module Spell where import Control.Monad.State.Strict import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV import Data.Char import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad.IfElse import UI.NCurses (Event(..)) import Control.Applicative import Prelude import Spell.Enum import CharMap import Types import Player import Time import World import Status import Unicode import Level.Border import Rand import DeepCopy import Invert type SpellAction = M NextStep -> M NextStep -- All spells in the game. Note though that the spells active in the world -- can change at run time; it's in the state. allSpells :: S.Set Spell allSpells = S.fromList [ spell SpellWhiteout "Whiteout" (++ " will clear the way ahead") whiteOut , spell SpellGenocide "Genocide Letter" (\i -> "Use " ++ i ++ " with care, it wipes the scroll bare!" ) genocide , spell SpellWish "Wish" (++ " will give you any letter you wish" ) wish ] `S.union` startingSpells `S.union` maybeStartingSpells -- Spells that the player starts off knowing. Both needed to get -- through the tutorial. startingSpells :: S.Set Spell startingSpells = S.fromList [ spell SpellVomit "Vomit" (++ " helps when you've swallowed too many letters") vomit , spell SpellNew "New" (++ "is a way to change what magic letters do") new ] -- Spells that the player may start off knowing. (Less powerful.) maybeStartingSpells :: S.Set Spell maybeStartingSpells = S.fromList [ spell SpellDream "Dream" (++ " lulls you away into dreamland" ) dream , spell SpellReverse "Reverse" (++ "turns back to front") reversePlayer , spell SpellBerzerk "Berzerk" (++ " makes you mad and strong") berzerk ] invokeString :: String -> String invokeString ingredients = "\"" ++ map toUpper ingredients ++ "\"" spell :: SpellEnum -> SpellName -> (String -> String) -> (M NextStep -> M NextStep) -> Spell spell spellenum name hint = Spell name (hint (invokeString ingredients)) (S.fromList $ map ingredients) ingredients where ingredients = findingredients 0 "" findingredients n s = case M.lookup (IngredientFor spellenum n) charUseMap of Nothing | null s -> error $ "Internal error: No ingredients defined for " ++ show spellenum | otherwise -> reverse s Just i -> findingredients (succ n) (i:s) vomit :: SpellAction vomit cont = do showMessage "You cast a spell to clear your stomach." p <- gets player let l = catMaybes $ playerSwallowing p : (map segmentSwallowed (playerBody p)) removeIngredients' (S.fromList $ map l) modifyPlayer $ removeSwallowing (const True) writeWorld (getPos p) '*' when (playerLen p > 4 && length (playerBody p) > 4 && length l >= 3) $ do roll <- randM $ randomR (0, 15) when (playerLen p > roll) $ do modifyPlayer $ \pl -> pl { playerLen = playerLen pl - 1 , playerBody = reverse (drop 1 (reverse (playerBody pl))) } showMessage "You feel queasy after vomiting up those letters.. You lose a tail segment." cont new :: SpellAction new = promptingredient where promptingredient cont = do swallowed <- mapMaybe segmentSwallowed . playerBody <$> gets player if null swallowed then noingredients cont else prompt ("Pick the new spell's ingredient: [" ++ swallowed ++ "]") $ \i -> case i of (EventCharacter c) | ( c `elem` map swallowed) -> do removeIngredients' (S.singleton ( c)) possibilities <- checkSpells (const True) <$> gets player case possibilities of [] -> noingredients cont [s] -> do addnewspell c s cont _ -> promptknownspell cont c _ -> promptingredient cont noingredients cont = do showMessage "Failed to create new spell: You have no spell ingredients swallowed." cont promptknownspell cont ingredient = do let retry = promptknownspell cont ingredient prompt ("What spell should " ++ invokeString [ingredient] ++ " invoke?") $ \i -> case i of (EventCharacter c) -> do p <- gets player case toggleInvoke c p of (InvokedChar, p') -> do change p' case checkInvokedSpells p' of [] -> retry l -> do mapM_ (addnewspell ingredient) l cont (DeInvokedChar, p') -> do change p' retry (NoInvoke, _) -> retry _ -> retry change p' = modifyPlayer (const p') addnewspell ingredient basespell = do let i = S.singleton ( ingredient) let newspell = basespell { spellIngredients = i, spellWord = [ingredient] } removeIngredients basespell p <- gets player change $ p { playerSpells = S.insert newspell (playerSpells p) } showMessage $ "You can now cast " ++ spellName newspell ++ " using " ++ invokeString [ingredient] whiteOut :: SpellAction whiteOut cont = do p <- gets player writeWorld (playerHead p) ' ' modifyPlayer $ removeSwallowing (const True) case playerBody p of (s:_) | segmentDirection s /= DDive -> showeffect (\n -> "You cast Whiteout forward " ++ show n ++ " spaces") =<< beam (directionOffset $ segmentDirection s) (playerHead p) (beamlength p) (0 :: Integer) _ -> showeffect (const "You cast Whiteout all around your head.") =<< around (playerHead p) cont where showeffect _ 0 = showMessage "The Whiteout has no effect on the scroll's border." showeffect msg n = showMessage (msg n) beamlength :: Player -> Integer beamlength p = ceiling (fromIntegral (playerLen p) / if playerEnergized p then 1 else 2 :: Double) beam _ _ 0 n = return n beam offset pos len n = do let pos' = offsetPos offset pos ok <- effect pos' if ok then beam offset pos' (len - 1) (n + 1) else return n around pos = length . filter id <$> mapM (effect . (`offsetPos` pos)) (zip offs offs) offs = [succ, pred, id] effect pos@(_x,y) = do maxy <- worldHeight if y >= maxy then return False else do c <- readWorld pos if isBoundry c || y >= maxy then return False else do writeWorld pos ' ' return True genocide :: SpellAction genocide = promptletter where promptletter cont = prompt "Genocide which letter?" $ \i -> case i of (EventCharacter c) | isBoundry c || isSpace c -> do showMessage "The spell fizzles and dies. Nice try." cont | otherwise -> removeall c cont _ -> promptletter cont removeall c cont = do let toremove = c let removable = (== toremove) p <- gets player let playercharacters = '@' : map (bodyChar . segmentDirection) (playerBody p) let selfgenocide = c `elem` playercharacters energized <- playerEnergized <$> gets player showMessage $ concat [ "You genocided all " , if energized then "" else "visible " , if selfgenocide then [c] else unicodeCharString c ++ "'s!" ] -- remove from mouth modifyPlayer $ removeSwallowing (removable . -- remove swallowed removeIngredients' (S.singleton toremove) -- remove from world removeworld c when energized $ removebuffer c if selfgenocide then do showMessage "Sadly, that includes parts of you! You die.." endThread else cont removeworld c = mapWorld $ \_ v -> return $ if (v == c) then Just ' ' else Nothing removebuffer c = do b <- fst <$> gets bottomBuffer let height = MV.length b width <- worldWidth let onb = \a -> lift (a b) forM_ [0..height-1] $ \y -> forM_ [0..width-1] $ \x -> do v <- readS onb (x,y) when (v == c) $ writeS onb (x,y) ' ' dream :: SpellAction dream cont = do -- Deep copy is needed because S contains mutable vectors, -- and the dream would otherwise alter them. st <- deepCopy =<< get showMessage "You drift into a lucid dream..." whenM (randM random) $ modify $ \s -> s { peruser = nightmarespeed (peruser s) } runDream cont cont (wakeupstate st) where -- In a nightmare, the scroll will seem to scroll faster. nightmarespeed p@(Peruser { peruseSpeed = s } ) | s > 2 = p { peruseSpeed = s - 1 } | otherwise = p wakeupstate origst dreamst = origst -- Propigate random source to avoid identical -- game play; this was not a precognitive dream. ;) { randSource = randSource dreamst -- Let the player learn new spells in the dream, -- and use them upon awakening. , spells = spells dreamst -- If the player somehow didn't use help until in the -- dream, propigate that state change too. , helpShown = helpShown dreamst } runDream :: M NextStep -> M NextStep -> (S -> S) -> M NextStep runDream sleepcont wakecont wakeupstate = go =<< sleepcont where go (NextStep v ms) = return $ NextStep v $ Just $ maybe wake (go <=<) ms wake _evt = do modify wakeupstate showMessage $ "You wake from your dream, back where you were!" wakecont berzerk :: SpellAction berzerk cont = do showMessage "You fall into a mighty rage!" modifyPlayer $ \p -> p { playerBerzerk = True } p <- gets player let len = playerLen p duration <- randM $ randomR (len, len * 2) let minduration = if playerEnergized p then 20 else 10 delayAction (min minduration duration) cont $ -- Multiple berzerk spells can be in effect; -- the first to expire expires them all. whenM (playerBerzerk <$> gets player) $ do showMessage "You stop seeing red.." modifyPlayer $ \pl -> pl { playerBerzerk = False , playerEnergized = False } reversePlayer :: SpellAction reversePlayer cont = do p <- gets player if null (playerBody p) then fizzle else if all (\s -> segmentSide s == CurrentSide) (playerBody p) then do modifyPlayer $ \_ -> invert p success else do s <- get let s' = flipOver s put $ s' { player = invert (player s') } success where fizzle = do showMessage "The spell seems to do nothing much." cont success = do showMessage "All of a sudden, you're going backwards!" cont wish :: SpellAction wish cont = prompt ("What letter do you wish for?") $ \ev -> case ev of (EventCharacter want) -> do result <- if isSpace want then do roll <-randM $ randomR (1,10 :: Int) if roll < 3 then return '|' else return $ toUpper want else return $ toUpper want showMessage $ "A scattering of " ++ unicodeCharString result ++ "'s appear!" width <- worldWidth bodypos <- S.fromList <$> wormPositions mapWorld $ \p@(x,_) c -> if isSpace c || isBoundry c || p `S.member` bodypos then return Nothing else do roll <- randM $ randomR (1,width) return $ if roll == x then Just result else Nothing cont _ -> wish cont data ToggleInvokeResult = InvokedChar | DeInvokedChar | NoInvoke toggleInvoke :: Char -> Player -> (ToggleInvokeResult, Player) toggleInvoke c p = case break matching (playerBody p) of (_, []) -> (NoInvoke, p) (presegs, s : postsegs) -> let invoked = not (segmentInvoked s) s' = s { segmentInvoked = invoked } p' = p { playerBody = presegs ++ [s'] ++ postsegs } result = if invoked then InvokedChar else DeInvokedChar in (result, p') where ci = c matching s = case segmentSwallowed s of Just sc | sc == ci -> True _ -> False -- It's possible for multiple spells to use the same ingredients. In this -- case, all matching spells are returned. checkInvokedSpells :: Player -> [Spell] checkInvokedSpells = checkSpells segmentInvoked checkSpells :: (Segment -> Bool) -> Player -> [Spell] checkSpells f p = S.toList matches where ingredients = S.fromList $ map $ catMaybes $ map avail $ playerBody p avail s | f s = segmentSwallowed s | otherwise = Nothing match sp = all (`S.member` ingredients) $ S.toList $ spellIngredients sp matches = S.filter match (playerSpells p) removeIngredients :: Spell -> M () removeIngredients = removeIngredients' . spellIngredients -- Remove spell ingredients from the map and from being swallowed. removeIngredients' :: S.Set (CI.CI Char) -> M () removeIngredients' is = do segs <- mapM go . playerBody =<< gets player modifyPlayer $ \p -> p { playerBody = segs } where go seg = case segmentSwallowed seg of Just c | S.member ( c) is -> do case segmentSide seg of CurrentSide -> writeWorld (getPos seg) ' ' FlipSide -> writeFlipSide (getPos seg) ' ' InSide -> return () return $ seg { segmentSwallowed = Nothing , segmentInvoked = False } _ -> return seg -- Invokes all the listed spells, in order. invoke :: [Spell] -> M NextStep -> M NextStep invoke [] cont = cont invoke (s:rest) cont = do isSpellCaster removeIngredients s spellAction s (invoke rest cont) teachRandomSpell :: Player -> M Player teachRandomSpell p = do let known = playerSpells p avail <- gets spells let unknown = S.difference avail known if S.null unknown then do showMessage "You wrack your brain, but any more spells, you'll have to learn." return p else go unknown where go set = do s <- randFrom (S.toList set) showMessage $ "You remember a spell: " ++ spellHint s return $ p { playerSpells = S.insert s (playerSpells p) } spellInventory :: M [String] spellInventory = header . map fmt . S.toList . playerSpells <$> gets player where header l = " Spell Inventory" : "" : l fmt s = concat [ " " , pad maxspellname $ spellName s , pad 6 $ invokeString $ spellWord s ] pad n s = s ++ (replicate (1 + n - length s) ' ') maxspellname = maximum $ map (length . spellName) (S.toList allSpells)