanger = do p <- gets player return $ if atTop (playerHead p) then HeadCrush else case break (atTop . getPos) (filter (\s -> segmentSide s /= InSide) (playerBody p)) of (_uncrushed, []) -> Safe (uncrushed, _) -> SegmentCrush uncrushed atTop :: Pos -> Bool atTop (_, n) = n < 3 checkPinch :: NextStep -> M NextStep checkPinch cont = handle =<< checkDanger where handle Safe = return cont handle (SegmentCrush _) = do showMessage "The scroll pinches your tail!" return cont handle HeadCrush = do showMessage "The scroll is crushing you!" return cont scrollUp :: NextStep -> M NextStep scrollUp cont = do shiftScrollUp handle =<< checkDanger where handle Safe = do shiftPlayerUp return cont handle (SegmentCrush remaining) = do p <- gets player let n = length (playerBody p) - length remaining let p' = p { playerBody = remaining, playerLen = playerLen p - n } modify $ \s -> s { player = p' } shiftPlayerUp if playerLen p' < 2 then do showMessage "Owowow! It crushed your whole tail!" when (playerLen p' < 1) $ showMessage "A lone @ vs this scroll? What chance would you have?" crushed else do showMessage $ "Ouch" ++ (replicate n '!') ++ " " ++ show n ++ " tail segment" ++ (if n > 1 then "s" else "") ++ " crushed." joke "You have a sad feeling for a moment, but it passes." return cont handle HeadCrush = crushed joke s = whenM (randM random) (showMessage s) crushed = do shiftPlayerUp showMessage "You die. Crushed by the scroll." endThread -- Update both the world and the flipSide the same way for the scroll -- moving up 1 line. -- -- If the buffer is empty, the cap is moved down 1 line, covering a line of -- the scrolls -- so the scroll eventually rolls up. -- -- When there are lines left in the buffer, each line of the scroll -- is swapped with the line above. Then the next line is taken out -- of the buffer, and fills in at the bottom. shiftScrollUp :: M () shiftScrollUp = put . addTopBuffer . flipOver =<< go . flipOver =<< go =<< get where addTopBuffer s = s { topBuffer = topBuffer s + 1 } go s = lift $ do let w = world s let b = fst (bottomBuffer s) if MV.null b then do MV.swap w 2 1 MV.swap w 1 0 return $ s { world = MV.drop 1 w } else do let firstline = 2 let lastline = MV.length w - 3 let (h, b') = MV.splitAt 1 b new <- h 0 forM_ ([firstline..lastline-1]) $ \n -> MV.swap w (n+1) n MV.write w lastline new cap <- w (lastline+1) above <- V.freeze new joinCap above cap return $ s { bottomBuffer = (b', snd (bottomBuffer s)) }