semigroupoids-syntax: RebindableSyntax using the semigroupoids package
RebindableSyntax using the semigroupoids package
Manual Flags
Name | Description | Default |
containers | You can disable the use of the Disabing this is an unsupported configuration, but it may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. | Enabled |
contravariant | You can disable the use of the Disabling this is an unsupported configuration, but it may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. If disabled we will not supply instances of | Enabled |
distributive | You can disable the use of the Disabling this is an unsupported configuration, but it may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. If disabled we will not supply instances of | Enabled |
comonad | You can disable the use of the Disabling this is an unsupported configuration, but it may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. If disabled we will not supply instances of | Enabled |
Automatic Flags
Name | Description | Default |
small_base | Choose the new, split-up base package. | Enabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info
- semigroupoids-syntax-0.0.1.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
- No Candidates
Versions [RSS] | 0.0.1 |
Change log | changelog |
Dependencies | base (>=3 && <5), comonad (>=4 && <5), containers (>=0.3 && <0.6), contravariant (>= && <2), distributive (>=0.2.2 && <1), semigroupoids (==4.2), semigroups (>= && <1), transformers (>=0.2 && <0.6) [details] |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Copyright | Copyright (C) 2014 NICTA Limited |
Author | Tony Morris <ʇǝu˙sıɹɹoɯʇ@ןןǝʞsɐɥ> <dibblego> |
Maintainer | Tony Morris <ʇǝu˙sıɹɹoɯʇ@ןןǝʞsɐɥ> <dibblego> |
Category | Data |
Home page | |
Bug tracker | |
Source repo | head: git clone |
Uploaded | by TonyMorris at 2014-11-01T19:05:24Z |
Distributions | |
Reverse Dependencies | 1 direct, 0 indirect [details] |
Downloads | 1144 total (3 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating | |
Status | Docs uploaded by user Build status unknown [no reports yet] |